• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Alice got off of her plane, and felt like kissing the floor, but that was weird, and their was no way she was doing that in public. She should have spent the money to get first class because her legs were sore for sitting down for so long. "Home sweet home, for now" she told herself as she went to retrieve her luggage. She could use a hug, or two, but her parents weren't picking her up, she was going to have to grab a uber to get home. which was a shame, but that's just how things were. She got a text from Ulrich, Aka her boyfriend, aka her little teddy bear, saying that he got home ok. She could have been back in america earlier, but her flight was delayed, which meant that she had to wait at the airport for 2 hours before boarding her plane.

Alice would go to a mcdonalds that was in the airport, and grabbed a coffee, along with an egg mcmuffin. She decided to respond to Ulrich, "Glad your safe, Ric, maybe we can hang out in a few days, after I shake off the jet lag, love you" She texts him. After that, Alice scarfs down the remainder of her sandwich, and picked up her luggage before leaving the airport, and getting an Uber. now she had to wait for her uber to arrive so that she could get home and go to sleep.
cnmbwjx-Yokai-Monster-Girls-Anime-5215942.jpgTeru/Toru Kaizanni
Toru's protests had cut off the moment that Mirana had answered, a habit she'd developed over the years. One of the worst things that either of the girls could possibly do was interrupt her when she was having a phone call, so silencing oneself when such a dialogue was opened was pretty much mandatory. So she clenched her teeth, eyes darting from the phone to Teru's smiling face. Nodding to the information given to her, Teru committed it to memory before the call ended. The moment she lowered it, Toru seized upon her chance.

"What d-do you think you're d-doing?!?" she asked, tripping over her own words out of panic "Joining a club is.... J-Joining a club is-!"

"Exactly what you need, baby sis." Teru winked at her before tossing the phone in the air and catching it "We got the time, and I got the will! Besides, I'll have you know I'm actually starting us off small."

Toru shook her head furiously as Teru slid her phone back in her pocket. This wasn't how things were supposed to be. Wasn't how things had been a mere week ago. They were good girls, they did everything they could to put their capabilities on their display. The world is quick to toss aside the useless, Mother knew that better than anyone. They had to be more than good, they had to be exemplary if they wanted to pin themselves at the forefront of anything. Anything less would be discarded and replaced, and Toru would be damned if anything like that happened to her sister.

Which was why she couldn't understand where this obsession with getting her to communicate with others was coming from. It was baffling, Teru should've learned just as much about the world as she had. They were always together after all. From morning to night, rise to rest, there wasn't a second they even could spend apart. She should know that focusing on making more impressive gadgets should be their only goal, especially with the competition they'd been set up for.

Yet here she was, marching them right towards the Library talking about what the Committee would be like. Toru lowered her eyes as they passed by several students who were studying. As she watched the floor pass beneath her, Toru once more had to resolve herself. No matter what happened, she wouldn't let Teru get behind. That was the least she could do for her, even as a parasitic backpack like she was.

"Usually you complain a lot more about stuff like this."

Those words dragged Toru from her thoughts, and she quickly looked over her shoulder to find Teru examining her with a smirk. Toru said nothing, turning to look back to the ground instead.

Sighing, Teru shrugged as she turned back to the door before them, "Suit yourself, sis."

Teru looked back to the door before her, which was no doubt the very study room she was looking for. But perhaps she hadn't expected te only signal that it was to be a single piece of notebook paper taped to the door. She leaned forward and examined the letters on it, giving a small hum of interest in the process. But upon doing this, she was able to more easily hear voices within the room. Voices that didn't belong to the woman she'd spoke with over the phone.

Toru heard them too, and released a groan as Teru rubbed her hands together before throwing the door open with flair.

"And so we arrive!" she declared, before looking between the three figures already present "To find that we weren't first, no less."

Toru glanced over to her sister before her eyes went to the door, which she reached over to just as it began closing. Catching it carefully, Toru proceeded to close it gently. It was a precaution that was necessary whenever her sister decided to make an entrance. Luckily, whether conscious of it or not, Teru always seemed to position herself in a spot which gave her sister easy access to whatever door she was closing.

Teru recognized the blue girl, as she was one of the many students she'd taken note of throughout the days. While she didn't exactly know her on a personal level, she was fairly certain that she was not Mirana. The same went for the boy, though perhaps for more obvious reasons, which left only one option remaining. Locking her eyes on the only other girl in the room, one pair of the twins' arms planted themselves firmly on Teru's hips as she approached her.

"You must be the one heading this Committee then?" Teru noted while looking her up and down, she then gestured to herself "Teru and Toru Kaizanni, Support specialists."

"D-Don't go introducing us... like that." Toru said quietly as she tried to keep her gaze glued to the floor "We aren't-"

Teru gave a simple bow to Mirana before reaching back and wrapping her arms around herself and Toru in the process, "We're not exactly used to being in clubs, what with work and all." she explained with a pout before smirking again "But I assure you that we'll make this Homecoming look stunning, one way or another."

"--and I said: 'look pal, I'm gonna have to cut you off'!" Ulrich and his mom laughed together at his story, as they caught up while on the ride home.

"You did not say that! There's no way!" She sighed a relaxed sigh, having recovered from her laughing fit. "I see you're picking up your father's cheese. I'm afraid Nikkolaüs will too."

"It'll be fine, I'm sure," Ulrich paused a moment, then dived right in. "But uh--how is he? Is he doing alright?"

Ulrich and Nikkolaüs weren't exactly on the best of terms when he left. Probably what took him so long to put in for his vacation time was the fear of how Nikkolaüs would react when he showed up, especially unannounced.

"Well, he's fallen in love somehow," She remarked; she sounded impressed. "There's no other reason he would stop all his work for something totally different. What with how he likes to multitask and all. He's even gone as far as to skip class for this project, undoubtedly for this girl. She must be truly impressive."

"Wait, he's been skipping class!? For how long? Is he in trouble!?"

"Relax, Ulrich. His grades haven't suffered, so I'm not worried about it. If you get the result--"

"The method shall not be exalt. I know, ma."

Though it was impressive that anyone had managed to get through to Nikk in any capacity, especially to this extent. Ulrich wondered if Nikk would answer her questions if she asked.


Ulrich looked to his right hand that was relaxed on the car door, he internalized it's lithe and petite form. Suddenly he was hyper-aware of his body; every limb and contour, and suddenly he felt uncomfortable in her own skin. She shifted uncomfortably in place.

"You alright, boy?" She asked, as she heard him shift. Then she looked to him and saw the look on his face. "Ah, I take it you're wanting to change?" Her mom knew she didn't like making a big deal about it, so her mom made it sound vague for her sake. "We'll be home soon, yeah?"

Ulrich could wait, but it felt like she was choking, she had to do something now. She reached back to the tie that kept her hair in a low ponytail and yanked on it hard, frantically trying to pull it out. Then the full length of her hair was released, and she was relieved: she still wanted to die, she was so uncomfortable, but it was a start. Her thoughts were interrupted by a buzz on her leg. A text from Alice. She smiled at her phone and she made to text back.

I love you too!

Nessi Nessi

“Fuck, Fuck!!” Alex muttered as he realised he had left something at school. The lad had been so caught up asking Ashley to home coming, he totally forgot he had to get some work. He had to do a little extra as he was new. He quickly hopped on his bike and made his way back. He didn’t spot Riley who was outside but Riley had spotted him.


