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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Thomas Porter
Natasha McCarthy

McCarthy House
~ Sutton, Dublin ~

Thomas had noticed the way Elena put her hand on his thigh and he gently reached down to grasp it in silent support, not wanting to draw any attention to her if she didn't want it. The man rolled his eyes as Leo blamed him for the food fights. "I don't have the slightest idea of what you are talking about, I would casually mention doing something like that and when I backed out you would call me a wimp. Had to prove that I wasn't a wimp or my nonexistent manhood would have been wounded severely." Thomas chuckled softly. "Honestly, there were really no winners most of the time because my mom would completely lose her shit and you and I would be sent to sit in the corner for a while." The man said with a shake of his head.

He side glanced at Elena only to see the woman putting her head in her hand. Natasha grew silent as she had just started to talk, not wanting to overwhelm Elena. The blonde slowly turned to look at Leo. "Want to come to step out into the backyard with me?" She asked Leo, her head nodding towards the back of the house with an obvious look on her face that said he couldn't refuse. When she did get up, she let the man lead the way, looking concerned at Elena as the woman also suddenly stood up.

Thomas looked between Elena and Nat as the blonde told him that he knew where the bathroom was. Natasha couldn't help but notice that the woman look like she was going to vomit. Thomas stood as Elena apologized and asked him to come with her. "Don't be sorry, of course, I'll come with you." He hummed gently before pulling her towards the downstairs bathroom so that she could do what she needed to if that were to happen. Once in the bathroom, Thomas shut the door. "Hey, Lena, love?" He questioned gently, lifting her chin so that he could get a better look at her face.

"Look at me, it's alright." The man reassured her, moving to grab a washcloth before rinsing it and dabbing it against her flushed cheeks. "Just breath, deep breaths, do it with me." Thomas demonstrated the breath she needed to mimic and encouraged her to do it. "What happened, Lena? You can talk to me about it, you know that."

Natasha had felt the atmosphere change in the room the moment that Adam and her mother stepped outside. She had the sinking suspicion that Elena now associated the night at the casino with her disappearance for obvious reasons. But that meant every time the four of them wanted to hang out it would be difficult for Elena and Natasha weren't sure how well that would work considering that Leo and Thomas were cousins and best friends. Nat was also Thomas' friend...but with Leo...well it was still difficult to tell what they were anymore.

The night air was refreshing, not feeling as suffocating as they walked out by the pool. "Well this is going..." Nat couldn't exactly describe how the dinner was going. It all seemed to be going great at first before Adam and her mother left the table and now it was awkward. "I really hope she's okay." The blonde worried before she sat down at one of the layout chairs near the pool. Her eyes found Leo's, just assessing him for a long moment. He had said he was okay, but he had stopped himself short, saying that he didn't want to ruin the dinner. "I know you aren't okay, Leo." Nat stated now, being bold enough to get serious into the conversation now that they were alone.

"I know that I used to be that person you could come to all the time....and I know things have been different between us. But I could still be that person even if we aren't...well, you know." Her cheeks turned pink as her eyes searched his, wondering if he would ever allow her to really understand how he was feeling again after breaking up with him as she had. The guilt was there, especially after finding him in the shape he had been in at Finn's.
with: Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Pyroclast Pyroclast
May's House - Caspian's Clinic
~Bethnal Green, London~
Erik Snowden, Darcey Hargraves, & Alexander King


Erik wouldn't admit it aloud to anyone but he was never happier to hear the sound of sirens in the distance. They'd saved him yet again - Dermot and his Irish buddies retreating. He was sure that if they hadn't when they did he'd have been killed for sure. Luck would only be on his side for so long before he finally bit the bullet. Managing to stand up, his hand pressed against the side of the van for support, Erik tried to gather himself. His head was ringing, chesting burning, and elbow stinging. He wouldn't be able to fully assess himself as the sound of Billy calling out for him had grabbed his attention.

Continuing to use the van for support Erik made his way towards Billy - concern in his eyes. Just as Erik was about to check on him Billy shouted for him to help with the van. He was unaware that Spencer had been inside, but based on the way Billy had been acted he figured at much. The fire raging in the van had only been getting worse. The moment they were able to get the door to the van unlocked they immediately reached for Spencer. Together they were able to get the man out of the van and upon first glance, he didn't look good.

Erik helped Billy get Spencer into the car before running around to the driver's seat. Despite the pain he had been feeling from the wounds to his arm and torso, Erik was determined to get Spencer to Caspian's for help. "Hang in there, Spence. Us New Yorkers are known for erratic driving so... Just hold on." He said, turning the key and hoping he hadn't fucked the car up too much. When it finally turned over he let out a sigh of relief and put the car in drive. Hearing Billy inform him that Spencer had been stabbed only urged him to get to Caspian's faster. However, he knew he couldn't drive too crazy for fear of Spencer's wounds only getting worse. As Erik raced down the streets of London he listened to Spencer speaking to Billy. Every so often he'd catch Billy's eye in the mirror- especially when he started speaking sentiments. "Spencer," he said, making sure to keep his eyes on the road. "You ain't dyin' in the back of my car so just," he said, trying to steel his nerves. "Cut out all the sentimental nonsense." Except, it wasn't nonsense; Erik knew that. But right now he just needed Spencer to stop acting like he was about to die.


The moment they arrived at Caspian's things seemed to move faster than expected. The doctor had just been about to leave when the men showed up and was shocked to see Spencer in such a state. "Put him in here," he said, putting him in the room closer to the storage closet. Caspian shrugged off his coat, quickly making his way to the bathroom to wash up before grabbing the things he needed. The first thing he set about doing was getting Spencer hooked up to a morphine drip- everyone's favorite drug! "Do we know what sort of injuries he has," he asked, taking Spencer's shirt off. The wound to his abdomen had been the more important wound Caspian wanted to take care of. Spencer had lost a lot of blood already so he sent Erik to the freezer for more. When the man returned and handed him the blood bag, Cas finally noticed the blood that had soaked Erik's shirt.

"Is that yours or Spencers?" He asked with a frown. Erik looked down- having momentarily forgotten that he had, in fact, been injured. "Mine." He touched his chest, wincing, as Caspian immediately pushed him into the other room. "Alright, look. Spence is my focus, okay? So Billy," he said, pointing to cotton balls and alcohol on the table. "You're my-," he paused, noticing the man hadn't been wearing the sling he was instructed to wear. He let out a groan, knowing now wasn't the time for him to be chastising the man. "You Kings," he muttered, shaking his head. "With your good arm, disinfect Erik's wounds. I'll be back to take a look once I take care of your brother." He had already been out the door after finishing his sentence, returning back to Spencer's side.

Meanwhile, Erik was laying on the bed with his shirt off. The arm that had been sliced up - his left arm - had stopped bleeding as had his chest. He knew Billy was worried about Spencer and would rather be in the room with him. Hell, even he'd rather be in the room with him right now. "Spencer's gonna be alright, okay? Tougher than most and Cas is great when it comes to this stuff." He paused, looking for any sort of sign that he either heard or believed what he was saying. "I can take care of this. Go be with Spencer."


"Why is it so hard for you to support me and see things from my perspective?"

His voice cracked- sore from the yelling and effort behind forcing his tears to stay down. For once, he thought, this wasn't his fauly. Savannah had made the decision to take Callum away from him. He'd made it perfectly clear that all he wanted was Callum in London; that Savannah could even stay in London but she refused. It was fair of her to feel like she didn't have friends or family in London- Alex would own up to making her feel that way. But things didn't have to be like this, he thought. "I didn't take my kid and skip town and I would've never even considered it but she fucking did. Yet I'm the bad guy," he said, nodding his head. "It's real good to know what you think about me, Harp."

The moment Tom started back up again, Alex found himself turning his anger back on him at the same time as Harper. "Jesus Christ please! Listen to her and shut the fuck up. I already fuckin' agreed not to kill you and to let you go. So take your piece of shit partner here and get the fuck outta London." It sickened Alex to let them go- if not because of Callum then because of what happened here. Despite Alex and Harper clearly being at odds, Tom threatened her life. He could have killed her. It didn't matter to him that it didn't happen and she was alive- it was the principle.


Jeremy then started to echo Harper's words before jumping to her defense. To be quite honest, it was a shock. Alex thought that with everything they'd been through, the loyalty that Alex had shown him after Jeremy murdered someone in cold blood, that he'd at least try and stick up for him. But he hadn't. There wasn't even an attempt. He chuckled to himself, scratching his eyebrow with his index finger. "I shouldn't be surprised," he said, gesturing to Jeremy as he held Harper in his arms. He knew, sooner or later, the man would fess up and tell Harper what he said the night of the explosion. "Anything to keep her happy, right?" He said, suggesting that Jeremy would always take her side no matter what. Darcey, who had been checking on both Kerry and May during the screaming match, looked up at him. The two of them locked eyes and he could see the disappointment written all over her face. And for a moment, he regretted the things he was saying. But it was too late to take any of them back.

Harper rounded back to him, asking him to repeat his words. Jeremy spoke first- loosely, it seemed, making an unintended jab at Kerry. Alex immediately looked at Kerry and though he was responding to Jeremy, he was talking to her. "That's not me anymore," he stated wanting her to hear and understand him before turning to Jeremy. He was still seething from what he viewed as his betrayal. "You can stay out of family matters. I wasn't talking to you." It broke his heart to say such words from his mouth but he was hurting- more than he ever had before and it was clear in his voice.

Begrudgingly, Alex watched as Tom and Braden limped and hobbled out of the home. It took everything in him not to do anything as they did and once they were gone it was silent. Darcey was at a loss for words; she didn't want to interfere with what she believed needed to happen between Alex and Harper. It had been brewing for months, she felt, and was going to get ugly before it got better. But not this ugly. This she wasn't prepared for whatsoever and it broke her heart to see that this is where they were now. And it seemed it wasn't over yet either. Harper got in Alex's face and berated him more- Alex's face turning red in anger. He would never lay his hands on a woman- let alone his sister. So when he put his hands out, it wasn't to try and be physical with her. He needed space from her so he didn't continue to spew nasty things. However, when she mentioned Callum and called him Trevor that all went away.

"COMPASSION?! Where's that compassion when it comes to your OWN BROTHER?! You're so wrapped up in your own shit that you don't even see what I've been going through- you don't fucking care. Y-You don't see the progress I've made to be a better man. To-To make up for all the shitty things I've done in the past and to be a better father for Callum- you don't see any of that. All you see is a fuck up and that's because you DON'T give a fuck!" Hearing the words broke Darcey's heart and she stepped forward, about to reach out for Alex when he continued. "Fine! I'll be a piece of shit like Trevor. And you can be the naive junkie like Laura. Deal?" Hot tears began to stream down Alex's face as he stared Harper dead in the eyes. Darcey covered her mouth with her hand, watching the scene unfold before her. And as much as she hated to admit it, she could see the parallels clear as day. There was nothing she could say to either one of them and she wasn't sure she'd be able. The moment Harper stated that she'd lost a brother Alex's eyes grew wide. He let out a sniffle, nodding his head. "The moment you put everyone over me when all I've ever done was try to protect you is the moment you lost me."

The room was deathly silent after that. Alex remained close to Harper for a few more seconds before he turned and walked away without another word. The tears that had been streaming down his face wouldn't stop and he felt them turning into quiet sobs. He needed to get away. The moment he was outside he walked to the side of the house, squatted to the ground, and let himself cry. Meanwhile, Darcey was still at a loss for words, and had it not been for the page she was getting she'd have still been frozen there. It was from Bruce and had a number for her to call. She left May for a moment to call him, her hand shaking, and when she reached him she wanted to die. As if things couldn't get any worse Spencer, Billy, and Erik had been involved in yet another attack. She returned to the living room, her bag in hand and keys out. "We-," she croaked, clearing her throat. "We have to go."

Darcey filled them in on the situation at hand. Because Alex was currently Public Enemy #1, she suggested Harper and May ride with Jeremy while Alex - and Kerry if she chose to accompany - in her own. The car ride was quiet, as to be expected. Darcey had found him in tears and he was trying so hide to hide his face from her. All she could do was hug him before expressing how important it was he got it together for a moment. When they arrived at Caspian's, Darcey was shocked at the state they were in. While the girls were all having the shittiest of times so were they- only worse. Caspian had been wrapping Spencer's hand in gauze and a bandage when they all arrived. Darcey immediately sought out Bruce- wanting to tell him right away the trouble they had run into. However, upon entering the clinic she saw he wasn't there. "Cas," she called out, "Where's Bruce?"

Alex decided while Darcey hunted down Bruce he would check on Billy first, seeing as he was the closest. There didn't seem to be a mark on him. Alex was relieved and immediately hugged Billy close with no warning. The hug lasted longer than normal - Erik immediately picking up on. He wasn't sure, but he could swear Alex had been crying. But, maybe that was the drugs getting all settled as he waited for Caspian to come and stitch him up. "You alright?" He asked Erik, to which the man nodded. "'Course I am! I'm a New Yorker- it'll take more than a coupla scratches to take me out." He paused for a moment, remembering that Ava was still in London. "Fuck. Don't call Ava though. She went out tonight and I want her to enjoy herself." Alex just nodded, a half smile on his lips. "Gotcha." He patted Billy's good shoulder before joining Spencer.

Alex's breath caught in his throat the moment he saw Spencer. Caspian had just finished treating the last of his injuries and was on his way out of the room. "He's pretty beat up," he informed him, "So... Try not to stress him too much, yeah?" With a pat on the shoulder, Caspian emerged into the main room and clapped his hands together. "Once I stitch Erik up, who's next?" Meanwhile, Alex and stood at the foot of Spencer's bed. After what he'd said to Harper and Jeremy, he felt like he couldn't look at any of his siblings. The things he'd said to her were way out of pocket and he felt horrible for saying them. Unfortunately, what had left his mouth couldn't be taken back. He also blamed himself for the state Spencer was in. Maybe, he thought, just maybe if he hadn't been so foolish then his brother wouldn't be in this mess. Spencer didn't deserve all the beatings he was taking for his younger brother whatsoever.

Sniffling, Alex placed both hands against the foot of the bed and shook his head. "How d'you end up payin' for my dumbass actions," he asked, though he wasn't sure if there was an actual answer for that. "I'm sorry, Spence. This is all my fault."

