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With Shadow’s insistence, Pit would begrudgingly lower his bow, leaving Exe for the hedgehog. Surprisingly, Weerlig seemed to have tagged along with the group as well, despite making no mention that he’d be joining them all. Nevertheless, he and Frank seemed to observe that Shadow’s percent was way to high for it to not be something to worry about. However, the child of the group seemed insistent on further insulting everyone around him, calling Weerlig a worm. “Alright, chill with the insults! We don’t need anymore infighting than what we already have. So…what should we do then? We cant just let Shadow and EXE duke it out when there’s way more important stuff to do right?”​
Corruption: 0%
"Actually we can. If one loses to the corruption or if Shadow kills Exe and loses to the corruption. I already got replacements ready. Plus this is the only entertainment a god like me can see." He smiled.
Corruption percentage:17%
Frank got out a device that materialized beach chairs used it and sat down in the resulting chair getting some popcorn out.

“Wow, that’s a joke I haven’t heard a million times over. What’s next, gonna call Link Zelda or Samus Metroid?” Pit quipped as he rolled his eyes. However, Weerlig’s answer would certainly elicit a different reaction. In shock, he’d yell “Wait, you’re crazy! I’m not just gonna let you watch someone die for ‘entertainment’ This is a waste of time and energy that could be used on actually defeating the bad guy” And his use of ‘replacements’ was deeply concerning. We’re they just cannon fodder to the guy? Wow, that’s cold. Pit would kick the empty beach chair, causing the popcorn placed on it to spill to the ground.​
Corruption: 0%
"Now now. I only have replacements for the evil ones." He used the word evil meaning those who would be corrupted quicker. Meaning, Exe, Infintius, Nellie, and Walugi.

The angel certainly didn’t seem all that comforted by Weerlig’s explanation. “Then why would you even bring them if they can get corrupted so easily? That’d just be bringing more potential allies to the enemy to wouldn’t it?” As he spoke Pit would ignore Frank’s insults and threats, clearly not in the mood.​
Corruption percentage:18%
"We're clearly looking for power Levels not morality Icarus." Frank says vowing not to call pit by his real name.
Pit did his best to suppress the instinctive reaction to correct Frank, knowing that was just what the kid wanted, instead continuing to counter Weerlig’s argument. ”But still, using a super powerful but easily corruptable person would mean that once they are corrupted then we’d have to face that super powerful person-you know what, forget it” It was clear that he wasn’t going to get through to these guys so why bother? Instead, he’d hope to at least try to be a little productive. “While you guys watch…this, do I have permission to actually continue the mission at hand?”​
Corruption: 0%
With out a groan of annoyance, he'd vanish smashing both Shadow and Exe face first into the ground with enough forced to turn them to normal.

Infintius Shadow
Corruption: 75%
Though not by much one might say, his re-entering his base state did lower the corruption. Rubbing his neck he'd look at the enemy he'd been watching before Exe intervened. "They still didn't move the slightest bit after that whole thing?!" He half muttered, half exclaimed in shock.
Corruption: 0%
"Hm. What do you mean?"

Infintius Shadow
Corruption: 75%
"I was watching the enemy before exe came at me Gun's blazing. Also for your information Pit we didn't go Gun's Blazing half cocked. When I discovered the enemy I decided I'd come back after telling Frank about them. My reason was to watch and gather information, so don't associate me with idiots like Exe."
Corruption percentage:17%
Frank decided hed have to be even more careful around weerlig if he could defeat Sonic exe quicker than Beerus did super Saiyan 3 Goku.

Infintius SHadow
Corruption: 75%
Infintius Shadow sighed as he walked to the tree he was originally on and scaled it.
Infintius Shadow
Corruption: 78%
"GET OUT OF MY TREE!!!!!!!" He yelled this time, his eyes turning yellow and blue lightning racing over his body.

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