Riley had remained outside of school. He had sat himself on a wall and pulled a vape out to smoke on. He didn’t care if he got caught. What would the teachers do ? Take his property away? But something did bug him, he had spotted his baby brother heading into the building. Riley decides to follow. He put his vape back in his pocket and slowly stayed behind his little brother.
Watching every move he made


Alex let out a sigh of relief as he made it to his class room. He gathered his papers from the desk with a smile on his face. It was a relief nobody had taken them or his teacher hadn’t found them.

Now the lad just had to go back home to finish them. He couldn’t remeber for the life of him when they where due, but if he could get them done soon then that was good for him. Alex had changed a lot but deep down he was still that bad boy. He just wanted to do well for once. He was settling in and making new friends, that kept him happy.


Riley scoffed as he watched his brother he had to do some to do something to piss him off, so he attempted to trip him. He watched as Alex walked out the class room and proceeded to put his leg out.

Riley was successful and Alex went CLAT on to the floor, all his books following out his hand. Riley ran off trying not to laugh. “Pathetic” he muttered and laughed again

Rana eyed Kooper up and down as he entered the room. Oh of-fucking-course. Rana didn't have too many fucks to give the kid. He had the face of an angel but the attitude of pompous asshole. She has had her fair share of calling him a waste of a quirk, but she needed to work on her conversational skills. Do it for your career, Rana. "Hey dipshit. You taking an interest in the committee? Tell me how you'll be useful to me and maybe I'll consider." She sneered at the boy, raising her head higher in a show of confidence. She would only accept them if they could show how they can help. Otherwise they'll be a waste of her time.

Noice outside the door made her eyes shoot over with a sharp glare. It opened slowly, and a face popped in. Mirana felt almost light headed at the sight of Ray at the door. Piss, he's so fucking hot. Rana made it a point not to give a fuck about anyone that attended this trashy school, but Raymond was on her radar way more often then she cared to admit. And now he was here, standing there calling her beautiful with that shit eating grin. She forced her eyes away to look at the little blue girl by his side. Sister? They looked nothing alike. In fact, they could even be classified as polar opposites. Be nice Rana. You're not gonna get in his pants if you're a bitch to his baby sister. Rana cleared her throat loudly to clear herself of her thoughts.

"Oh good, my eye candy is here," Rana stood up and propped her back on the table. "There's plenty of room as long as your not useless. Hopefully baby blue down there can handle the pressure. But honestly, what the fuck are you doing here? Don't you have some freshies to fuck up? Or are you getting soft 'cause your little sis is watching?"

She smiled, sharp around the edges and a hunger to her eyes. She never took Ray as someone who would want to fuck around in a homecoming committee. He was a senior and has never been to a single one. Now all of a sudden he's stepping onto her turf? Chill Rana. Be. Nice. She rolled her eyes and moved around to the other side of the table, gesturing to the open seats so they wouldn't keep standing around. "Sit dumbasses. We have business to attend to."

Before she could begin telling them what needs to be done and what she expects of them, two more girls walked in. They were connected, it seemed. She recognized one of them as the girl on the phone. She spoke up with arrogance and accomplishment. Rana didn't like the feeling of someone coming in and trying to one up her. She knew that wasn't the girl's intention, but the thought did not settle well in Rana's stomach. They were support students, though. Rana might be able to get over their superiority complex as long as they put in the work.

"Alright, Teru and Toru. Hopefully you can fit in one seat," she pointed at one of the empty chairs. "Let's get this meeting started. I'm Mirana, head of the committee. You will treat me as your boss, period. I make the rules, only I can break the rules. Rule number one, all your ideas go through me. I'll be the judge on whether its good or not. Got it?" Rana listed off a few more rules that all pertained to her importance. She kept constant eye contact with everyone in the room, moving from one person to another. If they don't like it, they can leave.


There was no air entering her lungs as Nikkolaüs drew her in closer to him. It was safe like that. There was nothing beyond the boy in front of her, and she was absolutely smitten. There was no more denying that she had a raging crush on Nikkolaüs. She listened to him ask for forgiveness, and she could absolutely lose herself in his voice. In the kindness of his eyes. She opened her mouth to say yes, she forgives him. She'll forgive him for all his sins if he kept holding her like this. But all that tore from her throat was a scream inf right as Felix snuck up on them. She lurched away from Nikkolaüs, her heart pounding for an entirely different reason. She fell to her knees and clenched her hands over chest as she tried to calm down.

"Y-Y-You scared the hell out of me," she muttered. Tears pricked at her eyes as the adrenaline and fear ran its course through her body. It was like he dumped a bucket of ice water over head. Her senses were still recovering. She listened closely to Nikkolaüs' explanation, and the anger boiled and bubbled under skin again. She turned towards him entirely, her eyes narrowed as she processed his words. "You fucking what?" she asked, the realization dawning on her that he was probably asleep because he was slaving away out here by himself. Forgive him for his sins, my ass. She stood up and brushed the dirt off her knees. "You are so fucking dense Nikkolaüs. We were given this job to do together. How do you keep- keep- keep angering me like this?"

She threw her arms up in exasperation. Amie took quick steps over to the supplies they were supposed to be using. She should be grateful he did so much work for them already, but she was so tired of him taking control over situations as if he had any sort of authority. It wasn't even heroic to do what he did, it was just dumb.

"Felix please come help me. And pretend Nikkolaüs isn't here. Just- just ignore him, okay? Maybe if we ignore him he'll stop being so- so stupid!" She was annoyed to her bones, but she still had a job to do. She noticed Felix didn't have his wheelchair and was overcome with worry. "You don't have to do too much though. I don't want you to hurt yourself or anything." She felt herself simmer down just a little. It wasn't fair for her to take out her anger the way that she was. She took deep breaths and counted to ten in her head. The quicker she got her emotions under control, the better. Otherwise she'll blow her top and cry. And the last thing this field needed was more of her tears. She gave Felix a little smile - it was shaky around the edges, but the emotion was still there. We can do this, together.

Yakov011001 Yakov011001 EdgyCryptid EdgyCryptid Rhino Schneider Rhino Schneider MegMath13 MegMath13 GrieveWriter GrieveWriter

  • 915b5a0a399728c01bf206d175deddaf5f7e70fb.png

    A small sigh left her lips as she stood up from her place on the front steps, she could either go home or go to the library to catch up on what school work she had missed while being forced to stay home. She decided on the later and started walking up the steps but as she did her phone began to ring and the pace of her heart quickened. Taking her phone out of her pocket, she visibly grimaced and her demeanor changed, as she answered the phone. "Yes Sir?" She said.

    His voice was gravely and she knew that he had been drinking "Where the hell are you? You were supposed to be home an hour ago!" He was yelling and it was so loud that anyone in the immediate vicinity would have been able to hear him.

    "School o-only let out a f-few minutes ago, and m-my teacher s-said that I n-need to stay after t-to catch up on school -w-w-w-work." She said as she walked back into the school and towards the library.

    "Fine, I'll come get you in 30 minutes, you better be outside waiting." She shivered.

    "Yes sir," She said.

    Interactions: Open
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Nikkolaüs was fucking flabbergasted, he wanted to do what he could to help Amaryllis but she refused him at every turn. He wasn't the most patient person on Earth, and that would be most evident now. He decided pretty quick that he was done trying, if she was going to fight him every step of the way. He retrieved his bag and deployed the suit. He turned to Amaryllis and Felix.