Group 1 - Jeremy ( BasDorcha BasDorcha ) Harper ( Bellz Bellz )
Group 2 - Spencer ( Misty Gray Misty Gray ) Alex (moi)
Group 3 - Billy ( Pyroclast Pyroclast )
Group 4 - Bruce ( Pyroclast Pyroclast )
Group 5 - May ( BasDorcha BasDorcha ) Kerry ( Misty Gray Misty Gray )
Last edited:
Blake's House
~Sutton, Dublin ~
Leo Sullivan


Despite the light conversation the four of them were having, things felt... Strange. This was what was supposed to happen when they all went out together. Laughs and drinks and reminisce about the old days when they were younger. The point was to make Elena feel welcome and to bring some sort of normalcy about in their lives. Instead, the night had turned out to be one of the worst. He and Nat had broken up- something he was sure he would never recover from and Elena had been kidnapped and held captive for a week. Now, he felt, none of them would probably be ever to go out as a group again without feeling nervous or anxious the entire time. They'd move as a unit - which would only be tiresome and take the fun out of things. As Leo thought back to that night he couldn't help but feel hot and uncomfortable. Instead of drawing attention to it and himself, he focused on Thomas. "Can't mention it and not follow through!"

However, the novelty of the conversation had disappeared. Leo looked across at Elena and he could see the subtle shift in her emotions. He wanted to check that she was okay, but Natasha grabbed his attention first. She suggested the two of them go out to the backyard and for a split second, he was about to mention dinner. But he knew this would be the perfect time to get her alone so they could talk- maybe even make-up based on the look she was giving him. He nodded his head at her, sliding his chair back. As concerned as he was starting to feel about Elena, Thomas would take good care of her.

Leading Natasha to the backyard, Leo felt his chest getting tight. What was he so anxious about? Finally figuring out where the two of them stood in each other's lives? Leo was never good with his emotions or saying what he wanted but right now he would make a conscious effort for Natasha. She'd sat on one of the chairs and Leo sat in the same one, just on the edge. "Oh, you don't think it's going amazing in there," he sarcastically said with a slight smile; an attempt at lightening the mood. "Nah, she'll be fine; she's got Thomas. He may not look it but he's been... He's been doing well lately; I think having Elena around is good for 'im." There was the slightest bit of jealousy in Leo's voice- almost like he wished the same could be said for him in regard to Natasha.

Almost immediately she brought attention to his earlier comment about not wanting to ruin dinner. He couldn't help but chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck. He then placed his elbows on his knees as he leaned forwards. "God, I hate that about you," he teased. "Too perceptive for your own damn good." He didn't really. He actually loved it. But until they were both clear about where they stood he wouldn't say such things. She then went on to note how though they weren't together that he could still come to her. For a brief moment, he rubbed his hands together in thought before turning ever so slightly to look down at her. "I think we should be. You know. Together. It, uh, ya know. Makes Rhi happy and it makes our moms happy and it makes us happy; you make me happy." Of course, he knew that she wouldn't just accept that as an answer and decided to try and open up. "Nat, I hate where we are and the only reason I haven't said anything is that I don't want to force you into a relationship you'll be unhappy in. But at the end of the day," he said leaning closer so he could cup her cheek with his hand. "I'll be around in any capacity you want me. Whether that's as friends or...," he trailed off, giving her a cheeky smile. "Friends who occasionally sleep with each other, I'm okay with that," he joked, before growing serious. "I just want you happy."

Natasha ( Bellz Bellz )
As To walked by May, she turned away, refusing to look at him. A numb feeling was taking over her whole body, the tears and the pain mixing together into something unfamiliar for her. She was also trembling, but she couldn’t tell if it was from the blood loss, the shock or all of the above. The screaming that continued behind her only added to the suffocated feeling she was having, as if Harper and Alex’s fighting was symbolic of the disconnect she had just made with her brother. Dublin was dead to her, except for Alfie, who she would contact soon and inform to please not provide any more information about her to the rest of her family. It suddenly struck her she was going to have to move again and a fresh round of tears soaked her face, though quieter this time. She could not stay in this house a day longer, not with everything that had happened tonight.

It was as if tonight was a sign from the universe, but May wasn’t sure exactly what it meant. Maybe it meant to get out of this house, it was bad news. Maybe it meant to get out of this city, she had certainly done nothing but caused problems since she got here. She’d miss everyone, and figured Darcey and even Harper, after the way she seemed to finally be past the surprising news of their relation, would miss miss her, but if she was causing all the problems, it would be better to leave right? She couldn’t stand feeling like yet again she was just a mistake to those around her. In her head, she heard Tommy’s words, but it took no time to transform into her mother’s voice.

I should have aborted you and never told anyone. Since the moment you were conceived all you’ve done it take, take, take, and give nothing in return! You are the reason your father left us, and now I’m alone with three children! You’re worthless, the least you could do is be useful! Maybe I can find you a job at the bar, men love a pretty new face. I might even be able to interest them in making some money on the side…

May pressed her hands over her ears, as if it might drown out the memory speaking to her. She was so exhausted; she didn’t want to keep doing this. Standing, with the intent of stepping outside because even with what just happened, nothing could be worse than staying another moment in that house, seeing her brothers face screaming at her as he crushed the already shattered pieces of her heart at his feet. A debilitating darkness started to shift over her, a depression worse then she had ever had before. She just wanted to leave. Moving towards the door, she was stopped as things behind her exploded, causing even May in her current state to gasp at the way Alex treated Harper and Jeremy. She wasn’t about to say anything, he already hated her with the fiery passion of a thousand dying suns, but why could he not see they were supporting him and not her? They wanted him to be the one with no blood on his hands so that he could not be blamed with his son for what had happened. If he, just this once, became the bigger person, stopping the repeating cycle of one side hurting the other then waiting for revenge, they could finally find peace – but someone had to make that first step. Shaking her head, she was rooted in spot, unable to move.

Jeremy froze at Alex’s words. Something shattered in his chest, and his hand gripped so tightly that his nails sliced into his palms. Never, never had Jeremy ever wanted to any one of the King’s he considered his friends and brothers until this moment. Sure, they had all boxed, but this was not the same. In less then 2 months, he had been hit by Billy, and now this. He took a threatening step towards him, shaking from head to toe, his face dangerously close to one Alex had seen before. Jeremy was obviously battling with the instinct to strike out and return the pain he had just been dealt, but instead, he stopped advancing and froze, shallow breathes being forced in and out through his nose as his lips pressed into a thin line.

“May, Harper, let’s go. Now.” Focusing on getting Harper who was looking ready to kill Alex out of the house, and using May as an excuse to leave, Jeremy intended to leave before he lost it so bad, he unleashed on Alex. Years of repression was beginning to seep out of their internal containment cubes, and the longer it lasted, the darker the look on his face got until he was nearly unrecognizable. He turned on his heel, headed out the front door. In a matter of little to no time, he had pulled his car up to the end of May’s sidewalk, waiting for the two women. If he stepped back inside, he was going to lose it, and he did not want to do that to Alex who, regardless of his feelings for Jeremy, was still like a brother too him. He would just have to learn to accept he was never going to truly be part of a family again. The tears put a glossy sheen over his face but never fell as he waited for the others to come out.

With Jeremy storming off through the door, May needed no other invitation to escape the tension in the room that was so malleable that it was putting pressure on her chest. She couldn’t breathe, she was lightheaded as she started to step that had Jeremy not stopped to turn and look for the two he called for, she might have fallen. Jeremy instantly stuck his arm out, catching her as she stumbled forward, keeping her upright. As if to impress on Harper who was still unleashing behind them the urgency of leaving. “Harper, we have to go, May needs Cas.” He left Harper to either come or find her own ride, he would not be responsible for May dying from slow blood loss of a nicked artery or something and have to answer for that. He helped her to the car, letting her slide into the back. Thankfully it was not a small car and she had plenty of room.

Once situated, he went around and opened the door for Harper, not speaking again as he tried to contain the rage boiling up inside of him. Alex was supposed to be like his brother, but yet again Jeremy had been foolish to think anyone would want an orphan as a part of their family – even if they were basically orphans themselves. The millions of ways he would respond to Alex flooded his mind on the drive over, causing him to occasionally work the wheel with his hands, before forcing himself to stop again. There was a good many things he could have returned fire with, but Jeremy was not that kind of man – if he cared for someone, he would never say something he did not really believe in too them. Sometimes that meant saying things they didn’t like, and others meant making them happy, but Jeremy was not one to tell someone a malicious statement just with the intent of harming them – not these people. They speed along the streets, Jeremy driving the car with a practiced speed, making quick and effective time without alerting the police or any other drivers to his erratic behavior.

When the arrived as Caspian’s, he jumped out, opening Harper’s door on the way around to get May. He helped her out, putting Harper on her other side to walk her in as he stayed close. When she tried to step and nearly fell, Jeremy unable to contain his frustration anymore, grunted annoyedly and stepped forward, sweeping her up between his arms and carrying her in. He had already left the house before hearing Darcey, so the shock of seeing Spencer, Billy, and Erik was the last thing he expected. He looked around, seeing the blood everywhere and began to tremble worse. Now, on top everything they had just been through, something even worse had happened.

With Caspian busy, he lifted his voice loud enough that the man could hear him, “CAS! May’s been shot, but it looks like you already have your hands full. If you can, tell me what I need to do besides holding a towel to it, and I’ll try to help.” Jeremy needed something to do to stay busy, he just hoped the man didn’t ask him to try stitching the girl, because he didn’t think his hands would be stable enough for it right now.

Misty Gray Misty Gray Bellz Bellz Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Pyroclast Pyroclast
Harper King
Caspian's Clinic
~ On the edge of suicide ~
7b8df54cd5d4614503197a852fc13b98.gifJeremy was just trying to defend her and then Alex told him to stay out of family matters, Harper saw nothing but red. Her hand flinched upwards, ready to smack her brother hard across the face as she stood in his face, saying anything and everything to hurt him. "I DON'T CARE?! I FUCKIN' CARE, ALEX! THAT'S THE PROBLEM!" Suddenly he said he'd be a piece of shit like Trevor and then called her a naive junkie like Laura. The room came to an angry silence. Jeremy took an angry step toward her brother and Harper made no move to stop him. Her eyes had never seen such a look on his face before and wondered if she should, in fact, break this all up, so Alex didn't get pummeled into oblivion. Jeremy made no more moves to defend her, no more words to aid her. Instead, he commanded that May and she leaves. Harper looked at him as he suddenly turned on his heels and marched out of the house without another word. May started making her way out, slowly due to her injury and Harper was about to help her...but she turned to Alex.

"You can say whatever the fuck you want to me, Alex. If I'm a naive junkie, then fine. But that man," She pointed to where Jeremy walked out, "Has been more family to me than any of you have!!" She growled at her brother. "He makes me happy and suddenly that's a crime. I've never been happy, Alex. You'll be sorry when we're gone...when I'm gone. And then you'll be asking yourself if you could have done something different...just like I had to think about with our parents for years, just like I've been having to think lately. My family is my everything, but I think I've just figured out that you don't consider me the same...none of you do." Alex walked away first and Harper stood there for a long moment, shaking.

Jeremy's voice told her they had to go and Harper looked at him for a long moment before following after.

Alex had been the final member of her family she had to hang onto. The one person who was not completely shutting her out. A wave of nausea hit her at the reminder of what had taken place in May's home as she clutched her flannel against her half-sister's leg to stop the bleeding. The metallic smell and the blood soaking her hands weren't helping any as her stomach did flips. On top of it all, her other brothers had gotten hurt, how bad she didn't know quite yet. How stupidly naive she was. A naive junkie...that's what she was. That's what they all thought of her, wasn't it? That's what they thought of Laura. A woman who had no idea what life was because she lived in some world of fantasy, that her husband who left her still loved her...that she could raise 4 kids by herself. Harper's bottom lip trembled as she forced her mind to focus on May, who looked pale.

"You're gonna be alright." She told her sister softly, "Cas is a whiz with the medical stuff, he'll have you patched up in no time." Her voice didn't sound like her own, it was weak, hollow, void of life. The smile she mustered was fake, just a habit of years of practice and her acting training at work. But it was how she felt in those moments. Her eyes caught Jeremy's as he looked back in the rearview mirror, but Harper quickly looked away. Harper got what she deserved for the things she said to Alex but Jeremy didn't deserve any of that treatment, any of those words. It was clear that he was upset with her, with Alex.
55c672492e5bbc395cf39f50c26df5e9.gifWhen the car came to a stop, Harper looked at the familiar entrance of Caspian's place. The blonde opened the back car door and helped May out as they walked toward the place, each step feeling like she was getting closer and closer to a place she didn't belong. Jeremy was clearly frustrated with how slow May was walking so when he scooped the woman into his arms, Harper wasn't surprised. She watched him as she stood outside, looking about as lost as she felt.

From the open door, she could see her family. Or at least, the people she called family. Her hands went up to her face to rub her cheeks, not remembering the blood on them until it was too late. The smell of metallic made her gag with the wet sensation of blood spreading on her face like red paint. If anyone was trying to say something to her as they noticed her, if they ever did, Harper wouldn't be able to hear them over the roaring of heartbeat in her ears. A Sharp pain in her chest made her wince as her breathing became erratic. The woman didn't want to walk inside, didn't want to face the guilt she felt knowing she'd let Braden go, killing her relationship with Alex as well as Jeremy's relationship with him in the process, just so Spencer and the rest could get hurt. The sickness in her stomach was making her want to curl up into a ball, her legs growing weak as she slowly lowered herself to the ground on the stoop of Cas's place, moving to sit away from the door so no one saw her.

The cool rain started up again as if it was crying the tears that she could no longer produce as her mind started to protect itself in ways that she hadn't asked for. The numb feeling that washed over her was both terrifying and comforting. Every day she felt like she was getting deeper and deeper into troubled waters that were impossible to swim in because of the strong current pulling her in deeper. The water, once warm was now turning cold, freezing her from the inside out. Her family thought she was a junkie, a little girl who would never understand the world they lived in. It was a disconnect that had always been there and it seemed like it always would be. Even in the cold weather, Harper couldn't feel the crisp air, or the water pelting her skin. Perhaps this is what Laura felt like towards the end. If only she could talk to her...if only she could understand...what it felt like to completely give up. Harper always thought she was stronger than her mother and more confident. Years of everyone fearing she'd end up like her molded her into her mother's twin without even realizing it.
with: BasDorcha BasDorcha
mentions: Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Misty Gray Misty Gray Pyroclast Pyroclast
Caspian's Clinic
~ Bethnal Green, London ~

Spencer King

ezgif-4-54345df17b.gifAlthough he wasn't saying or showing much in his expression, Spencer was glad to have made it to Caspian's place alive. Despite his words in the car suggesting he wasn't expecting to survive this one, his determination to keep fighting kicked in again at the renewed hope. He let out a pained groan as he was helped onto the medical bed where Caspian would be able to treat him. "Fuck," he grumbled. He put his blood soaked hand over his eyes as the bright lights of the room severely contrasted the darkness of the ride over. When Caspian returned to hook him up to the morphine drip, Spencer hand to move the hand away so the drugs could be administered into the back of it - his other hand being the one that would need to be tended to and patched up. "Wait..." he lazily grumbled as he realised he was being given strong painkillers. This time, the pain he was feeling all over his body caused him to give in and accept the drugs, too exhausted to fight it or endure the severe discomfort.

