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Fandom Fate/Drifters ooc

How long has it been since the start of the RP, in the IC chronology?

Everyone's time moves at their own pace unless they interact.

Team LRider is on their 2nd day, I think.

Team LCaster + LBerserker is probably on their 3rd day since I remember 2 time skips...but Fafs did fly all the way to America and back, so who knows?^^

Team DRider is pretty much at the end of their first day.

Team DArcher...however long it took for Archer to decide this is the day I'll kill my master. Meeting with DLancer +master was also implied so...eh.
Alright, so not such a monumental amount as I thought. In order to not quit the roleplay, I decided to set a deadline. Assuming Mio Mio is unable to or does not wish to return by the end of the month, after my upcoming test period, I'll request if I'm permitted to get a new master, either player or more likely given people's general unwillingness to join a roleplay that has been going on for a while, an NPC master.
Sometimes punching it out is the only way two people can communicate. Neither Faffy nor Shani seem the type to hold anything back.

The drama-lover in me wants it, but the peace-lover in me doesn't.
There’s multiple levels of holding back. Faffy would avoid killing Shani but do little else when it reaches that level. Shani (probably) doesn’t really care enough to do that. Then again, this is all assuming the masters don’t interfere if they fight.
Everyone's time moves at their own pace unless they interact.

Team LRider is on their 2nd day, I think.

Team LCaster + LBerserker is probably on their 3rd day since I remember 2 time skips...but Fafs did fly all the way to America and back, so who knows?^^

Team DRider is pretty much at the end of their first day.

Team DArcher...however long it took for Archer to decide this is the day I'll kill my master. Meeting with DLancer +master was also implied so...eh.
You forgot about someone. Dzerker was going to wait 3 in game days to post. Right Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
wdinatx wdinatx
Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
Prince_ Prince_
Just so you guys know that I'm not ignoring you, 3 day time skip will be initiated for the meeting at St Paul's cathedral as soon as Jean Otus Jean Otus 's interaction is done (because I wanna pull chars together). It'll be the 1st major plot thingy in my arsenal though I think there've been plently of plot-like events thus far thanks to player involvement. You guys are the bests =)

Xel Xel
Misuteeku Misuteeku
DSaber will pretty much be following your time, though I may minorly connect the two.

There’s multiple levels of holding back. Faffy would avoid killing Shani but do little else when it reaches that level. Shani (probably) doesn’t really care enough to do that. Then again, this is all assuming the masters don’t interfere if they fight.

The masters. Of course. How could I forget^^
wdinatx wdinatx
Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
Prince_ Prince_
Just so you guys know that I'm not ignoring you, 3 day time skip will be initiated for the meeting at St Paul's cathedral as soon as Jean Otus Jean Otus 's interaction is done (because I wanna pull chars together). It'll be the 1st major plot thingy in my arsenal though I think there've been plently of plot-like events thus far thanks to player involvement. You guys are the bests =)
Cool! I was starting to get restless. Thanks for the update.
Well, Guess it's. Back to waiting. Hnnn.

Everyone's time moves at their own pace unless they interact.
Team DRider is pretty much at the end of their first day.

Boy howdy was it an interesting first day. A NP was almost used. A fight. Explosions. All in all, pretty good.
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Faf will probably cry for a bit.

Insult Otr on the other hand... well...

No, she is not a brocon

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