"Fine, you want to do some fucking work!?"

The mask came up to cover his face, a shield to protect him from them. He only wanted to help, but she was just the same as everyone else. She refused him, and he was a fucking fool to have gotten his hopes up. Two curved metal sheets came to cover his neck, coming together at the center. A needle folded out from them facing inward and the guards slid in, inserting the needle into the copper ring on his throat.

"Then I'm sure you can finish by yourselves!" His voice was much deeper, and boomed almost ethereally. Like his voice was cracked into to halves not quite synced up to one another.

Just like that, Nikkolaüs dashed off. He just wanted to go home. He was right, this whole friend thing wasn't really good for him. He only seemed to fuck things up. He was tired of having been the one putting in the effort, only to be declined.

I don't need your help Nikkolaüs! I'll be just fine on my own, okay!?

Thank you, honey. But you can't do anything to help mommy right now.

Son, if I needed your help, I'd've asked.

Thanks Nikki-boy, but we've got this.

Fuck this, now he couldn't shove down the tears. It wasn't that serious! He'd be fine tomorrow, and everything would be like it had always been. So, he decided to go to sleep right when he got home. When he made it to his house's front gate, something seemed off. He unlocked the gate, retracting the suit as he did so. Then he walked in the door, and found something he wasn't ready for.

There was a girl in the house, her hair was long and she wore a violet dress that came down just to her knees, all wrapped up by a black leather jacket. Her face, she had tired eyes that had been meticulously treated with mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow, the whole shebang; framed by a set of black, rounded wire-frame glasses. Nikkolaüs couldn't fucking believe it.


Frostbuny Frostbuny EdgyCryptid EdgyCryptid
Evan McDowell
Evan just Doesn't get it.png

Evan was still sat in his chair, keeping a feather in the air by blowing on it ever so often before it would land on his nose and make it feel all tingly, that feeling you get when your body REALLY wants to sneeze but you refuse to let it out of some principle of mind over matter. He had really hoped this club would take-off faster than a jet engine because when he first arrived at school he didn't really know what was going on, the only guide he had was the school announcements every day, and they didn't really help much, so hopefully if this 'News club' Did take off no one else would have his problem.

He nearly fell out of his chair when someone came into the room, Evan managed to catch himself before the chair he was leaning back in fell over, looking up at the boy who entered he breathed a sigh of relief and waved "Wassup man, Welcome to the News Club. I guess I'm what "Club President" or whatever." he said with exaggerated air quotes, crabbing a can of A&W he cracked it open and took a sip "Help yourself, pal. Seems like this might be a two-horse show." He took another long drink before continuing "As you probably guess the point of this club is to bring news about what's going on around the school to our fellow students, get the low down to all our peers, right?" He as up quickly and shook his head before sticking out a hand "Oh yeah, Name's Evan by the way! Sorry about that!"

He went on explaining what a News club was for a few minutes before noticing he was rambling and looked back to the boy feeling a bit embarrassed "Heh heh, I really go on too long, so, What brought ya' here man?"

Scar Scar

In the Hallway

Leo - Stale Biscuit Stale Biscuit


Chi left the front office with a sigh. Although everyone had been extremely accommodating and nice, Chi still felt like he was a burden on the staff. After all, having to help a student who had no idea what he was doing had to have been a bit troublesome.

Chi arrived in town only a few hours ago and had immediately headed to the school as soon as he got off the bus. With his belongings in hand, he was immediately shuffled into a meeting with the principal and various other staff, all welcoming him to the school and the city and letting him know that they can help him get settled in if needed. Of course, having been with his adopted mom for the entirety of his time in America, Chi wasn't exactly used to having so many people willing to bend over backward for him, so to speak, and it made him more nervous, honestly.

After hours of talking and waiting, Chi was given and map and encouraged to look around the school and familiarize himself. Willing to take any opportunity to escape the talking, Chi grabbed his courier bag and nearly ran out. Once in the lobby, Chi opened the bag and took out an emotional support cookie, named so solely because food calmed him down. Glancing at the map, Chi committed it to memory before walking around.

As he wandered, Chi felt more at ease as he wandered in the quiet of the emptying hallways. Despite only moving hours ago, he already missed the most unending quiet of the rural town he lived in. It seemed like the city was a constant bumble of excitement and noise everywhere he turned, and he definitely wasn't used to it yet.

There's the cafeteria, Chi thought to himself, looking at the closed double doors. Absentmindedly pulling on them, Chi wasn't surprised to find that they were locked, It is after school. I should check them out at some point though ... They might have good food!

Smiling at the possibility of food, Chi walked with a bit more of a pep in his step, every time he passed by a stray student or so, he'd nod politely before continuing on his way, trying to ignore some of the second glances he'd get. Since he wasn't wearing the uniform, he was sure he looked very out of place.

Walking on more, he reached the courtyard, immediately noticing the tarped up windows and taped off doors. Curiosity getting the best of him, he was tempted to open one of the closed-off doors to get a look, but he stopped himself once he saw the light still filtering through the tarps of the windows, This is a very sunny school. I hope that won't be a problem...

Instinctively, Chi played with the strings on his hoodie as he stepped away from the door. Continuing to walk on, he spotted a dark figure down the hall. Recognizing the uniform, he assumed it was a student. As he walked by, he once again smiled politely as he walked by, but as he did so, he realized something was different about him. For one, he looked to be in thought, staring at the doors that, Chi remembered from the map, all led to the courtyard. Chi continued to walk, but at a slower pace as he continued thinking about the boy, eventually remembering a side remark from one of the secretaries, Maybe he's also a new student. It's possible he's looking for something!

Feeling a bit bold at a possible comparison, Chi turned around and walked back over to the boy, though he felt nervous the closer he got. Once closer to the boy he asked, "H-hey ... Sorry for intruding, but ... you wouldn't happen to need any help, would you?"
Felix felt awful the moment after words left his mouth. He hadn't meant to scare anyone, no less make them fall; he could feel the impact but that was less his concern at the moment. As Amaryllis stood he mumbled an apology, one that likely wasn't heard but he hoped he could make clear later. It was just another thing to add to his list of fuck ups against her - it was hard enough to be near all the damage that had been done, and somehow he could still make it worse. With all the worry looming in the back of his mind, he did his best to focus on his suspicion and watching the people in front of him rather than lingering on the past. The effort wouldn't last long, but at least it was more than nothing.

After she'd stood up, his gaze moved over to Nikkolaüs. He listened quietly as he always did, and all it did was confirm his suspicions. It was the same crap he'd heard that morning - the upperclassmen was feeling self-sacrificial, and for what, so that he and Amaryllis would learn nothing? Whether he liked it or not, they were responsible, this was their burden to bear. Heroes did it all the time with collateral damage, they could at least be happy no one was grievously injured.

Felix's suspicion morphed into anger, and he was ready to give the other a piece of his mind before Amaryllis spoke over him. He was never the most eloquent, so it was probably for the best. The little altercation made it clear that there were emotions between the other two - he'd seen enough to know that she'd felt like she'd been betrayed. For as well as she was holding it then, he could feel it too. She didn't say much, and when she was done, the attention was turned to him, which he wasn't particularly a fan of. He had to bite back the sigh that came with being babied, but it was hard to expect anything else from anyone; he could swallow what little pride he had if it meant getting work done. If he was lucky, maybe he could prove that he could at least do more than people thought, including himself...