Caspian asked Billy and Erik what injuries he had before removing his shirt to find out for himself. Spencer closed his eyes to block out the light, only to open them again when he heard Erik being asked to retrieve a blood bag. It was clear to Spencer that he hadn't been overestimating the extent of his injuries and loss of blood, not to need such medical treatment. He wasn't even sure if he was out of the woods yet. After being patched up, Spencer heard Jeremy's voice calling out to Caspian but he wasn't in a state to even wonder why his friend hadn't checked in with him and was shouting something about May. "Where's Shona?" he asked, having not heard her voice amongst those of the new arrivals. He wasn't even sure why so many of them were there or how much time had passed since he'd got to Caspian's place. It was all feeling like a bit of a confused blur.

ezgif-3-bfa6cabb25.gifEventually, Caspian left his room and was replaced with Alex who had stopped at the end of his bed. Spencer tried to shuffle into a more upright position, being careful not to pull at his freshly stitched stab wound. He squinted to focus on his brother, his vision still feeling a little clouded. Hearing Alex apologise and claim responsibility for him almost being killed caused Spencer to deeply exhale through his nose. He closed his eyes again for a moment before reopening them. "Come here," he hoarsely commanded his brother. Though his voice was weakened from the smoke his words still held his assertiveness. Tapping the side of his bed with his bandaged hand, he wanted Alex to move there so he could properly see him without straining. "Don't make me work for it," he mumbled.

Spencer glanced to the needle in his arm that was replenishing his lost blood before shifting his vision to the one in the back of his hand giving him the morphine. He wasn't sure how comfortable he was with the drug, but in the end he held back from ripping the needle out. Once Alex had moved to his side, Spencer rested his head on the pillow and turn to face him. "Don't start this," he told his brother as he apologised to him. "You should have kept your dick in your pants. Ended things with Sav properly. I was cheated on and it fucked me up," he pointed out, his strained voice not sugar-coating his words. "We've all made mistakes in this family, a tonne of 'em, but we always stick together because we're family. This is the Sullivans fault for jumpin' me," he corrected Alex's need to take the blame. "Everything I've done I did by choice. Hell, maybe I'm in here cos of my own dumbass actions... failing to kill Conor," he reasoned. Despite his words, Spencer still put the blame on the Sullivans, not only for being the ones to jump him but for the way they'd treated his family since Alex and Savannah split up. That didn't mean he was oblivious to the trouble Alex had been causing in Dublin recently. "I'll always have your back, brother, but you've gotta try make it easier for me. This stuff you've been doing in Dublin, it has to stop. It won't help find Callum," he said, yet to find out what was presently happening to Sinead and Liam. That wasn't the only thing he needed to hear about as he hadn't yet been told about Braden and Tom showing up as May's place.

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Alex)
Last edited:
BodyWorks Gym
~ Dublin City Centre, Dublin ~

Olivia Sullivan

As the exchange went on, Olivia noticed Sam approaching but didn't stare enough to draw Cormac's attention to the fact. She wasn't even sure if the other man would intervene and she wasn't about to drag him into it if he wanted to stay neutral. Ideally, Cormac would come to his senses and simply back off. The man hadn't backed off, however, and soon enough, Sam approached the two of them. Olivia did well to hide the initial confusion from her face when Sam greeted her by saying "hey babe" and his discreet wink made it so she did keep a straight face. "Hey, babe," she was quick to catch on and smiled back at him.

Cormac turned to focus his attention on Sam, already knowing him from some jobs they'd done together. Olivia being Thomas' adopted sister hadn't been enough to deter Cormac from getting in her face, but knowing Sam was Thomas' friend and the problems that would cause him did make him feel more compelled to back down a little. "Yeah... I need to speak to Adam." Looking back to Olivia, he narrowed his eyes as it seemed to be that she and Sam were dating. He supposed it made sense them both being linked to Thomas could bring them together. Letting out a sigh, he knew he didn't want to get on the wrong side of the mob having only just been fully accepted as an ally by Syd and Adam - the former also being an adopted sibling of Olivia's. Realising he really had overstepped his mark in his upset, he held off from squaring up to Sam or speaking down to Olivia further, but his frustration still remained. "Whoever sees Adam first needs to tell him it's urgent. I need answers," he asserted.

Cormac took the hint and backed away, exiting the gym as per the threatening glare Sam was sending his way. "What a dick," she couldn't help but comment, shaking her head with exasperation. Looking back to Sam, she made eye-contact and flashed a smile. "Thanks for that. He seems to think his brother is my family's problem," she pointed out. Whilst Sam didn't seem to know who she was, she was aware he worked for her family and also that he was perhaps friends with Thomas. They'd never spoken with each other or been in close enough proximity for her to expect he'd know her, though. "You know, you nearly had me with mention of that dinner reservation, too." When her colleague returned to the reception desk, she grabbed her work bag and hung it over her shoulder, stepping away from the desk so she wasn't in the way. "Out of interest, where would you take me for dinner? What do you think I'd love to eat?" she asked, never too shy to play a game or two.

"I'm Olivia, by the way... Thomas' sister, kind of... I'm adopted," she explained, curious to see if that information would change how he was acting with her.

BasDorcha BasDorcha (Samuel)
Bodyworks Gym
Dublin, Ireland
Samuel McKinsley

Sam’s green eyes watched Cormac as he began to back down, satisfied that he had taken the hint and knew when to back off. His arm had not left her shoulders, and in fact gave them a light squeeze after the man had exited the building before he finally let go. Adjusting his bag over his shoulder, he moved back just enough to give her space without seeming like he was ready to be completely back from her. She was cute, but there was something familiar about her, almost like he had seen her face before but he couldn’t quite place a finger on it. When she called the man a dick, a deep laugh bubbled from his lips.

“Yeah, Cormac has more brawn than brains, but he’s loyal, so you gotta give him that. I’ll make sure and page Adam and let him know what was going on around here, Cormac has got to learn to keep his shit in check or he’ll be back on warehouse duty picking up trash. I was dead serious about dinner though.” He winked, nodding his head towards the door once she looked ready to leave. She asked him where they would eat, and he thought for a moment. “There’s a nice place nearby here. It’s called The Alley Club – kind of a hole in the wall place, out of site, out of public eye. It has some disreputable folks around most of the time, but you’ll be with me, so you can just relax and have fun. It has a few pool tables and a jukebox too. Sometimes live music as well. Not many average people know about it. I was going to head over there after I change, if you want to join me. Might get in a little trouble, might not, but I guarantee you’ll have fun.” The grin on his face was exuding confidence and bad boy essence, but in a way that seemed natural instead of forced and obnoxiously cocky.

He stopped in his tracks when she told him who she was. Of course, it made sense, he’d seen her picture through Thomas, but she was much younger when he’d seen that picture. If she thought being Thomas’s sister was going to stop him from his offer though, she was wrong. Thomas was his friend, but he was not going to follow his heart, or… whatever it was that led him to women, regardless. Thomas wasn’t here to exactly tell him no anyways; he was still in New York. “Well no wonder you look familiar, I’ve seen a picture of you from a long time ago. I’m Samuel, I use to be in the military with Thomas. I hope he’s doing okay, I haven’t heard from him since I moved back here. Maybe you can put us in touch later on. In the meantime, what do you say to my offer? Want to take a ride on the wild side? If you’re not scared of getting in trouble that is.”

Mentions Misty Gray Misty Gray - Olivia
Blake McCarthy
McCarthy House

~ Sutton, Dublin ~

Blake smiled sweetly as Adam told her he loved her in return. It was a feeling that she never wanted to go away and was so sure that from this moment forward it never would. Hearing that he wasn't going anywhere and having her and Elena for the rest of his days was the most a man could want brought an even bigger smile to her face. He called her amazing and the woman blushed, her wide smile now turning bashful. "This is what lovers do, Adam. If I thought for one minute I couldn't handle a guy like you, I wouldn't have said yes to our first date. I know that I hesitated a lot in the beginning, but I haven't been so sure of anything in my life. Where I belong is right here with you and right here is where I will stay." Blake hummed.

Adam pulled her in close and Blake let out a small laugh before he kissed her passionately. The woman sighed against his lips happily, ready to just let him kiss her all night. When he pulled away, a small pout graced her face even though his hands still rested on her hips. "You're not a downer, love. All of this is to be expected. I know Elena, Thomas and Leo are having a hard time as well. I just hope that some of this night will at least put their minds at ease. I know Collin is at least having the best time with Lucas. Those two kids are inseparable." Blake chuckled.

A single brow rose as he mentioned the dinner not being the only birthday present he had in mind for her. "Oh how you spoil me, Mr. Harper." She purred when he mentioned giving them to her when they were alone. He figured it was important for them to do a family thing, which Blake agreed with. "I think the kids are all getting along great! I know Nat and Elena are already hitting it off. Both of those girls will be best friends in no time." Blake murmured softly. "Collin gets along with everyone so he likes Elena already and you, he was just telling me the other day how cool you were and how nice it was to have a man around the house!" Blake rolled her eyes.

When Adam asked if he was doing a good job, Blake nodded her head immediately. "I think you are doing a great job, love. I think this was a role you've been waiting for your whole life and now that you have it, you are a natural. Don't let yourself tell you any different." Blake leaned in one more time to kiss him, savoring the feeling for a moment before pulling away. "Ali got me something we can use for later. Thank god, Leo didn't take a peak inside." The blonde chuckled. "Let's go check on your food hmm? Wouldn't want it to burn!"
with: Adam Misty Gray Misty Gray
Caspian's Clinic
~Bethnal Green, London~
Alexander King

Alexander King was spiraling in the worst way possible. He was angry and hurt and sad and didn't know what to do with all of it. For some reason taking it out on those closest to him was the first thing he thought of. He wasn't being rational in the slightest and probably wouldn't until he calmed down. Harper's final words to him - both in defense of Jeremy and regarding their relationship. He wouldn't realize it now, but the two of them were more alike than they realized- desiring to be better than their parents only to end up becoming some sort of shadow of them. It broke his heart to hear Harper speak about him that way but it shattered when he played back what he'd said to her to begin with.

Alex didn't hesitate when it came to his brother telling him to come closer. With his hands in his pockets, he obeyed his older brother. He didn't want to make the man strain any more than he already was. Swallowing the lump in his throat he listened to Spencer speak. He told him not to start, which Alex took to mean to quit the pity act. Immediately he nodded his head and paid attention. It never really occurred to Alex that he was like Spencer's ex until it was pointed out to him. He'd seen the way it affected Spencer- the shit he had gone through because of it. It was beginning to put things into perspective for him; see things from Savannah's point of view. The last thing he wanted to do was ever hurt her, and yet, he'd gone and done even worse. All because he just couldn't get out of his head.

The talk about family only caused Alex to replay the argument he'd just had with both Jeremy and Harper. Though he knew he was wrong and was owning up to it, he still felt like the things he said held weight. For a while, he felt like Harper had taken Savannah's side - which, she was more than valid to do - but Alex would've thought she'd get over it eventually. Ever since the break up he'd felt like she looked at him as a failure- that they all did. And maybe that's why he exploded the way he did. Jeremy was an entirely different situation altogether. After the events surrounding the attack at May's, Alex was sure Jeremy had been with his sister. And while he didn't care about that, he did care about what that would do to the dynamic of things; especially if something happened and the two of them broke up. But maybe that's where he screwed up. Considering possibilities that probably would never actually happen... Letting his emotions run him instead of his brain, for once. He nodded his head at Spencer, his older brother explaining it was the Sullivan's fault this happened and not his own.

As soon as Spencer asked Alex to make things easier on him, Alex remembered what was going on in Dublin... Specifically, the job he'd gone and secretly sent Kit and Jocelyn on. But before he could get to that point he felt he needed to update him and what was happening. "I understand," he started, knowing that he needed to acknowledge Spencer's words so it didn't feel like he was just ignoring them. "Speaking of Dublin. I assume they sent more blokes out here. Braden and Tom- May's brother. Showed up at her place and attacked the girls- Darcey, Kerry, May," he paused, finding it difficult to say his sister's name. "Harper," he looked away from Spencer after saying her name then looked back to him. "They're all okay, save May. She's got a flesh wound but that's it. They let the two of them go in the end." Once he was finished, it was clear there was more he needed to say, but he couldn't bring himself to. After a few more seconds, Alex let out a deep breath and shook his head. "Spence, I- I fucked up... Again. Kit and Joce. They're in Dublin and they- they have Sinead and Liam. But I told them not to hurt them; just get information." Shaking his head he looked down at him, regret in his eyes. "I'm sorry."

Spencer ( Misty Gray Misty Gray )
BodyWorks Gym
~ Dublin City Centre, Dublin ~

Olivia Sullivan

Olivia mischievously smirked when Sam said he was serious about dinner. It wasn't often people were so forward with her and certainly not once they realised who her family was. It was a refreshing change. She listened as he spoke about the place he knew of that they could go to, pointing out that it was out of the public eye and had less reputable people around there. "Oh wow. You sell it so well to me," she sarcastically remarked. Still, a playful smile graced her lips when he said she'd be able to relax with him. "I suppose I could go for that kind of atmosphere," she said upon hearing about the live music and bar games. "As for disreputable, well, I'm a Sullivan. Getting in trouble tends to come naturally." Despite her comment and its general validity, Olivia had been frustrated by how little James and Lucy had let her get her hands dirty. Whilst many of her relatives were actively involved in the business and the trouble that came with it, Olivia had found herself having to stay out of it if only to ease the burden on her adoptive parents. The potential of some fun was now too good to pass up on.

"So you're a troublemaker, are you?" she suggestively asked him when he mentioned they might get into trouble.

Hearing Olivia was Thomas' sister hadn't seemed to bother Sam, which Olivia was grateful for. She didn't want any guy tiptoeing around her or changing their behaviour because of who she was related to. "Oh jeez. How young was I in the photo? I hope it's not the one with that awful green dress and the plaits!" she scoffed. Olivia looked to Sam with something of a perplexed expression when he said he hadn't heard from Thomas since moving back to Dublin. "I mean, sure I can give him your number when I next go to his place or if he comes over for dinner. He doesn't live that far away, you know. Surprised you haven't bumped into him already," she commented, although she knew Thomas had been having some problems of his own that had kept him away from socialising too much.

