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Fandom Fate/Drifters ooc

Well you didn’t show the whole fight... Be honest, you forgot. Grrrrrrr.

lol. No I didn't. I don't have the brain power or the willpower to choreograph an entire fight scene. Just enough to establish relationships/ give identity hints is fine.
I wonder, if I take long enough to get to the battlefield, will most of the fighters be dead? Leaving me to clean up the easy pickings?
I told you Sigrun was close ;D
Yeah lol, I had a brain fart and forgot Svava even existed.

This here is the power of BM's. Rider just made Saber indirectly give her identity, and now Rider can mock her past for even more BM! 'Tis an unrelenting cycle.
No biggie. I'm just really excited to get things rolling, so sorry if I seem impatient.

'cause I kinda am. Xp
dw, I'm also annoyed at myself 'cause I wanna post and watch anime, but for some goddamn reason, the homework and assessments keep piling up

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