Then Nikkolaüs went off. The first note of anger made him jolt, but after that he only watched quietly. He couldn't understand where the heat had come from, how the upperclassmen got so mad and stormed away so quickly. It made him lament that neither of them could explain why they were upset, but Nikkolaüs probably wouldn't want to hear it... not from Felix anyway. It meant that now he and Amaryllis were alone... together. It took a matter of seconds for all of his buried thoughts to loom over him again along with all the guilt and fear that came with them. It made him wish someone would slam their foot into the wall for a distraction, but that would be too much to hope for. The silence was beginning to stretch out too, and that wasn't an expanse he wanted to delve into, not after that.

"He... seems like a ray of sunshine," he said hesitantly, feeling stupid immediately after.

Frostbuny Frostbuny Yakov011001 Yakov011001 ? I know you're gone bud but didn't know what else to do

She walked into the library sniffling and rubbing her eyes, she hated when he was drunk he was four times worst than if he was sober and that wasn't very good. She sat down at one of the tables when something caught her eye, a piece of paper, it said Be You News. Huh, she didn't know that there was a club that did the news. She read the paper and decided to get up and walk towards where the meeting would be held. She stuck her head inside and wave a little with her good hand. She didn't know what to say but she looked around seeing that the boy at the front was talking to another boy. "I-I read the p-paper and I think that it will be fun to join?" She said fiddling with the end of her hair.

Interactions: Scar Scar Captain Lycanroc Captain Lycanroc
Von Cruz
Von shook Evan’s hand. Seems like a pretty chill guy, even though he seems a bit irresponsible. Based off the way the guy talked (and as well as how he almost fell out of his chair), the junior couldn’t help but doubt Evan’s abilities as the club president. He took it upon himself to help save the club—if it ever came to that.​
He was about to say his own name when the other student suddenly jumped into explaining the news club. At first, Von stood there as he listened attentively but started to float in and out of focus as Evan kept rambling on and on. (He wasn’t used to this, since it was usually him doing all the talking.) Holy crap, this guy sure talks a lot. He pretending to be paying attention by nodding or saying “uhuh” and “yeah” at times, even though he wasn’t really sure what the guy was saying at times. His blue eyes glazed over as seconds dragged into minutes and minutes into what felt like hours.​
The orange-haired boy seemed to finally notice this and asked what brought him here. Von accidentally let an exasperated sigh escape his lips and was only able to tell Evan his name name when he was (yet again) interrupted by a girl who shyly poked her head into the classroom. She seemed pretty nervous and unsure of herself as she stuttered, “I-I read the p-paper and I think that it will be fun to join?”​
The dark-skinned student almost snapped but restrained himself and looked over at the newcomer before nodding in greetings. He quickly turned back to Evan and flicked his thumb over to the girl as he said, “Yeah, I came here for the same reason as her over there.”​
He wanted to spare her the pain which he experienced from Evan, so he gave her a brief summary of what the other male said. Von finally took a seat and grabbed a drink. He took a few long gulps, then glanced back at the female student and asked what her name was. He hadn’t really seen her around before, since they didn’t share classes. (Neither did he with Evan.) Judging from her looks, Von guessed that she was a lowerclassman.​
Captain Lycanroc Captain Lycanroc MegMath13 MegMath13 I forgot to tag; I’m sorry.
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cnmbwjx-Yokai-Monster-Girls-Anime-5215942.jpgTeru/Toru Kaizanni
Teru made her way over to the nearest chair and pulled it out whilst maintaining her smile, "Seat space is nothing to fret over, I'll be on the edge of my seat throughout most of this, I just know it."

Toru couldn't help but roll her eyes at this. Her sister was almost always at the edge of her seat specifically to give her room. At home they could rely on simply having big chairs to relax in, as their mother had already spent the years training them on proper sitting etiquette. It was their more casual settings where Teru would risk turning the chair sideways so that she didn't have to worry about accidentally pressing her sister up against the rear of it. They could just use one of their extra arms to hold onto the rear of the seat if necessary. But it was times like this that they dealt with the most, where Teru would purposely sit near the edge of her seat and Toru would absentmindedly grab hold of the seat's rear. Part of this action was anxiety, but the other part was preparing for the small chance that her sister slipped or something.

She knew it was an unlikely probability, Teru was much to aware of her own appearance to worry bout something like that. But even so, Toru would never miss a chance to be there for her sibling.

Leaning forward, Teru placed her elbows on the table before folding her hands together and laying her head on them as she matched Mirana's gaze. Almost immediately after sitting, the senior proceeded to begin establishing a pecking order of sorts with herself at the top. This action merely made Teru smile greater, as those few lines of dialogue had already clued her in on exactly what kind of efforts she'd have to make towards this assembly. Mirana was labeling herself as the final authority on any and all Homecoming matters, one who would be reviewing any and all of their suggestions before they could be finalized.

Closing her eyes and nodding, Teru gave an interested hum, "I would expect nothing less from the reigning head of the Homecoming Planning Committee," she stated before opening her eyes again and tilting her head "Then I suppose my sweet sister and I will have to work doubly hard to impress you, Madam."

Toru didn't speak, merely nodded to Teru's words as she kept her gaze on the rear of their chair.

Many of their peers had always questioned why they were able to so easily adapt to Placebo's strict oversight. Why they were not only able to bear the weight of his expectations and criticisms, but flourish through them to a degree barely seen by the rest of the support department. It was actually a fairly simple answer to that question, one that led them to view the demands requested here as paltry. Neither Placebo nor this girl could even begin to hold a candle to their mother. Both of them combined couldn't even come close to what the Sisters had dealt with under her tutelage.

So, like a fish in a river, Teru went with the flow.

As another student, Senior by the looks of it, offered his own input on what he could do for Homecoming, Teru made sure to raise her hand once he was finished.

"My sister and I are fairly good at coming up with inventions on the fly, so if any of them may be necessary to help with setting up then we'd be happy to provide." she offered with a shrug

At that, Toru released an anxious groan that led Teru to looking back at her. After a second of her tapping her fingers together, Toru looked over her shoulder "Just t-tell us early... We'd need about... a week to iron out the kinks in... any design."

Teru tilted her head at her sibling, and soon Toru lowered her head again before topping off her statement with a quiet, "I-if that's okay, Ma'am."

"There we go," Teru nodded before turning back to Mirana and gesturing to herself "and I would also like to note that we can duplicate nearly any materials you might need for decorations. Its kind of our Quirk. So if we can't get too big a supply of crafts, we'd happily solve that little issue in no time."

Toru looked over her hands at that, "One of us holds... the other c-copies it..." she said before looking back over Teru's shoulder "We know how to make... most things... So I-It'll be quick, Ma'am."
Aqua & Ray Florentine

Ray’s only interest the second he entered the room was Rana and Aqua, he didn’t even take the time to look around the room until he said his piece to Rana but as he did his eyes locked on the other individual in the room Kooper motherfucking Daniels a simple tsk sound could be heard coming from Ray as his eyes locked on Kooper. Ray wasn’t a huge fan of the fellow senior his loud and argumentive nature made him and Ray clash on several occasions and while most just thought this was a rivalry of sorts it really just was Ray wanting to smash his face in.