Olivia mockingly laughed when Sam asked if she was scared of getting in trouble. "Mate, trouble's in my blood and all around me. I'm not scared of that!" she assured him. "So I accept your offer. Please lead the way."

BasDorcha BasDorcha (Samuel)
Caspian's Clinic
~ Bethnal Green, London ~

Billy King

1661789029930.pngBilly was refolding his jacket to create the most effective make-shift press and had just begun to hold it tightly against Spencer's wound when he felt the man's hand be placed over his, giving it a light squeeze. His brother spoke up to tell the pair they had done a good job, and Billy frowned, trying not to read into the fact he had used the past tense. It was likely he was referring to them managing to get him back from the kidnappers, but the way he said it sounded so final, like he knew he was about to die and was trying to make them feel better. "We wasn't gonna let 'em take ya'," Billy told him. "You'da' done the same thing."

He felt another squeeze of the hand from Spencer as the man tried to get his attention. Billy met his eyes, trying to look past all the blood. He wanted to hold his hand in return, but he was too busy applying pressure to his wound and didn't dare take his hand away even for a second. "What is it, Spence?" he asked. His heart was already sinking before Spencer continued. Billy did his best to maintain eye contact but he could feel his own eyes begin to burn. He wanted to interrupt, but his brother's wheezing and coughing seemed to do it for him. It was clear that he was having trouble speaking, so even though Billy didn't want to hear the words he was saying, he decided to let him finish. After all, speaking at least gave him a reason to stay awake.

"I won't need to look after Shona and Eddie, you twat," he protested. "You ain't goin' nowhere. We're gonna get to the doc', and he's gonna stitch up this wound, give you some happy drugs and your lovely wife will be there right at your side. Do you 'ear me?"

Regardless of whether or not he had heard him, Spencer's mind remained stuck on Shona. Hearing him speak of how much he loved her made it even harder to hold back the tears, but when Spencer's eyes closed and the hand that had been holding Billy's grew limp, the panic took over instead. Erik had been listening, too, and was telling Spencer off for getting sentimental - meanwhile, Billy pressed harder into his wound with one hand and reached up with the other to gently slap him on the cheek. "Hey, hey!" he said in a raised voice. "I said stay awake!"

Billy guarded Spencer's life for the remainder of the journey, every second feeling like an hour despite the speed at which Erik was driving. By the time they reached Caspian's clinic, Spencer was only just clinging on. They were lucky that Caspian was even in - he didn't seem prepared to accept them, but why would he since nobody had managed to call ahead? Billy and Erik did as they were told and set Spencer up in one of the private rooms - the very room, Billy thought, that he himself had been laid down in after he was shot.

With no time to waste, Caspian asked the pair what Spencer's injuries were. "The, uh, stab wound," he said, as if it wasn't glaringly obvious. "His face - I mean, his head -" There was so much blood pouring from Spencer's eyebrow and nose that he couldn't even see the injuries properly. The stress of the situation was catching up to him, his chest growing tight. "Look, I don't know, okay?" he snapped. "I wasn't there. He was in the van, and it crashed and caught fire and when we found him he'd been trapped inside it. Probably breathed in a lot of smoke, maybe got burned. I don't know!"

Erik, having been sent out to retrieve a blood bag, stepped back into the room and Caspian drew attention to the wounds on Erik's chest and arm. Billy stared at him. He hadn't even noticed that his boyfriend was injured, too. Caspian quickly sent Erik into the next room, leaving Billy feeling torn between tending to the man he loved and staying with his severely injured brother - it wasn't until the doctor noticed that Billy wasn't wearing his sling anymore that he even remembered falling heavily onto his injured shoulder. Now aware of it, the pain suddenly returned, but it only pissed him off knowing that there was nothing he could do about it for now. With Caspian's focus on Spencer, he ordered Billy to tend to Erik's wounds, but he hesitated, still not wanting to leave Spencer. "You'll make sure he makes it, alright?" he demanded, jabbing a finger into Caspian's chest. "'Cause I'll fuckin' kill ya' if he don't."

With that, he carried his misplaced anger over to the bed where Erik lay. Normally he would want to be nowhere but at his side when he was injured, but this time his thoughts were with his brother in the next room. At least tending to him gave him something to do. Billy was quiet as he dipped a cloth into the bowl of water and began to clean the long gash across Erik's chest. He did his best to be gentle, but he had to apply a bit of extra force to compensate for the trembling in his hand. Apparently it was easy to read Billy's mind, because Erik spoke up to assure him that he could clean his own wounds and that he could go and be with his brother if he wanted to. Before he could answer, however, his attention was grabbed by the opening of the front door.

He had just pushed the door of Erik's room open to see who was arriving when Alex burst in and wrapped his arms around him. The sudden affection from his brother knocked him off guard and it took him a few seconds to reciprocate the hug, but when he did he squeezed the man tight. "Alex?" The man appeared to have been crying heavily, something he wasn't used to seeing in his older brother. Totally unaware of what the man had just come from, Billy could only assume he was upset about the attempted abduction that had almost killed Spencer. "He's gonna be okay, mate," he assured him, partly to soothe his own concerns. "He's in the next room if you want to see 'im, but he's...not in the best shape."

Whereas Billy was still fighting back panic and tears, Erik was doing a better job of keeping up morale, cheerfully reminding Alex that nothing could take a New Yorker down. As soon as Alex left them, Billy pushed the door ajar to give them some privacy - but not a moment later, there came the distressed call of Jeremy, telling Caspian that May had been shot. Moving away from Erik again, Billy leaned out of the door to see his half-sister bleeding from her thigh, with Jeremy holding her up. He was confused - weren't the girls supposed to be having a get-together at May's house? How could she possibly have got hurt? Part of him wanted to go over and see what was going on - and make sure that Caspian wasn't too stretched between all the injured people in the clinic - but he already had Erik to focus on, so making sure that he was being treated would at least take one person off the doctor's hands.

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Erik, Alex, Caspian
Misty Gray Misty Gray Spencer
BasDorcha BasDorcha Jeremy, May

Bruce King
1661788562693.pngDespite the state that Alex was in, Bruce had to trust him and Jeremy to go to May's house and make sure that everyone was safe. The page he had received was cryptic yet he knew that whatever was happening, it meant danger had reached her address, and he couldn't ignore it. However, he decided that their safety took precedence over the jobs and errands that Spencer, Erik and Billy were doing, and so he had wanted the three men back where he could see them, helping at the situation at May's house. But he wasn't getting through to them. He paged each of them, he called the businesses they were supposed to have visited that day, and when it seemed that nobody knew where they were, he reluctantly called Caspian's clinic. To hear that Spencer was being treated for a stab wound made his heart sink - he had to get to them, find out what had happened and make sure that his nephew was going to survive.

He made phone call after phone call from his car, until eventually he pulled up outside the clinic and raced to the man's front door. Sitting outside on the step, soaking wet from the rain, was Harper. She looked deeply upset and he got a sick feeling in his gut, expecting her to tell him that someone had been killed. "Harper, luv', what you doin' out in the rain?" he asked, his knees creaking as he crouched down in front of her. He cupped her face in his hands and swept her wet hair away from her glazed eyes. "You're not hurt, are ya'?"

Bruce sighed, the concern already etched on his face deepening as he took in the sight of his niece. He felt like he was losing her and it broke his heart that he couldn't seem to get through to her. "Harper, my love, I've gotta go in and make sure your brother's okay," he told her, only hoping that she wouldn't feel abandoned if he went inside. "Come on, let's get inside before you catch a cold. We can sit down together in a minute and I'll make ya' a hot drink - whatever you want, luv', alright?"

Whether she came inside with him or not, Bruce couldn't hesitate for too long - his nephew's life was at risk and though he trusted that Caspian would do everything in his powers to help him, Bruce didn't have enough context to know what his odds of survival were. The main room was busy when he entered but he didn't stop for anyone, not until he had reached the room where Spencer lay. Alex was already with him, looking even more emotional than he had when he and Bruce had parted at the diner. He placed a hand on Alex's back as he approached the bed. "You're awake, that's good," he said, looking over his eldest nephew who was hooked up to the drips and a blood bag. Both he and the bed were covered in blood - to say that it was alarming would be an understatement. "My boy," he uttered, moving closer and placing a hand on Spencer's head, his thumb gently stroking his blackened, bloodied hair. "It's good to see you safe. You had me worried, lad."

As he observed the state of him, Bruce noticed what he was hooked up to. "Doctor Caspian got you on the happy drug, eh?" he said with a smile, though he hated to see his nephews and niece on heavy drugs. "Lucky thing. Your wife's on her way over now, she'll be 'ere any minute I expect. Just rest, son, and do what the doc tells ya'. I'll just be outside the door if you need me, alright?"

Giving Spencer a light pat on the shoulder, Bruce stepped away and looked Alex in the eye. He wondered what the man had been through since they parted - he had expected him to be at May's house still, but from the looks of things, everyone had wound up at the clinic. "You too, Alex," he told him with a squeeze of the shoulder. "I'll be right outside."

Bellz Bellz Harper
Misty Gray Misty Gray Spencer
Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Alex

Bruce and Billy

tumblr_975b68eed9c8d333dd2d150fe4aef05c_0c6e51b3_540.gifLeaving May and Jeremy to it, Billy went back to perch on the edge of Erik's bed and continued to wash his wounds. "I love you," he uttered, managing a small smile. "Now, this is gonna fuckin' sting so hold your breath." He placed a hand against Erik's forehead to placate him while the other applied the disinfecting agent on his chest and elbow. "I'm glad you're here." He looked down into Erik's eyes, still stroking his forehead, and then, when he was sure Alex wasn't about to burst into the room again, he leaned down and kissed the man on the lips. Just then, the door opened and Bruce stepped in. Billy jerked away from the kiss, blushing hard, but Bruce was kind enough not to react. "You boys alright in 'ere?" he asked. His footsteps as he approached the bed were heavy, as if overburdened by so many people being hurt.

"Erik got cut," Billy told him. "Spencer's -"

"I know."

Billy's eyes suddenly filled with tears and he looked towards the door, pretending to be figuring out what was happening behind it. Bruce didn't notice - or pretended not to - as he instead placed a hand on Erik's head. "It don't look too bad," he remarked, of the gashes on his chest and elbow. "Caspian's got his hands full out there, so you just stay 'ere and rest, and you'll be alright." He squeezed the two men on the shoulder. "You saved Spencer's life today, lads," he said. "You did well. I'm proud of ya'."

Billy didn't answer him, his eyes still fixed on the door ahead as he fought to swallow down the burning lump in his throat. Knowing that his nephew wouldn't want to cry with so many people around, Bruce didn't push him, instead just leaning over to kiss him on the head before getting to his feet. "There's anythin' you two need, I'll just be out 'ere."

"Call Shona," Billy managed, still not looking his uncle in the eye.

"She's on her way, lad," Bruce assured him. "You two stay in here and just rest. We don't need nothin' more from ya' tonight."

If he was sure that no one else would enter the room, Billy would have let himself burst into tears, but he knew Caspian was going to come round at some point to stitch up Erik, and he didn't want to be caught. So, he bit down hard on the inside of his cheeks and worked on taking deep breaths as he went back to cleaning the excess blood off Erik's skin.

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Erik

Bruce King

When he stepped back into the main room, Bruce let out a heavy exhale. He felt exhausted yet alert - it was going to be another long night. Determined to stick to his word and be where everyone could easily find him, he denied himself the temptation to go outside for a smoke. But then his eyes fell on something better. He made his way over to her and drew her in for a close embrace. "Darcey," he practically sighed her name - the burden always felt lighter when she was around. He held her for several seconds, stroking her hair, before eventually pulling away and looking into her eyes. "Are you alright, luv'? Do you need anythin'?"

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Darcey

Shona King
lNvm7WR.gifWhen Shona burst into the clinic, she dropped her handbag to the floor. The place was heaving, and she felt awful for being what looked like the last to arrive. After receiving the phone call from Bruce, she had had to drop Eddie off at a trusted neighbour's house, not wanting to bring the baby into such an unpleasant environment or to see his father in such bad shape. She believed it was the right thing to do, putting her baby's well-being first, but she felt sick to think that her husband had been lying there without her - that he could have died without her at his side.

Without wasting a second, Shona rushed into the private room where Spencer was being treated. Seeing him laid down, weak and covered in blood from head to toe, it took a huge amount of effort not to let her initial reaction show on her face. She crept over to his bed and laced her fingers through his. "Hey, you," she uttered, putting on a smile for him. "Been through the wars, have ya'?"

Aware that Alex was with him, she looked up and sent him a grateful smile. Whatever they had been talking about, she had interrupted without a care - she was just grateful to see someone keeping her husband company. "Hi, Alex," she said. Her voice took on the quiet, calm tone she used when in caretaker mode. It was mostly reserved for soothing Eddie these days, but it still came out when comforting anyone she cared about. Looking back down to Spencer, she smiled down at him, forcing herself to see past the horrific injuries the man had sustained. "Ain't you lucky gettin' all this attention?" she lightly teased, stroking the back of his hand with her thumb. She was about to ask him how he was feeling, but caught herself - the answer was there right in front of her. Instead, she sat on a chair at his bedside and soaked a clean cloth in a nearby bowl of warm water. As she proceeded to very gently dab away the blood on his face, she asked, "What happened tonight, then? I thought you were goin' on some fairly easy jobs tonight."

Misty Gray Misty Gray Spencer
Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Alex
The Speakeasy
Dublin, Ireland
Samuel McKinsley

There was a fiery spark to his eye as she reminded him that she was a Sullivan and getting in trouble came naturally. That was exactly the kind of woman he was always looking for, a Bonnie to his Clyde, ready to go out with guns blazing and not scared of a little trouble here and there. Escorting her out the door, holding like a proper gent and all, he then nodded his head towards his car parked a few lengths down. “Common, we’ll head over there now then.” He seemed excited, like a kid on his way to play with friends. As they reached the car, he listened to her talk about Thomas, pausing with surprise as he opened the trunk for them to both drop their bags into. “Wait, you’re telling me Thomas is in Dublin? When did he get back? I know he wasn’t here before I left to go tend to my sister. I’ll have to stop by and see the guy, It’s been a long time since I was able to talk to him. I’ve only been back a week, so that may be why I haven’t seen him.”

Once they were bag free and, in the car – him opening her door of course – he took off down the streets, speeding as if it were the only way to drive a car, and he did it very well. Navigating with ease through traffic, downside roads, avoiding closures, as if he was a professional driver in a sports car. As they drove, he made small talk, telling her about his sister’s car accident and going to take care of her while she rehabilitated, and about returning here to go back to work. He even mentioned a few funny stories about him and Thomas before all that stuff happened, careful to avoid that conversation. It only took a few minutes to get where they were going, a back alley with a small dark door and loud music coming from inside. He parked outside the alley on the street, jogging around the car to pull her door open for her and offer her a hand. “Well then, madam, lets go start some trouble.”

