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Fandom Fate/Drifters ooc

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel

speaking of animal comms, I just remembered something I want to add now, it isn't impactful, and is pretty much useless, thought I'd run it by...

So, when Siegfried tasted Faf's heart, he attained the ability to understand animals, who warned him that Faf's bro was gonna murder sieg for the gold. So, can I give Faf the ability to give somebody else Animal comm by them drinking Faf-blood?

I'mbdefinitely not setting up for some tsundere shenanigans
Careful, Caster had animal communication A.

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel

speaking of animal comms, I just remembered something I want to add now, it isn't impactful, and is pretty much useless, thought I'd run it by...

So, when Siegfried tasted Faf's heart, he attained the ability to understand animals, who warned him that Faf's bro was gonna murder sieg for the gold. So, can I give Faf the ability to give somebody else Animal comm by them drinking Faf-blood?

I'mbdefinitely not setting up for some tsundere shenanigans

Master decides it's time to attack and make a bid call to inform team.

Enemy Servant gasps and tries to figure out who just insulted their mother.
Master decides it's time to attack and make a bid call to inform team.

Enemy Servant gasps and tries to figure out who just insulted their mother.
Fuck. Now I want to see Faffy and Dark Archer insult each other in Raven.
QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel

speaking of animal comms, I just remembered something I want to add now, it isn't impactful, and is pretty much useless, thought I'd run it by...

So, when Siegfried tasted Faf's heart, he attained the ability to understand animals, who warned him that Faf's bro was gonna murder sieg for the gold. So, can I give Faf the ability to give somebody else Animal comm by them drinking Faf-blood?

I'mbdefinitely not setting up for some tsundere shenanigans

Only if you swap out one of your current skills. 6 is ze max.
So I think the introductory arc for Vita and Rider of Light is finally done ^.^

Here's hoping I claim City States peacefully with good 'diplomatic' skills.
Hanarei Hanarei
Dante Verren Dante Verren

I think cojemo cojemo is dealing was dealing with some rl issues atm, though I'n not exactly sure. Give it a couple of days. I'll try to get a hold of em again. If not, feel free to cut the scene off there. We can leave it implied that Archer told Lancer+Charles what they need to know. Otherwise, Archer's master (npc) will intervene.
Ian Temero Ian Temero
The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit
Takumi98 Takumi98

I feel like this is kinda dragging now, should I just straight up timeskip, and add it to the end of my post just now?
I agree, but I think Ian's next reponse should do the time skip.
Takumi98 Takumi98 What do you think? Should I initiate a time skip? Also, are really going to have a dragon fly over half of the entire country to get to them, and you know have said half a country see a dragon overhead? Or do our characters maybe want to make the 10 hour drive to the east coast to meet them?

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