Aqua was rather silent through the whole encounters she didn’t really know what to think about everyone, but what caught her most off guard was the interactions between Ray and Mirana. She had never met many of Ray’s friends but the way Ray and Mirana talked to one another was almost like they were flirting, or a couple...did Ray have a girlfriend surely not, was that just how the seniors talked to one another? Several questions ran through the girl’s mind all at once and the white-haired male’s way of talking to Mirana didn’t help one bit maybe this really was how seniors talked to one another, maybe Evan would think she was cool if she started talking to others like that. Aqua began taking mental notes and decided to stay out of the conversation, she found it hard enough to talk to Mirana alone but now that her eyes had been blessed by this other hot senior she was struggling to keep her cool.

“God she needs to stop with the teasing or fuck me already” was the thoughts running through Ray’s mind, the image of her leaning back on the table get him so hot, just looking at her stunning body like that made his mind race. “What can I say it’s my little sisters first gotta make sure it a great one, and soft huh god it’s like you don’t even know me you should know by now everything I do, I do it hard.” The phrasing was meant to sound off after all his brain was elsewhere with a different thought causing him to lick his lips slightly.

The Florentine duo swiftly took two of the open seats next to each other and started conversing. “So what did she mean when she mentioned about fucking up freshies?” The question from Aqua hit Ray like a brick, Ray had always kept Aqua from knowing about his other side but it had taken her one day to have the image he had built up around her tainted. “Don’t worry about it, it’s just some of the banter us seniors have together.” Ray hoped this would be enough to stop the Aqua’s questioned and if it wasn’t the arrival of the twins sure did.

The arrival of the twins had a difference of impact on both Aqua and Ray. Ray couldn’t care less they already gave him a bad first impression the arrogance pissed him off but he bit his tongue he would burst out in front of Aqua. Aqua, on the other hand, found the two fascinating she wanted to know more about them but mostly their quirk and how it worked, but hearing the fact that they were support specialist got Aqua even more interested her quirk while without anything was effective with support items it could be brought to a whole new level she made a mental note to talk to the two and run ideas off them at some point.

Rana’s whole speech on how she was the boss just got Ray excited what can he say he likes a woman who knows how to take control and Rana did that perfectly, then again Ray wasn’t the type of person who cared about half the rules she set and if anyone would know that it would be Rana. Aqua, on the other hand, wasn’t used to people being this bossy so the second Mirana started bossing people around Aqua sat fully up straight in her seat and stayed as still as possible.

The whole spiel ended and Aqua was one of the few to speak. up “U-understood mam.” Her voice was one filled with nervousness and this response just caused Ray to burst out laughing. “Jesus fucking christ Aqua she’s not a drill sergeant chill out.” Ray loved Aqua but at moments like this how could he not poke fun at her. “S-shut up.” Ray patted the girls head she was a social butterfly but had no clue on how to act around people and Ray loved that bit about her. Ray turned his attention back to Rana. “Have I ever told you how hot you are when you take charge?” That was the only answer Ray was going to give back to her Ray while he did a lot of things lying wasn’t one of them he liked doing.
Character Key:
Ray - Terra cotta
Aqua - Viking blue

Frostbuny Frostbuny GrieveWriter GrieveWriter MegMath13 MegMath13
"Ugh" Alex muttered as he stayed sparked out on the floor. He had landed funny on his leg. Oh no, had he broke it? Could he go to homecoming? What would he do? He wasn't sure but he tried to move to get himself up. He used the lockers as a support beam but man that hurt too. He probably should yell help or something? he didn't see anyone around but he was too manly to do that he would just have to put up with the pain for now. Alex let out a deep huff and dragged himself down the hallway. Maybe he just badly bruised his ankle? Fuck this hurt. He just had to wait until he got outside. The wait could he even drive his bike like this? Damn Alex was in a bad predicament. He spotted a bench not too far away and dragged himself there. He would have to figure a plan out and check his leg out. If it was bleeding he would probs have to do what they do in the movies, and wrap it with his shirt go topless. Or he could try to raid the medical wing. Take what he could find, but that was stealing and stealing was illegal. Then again Alex had stolen before, and he was injured so it would be stealing for the good of his health. Healthy stealing.
[class=bkgd] position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; width: 400px; height: 500px; background-color: #251e3d; overflow: hidden; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: 3px solid #0b1003; border-radius: 2%; [/class] [class=bkgdpic] position: absolute; box-sizing: border-box; width: 400px; height: 500px; background: url(https://static.zerochan.net/Algenpfleger.full.916545.jpg); background-size: 100%; opacity: 0.50; overflow: hidden; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; [/class] [class=bkgdgif] position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; height:100%; background: url(https://media2.giphy.com/media/GC7C2Fi902BDG/source.gif); background-size: 100%; opacity: 0.30; overflow: hidden; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; [/class] [class=pic] position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: 150px; height: 150px; top: 5%; text-align: center; background: url(https://i.imgur.com/SGETpk5.jpg?1); background-size: 100%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-radius: 50%; border: 2px solid #0b1003; [/class] [class=pictext] position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: -2px; left: -2px; background-color: #0b1003; color: #fff; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-radius: 50%; border: 4px solid #0b1003; font-size: 10px; font-weight: 500; line-height: 14px; [/class] [class=hidden] display:none; [/class] [script class=pic on=mouseenter] fadeIn 0500 pictext [/script] [script class=pic on=mouseleave] fadeOut 0500 pictext [/script] [class=textcontainer] position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: 294px; height: 245px; background-color: #0b1003; border: 2px solid #0b1003; top: 0%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-radius: 2%; font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; line-height: 10px; color: #b5bda8; [/class] [class=text] position: relative; overflow: auto; width: 301px; height: 250px; top: 0%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; line-height: 12px; color: #fff; padding: 5px; [/class] [class=name] position: relative; font-size: 35px; font-weight: 500; color: #f63536; top: -8%; text-align: center; transform: rotate(-10deg); [/class] [class=credit] position: relative; opacity: 0.7; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; font-family: Segoe UI; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 8px; color: #fff; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; [/class] [div class=bkgd] [div class=bkgdpic] [div class=bkgdgif][/div] [/div] [div class=pic] [div class="pictext hidden"]

mood: relieved
interactions: pale dude with pointed ears
tags: Webs Elk Webs Elk
[/div] [/div] [div class=name]Leandro Barcellos[/div] [div class=textcontainer][div class=text]
Leandro stared blankly at the door in front of him, tempted to continue his hopeless search for the cafeteria which was more than likely closed at this point. If that was the case, did it even make sense for him to keep looking for it? It would be easier for him to just go get food off campus, though it was not exactly as if he knew where anything was at. His house wasn't necessarily zoned to this school, so he didn't know the neigborhood layout let alone where to get food at. Resting his chin on his hand, he wondered if he should just go home for today. Of course he would have liked to have seen what after school activities were happening now, and maybe even join one if he was interested enough, but how attentive would he be on an empty stomach? Just as he had decided to take the bus home, he heard someone from behind him. The voice shook a bit as they asked if someone needed help. Turning to see who it was, he was met by a dude with the palest skin he had ever seen, especially when compared to his own black ink covered body. Judging by his complexion, maybe the dude didn't really get out much, though it wasn't much of Leandro's business whether he did or not. As the stranger finished his question, Leandro finally realized that he directing his question to him. His face lit up, his eyes expressing most of his relief.

"Sim! Eu me perdi-" he paused, realizing he was speaking in his native tongue. "I mean yes! I was helping Mrs. Smith the uhm ... she works with the printers." he stated, not knowing what exactly Mrs. Smith's job title was. "And after I left, I was trying to find my way to the catina, uh ... how do you say ...The cafeteria?" He questioned wondering if that was the word he was looking for.