Samuel had always been kind of a shit head, looking to start good old fashion bar fights just for fun, racing cars, a little big of indulgence on the drugs and lots of indulgence on the alcohol. He had a smooth and confident nature, with a silver tongue, but all without seeming obnoxiously cocky. This was evident as they made their way to the door. With his hand, he lifted and knocked the starting if Shave and a Hair Cut, before the other side responded with the two bits part, and the door slid open. Inside looked like an American speakeasy. There were girls in flapper dresses, almost private booths, a jazz band playing, and a barkeep dressing in 1920’s clothing.

“This is my favorite little hideaway, no one comes here who isn’t a little below the law.” There was a dance area towards the middle and pool tables along the far wall. Aiming left for the bar, he placed an order for himself and whatever Olivia wanted, before gently grabbing her wrist and pulling her to the last open booth with three walls opposite the bar along the other wall. “We’ll claim our seat, then maybe we can dance or shoot some pool?” Emptying his pockets onto the table, a sniffer containing an unknown substance rolled out, along with his cigarette case, a lighter, and his wallet. He put the wallet back in his pocket, leaving the rest as they slid in.

“So, tell me doll face, how much trouble are you looking for?” He gave her a challenging grin. “I’ve already seen three guys eyeing you up, and I’ll have to warn you, I’m not keen on sharing my date, so if it comes to it, I may end up in a boxing match outside the doors. There’s also this.” He slid the vial across the table. “A little snow, to heighten the senses, but its quite alright if you don’t indulge. You’re also welcome to whatever nicotine you’d like, and drinks are on me the rest of the night.”

Mentions Misty Gray Misty Gray - Sexy New Date
Harper King
Caspian's Clinic

~ Bethnal Green, London ~
Harper had been so wrapped up in the racing, violent thoughts in her head clawing at her psyche that when her Uncle's voice called to her, she didn't hear it. It was only when he knelt down in front of her that she noticed he was with her. Harper looked at him blankly, her face feeling like it was unable to move to express anything. He asked if she was hurt and the woman's response was delayed but she eventually shook her head in his cupped hands on her face.

Harper didn't know what to say to him, not having enough strength in her to say that she was okay for his sake because she knew it was a lie. So she stayed silent as he looked at her for a few moments longer. He told her that he needed to check on Spencer and Harper nodded her head once. He wanted her to come inside with him. Why? This was all of her faults. No one would want her in there...she didn't deserve to be in that room. The things she said to Alex ran through her head slower than her other thoughts as if her mind wanted her to hear exactly what she said to let her know how she failed

Bruce mentioned catching a cold and Harper really hadn't realized just how soaked she had gotten from the rain. Her jeans were soaked and without her flannel to protect her, her crop top was much of the same. The blonde helped the blood on her was washed clean as she moved to stand and follow Bruce inside. The last person he needed to worry about her right now was her, and even though she thought she didn't deserve to be inside the clinic with her family, she'd do it only so he didn't worry.

She immediately regretted the decision the moment she stepped inside the clinic. The smell of blood was making her ill and seeing some of those she loved dearly...it wasn't something she'd ever seen before at least not in the initial aftermath of an attack. Deciding not to stand too long in the middle of the room looking like an absolute travesty, Harper made her way to the bathroom that she could see in the corner to wash her hands. May was with Jeremy, both waiting for poor Cas who was running around trying to take care of everyone. Even if she thought she didn't deserve to be here...she would at least help where she could. She owed everyone that much.

After washing her hands, Harper's eyes looked around. "Cas...I'm going to take this stitching kit over to May." Harper winced at the sound of her voice. It sounds so cold. Whether he heard her or not, Harper grabbed the boxed kit as well as a bottle of iodine and gauze. The blonde made her way over to Jeremy and May, finding it hard to meet either of their eyes. His hand was holding a towel to her sister's leg and Harper gently reached to remove it. The smell of blood once again made her dizzy, but she didn't feel sick this time as she looked up at May. "Ah we might have to amputate it." Her voice lacked any sort of humor but she did her best to attempt a smile that didn't meet her eyes to let her know she was kidding.

Seeing her flannel next to her sister, Harper looked at it for a second before moving to open the stitch kit and the iodine. "You know that's the flannel I wore to my first Queen concert." Harper said, trying to distract both Jeremy and May now as she shook her head. "I wore that and something that most people in this room wouldn't have approved of. It was a cute outfit. My friend had gotten me tickets for my birthday, VIP passes and all." Harper took some of the scissors from the sewing kit and moved to cut the pant leg. Wanting to keep her sister distracted, Harper kept going on with her story. "Anyway, I get there and I'm just blasted beyond belief, good music, good drinks, great company. And then I hear this name from the crowd and who do I turn and see? Billy and the rest of these idiots. Literally staring at me in the smallest of outfits you could imagine." The story always made her laugh, but Harper felt like she had forgotten how. Forcing a smile on her lips, she moved to soak up some of the excess blood with gauze, being gentle as she did.

"You should have seen the look on his face, especially." Harper looked to Jeremy, "Couldn't tell if he was amazed or horrified." The woman said before looking back at the wound. Once it was clear of most blood, Harper opened the bottle of iodine. "We basically all pretended that we didn't know each other the rest of the night up until I went to use the restroom and found Al-" Harper's voice choked on saying Alex's name. The memory had been funny but as she was reminded of his name, she felt like she was suffocating. Clamping her lips shut, Harper shook her head once in order to physically get rid of the thoughts in her head before looking to May.

"I'm gonna pour the iodine over this...it won't hurt but the bubbling sensation might feel weird." Harper did as she said she would, watching the iodine work its magic. "Now I know I'm not a doctor, but I do know how to stitch someone up." Harper used some of the iodine with gauze to disinfect the needle before moving to thread it. She was sure Jeremy was watching her now. The wound on her sister's thigh reminded her of the wound she had a month ago, a wound that she had given herself. Harper would have given anything to feel that pain right now...just to feel anything.

"I'm sure I'll get strung up for this...but I taught myself to stitch. Which is actually a really useful skill." Harper was talking as she was prepping her sister's leg. "Back in my degenerate days, I used to sneak out the second-story window of my house all the time. Well, not being the brightest, I didn't think much about whether I hurt myself and how I would hide that from my family." Harper shook her head before adding, "This is gonna sting but just take deep breaths okay?" Without much more Harper started to sew, her hands surprisingly steady despite the way she had been shaking at May's house. Her body couldn't feel anything anymore, so the shaking had stopped because her mind was tricking it into thinking she was fine.

"Anyways, I basically fell out of the window one night...got a really bad cut on my leg, kinda like yours, that needed taking care of. So I taught myself." Harper shrugged her shoulders, her eyes looking to Jeremy briefly before looking to May's leg. "Guess my bad behavior paid off, hmm?" She asked her sister, "How are you holding up, kid?" Harper's eyes looked to May, wondering if she was doing okay...or at least, better than she had been.
with: BasDorcha BasDorcha
mentions: Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Pyroclast Pyroclast Misty Gray Misty Gray
Caspian's Clinic
~Bethnal Green, London~
Darcey Hargraves


The sounds of Harper and Alex arguing had been ringing in Darcey's ears ever since they'd left May's. No matter how much she'd tried to push it to the back of her mind, it always found itself in the forefront. How had they gotten to this point? Saying words neither would be able to take back? Acting as if they hadn't grown up together and loved each other. When had things gotten this bad? Should she have stopped them before it things got too heated? Biting her thumbnail and pacing the room she kept thinking about all the things she could've done- should've done.

And then the words used would present themselves; Alex calling Harper Laura and Harper calling Alex Trevor. It broke her heart to hear them refer to each other as such, but she agreed. Both of them had, unexpectedly, turned out just like their parents. The two people who had been trying so hard not to be. She'd be lying if she said she couldn't see what they were talking about but it was clear as day. For a moment Darcey wondered if it were something she and Bruce did or didn't do. Maybe they should've reassured them they could be better than them; that they would be better than them. But she couldn't have known that this would be the outcome of things. Their family was breaking apart before her very eyes and she felt so helpless.

It wasn't until she heard him say her name that she realized Bruce was there; drowning in her own thoughts and emotions. The moment she lay eyes on him, she started getting teary eyes. He hugged her- longer than normal and she was more than grateful for it. She wrapped her arms around his waist, burying her face in his chest. Darcey was fighting hard to keep herself together - not wanting the man to worry any more than he already was. He asked if she were alright and though she nodded her head multiple times it was clear she wasn't. Looking up at him she was at a loss for words. She knew she needed to explain to him what happened but the words just wouldn't come out. Glancing around them she noticed everyone was being tended to; she wasn't needed right now, so maybe she could let go? "Bruce," she started, surprised by the sudden crack in her voice. "I-..." Still struggling, she shook her head and grabbed his hand, urging him to follow her into Cas' back room. Once around the corner, she tried to at least hold it together until she finished updating him.

"It was Braden and Tom," she sniffled, "Tom is- was May's brother. They came to scare Alex off of Callum. A bullet grazed May's leg, but other than that they're okay. We're okay." It was obvious there was something more she needed to say. She was stalling, trying to find the words to say what she needed to. Her chest felt heavy and her throat tight and before she knew it she was in tears again. "They're hurting, Bruce. Our kids are hurting and I don't know how to help them! Alex and Harper they-," she shook her head, trying to find her words. "They got into an argument. And I just stood there and did nothing! God, I freaked out and just let them say these horrible things to each other. And when Alex called Harper Laura I-... I couldn't say anything. What was there to say, Bruce? That it was a lie?" Darcey started pacing the floor, using the palm of her hands to wipe the tears from her face.

"And Harper," she continued. "She called him Trevor. And I see it, Bruce. In both of them. Tell me- if we did such a great job. If w-we raised them right then how did that happen?!" Her voice cracked once more as she covered her face with her hands. "Were we bad parents?" Until today, Darcey tried not to consider herself one of the kid's parents. Because the truth about it was, she wasn't. Darcey wasn't their mother even if some of them saw her as such. Yet watching Alex and Harper and then seeing Billy and Spencer made Darcey realize that, perhaps, it was okay to see herself that way. She'd been there from the day they were born to when Trevor left and Laura died. She was allowed to, right? Darcey pressed her hand against the wall, the other holding onto her stomach. It felt like a pit had been growing inside as she continued to softly sob, making sure those on the other side weren't able to hear her. "And May. She's no one left but us now. How do I know I won't fuck her up?"

Bruce ( Pyroclast Pyroclast )

Erik Snowden
Hearing Billy say he loved him was something Erik could never get used to. Just a few months ago Erik was just a man in love with his best friend and now they were lovers. He could see how much all of this was for him and wished there was something he could do to help. "I love you too, Billy." He replied. It wasn't until he started to disinfect his wounds that Erik thought maybe Billy only said that just then to distract him. If that were the case, it definitely didn't work. Though Erik was no stranger to disinfectants on large areas, it still stung like hell. His whole body clenched, and his eyes closed as the burning sensation settled in. It felt like it took forever before it subsided and he was left panting. As much as he wanted to shout and cry out, he wasn't the only one in pain at the moment. He didn't want to be too distracting. As if wanting to help take his mind off of his wounds he expressed how grateful he was that he'd been there. With soft pants, Erik nodded his head and smiled. "Always. You can count on it, okay?"

With his good arm, he reached up to gently stroke Billy's cheek with his thumb. "Hey, everything's gonna be alright. Everyone's here and Cas is gonna make sure we all leave in one piece." Erik could see that his mind had been elsewhere and was doing his best to reassure him. When Billy kissed him, Erik returned it in kind only for them to be interrupted by Bruce. His face began to turn red, feeling like they'd been caught yet again. Though Bruce was aware of their relationship sometimes it still felt like they were keeping things a secret. Billy answered Bruce's question for him before turning his head away. As Erik examined the look on Billy's face, Bruce commented on his wounds. "Ah, I keep telling Billy this is nothing," he said, trying to lighten the mood. "But you know how he gets." Bruce's words were reassuring and Erik nodded his head in agreement. He felt like he'd been through worse and that this was absolutely nothing.

Once Bruce had left the room Erik went back to examining Billy. He wasn't alright - that much was obvious - but he wasn't sure just how much he could do with so many people outside the room. "Billy, come here," he softly beckoned using his right arm. Since it wasn't messed up, it was the optimal one to use. He reached up and once again started to caress his cheek. "I know it's a lot, but I need you to hold on a little longer, okay? And when we get home you can let it all go. We can even kick Ava out so you can cry as much as you want, hm?" Erik hated that he was in the position, to begin with. All he wanted to do was wrap his arms around Billy and tell him everything was going to be alright, but he couldn't. Not here. Not when there were people who didn't know about them on the other side of the door. And because Erik was respecting Billy's wish not to say anything to some of his family members just yet he had to contain himself.

Billy, Bruce ( Pyroclast Pyroclast )

Dr. Caspian

Stressed was truly an understatement when it came to how Cas was feeling. It was one thing to have someone come in with a stab wound, some burns, and scrapes but a complete other when there were multiple people with multiple wounds. He always thought he could do his job without an assistant but he was strongly reconsidering that thought. Especially since the Kings seemed to like seeing him nearly every month. However, it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. Though he was frustrated Caspian still managed to keep himself cool, calm, and collected. So long as he treated things like a battlefield he would be alright. Just as he'd left Spencer's room to wash his hands before starting on Erik, Harper approached him with a medical kit in her hands. He was about to ask if she knew what she was doing when he figured she did; otherwise, she wouldn't be asking. "Sure," he said, voice distracted. "If you know what to do, knock yourself out."

He hadn't meant to be short with her nor rush off but he wanted to make sure everyone got tended to quickly. Infections were easy to get and it was the last thing he or anyone else would want to deal with. With a med kit of his own in hand he started for Erik's room- stopping short of opening the door to give Harper instructions. "I'll give you pain meds after, uh..." He paused, realizing he had never actually met nor seen May before. "New... Addition. Harper, throw that in the red bin when you're done," he instructed. He paused, noticing she was dripping wet. "Towels are in the closet and I think I have a sweater somewhere back there," he said before finally walking into Erik's room. His brief pause had given Erik plenty of time to separate himself from Billy so Cas didn't know what was going on. "Alright let's get you tended to," he said to him before looking up at Billy with a frown. "Here." He chucked another sling at him, still pissed about both his empty threat from earlier and him not using the goddamn sling. "Put it on. Now."

