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Fandom Fate/Drifters ooc


Well anyway, sorry for the short post. My mind is still short circuited after processing that I failed the test.
Saber of Light
“Disgraceful, Cur!” Saber snarled, her eyes alight with fury at the meaning behind his words. If there was any doubt that Rider’s compliment had any deeper meaning, it was dispelled the moment the flat of his sword touched her hip. Clearly he had no intention of respecting her as a fighter. However, even more irritating was the insinuation that she would even attempt to steal the heart of another with her appearance. “You think I would betray the one I’ve sworn my vows to? I chose him, named him, and fought by his side, shielding him from harm!”

Wings spread, Saber shot high into the sky. Her shield vanished as she gripped the hilt of her sword—her lover’s sword—in both hands and raised it over her head. “Let me show you the extent of my feelings for him!”

A large amount of mana gathered into the blade, causing it to shine a brilliant golden as she poured more and more of her feelings for her chosen hero into his weapon. The very weapon she bade him to find and use. Unbothered the blinding luminescence that exuded from the sword, since her gaze was locked on her speck of a target, Saber started to chant.

“In the hilt is fame,

In the haft is courage,

In the point is fear,

For it’s owner’s foes--“

Saber stop!

The power of her Noble Pantasm drained, flicking out like a light bulb, as a command seal was used. Saber’s eyes widened.

Master, why?

It’d be waste to use one of your shots here. Whatever skill he possesses seems to allow him to survive the even fatal wounds. There’s no guarantee your Noble Phantasm can finish him. But, more importantly—

Saber never got to hear the rest because the storage shed exploded. “MASTER!”

Ignoring Rider, Saber flew straight into the burning wreckage.


Jack Randal
Rider, we’re leaving.

Jack didn’t use a command seal, but he would if he had to. Sophia’s storage room was full of explosives. It was just like the former mercenary to have an emergency escape route hidden in one of her bases.

Where was she? Jack hadn’t a clue. Sophia Rasputin just shoved him down the trapdoor before activating the spell that detonated all the explosives. He didn’t even know where the underground passage he was walking down led to. Some place safe, hopefully.

You should be able to sense where I am via our connection. It shouldn’t be hard getting here in your spirit form.

Assuming he summoned Rider correctly. If not, he might have to use a command seal after all. Who knew what sort of monsters lurked in secret underground caverns? Jack sighed. It was the first time he’d seen a Servant battle. The intensity of it was more than he’d expected…and he thought it was over the moment Rider rammed her sword into his Servant.

Luckily he seemed to have summoned a strong one.

Rider appears to know Saber as well…were they both Nordic? Saber had mentioned something about him being shackled as well.

Poor guy.

No wonder he seemed so happy.

Saber on the other hand seemed to have a temper.

Jack snorted. Getting all bright and glowy just because Rider said she looked cute. Even when Jack tried to tell her he didn’t want to be a Master in some mysterious Grail War, she forced his hand. Should he go to the church? Hide in Scandinavia or something until the war was over? Norway? Whichever country Rider was strongest in would be best.

Why did she want him dead so much anyway?

In a normal grail war, attacking a Master before they’ve summoned a Servant was against the rules, wasn’t it? Most mages he’d met at the Clocktower were too “noble” to fight dirty like that. Too proud. Saber seemed like the proud sort as well

Wiping the bloody scratch from his cheek, which he received when Sophia shoved him down the dark tunnel, Jack continued until he came upon a forked road.


He lifted his glowing bracelet to better see the two paths. Should he flip a coin or bet on Rider’s luck? From what he saw of Rider’s luck stat, it was rather shitty. However, considering what’s been happening to him so far, Jack couldn’t say his luck was any better.

Prince_ Prince_
And that concludes the first real battle of this RP.

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