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"Ég er þaðan. Ég flutti í fyrra." She would respond dryly. She was impressed, but something about Allanon put Analia off.
"oh really that's awesome my uncle Stan was born there to he taught me" he said with a smile "to bad he was arrested last year"
"hann var handtekinn fyrir persónuþjófnað" he said with a dark smile on his face "anyway how are you Evan you doin good, oh ya you guys want to see my left eye and whats underneath the bandages" he says with a gentle smile
Allanon takes of the bandages and opens his eye lid, but whats this there's no eye "yep I got no left eye, at least not anymore" he says with a gentle heart warming smile while putting the bandages back on "so watcha think, got any questions"
"yep I dont feel strange with it, it's normal now" he says with a gentle smile he pulls out his guitar ant scrolls through his phone trying to find a song "ahh yes, you want my sister by 1 hour band" he starts to hum while playing with a dreamy smile
This caught her off guard, but she didn't back away. She assumed he needed it, so she had went on with it. She was still confused, but hopefully later she could get some sort of explanation.

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