Harper ( Bellz Bellz )
Billy ( Pyroclast Pyroclast )
May ( BasDorcha BasDorcha )
Caspian's Clinic
~ Bethnal Green, London ~

Spencer King

Spencer didn't show it physically, but Alex mentioning Dublin was enough to draw in his attention. Upon hearing Braden and Tom had shown up at May's place, he let out a frustrated groan. He then felt angry as he began to mention that Darcey, Kerry and May were attacked. Aware that Harper was also meant to be at May's place, the hesitation Alex displayed before mentioning Harper caused Spencer's already overworked heart to sink. Thankfully, Alex eventually went on to mention she and the other women were all okay. He was glad to hear that May's wound was only minor, but he didn't get time to express that when he was then told Braden and Tom were let go in the end. "What do you mean?" he mumbled. Spencer fell silent as he closed his eyes for a moment, trying to clear his mind enough to focus on what Alex was telling him and consider his gut reaction to the Irish being allowed to just leave. Maybe it was a gut reaction, but the fact he'd been stabbed in that region by the Irish very much felt like validation for the thoughts that were in his head. Opening his eyes, he focused on Alex. "Should've fuckin' killed 'em. Our sisters, Darcey, and your girlfriend were all being attacked. Same time as I was jumped and left for dead. Those pricks didn't deserve to walk outta there."

As Alex hesitated, Spencer had too many thoughts and injuries overwhelming him that he didn't quite pick up on it. Then his brother got to the next matter, admitting that he'd dragged Sinead and Liam into things. Whilst he had no regard for Braden and Tom on account of them voluntarily working for the mob and tonight attacking his own family, the woman and child were different. They were as innocent as someone with Sullivan blood in their veins could be. Before Spencer could voice his disapproval, they were joined by Bruce.

"Hey," Spencer hoarsely greeted his uncle. Somehow, beneath the pain and knowledge of how close he'd come to dying, his expression beneath all of the blood was momentarily a sheepish one. Despite being outnumbered and the odds stacked against him, Spencer still felt like this could be deemed another failure on his part. However, when his uncle addressed him and displayed worry rather than disappointment, Spencer's doubts were pushed away. "I had myself worried," he admitted, appreciated his uncle's physical gesture even if it wasn't obvious in his face. When his uncle drew attention to the morphine, Spencer's disapproving expression was clear even beneath the bruising and blood. He didn't need to speak on the matter for Bruce to likely know he wasn't exactly happy about it himself, not with what their family had been through with Laura and Trevor. Hearing Shona was due any minute was a relief, as was hearing his uncle was going to remain nearby. "Thanks, Bruce," he said, lightly nodding to his uncle.

Spencer stayed silent for a short time after Bruce had left, giving chance for the air to settle and both himself and Alex to catch up with their thoughts. Eventually, he turned his head to focus on his brother, grimacing as he outstretched his arm to rest his hand on Alex's wrist. "Sinead and Liam don't deserve that, mate. Kit and Jocelyn might not hurt them physically, but we both know Sinead's likely to suffer in her own head," he pointed out. They were both aware of Sinead's past battles with her mental health. Hell, Spencer wasn't exactly proud of it, but when he'd encouraged Alex to fight for legal custody of Callum, the mental instabilities of Savannah's family members were something he knew would help his brother's case. "Alex, you need to get through to Kit and tell her to get them home. This won't help us," he firmly told his brother. Having spoken to Sinead in person and over the phone, Spencer believed the woman was telling the truth when she said she didn't know where Callum was.

Spencer's eyes caught sight of the figure approaching him. When Shona laced her fingers through his he drew in a relieved breath that caused him to suddenly burst out into another fit of coughs. He stopped in time to hear her comment about him being through the wars. He managed to return her smile, most of it founded from his relief that he'd lived to see his wife again. Spencer gave Shona and Alex some time to exchange words before she addressed him again, pointing out all of the attention he was getting. "Not sure it's lucky," he drily remarked. "But I'll take it." He fell silent again as he focused on her touch as she rubbed the back of his hand with her thumb. Not too long ago, he thought he'd never get to see or touch Shona again, so being with her now felt even more special than ever before.

When Shona took a seat at his bedside and began soaking the cloth, Spencer caught Alex's attention and sent him a nod. "You should go make that phone call," he suggested, hoping he could cut short any turmoil Sinead and Liam were going through. Knowing how much stress and worry his brother was going through, he still felt the need to reassure him before he left the room. "I love you, brother," he told him. Perhaps it was his lack of awareness surrounding the arguments Alex had just had with Harper and Jeremy, but in the moment, Spencer had no reason to be upset with his stressed out brother.

ezgif-4-ffeee10526.gifOnce Alex had gone, Spencer laid his head back on the pillow and closed his eyes as Shona began to gently clean his face with the warm cloth. When she asked him what had happened, he kept his eyes closed as he recalled the events of the evening. "Yeah, the jobs were easy," he said, stopping to clear his throat. "We'd finished our jobs when I got jumped... I swear I remembered to get the milk and bread this time," he lightly told her, referencing back to the last time when he actually did forget. "There were four of 'em, including the driver. Had their guns and forced me to get into the back of their van. Those pricks, Chase and Dermot, were there," he mentioned. "They took my weapons off me... Fuck, I lost my knife," he suddenly remembered. He wasn't sure if he would say the penknife held sentimental value, but he'd had it since he was a boy. A boy who often told himself he'd kill Trevor with it the next time the man upset him.

After being vague about the gory way the driver had been killed, Spencer went on to tell Shona about the fight with Chase and how the Sullivan employee had beaten him in the end. "He stabbed me and left me for dead, locked in the back of the burning van. I didn't think I was going to make it out, Shona. Billy and Erik saved my arse," he told her. Opening his eyes, the turned to look at Shona and reached out to grip her hand. "I thought I'd never see you and Eddie again," he said, failing to choke back his tears as they rolled out of his eyes onto his already damp skin. "Leaving you terrified me more than the thought of dying did... Suppose I am lucky. Lucky to have you in my life." Moving his hand from hers, he winced as he lifted his arm to gently caress her cheek. By now, he didn't care if anyone could walk in and catch him in such an emotional state. His focus was solely on Shona and how grateful he was to be with her again. In the moment nothing else around them mattered.

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Alex) Pyroclast Pyroclast (Shona)
Caspian's Clinic
Bethnal Green, London
Jeremy Gray, May Thatcher

When Harper did not come in, Jeremy left May sitting for a moment and went to check on her, only to catch Bruce coming in the door and Harper right behind him. He stopped her for just a moment with a light touch, silently asking her how she was really doing with a look directly into her eyes and he knew she was not okay. He could feel his heart aching for her. Letting her go, she jumped into action with May, who was looking worse by the minute but likely more to shock than anything else. Jeremy watched as she came back with a suture kit, a low groan contained to himself at the sight of Harper soaking wet in the tiniest of shirts. Without thinking, he whipped off his overshirt, a long sleeve thing that would be baggy on her and remained in his white undershirt. He handed it to her with a pointed look at her shirt, eyes narrowing in a slightly playful, slightly serious manner.

May on the other hand was anything but playful. Her hands were shaking, her body was shaking, she was cold and everything felt surreal. Part of her wished this was just some terrible dream or trip she was going to wake up from, the other part of her was already working on trying to move her through the trauma to accepting it, and her mind was not at all balanced in its battle. Logic was indefinitely losing. Jeremy had picked her up and carried her in, she was grateful for that because walking had gotten harder. Her legs felt weak, and she had no motivation to stand and carry on. As she lay on the couch, Jeremy standing nearby while Harper sat beside her and began cleaning the wound, May sniffled and watched her quietly. Physical pain was something that normally she could deal with – her mother made sure of that – but right now everything hurt too much.

Using her fist to block her mouth, she tried not to cry to much, looking up at Jeremy as Harper retold her story about the concert. The man’s eyes were so full of love as he looked back at Harper, not even noticing that May was looking at him. She wanted someone to look at her like that, and with that thought, her heart broke a little more and she felt a little worse. She looked back at Harper, nodding, slowly adjusting to the pain as her mind just began to shut it out. When she talked about how she fell out of the window, May watched Jeremy palm his face and shake his head behind her back, but a grin of admiration was across his face at the same time. It confused May, was he disapproving and approving at the same time?

Jeremy was, in fact, thinking about what a handful this woman was, but how much he loved her for it. He would certainly never be bored with her around. Taking a seat on the coffee table beside the couch, he leaned over and placed a light kiss on Harper’s shoulder, not enough to move her, just enough it barely touched her.

May nodded to Harper’s question, trying to find her voice in the darkness she was feeling inside. “I’m-I’m okay… I guess. I don’t really know what to feel or think right now.” Jeremy nodded, understanding that sentiment. She had effectively just lost the last of her family from Dublin, choosing to cut that cord herself, and that had to be hard. Still, after the betrayal that Tom had pulled, there wasn’t another option. If she had sided with him for even a moment after everything that happened with the two men in her home, no one would have trusted her again. Jeremy, trying to be comforting, considered what to say before speaking, then continued.

“It’s going to be okay, May. You have Harper here, and Darcey. I’m sure the rest of the kin will come around in their own time. Besides, you must have some guy wrapped around your finger, so you have that to look forward too as well.” A scathing look from Harper had him snap his mouth shut before deciding he needed to stand up and leave them alone. Unable to help, unwilling to interrupt anyone, Jeremy mostly paced in place. He wanted to talk to Harper, but their conversation would not be best held here, plus she was busy with May. Spencer had Shona in the room now, Billy was with Erik he wasn’t going in there, and everyone else was busy doing their own thing. The room began to feel a little crowded and he wanted to go outside but he wasn’t going to leave them alone in here too. Finally he ended up sitting with his back against the wall on the floor, legs crossed out in front of him, just quietly observing the different scenes before him, keeping an eye out incase anyone needed him.

Mentions Bellz Bellz - Harper
Harper King
Caspian's Clinic/
Her Apartment

~ London ~
Harper had accepted Jeremy's shirt but she didn't move to put it on quite yet. The cool prick against her skin was the only thing keeping her grounded...at least, a little. Harper continued to work on May's leg when she felt Jeremy kiss her shoulder lightly. Normally, she would have hissed at him for doing something so obvious in front of her family, but what was the point? Alex knew, and so did Darcey, Kerry, and May. Harper wasn't ashamed of her relationship with Jeremy, but she was sure that news paired with her addiction was just going to worry everyone. Or at least...she thought it would have before Alex made it very clear what people thought of her.

Swallowing harshly, Harper decided to focus on May again as she answered her question. Before she could say much, Jeremy answered and Harper looked to May as he did. The minute he said something about a guy, Harper gave him a dirty look, immediately seeing some sort of hurt in her sister's eyes. The man clamped his mouth shut before walking away and Harper let out a sigh before turning back to May. "Not knowing what to think or feel is okay, it just makes you human. When you can't think or feel at all, you should start to worry." Harper was undoubtedly a hypocrite. That's exactly how she felt but she was too stubborn to ask for help. The feeling scared her but Harper wasn't one to run away when scared.

"You are going to be alright, May. If you are anything like me or these assholes...you've still got a lot of fight left in you." That was a lie, Harper had no fight left in her. But, if Harper could be the sister to May that she never had...if she could somehow prevent May from turning out to be like her...it would all be worth it. Finishing up on her leg, Harper doused it with iodine a final time before wiping it clean and wrapping her leg. "You'll be as good as new in no time..." The blonde said, the confidence in her hollow voice lacking as she stood to her full height. "I'm gonna get you some pain meds. I'll be right back."

After briefly bothering Cas for some, Harper returned with a single pill. "This should at least take the edge off. It's not morphine or anything...but it's strong enough." The last thing she wanted was for May to end up in the same bullshit she was stuck in. "Here." Harper gave it to her before moving to grab a bottle of water from the stock she saw in the corner of the room. When she returned she opened it for May so she could take it. "It'll most likely make you sleepy. Think of it as a power nap." Harper tried to crack a smile. "I know it might not seem like it right now...and I'm sorry for what, for what happened with your brother...but we are your family. Whether you like it or not. As long as you don't mess with them as I did, our brothers are harmless." There was sadness in her voice as she shook her head.

"Don't go back to your house tonight...Darcey, I'm sure will want you to go with her. Isolating yourself is the worse thing you could do in something like this, okay? Pinky promise?" Harper lifted her pinky, if and when May took it, the blonde's lips twisted upward. "Only the favorite siblings get to make pinky promises with me. Just remember that. And I stick by them religiously." Harper hoped that would bring May some peace of mind, knowing that Harper considered her a favorite.

There was no reason Harper should hate her and she didn't hate her. But she wanted to prevent her from going through what she just had. Something she failed at doing. "I'm gonna take off, love. Okay? If you need me you know my number." Harper said to her sister before leaning in to kiss her forehead lightly. "Just Rest."

With that, Harper moved to the bathroom to wash her hands with Jeremy's shirt on her arm. When she walked out, she was wearing it as she moved to stand over him. "I want to go home now." The woman said softly, unable to meet his eyes or anyone else's. Whether he agreed or not, Harper didn't wait up. There was no way she was going to stick around to find out if Alex had told her family what she had said, what she had done. Braden and Tom walked free with little more than wounded pride and Spencer was in there fighting for his life. Harper couldn't even bring herself to go to his bedside, to face him knowing that she had done that to him.

The door felt like it was a million miles away as it tunneled and blurred but somehow she made it through it. Thunder cracked and lightning lit up the sky as she walked towards his car, moving to stand by the passenger door as she waited for him. Crossing her arms, the rain was hitting her again but once again...she felt nothing.

The ride home was...eerily silent. Jeremy didn't push her and Harper didn't want him to. When they entered her apartment, Harper felt like she was about to be sick and ended up running to the bathroom. Having nothing on her stomach, all she could taste was the shot she'd taken earlier as it made her feel even worse. After brushing her teeth vigorously and washing the blood off of her cheeks, Harper emerged from the restroom.

Jeremy was looking at her now and Harper couldn't help the words that came from her lips. "I know, I look like a fucking wreck. You can fuck off with your concern, I don't want or need it. I can take care of myself." The woman growled out. Storming into her kitchen to get a drink, she found that god-awful bottle of liquor that Billy was meant to take with him a while ago. Pouring a glass into a shot, the woman knocked it back. Her stomach churned but she was desperate to feel something, literally anything than the hollowness she was currently feeling. 4 shots later, Harper winced and pushed the bottle away. It was like it wasn't even affecting her. There was no feeling. None. Zip.
with: Jeremy BasDorcha BasDorcha
mentions: May BasDorcha BasDorcha ; Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Misty Gray Misty Gray ; Pyroclast Pyroclast
Blake's House
~ Sutton, Dublin ~

Adam Harper

Adam appreciated Blake's reassurance that she felt she was where she belonged, with him. Even if she had hesitated for a while before making her decision, he was glad she chose to be with him in the end. "You think you can handle a guy like me, huh? Maybe I need to up my game and give you more of a challenge," he flirted.