"So I must've taken a wrong turn, and now I think I'm lost." he continued, somewhat embarrassed to admit it, but not so much as to show it on his face. By the time he was done, he felt a bit more relaxed, having pelted his potential savior with information on his current predicament, completely forgetting to introduce himself and properly greet the white-hared student.

[/div][/div] [div class=credit]code by sox[/div][/div]
Last edited:

She used all her willpower to ignore Nikkolaüs' outburst. His anger resonated with her own. She wished she was better at explaining herself, help him understand the root of all her frustrations. It was a two way street; he helped her, and she helped him. He saved her, her scars would be so much worse if he had not stepped in to pick her up. She needed to do this work to prove that she was grateful. To Nikkolaüs, to Madeline, to all the students that helped her, to Red Web. This was the best way she could show them that she wanted to improve and grow stronger from the incident. And instead of letting her have this, Nikkolaüs had to barge in and play hero. He had to ruin it all for her, he had to overwork himself in the process. "Ugh" Amie yelled, the rage burning deep inside her.

"Yeah he's just great. Really what a fucking guy, he sure does make great decisions. Gotta love a man that treats you like a helpless child," she complained, her voice wavering with every word. She needed to get a grip of herself. C'mon Amie! Be happy, for Felix.

She started to walk around the area and carefully make a map in her head of the biggest problem areas. It would take them a while to get it all done, but she was sure they could pull it off with some team work. She started to get to work as soon as she had a decent idea of what to do. "So Felix. What is your quirk? I can't remember if you told me about it last Monday," she said, prompting the boy into conversation.


Koop knew exactly how to dig under her skin and sit in there pretty. Rana rolled her eyes at him. She had to applaud him though. He was one of the few people that had the guts to look her in the eyes and challenge her. "That's Queen to you," she corrected him. "Yeah, I think that could be useful. Thanks for bringing something worth while to the table for once, Daniels."

Rana had a few plans of her own already thought out for the event, and Kooper would be helpful to help her bring them to realization. She hated the kid, but she would use him until she didn't need him anymore. She added his email to the document she was outlining so she could send it to him later for help. Her eyes darted around the others at the table. Ray watched her with eyes inappropriate for a high school study room, and she felt the heat bloom across her. You're not one to get embarrassed Rana, get yourself together. She looked away from him quickly. The way he worded things didn't help clear her mind, but that was definitely an issue she'll deal with later and not in front of his little sister.

Aqua listened to her very well. Mirana was almost impressed by how quickly she fell into her flow and gravity. It made her happy; maybe not all freshman were a waste of space. "And what can you bring to the table baby blue?" she addressed the small girl, a smile curling around her voice. She thought it would be hard to be nice to Ray's little sister, but it might actually work out in the end. She could get used to having a little follower.

The twins also spoke up, explaining their quirk and their use. Mirana was genuinely surprised by how useful it sounded. She added them to her email list as well. As long as they didn't try to take the spotlight from her, Rana was sure the girls would both be a great addition to her arsenal. "Well alright then. It seems like you won't be getting in my way after all." She sent them all the document immediately. She also added Ray and Aqua to it; they might not be the most helpful, but she would be damned before she missed the opportunity to get closer to the boy occupying her thoughts.

Her eyes shot to Ray with his flirtatious comment. He wasn't listening to a word of anything I said, was he? Rana laughed quietly to herself. "Watch yourself, Ray. There's minors in here," she hummed, biting her lip as less then holy thoughts flooded her mind. She laughed a little louder. She couldn't believe herself - she was letting herself get way too distracted. "Check your emails. I sent you my ideas."

EdgyCryptid EdgyCryptid Rhino Schneider Rhino Schneider MegMath13 MegMath13 GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Ulrich sat by a small vanity, alone in her room, hardly lit.

As soon as she walked into her home, she had rushed upstairs to... fix herself. She lost all her clothes--jacket, turtleneck, jeans, briefs--and she took to her wardrobe and put on something else more comfortable--a violet dress and a black leather jacket. She was also happy to get that wrap off of her, that shit hurt sometimes. Her chest wasn't super big, but it'd still be obvious otherwise.

Now she was staring herself in the mirror, lost to no thoughts at all. Then she suddenly checked back in and took to putting some make-up on.

Having finished everything up, she took to finding her mother. Who had been in the kitchen, so she sat down at the bar.

"Please tell me you aren't cooking tonight, ma." She spoke, startling her mother who was in the fridge seemingly searching.

"Ah, Erica, welcome back!" She said, closing the fridge and moving to the pantry. "Of course I'm not, Nikkolaüs will. I'm just looking to see if he has all the ingredients he needs."

"So Nikkolaüs does the cooking now? Don't imagine he'd be any better than you."

"He wasn't at the beginning," She answered, propping her head up with her elbows on the bar across from Erica. "Should've seen it. Just how many different things he'd burn that week. Impressive, really. One day, though. I had a rough night, I... lost a patient. By the time I had woken up, he had managed to make something edible. Of course, he didn't tell me how many attempts it had taken him; found that out myself. Of course, now he's become much better!" She shook herself from her distracted stupor. "He's no culinary king, but he's nothing to scoff at either."

Erica felt kind of bad now. She was only just hearing how much her absence had affected Nikkolaüs. She didn't feel all that bad about his new found cooking skills, but her mom had also told her about his new daily routine. Without her to really drag him out of the garage to play games, he really only worked now. Even at school he managed to find extra work. Somehow he got in trouble for destroying part of the school? Erica hadn't heard the full story, but apparently it's the reason why he'd be late tonight.

"Erica?" Or not.

Erica turned to see something she didn't expect. She thought when she saw him again, he'd be just the same as he was those two years ago: the same short, helpless, timid boy she had called her brother. What she wasn't ready for, was for him to be so well-built. So confident looking. Fuck, there was no way that was her brother! Maybe it was for the best that she had left, so he could grow to be more than he used to be. Still though, as she stood from her seat at the bar, she felt her eye prickle with tears. She told herself she wouldn't cry, but it'd just been so long.

"Erica, is that you?" Nikkolaüs' tone was a tad shaky.

Nikkolaüs was floored. He was seeing things. There was no way he was seeing this. The tears he felt before were back, but they were different this time. He was so pissed that she had ever left, and he had been so ready to give her a piece of his mind the next time he saw her. Now though, he so quickly forgot all of that. She stood to face him, and opened her arms to him.

"What're you doing? Get over here!"

Nikkolaüs immediately threw down his bag and ran to her, practically tossing his body into her. Great, now they were both sobbing emotional messes. Though, Nikk couldn't help but get a little annoyed that his face was in her shoulder. Is she wearing heels? She's tall as fuck already! Of course, he didn't mind. He was just so elated to see her.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was coming." She managed to get out between sobs.

"Yeah, you're a bitch for that." Nikkolaüs laughed.

Pulling away from each other, they couldn't help but grin like fucking idiots for just a moment.

"Is dad here?" Nikkolaüs got excited.

"Not yet, but he's planning on getting here tomorrow!"

Fuck, how long has it been, since Nikkolaüs had something to be excited about? He hopped around the bar and pumped his fist. He needed to celebrate in some way, but how?

"Ah! I got it! I'm gonna make dinner!" He ran over to the pantry and searched for a few moments before tossing a few things out onto the counter: bacon, sausage, kale, potatoes, among other things.

"Is that for--"

"It is! I'm going to make Zuppa Toscana, and it'll be god-like, if my name isn't Nikkolaüs Issac Doom-Butler!"

In the Hallway

Leo - Stale Biscuit Stale Biscuit

Chi blushed as he saw the figure's expression change, immediately feeling the shift in his demeanor, Was he really in that much of a bind?

"Sim! Eu me perdi-"

It took a second for Chi to register that wasn't English. When he did though, he smiled at the realization that he wasn't the only foreigner at the school, What language is that? I'll have to check later.

Fortunately, it was also the same second the boy needed to register that as well, "I mean yes! I was helping Mrs. Smith the uhm ... she works with the printers. And after I left, I was trying to find my way to the catina, uh ... how do you say ...The cafeteria?"

Chi smiled a little as he looked at the boy. Getting lost meant he either had a very bad sense of direction or he was just new. However, the speech pattern easily gave it away (though it could have easily been both in hindsight), Chi knowing from experience how he acted when he first moved to America. Chi mentally shuddered when he thought back to 7th grade, his first year. He was so uncomfortable speaking English, that he pretended he was mute for the entirety of the school year, spending hours a day at home practicing the strange language.

Zoning back to reality, Chi mentally thought about the map in his head, "The cafeteria is just down the hall on the right. It's the room with two double doors."

Chi glanced at the windows and doors and smiled a bit more, "You'll know you're there from the lack of tarp over the windows and doors."

Chi then grabbed the map from his pocket and offered it to the boy, "You can have this if you want. I don't really need it anymore, so I'd feel better knowing it was helping someone."

Chi glanced at his watch, 30 more minutes.

Looking back to the boy, Chi's smile softened a bit, "I ... think I should go on though. I hope that helps."

Chi waved goodbye before continuing to walk down the hall. As he looked at the various places in the school, Chi memorized each location to his memory, though his memory eventually went back to the boy, He seemed nice enough. Maybe I'll get to know him more later on... Though I wonder what he needed to go to the cafeteria for...

And that's when it him him. Chi stopped in his tracks when he remembered that the cafeteria doors were locked. Chi mentally slapped himself as he turned around and started booking it back to the boy, Why didn't I mention that before leaving?!?!?

Within a minute, Chi was back to the boy, panting slightly, but otherwise as composed as he was before (which is not very, tbh), "S-sorry ... But, I should have mentioned earlier that the cafeteria seemed locked."

Looking back towards the boy, Chi had a second burst of realization. Taking off his bag and opening it, Chi asked, " You ... wouldn't happen ... to have been looking ... for food, would you?"

Offering his satchel to the oy, Chi mentally thanked his mom for going overboard with the trip snacks. After all, he definitely wasn't going to eat them all anytime soon, so it'd be great to share with those who need it. But then Chi became flustered, second-guessing his assessment, "Or n-not, I guess! I assume th-there might be some sort of activity or meeting I don't know about!"

After the lad had sat on the bench for awhile, he decided to just bite the bullet and text somebody. He couldn’t bare the pain anymore, and needed to get his leg sorted. Though he did want to know who caused him to trip and fall on it. Was it deliberate? Who was even still in school ? Alex decided to just put it on snapchat that he needed help he had a few new friends on it he just hoped somebody would get in touch. He didn’t know what else to do.
[class=bkgd] position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; width: 400px; height: 500px; background-color: #251e3d; overflow: hidden; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: 3px solid #0b1003; border-radius: 2%; [/class] [class=bkgdpic] position: absolute; box-sizing: border-box; width: 400px; height: 500px; background: url(https://static.zerochan.net/Algenpfleger.full.916545.jpg); background-size: 100%; opacity: 0.50; overflow: hidden; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; [/class] [class=bkgdgif] position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; height:100%; background: url(https://media2.giphy.com/media/GC7C2Fi902BDG/source.gif); background-size: 100%; opacity: 0.30; overflow: hidden; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; [/class] [class=pic] position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: 150px; height: 150px; top: 5%; text-align: center; background: url(https://i.imgur.com/SGETpk5.jpg?1); background-size: 100%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-radius: 50%; border: 2px solid #0b1003; [/class] [class=pictext] position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: -2px; left: -2px; background-color: #0b1003; color: #fff; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-radius: 50%; border: 4px solid #0b1003; font-size: 10px; font-weight: 500; line-height: 14px; [/class] [class=hidden] display:none; [/class] [script class=pic on=mouseenter] fadeIn 0500 pictext [/script] [script class=pic on=mouseleave] fadeOut 0500 pictext [/script] [class=textcontainer] position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: 294px; height: 245px; background-color: #0b1003; border: 2px solid #0b1003; top: 0%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-radius: 2%; font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; line-height: 10px; color: #b5bda8; [/class] [class=text] position: relative; overflow: auto; width: 301px; height: 250px; top: 0%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; line-height: 12px; color: #fff; padding: 5px; [/class] [class=name] position: relative; font-size: 35px; font-weight: 500; color: #f63536; top: -8%; text-align: center; transform: rotate(-10deg); [/class] [class=credit] position: relative; opacity: 0.7; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; font-family: Segoe UI; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 8px; color: #fff; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; [/class] [div class=bkgd] [div class=bkgdpic] [div class=bkgdgif][/div] [/div] [div class=pic] [div class="pictext hidden"]

mood: relaxed
interactions: pale dude with pointed ears
tags: Webs Elk Webs Elk
[/div] [/div] [div class=name]Leandro Barcellos[/div] [div class=textcontainer][div class=text]
Leandro listened to the white-haired boy as he gave him precise directions to the cafeteria. Wow, so it was that close? he thought to himself. Maybe if he would have found it himself if he had continue searching, but then again, who knew how long that would take? Leandro didn't have the greatest sense of direction. Sure, if he had been somewhere a couple of times he could commit it to memory, but once or twice wasn't enough for him to remember the exact route. An inherited trait he must have gotten from his mother. The woman couldn't navigate her way out of a grocery store let alone a school of this size. The thought made him chuckle in his head, his internal laughter stopping at the sight of a folded piece of paper that hung in the hand of the stranger. Leandro looked at it for a moment, wondering if the dude had managed to write directions down for him in the short amount of time he took to explain the cafeteria's location. If that were the case, the fella must have been an extremely fast writer, or perhaps he drew it.

"Oh yeah, thanks! I owe ya one." he thanked. Instinctively, Leandro wiped his hand on his pants just to make sure there wasn't any leftover ink on them from earlier before taking the piece of paper. Didn't want to accidentally dirty his jacket with black ink, that would be a tragedy. After their minor transaction, the boy said something about having to leave, from what Leandro could decipher, and waved him off. With ink stained hands, Leandro waved back until he could no longer see him. Well that was dope of him, he said to himself before he went about the direction of the cafeteria. Unfolding the map in his hand, he made sure to note where his location was just to make sure if he had, by some stroke of terrible luck, made a wrong turn that he'd at least find his way back to the courtyard. A dribble of ink formed on his finger tip as he lightly tapped his percieved spot on the map. There we go. Leandro glanced around one more time to make sure he knew where he was and then began walking through the door in front of him ... that is until he heard the sound of someone running from behind him.

"Huh?" he puzzled, confused as to what was happening now. Turning his head behind him yet again he saw the same guy who helped him earlier, this time a bit disheaveled . Leandro couldn't hide his surprise, his eyes widening at the boy's return.