Blake reminded him that Elena, Thomas and Leo were all having a hard time following what happened at the cabin. He hoped them all having each other and Natasha would help them to overcome their trauma, with them having the shared experience to get through together. Although he was resistant at first, he was glad Elena had been able to get close to Thomas and along the way make friends with Natasha and Leo too. Regardless of what Isabella thought and the genuine dangers of the mob, Adam believed Elena would be happier in Dublin than she was in Cuba. For all its problems, there was a lot of solidarity and friendship within the mob. As time went on, Adam was sure Elena could find even more friends, with the likes of Lorelei, Benjamin and Olivia also in his daughter's age group. Elena had a deep trauma to overcome, but Adam was at least optimistic she'd never be short of friends and support if she stayed in Dublin.

Adam smiled when Blake told him Collin was having a good time with Lucas. "I figured he'd get along with Lucas - that lad's got a lot of confidence and energy about him. I think with Liam and Michael having their own thing going on Lucas was feeling a bit out of place," he said, referring to the two boys' interest in the church. The thought caused him to briefly think about his godson and how Michael hadn't been himself around him lately, with the religious teachings causing the boy to be critical of his family's lifestyle. Despite those thoughts, Adam managed to smile again when Blake said Collin liked him and having a man around the house. "Ah, Collin's a smart kid. I'm definitely a man and I'm totally cool. I'll help balance the scales and tone down this girly house for him," he teased.

He raised a curious eyebrow when Blake said Aliana's gift was something they could both use later. A mischievous grin took over his face when she made it clear it wasn't something Leo wouldn't have wanted to see. "Oh, well now you're getting me all excited, Blake. This is not an appropriate time for me to be getting all flustered," he joked, despite remaining completely straight-faced. "Yeah, let's check on food before it burns. Quicker it's eaten, the sooner you can show me what Ali got ya," he remarked. Despite his comment, it was clear Adam was in no rush to get through the family dinner, wanting them all to spend time together and enjoy the meal.

Once back inside the kitchen, Adam stirred the paella and turned it to the lowest heat until ready to serve. When they stepped back into the dining room, Adam was surprised to see everyone had left the table. "Well, that's one way to clear a room," he commented. Deciding to leave it a few minutes before rounding up the others, he sat in his place at the table and proceeded to fill his plate with more of the starter. "Waste not, want not," he commented, flashing Blake a smile. "Imagine if they've all ditched us," he said, letting out a chuckle. "They wouldn't, though. Collin already pointed out that I'm cool. Too cool to be ditched."

Bellz Bellz (Blake)
Harper's place
Bethnal Green, London​

Jeremy Gray and May Thatcher

May hugged Harper around the neck when she leaned down and kissed her forehead, squeezing tightly for a moment, stifling a sniffle. As she pulled away, she nodded, laying back down on the couch as she watched her. Harper had called her family, and even through the shock, she felt it cause an extra beat in her heart, something to hope for after all this was over and settled. She seemed to know exactly what May was thinking, wanting to run away and hide alone from everyone, but the idea also gave her a sense of dread about being anywhere by herself now. Maybe Darcey would want her around, but she couldn’t blame her if she didn’t after what had happened tonight. She had hooked her finger through Harpers and had made the pinky promise and even managed a weak smile at being called the favorite. She was sure it wasn’t true, and if it was, it was only because she was fighting with the rest of her family, but she would gladly take it, eager to feel something besides the growing dread in her chest.

Once she walked away, May turned her back to the room, face to the back of the couch. Silently, the tears streaked down her face as she got sleepier by the minute. It wouldn’t be long before she was asleep and escaping the dark emotions haunting her right now. Maybe if she was lucky…

Jeremy watched as Harper came back out of the washroom, his thumb in his teeth and his head jerking up when she asked to go home. He nodded, unspeaking, as he stood and got ready to leave. He quickly popped a head into each room after a light knock, unable to locate Bruce and Darcey but finding Cas passing between rooms, and asked him to let everyone know that he was taking Harper home per her request, and that she had indicated that maybe Darcey could keep May company tonight so as not to leave her alone. Afterwards, he made it way outside, his tension rising as he had seen Alex again with Spencer as he tucked his head in momentarily then withdrew it just as fast. His heart was breaking for what he said, and it still made him angrier than he wanted to admit. Everything about tonight made him angry.

The drive home had been quiet, not particularly because of anything Harper had done, but because years of repressed and bottled up emotions were leaking like poison into his system and building up to an explosion. He might have thought he could have help it together, but the moment they got home, Harper turned her frustration on him. The man was not in any mood for her bratty attitude and sass. His eyes narrowed angrily as she told him to fuck off with his concern, punching buttons just to punch buttons. Apparently she thought that he would always be the rug she could walk on, but it was time she learned he was not just another one of her play toys, regardless of how he acted most of the time. There was a difference between him doing it because he wanted to, and her treating him like it was his place.

“You know what, I really don’t think you can Harper, you have no fucking clue how close you all came to even more trouble than you could handle tonight. You had, what, two guns between the four of you? THERE WERE THREE OF THEM, HARPER. If the driver had come in with another gun or two, if they had been intent on killing you, it would be fucking over now. I know you think you’re Billy badass, and I will give you credit for being leaps and bounds ahead of most women, but you have not spent years of training and years of building your strength and reflexes to take these people on like the men around you have. Its not a sexist thing, despite what you might think, we’ve just had much more training, regardless of how much you think you can handle yourself. And for the record, you ass, we take care of you because we fucking love you, but you don’t seem to understand that. You’re just like Alex, can’t see anything but from your own point of view.”

Jeremy stormed past her, pacing the room as he tried to contain himself. The last thing he needed was alcohol, but he decided maybe a shot would help him too. As she pushed the bottle away, he snatched it up and kept walking, chugging back a few glugs of the liquid before putting it back down, away from Harper, and wiping the back of his hand across his mouth. The warmth in his chest spread, but it also loosened the remaining caps on all the bottled feelings, and instead of helping him calm down, he just found himself getting angrier.

Mentions Bellz Bellz - Harper
Caspian's Clinic
~ Bethnal Green, London ~

Billy King

tumblr_975b68eed9c8d333dd2d150fe4aef05c_0c6e51b3_540.gifAll-too-aware that he was failing to hide his emotions, Billy was willing Erik not to say anything, for acknowledging them would only make them harder to contain. Of course, he knew Erik wasn’t just going to watch him choke back tears without trying to comfort him. It wasn’t long before the man beckoned him close and put a hand against his cheek with a tender caress. Billy gave a frustrated sigh, the tears in his eyes glistening as he looked up and away from him. Erik told him to just hold it back a while longer and that he could let it all out when they were home, adding that he would even kick Ava out to give him privacy. He was being so sweet and if he wasn’t currently lying on a hospital bed with fresh wounds, Billy might have accepted his comforting more easily. But he was supposed to be the one doing the looking after, not the other way around.

“Erik, stop,” Billy whispered. "I don't need to cry, I need…I need to get you cleaned up before Cas comes in." But by that point the tears were already rolling down his cheeks, his jaw tensed as he stubbornly continued to fight off his emotions before they got out fully of control. The shock of watching his brother almost die in his arms, how final his words had sounded as he sat bleeding out in the backseat, more blood pulsing out with every strained cough, and that moment he had closed his eyes…it was all catching up to him too soon, at a time and in an environment where he really didn’t want to process it.

Fortunately, before he could fully break down, Caspian came to stand outside the door, one hand on the handle as he finished up a conversation. It gave Billy just enough time to wipe his tears away and stand up to create some distance between him and Erik - even so, when Caspian eventually stepped in, he stepped over to the wall, hoping that he wouldn’t look at him and see him in an emotional state. Of course, the doctor hadn’t missed the fact that Billy wasn’t wearing his sling, and the first thing he did was throw a spare one at him. His demanding tone of voice seemed short and though it was believable enough that it could just be the stress of the situation, Billy couldn’t help but be reminded of the way he had treated the man a few minutes ago. Fixing his arm into the sling, Billy made himself look Caspian in the eye. “Sorry, doc’,” he mumbled. “‘Bout what I said…you didn’t deserve that.” He took an eager step forward, ending up resting his hands on the frame of Erik’s cot. “Is Spencer okay, though? Is someone with ‘im?”

His expectant eyes followed Caspian as the man set about tending to Erik, and it was when he glanced down at his boyfriend that he noticed spots of blood on the pillow beneath his head. “Hey, Erik, what happened there?” As tenderly as he could be without Caspian suspecting anything, Billy tilted the man’s head to one side and saw a gash where Dermot’s pistol had been bashed against him. “Erik, you muppet, you didn’t tell me you were hit in the head too! Are you okay?”

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Erik, Caspian
Natasha McCarthy
McCarthy House

~ Sutton, Dublin ~

🎵Pairs well with: Someone you loved by Lewis Capaldi🎵
Natasha had noticed the bit of jealousy in Leo's voice but chose to try and ignore it. It made her heart ache in her chest. The way he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck reminded her of how they were before. The careless day's way before they were a couple and just friends. Best friends. It was her who had ruined that and Natasha had spent most days now just wishing that they could go back to that. Or at least hate him or something. Anything to just get him off of her mind. A small smile formed on her lips as he mentioned hating her perception.

There was the smallest moment of silence between them before he said that they should be together. Swallowing harshly, Natasha just looked at him as he mentioned that it would make Rhi happy, and their mothers happy before settling that it made the two of them happy. Her cheeks warmed as he said that she made him happy. He hadn't answered her questions...which made her stay silent despite those words igniting a fire in her that wouldn't be extinguished again. A dangerous one.

His words stung, not that they were rude or anything but she had been longing to hear them and now that she had...she wasn't sure what to do. Nat hated where they were at too. She wanted nothing more than to run back to him, to be exactly where they were before. Fear was the only thing stopping her, that and the inevitably rocky road ahead of them. But it would be better to face the hardships as a unit than it would separately.

Leo leaned closer, cupping her cheek as she looked up to meet his eyes, not realizing she had looked away. He was being so open with her, so honest. She had watched him stubbornly throw away relationships over being closed off and here he was saying exactly how he felt. Whether as friends, or more...he would be there. And she would do the same. But she didn't just want to be friends anymore. That ship had sailed long ago.

His cheeky comment caused her to pull a mock disgusting look. "Oh ha ha." The woman said as she gave him the lightest shove. When he grew serious, her smile faded as she stared at him. "I realized..." She started, taking a deep breath, her hands still on his arm from pushing him teasingly. "That I left my happiness with you when I walked away. That you are the reason I'm so happy." Nat bit her lower lip softly. "You make me happy...and hearing you say that I make you feel the same. Who the fuck are we to deny us that happiness?"

"I hate to admit it...but I was stupid. For what I said to you...for thinking that it would somehow be easier to just be apart." The blonde sighed before moving to hug Leo with both of her arms. "If you'd let me...I can spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you starting tonight?"
with: Leo Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess
Harper King
Her Apartment
~ Bethnal Green, London ~
Sucidal ideations and domestic violence

🎵Pairs well with: Oxytocin by Billie Eilish🎵

Jeremy didn't even understand just how much she understood that shit could go a completely different way. What happened to Spencer tonight was a glimpse of what could have happened. Harper bit her tongue as he spoke but the words just wanted to come out like vomit. Was she really such a masochist to sit here and antagonize him after the pain she had seen him in tonight? "Well! look who grew a fuckin' pair! Me? An arse? You just equated my preparedness to training and strength! I'm the one being the arse?" Harper scoffed, her words still hollow as her voice rose.

Only when Jeremy said she was acting just like Alex did Harper actually feel something. The same pain in her chest from earlier was back as if someone had just taken a knife and stabbed it through her heart. Her lower lip trembled now but the woman stubbornly steadied it as her jaw set. "You and I both know that I am nothing like that dick. If he would have seen anything besides his point of view, he would have seen that we were right!! I have done nothing but look at other people's points of view for as long as I can remember! But suddenly, when I tell you to fuck off, you get your feelings hurt and it's all bets off!"

The blonde got up into his face now, knowing the man wasn't going to do anything to her. "You going to call me a naive junkie too? Please let me fuckin' hear it! I'm a naive bimbo with a pill problem." She growled. "Please just say it...I know your fuckin' thinking it. Apparently, everyone fuckin' is. Little Harper doesn't know shit about the world you guys are in, she's just too fuckin' busy trying to get her next fuckin' fix. When are any of you going to realize that I'm a worthless drug addict because you all couldn't leave well alone!?"

"How about my point of view, Jere? Do you ever think about my point of view? Do you even understand the fucking fear I had to live with after you lost your own battle to those fuckin' Irish pricks? Do you even think about me when you decide to participate in one of my idiot brothers' missions? Do any of you think about the women at home? What could happen to them if you do what you do?"

Harper knew that her neighbors were most likely going to call the cops but now that the anger was there, she couldn't get rid of it. Her desperate addictive need to feel something had turned her into feeling only one thing and right now all she wanted to do was yell. Jeremy just happened to be there. "And I'm sorry! I was the only one holding my own in that fucking house up until Darcey got her gun, which she didn't even fuckin' have on her! Last time I check you were the one who ended up getting kink choked by Irish, not me!"

Some of it was what she really felt but a lot of things she would never say. It was hard to find the difference between them as they meshed together. "If I would have fucking known that all this shit was going to go down, I would have made sure that ginger motherfucker didn't miss."
with: BasDorcha BasDorcha
Harper's Place
Bethnal Green, London
Jeremy Gray

1661979246179.pngJeremy froze, his eyes darkening and a shadow casting across his face. Harpers words cut like a knife, drawing invisible blood with every slice. She didn’t understand how much time and effort they put in to preparing to handle these situations, years of training with guns, and fighting, boxing and responding fast enough to survive. It wasn’t just something that came naturally, it was hard work, something Harper hadn’t started trying to do until Billy began training her. Still, when her lower lip trembled and she looked ready to cry, Jeremy almost gave in and walked to her. He forced himself not to, but the want was strong, he didn’t like being angry at Harper. He didn’t like fighting with her. It was something he never wanted to do.

“You’re nothing like him Harper? You both are so stubborn about you being correct, you can’t concede that both of you have valid points. I never said Alex was correct, but he’s entitled to feel like he feels. I never said you were wrong either. I get that you don’t want them to do it, me to do this, but it’s the life we’ve chosen and were raised into. You can tell me to fuck off all you want, but you knew who I was when you fell in love with me.” Jeremy began to advance on Harper, slowly, one step at a time, punctuating each word with a movement. “I have never called you a junkie and I never will, you can stop putting words in my mouth, I’m not going to be your fucking trashcan. I will carry any burden you ask me too, but I will not take the blame for something I did not do. Just because Alex is being an emotional dick right now, does not mean that everyone else thinks that of you.” He neared her as she stepped back, leaving the kitchen and into the living room like an animal stocking their prey.

Her words about the fear she felt after his battle with the Irish gave him a moment of pause, the words almost softening his heart, but failing with the anger and now unbottled repressed emotions flowing through him. He could feel his normal calm slipping away, no matter how tightly he tried to grasp on to it. She was right, of course, they did what they did without always considering what would happen if they didn’t make it home, but Jeremy had never had anyone to worry about him, so it was a new concept for him. He was an expendable employee, not even family according to Alex. The thought brought a darker look to his face, his body now about an arms length away from her, and her almost against the wall of the front room.

“I am well aware you held your own, if you’d shut your angry fucking mouth for a moment, I could have told you how proud I was of you, but that doesn’t negate that you still need protection, ALL of you do. And I fully intend to bring that up to Bruce and Spencer, before its over Darcey, Kerry, Shona, and May will have guards too. You can all be miserable together until you understand how serious this is.” Jeremy was barely able to contain himself, his whole body flexing with the building rage flowing through him. Was she really this… He bit the word back, even in his mind, refusing to call her that. She was angry, hurt, obviously not in the best state of mind, and normally Jeremy was able to contain himself.

The thing that killed him and pushed him to the point of snapping was the was when she mentioned letting herself get killed. Jeremy turned away, trying to bring himself back to a point where he was in control, but it wasn’t working. It was like something broke in his mind, and suddenly the man Harper had always known was disappearing before her eyes. A coldness full off darkness and fury was washing over him. If Jeremy had glanced in the mirror, he wouldn’t recognize his own self. Unable to control the anger any longer, Jeremy growled a deep angry growl, spinning on Harper and backing her against the wall. Soft, loving Jeremy was nowhere in sight, just a hulking figure with so much rage in his eyes it could have melted glass. While he admired the fight in her eyes, it was time for her to see what a man his size could do to her small form. "Try to stop me, Harper, make me believe you can stop me, and then I'll reconsider all of this bodyguard business." Without warning he raised his hand as if to hit her, but seconds before it touched her, it slowed completely, just bumping her face.

He grabbed her, choking her but not enough to hurt her, just scare her, his body turned so no kicks she gave would land. It was escalating as he looked her dead in the eyes and in a deep voice, nothing like his normal sound, telling her, “I’m not even a big man, Harper. Think about some of the Sullivan’s who are bigger than me. This could be them, I’m just one person, imagine of they send two or three or four after you.” As he wrestled with her, things progressed in a way this writer is not allowed to write here because RPN has very strict rules about
tying people up while gagging them, rough and rowdy but consensual fun, and sexy scenes that should fade to black

1661979137483.pngThe scene continued with both struggling to make a point, Jeremy attempting to make her see that if he could take her with just himself, how easy it would be for any group of Sullivan’s to take them down without an issue. He knew Harper was strong, even if she didn’t see it right now, it was part of why he loved her, but she had a lot of growing up to do. She didn’t choose this life, but it was the one they had, the least she could do was let those who loved her protect her. Even though the back of his mind knew what he was doing was bordering on the edge of wrong, he knew she needed a lesson on the truths of the world – she was so headstrong and determined to do things alone, but people were not meant to survive alone, they were meant to survive together.

As they lay in bed afterwards, both exhausted and sore, he held her close and just rubbed her, enjoying the silence between them as the haze of post-sex rushed through him. His mind slowly cleared, and normalcy returned as it dawned on him he could have really hurt her. A fear dashed through him, quickening his heart rate as he hugged her close, praying he hadn’t left any permanent damage. The time slid away, how long he didn’t know, but the darkness outside was welcomed as the room darkened with it, leaving them a low glow of moonlight in the room but nothing so hard on their eyes as electricity.

Finally, Harper started snuggling up to him more actively, and just as Jeremy was about to speak, her soft, amusement filled voice broke the air. “Wow, I’m impressed. You’re really improved.” His words stopped in his mouth, flustered. What was that suppose to mean? Lifting his head up, and leaning back he looked down at her, his eye brows furled. “Wha- why… WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?” He stuttered out at her, not knowing whether he wanted to throw a fit like a kid or start another round of punishment. Instead, he went with pouty and offended, a touch of playfulness visible on his face before he turned away, arms cross and back to her. He pretended to sniffle, completing the pretend pouting.

“OH COME ON! I was totally kidding! You had to give me one shot, you basically bruised my entire ass!”

“I’LL BRUISE IT SOME MORE TO, WENCH!” Jeremy shot back at her, sounding like an unruly child who hadn’t gotten his way.

Harper snuggled up to his back, giving him her best begging eyes. With a sigh, he threw one arm over his side so his hand was falling behind his back, just barely touching her. “THERE, I’m touching you. Meany.”

Slowly Harper began to twist over him into his arms, as if he had just spun her outwards in a dance and she was returning to him. When she’d gotten as close as the current position would allow, she frowned. “Not enough.” She leaned down and kissed his cheek, waiting for him to look up at her and kiss her back, ending the game. When he didn’t, she pouted out her lower lip, narrowing her eyes at him in thought. "Please look at me."

With a sigh, he turned over, still holding his own unhappy face. Harper almost laughed out loud at his silliness. She touched the tip of his nose and leaned down, forehead to forehead, “Oh, don’t look so sad, no one has ever been allowed to do that to me. I did that just for you. Love me you prick.” Finally giving in, Jeremy pulled her completely into his arms, their bodies back facing each other, holding her tight. “So… I’m still daddy?” he asked her softly, somewhere between lusty and naïve sounding.

Harper rolled her eyes, a hand swatting at his chest. “Yes, you’re still daddy.”

“AND you’re going to LET me be, right?” Jeremy gave her a pointed look, as if to say ‘Sure you are’. Another loud sigh that was partially annoyed and partially laughing filled the air around them. “Yes, yes! Fine, I will let you be daddy. Can I have a hug now please? I’m cold.” Jeremy instantly pulled her closer, as if trying to wrap her with his body like a blanket. He rubbed her back softly, fingers just dragging the skin, as he leaned down and kissed her forehead. He smiled a big broad smile, not letting it break. “You win everything else; this is mine. You can still boss me around the rest of the time.”

Harper buried her face in his chest, causing him to reach up and stroke her hair tenderly.

“As long as we are both in agreement on that, I will let you do that whenever you want too.” Jeremy reached down and grabbed the discarded blanket at his feet, kicking it around until it covered their feet and pulling the rest up over them. His arm she laid on continued to stroke her back lovingly, even now he couldn’t keep his hands off her. It was like an addiction where all he needed was her. Grinning and now back in a joking mood, he made a sound like he was thinking hard, then said, “We’re going to need to redecorate this room. Not enough handcuffs or whips.” Her laugh was confirmation that his joke landed.

“If you’re in charge of the redecorating, remind me to get a padlock too. Don’t want any of my brothers walking in on everything out on full displace.” The ideas her words gave him were certainly not helping any. He could imagine so many different things. A shiver ran through him, pushing the thought away for now. “That’s a good idea, they REALLY don’t need to see that.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek, all the way up to her ear where he nipped and nibbled gently. Softly, he spoke, “I’m sorry I sort of… lost it there.” A profound blush crossed his cheeks, so he kept his face next to hers for the time being, snuggling down on the curve of her neck.

She laughed and pushed him back, firm but softly, “Sort of? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that look in your eye before. Remind me never to become your enemy. I mean… unless it’s your sexy enemy with like benefits.”

Immediately he moved and kissed her, grinning against her lips as he cupped her jaw line, sliding his hand back to grasp firmly where the jaw smoothed into the hairline along the back of her head. “Sexy enemies with benefits it is. I’ve only lost it like that once before off of a job, and your brother and uncle made it clear it was not okay to get emotional, so I stopped. I was scared I was going to hurt you, but I couldn’t prevent it either, it was like I was someone else.” She kissed him back, moaning as he had pulled away.

“You could never hurt me, even if you wanted to. My body may feel like I’ve been hit with a truck tomorrow and maybe for the next week. But it’s a good kind of pain. And if it’s something that really frightens you… perhaps you should talk with someone about it. Not that I would force you… as long as you don’t take it too far, I’m all for this dark side.” Jeremy moved so he was scootched down the bed a bit, eye to eyes with her, the rest of his long body slanted across the bed, feet pushing under her legs so they were loosely laid over his.

“I had a lonely childhood, Harper. My parents died when I was five. I was in foster care until I was eight. My uncle finally found me and took me home, and I met your brother not to long after that. Foster care was shit, thrown into homes with too many kids, the adults barely paying attention. When my uncle came to get me, my head was already fucked up. I was getting into fights and kicked out of school, I didn’t have any friends, and I was always getting into trouble. I had nightmares of the car crash for years. I’d wake up screaming, so the other kids made fun of me. It took my uncle, your brother, and your uncle forever to help me straighten out.” He nuzzled her, not looking her in the eyes anymore.

“It was lonely, like be locked in a dark room, for years. Meeting Spencer was one of the best things in my life. I lead me back to an extended family, so I wasn’t alone with my uncle died, and it led me to you. My didn’t start of well, no more than anyone else’s, but it’s been made to be worth it. I wouldn’t change a thing if it meant we didn’t end up right here, right now.” He kissed her suddenly, his lips rough to the touch.

“It just led to bottling up a lot of things, and the collection grew over the years. It doesn’t come out often, and even though you might be okay with it now, I shouldn’t have done that. I could have seriously hurt you, reinjured your leg, anything. When I get like that you have to try and get away, because I don’t always have control.” His voice drifted up from where he had tucked it between her head and pillow, eyes roving her face to see if she understood.
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Harper King
Her Apartment

~ Bethnal Green, London ~

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Harper tried not to wince too much as Jeremy moved in the bed, not wanting to show him that she was in pain after everything. Biting the inside of her cheek as he gently positioned her legs over his, she let out a short breath in the effort. Harper looked into his eyes as they were level with each other now and she could see the conflict behind them. There were many things that she did know about the man laying in her bed, but besides being told them by her family...he never talked about it with her. Harper had some friends who had fell victim to the foster care system..some who didn't make it out. Harper couldn't imagine what it must have been like for Jeremy, having been in there knowing that there was no way out...only to be shocked when someone did come for him. As a kid, she could identify with how....humbling all of that could be. Luckily, Bruce has been so active in their lives thanks to Trevor walking out on her mother that they didn't have to go into foster care...where they most likely would have been separated.

Jeremy told her that by the time his Uncle came to get him...the damage was already done. Harper's brows furrowed as she reached out to cup his face with one of her hands. Recently, it seemed like she was coming off as the more damaged one. She felt bad for the inattention to detail and his feelings...the amount of stress she was putting him under. Harper was glad that he had found Spencer, knowing all too well just how much trouble her brother had been. Harper's earliest memories were not necessarily the greatest ones, despite everyone's best efforts. Hearing that her family and his Uncle had worked for years to straighten him out was surprising in itself, Harper had really only known Jeremy from one point of view. He had always been so controlled around her...calm even. Whether that was for his sake or for her's...she wasn't sure.

He no longer met her eyes as he nuzzled into her and Harper immediately wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer if that was even possible. Hearing that meeting her eldest brother was the best thing in his life made her smile, despite being on not great terms...Harper had always been protective of her siblings..even as the youngest. Spencer had been through so much more than she could imagine, but that didn't negate the fact that she had her own demons. Part of Jeremy's story made her wonder if it was worth it...all of this fighting. He had spent years so lonely, looking for a family and here she was pushing them away.

Harper couldn't see his eyes as he said it all led to her, but her own burned with tears. Jeremy said that his life didn't start out well but it was made to be worth it. The optimism he had on life...one that she had always made fun of, was out on full display. Harper had never been like that. Moments in her life were worth it, but she had always felt like she had been chasing something to give her purpose. Always being overshadowed by the reputation of her family's business had ruined her self-worth. Her last name was like a bounty, the more people realized who she was the farther they ran. Jeremy was different...he knew who they all were, and saw the people beyond just the King's name.

Harper's thoughts were pulled as he kissed her suddenly and she didn't hesitate to return it, a welcome distraction from the heaviness of the conversation. He then said everything was bottled up and that it grew over the years...that she may have been okay with it but he shouldn't have done it. The blonde was quiet as he mentioned how he could have seriously hurt her. The way he warned her to get away from him when he got like that sent a chill down her spine.

His eyes searched hers for an answer, wanting to make sure she understood and Harper nodded her head softly. "I think I finally see why and you have always gotten along so well." She murmured softly, taking one of his hands and playing with it in her two small ones as she stared at them. "First of all, you have the patience that I wish I had. So dealing with me has always seemed easy for you." Harper started with a joke, a small smile forming on her lips before it faded just as quickly.

"You and I have a funny way of..fitting into this family. While you are not blood-related to my brothers...you have always been regarded as one of the King siblings. Yet...I know that it probably doesn't feel that way to you sometimes...even now." Harper carefully observed. "I can't even begin to imagine the loneliness you felt and I won't pretend I do. But I do know what it's like to feel like maybe you don't belong." She murmured, her eyes meeting his.

"It was always the King boys...and oh, little Harper. Sometimes I felt like an afterthought...even in my own home. But you never made me feel that way. Hell, sometimes you spent more time with me than any of my brothers did...even when you didn't have to." Harper said, swallowing harshly. "I was far too young to know it...but you have been saving me from myself long before all of...this." The blonde shook her head, "I hope, that even in my sassy attitude and wild youth I made you feel like you weren't alone. I know that used to drive me nuts as a kid...seeing someone alone and outcasted. The injustices of the world always left me so frustrated...so much so that along the way I figured out that it was easier to stop caring so much than to fix everyone's problems."

Harper turned on her side more, using her arm to prop her head up. "I can see you and I are the same in that regard...even when I didn't want you sticking up for me you did. So while...yes, I know that I should stop you and get away if that happens again, Jeremy, I didn't doubt for a second that you were in there still. " She leaned forward to kiss his forehead. "If you wanted to really hurt me you would have done it. And don't you think for a second I would have let you if I felt the situation was hostile? You may have been around me for longer than my memories can recall, but there is far more you have yet to learn about what I have been through, as I have just learned with you."
with: Jeremy BasDorcha BasDorcha

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