"Are you okay? Is someone chasing you?" He asked, looking at the direction he came from and then back at the boy. A prank? Maybe a bully? He didn't look all that panicked, so maybe it was something else. Leandro attempted to guess why he returned in such a hurry, but the first words out of his mouth told him everything.

"Wait, so you came running back, because you wanted to tell me this?" he questioned, feeling a little tickle in his throat. "You know I would have found out once I got there, right?" the tickle in his throat grew stronger until he could no longer keep down his laughter. He didn't mean to be rude, but he couldn't help himself. It not as if he was making fun of him for coming back, in fact, he was amazed that he sprinted back here just so Leandro wouldn't waste a trip going there.

"Hehe, I'm sorry man. I'm not laughing at you he, or anything, I hehe", he chuckled, trying to calm down. A few seconds of uncontrollable giggling and he somehow manage to regain his composure. "Me desculpe ... I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to be rude, but I didn't think you'd come back running to tell me that. It was kinda surprising." he stated, wiping a stray tear from his eye. Leandro truly didn't mean any harm in his laughter, so he hoped the boy didn't take it the wrong way. Apparently he didn't as he soon offered Leandro food after correctly guessing he was hungry. Scanning over the goodies in his bag, Leandro eyes began to twinkle at the sheer amount of ziplock bags that were stuffed inside. From what he could see, there were cookies, chips, a few other sweets, something that looked like a baked chicken, and a sandwich or two. Wondering if he should take something, the boy began panicking a little, stuttering while guessing what Leandro was still at school for.

"Nah, you're right. I was just looking for food, so thanks for telling me the catin- the cafeteria was closed." he thanked, as he pulled a sandwich out of the fella's open bag. "Really thought I was gonna starve to death, so don't mind if I take you up on your offer." he smiled, shaking his newly found lunch in a teasing manner. Leandro made quick work of the plastic wrapping, guessing that the sandwich was probably homemade, and took a large bite. Watching him eat was quite a sight since everything on his face melded together due to the ink, the only discernable difference being his teeth and tongue that maintained their orginal color.

"Wow, this is muito bom!" he complimented, the sandwich having a balanced mixed of both meat and vegetables. It didn't take him long before he finished eating the entire thing, licking the crumbs off his finger tips before addressing the boy. "Thanks again, that makes this twice you've helped me out. So I owe you big time." he stated feeling himself relax a bit. Ever since he moved to America, he hasn't been able to completely be himself. It would be a lie if he said he wasn't a little homesick though he didn't want his mother finding out since she'd probably feel bad for making them move in with Noah, her husband. It was nice that he could talk normally, as much as his english would allow, to someone else.

"Oh, I don't even think I got my salvador's name. I'm Leandro, originally from Poturgal, but moved to America a couple of weeks ago. Very nice to meet you." he greeted throwing up a peace sign in the process, salvador roughly translating to savior. Not like he was wrong, the kid did save him quite a bit today.

[/div][/div] [div class=credit]code by sox[/div][/div]

In the Hallway

Stale Biscuit Stale Biscuit - Leo

In hindsight, that was a bit extra... Chi blushed a little as the boy laughed, but eventually started chuckling as well. There was no harm done after all.

Chi waited for the boy to pull out what he wanted before placing the satchel back in its spot over his body, somehow pulling out another cookie in the same motion. As he began to eat the cookie, he watched as the boy ate, seeing how his teeth and mouth were still normal despite his outside appearance, I wonder what his quirk actually is...

When the boy complimented the sandwich, Chi blushed. he knew it wasn't bad by any means, but as this was the first time someone else has eaten a sandwich he made, he was surprised by his reaction, Was it really that good?

Of course, it probably was, and Chi was just conditioned to eating it already. Chi pulled the second one out of his bag, glancing at it first before saying, "If you liked it that much, you can have the other one too."

"Thanks again, that makes this twice you've helped me out. So I owe you big time."

Chi smiled, "Don't mention it."

"Oh, I don't even think I got my salvador's name. I'm Leandro, originally from Poturgal, but moved to America a couple of weeks ago. Very nice to meet you."

Does that mean ... Chi blushed again, though just like everytime before, it was probably obvious against his white skin, I wouldn't go that far...

Kyu then thought about introducing himself. It seemed like he definitely made a good impression. Should he use his nickname? but then again, they did just meet. Maybe he should do the formal first and last name. But then again, Leandro only gave his first name. Or was it his last name? Was it his name at all? Chi didn't know Portuguese so he couldn't cross-examine with a dictionary. but then again what good would that do anyway, considering people named after objects exist. What if Leandro was a nickname?!?!?!

Chi tried to suppress the thoughts swirling in his head before finally saying, "It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Chiky-- Chishio!!"

Chi started to blush as he caught himself from his slip up. First meeting and he was already trying to get people to call him what his mom did. Chi mentally reprimanded himself as he continued, "I ... just moved here into town a couple of hours ago, but I've lived in America for around 5 years now... How are you liking it?"

Chi knew that when he first moved to the country, he hated it. Even though it was too escape his parents, he didn't look forward to having to learn a new culture, language, and with a lady he hardly knew, given the people he did know abused him his entire life. Fortunately, it all worked out for the best for him, "America, I mean."
A l e x

After waiting around awhile Alex decided he couldn’t just sit here for the rest of the afternoon. So he took it upon himself to try and get home . He didn’t make it far however, and his leg gave way and he fell into the lockers, and then on the floor with a loud THUD! The sound rattled threw the quite halls. Alex had then pulled himself to rest his back against the lockers. Poor guy was having a bad day.

R i l e y

After hurting his brother. Riley had went back home with a grin on his face. “Hey mom” he said laughing to himself . “Did you know Alex went to that school you have sent me to?” He asked. Sienna shook her head and shrugged “No I don’t really speak to your dad, and Alex not very often” She said with a sigh.

Riley grinned. “Oh well I seen him today and he hurt his leg, I helped him home” that was a lie, but Riley wasn’t going to speak the truth. “Oh my is he ok? I’ll go and give him a ring” Sienna spoke frantically. Riley shakes his head “ No, no he is ok. He said he was gonna sleep” Riley quickly said trying to get his mom not to call his idiot brother. If she did she would learn the truth.
Uh oh.

He'd been watching the sky until Amaryllis started to vent some of her frustration, to which he then made sure she had his attention. Felix was much more reserved with his anger, but he was sure that what they were feeling was at least similar, quirk or not. He then stayed in place as the sophomore began to wander, planning to follow only if she was too far away. Regarding the field, he had his own ideas for how to divide and conquer, but he was equally prepared to be shot down for other plans - it's what would usually happen anyways.

Then she asked the question that made him tense.

Don't answer. Figure something out- he began to think frantically. For all the knowledge and will to apologize, he'd been taken off guard, and all preparation was gone. It felt like he'd been caught in an act, and for all intents and purposes, that's what he was about to put up. He was quick to push his shoulders down before Amie could notice, wincing as he did, and did his best to shake out his nerves without being noticed. It led to all of his motions being stiff, but it was all he could do.

"Oh, well it's... nothing too special," he said quietly, covering up his silence and answering honestly despite his nerves. All he could hope was that beating around the bush would suffice for now and leave the topic for another day. He then cleared his throat again and continued, "It's definitely not going to help now... Do you know where the dirt is?"

Frostbuny Frostbuny
cnmbwjx-Yokai-Monster-Girls-Anime-5215942.jpgTeru/Toru Kaizanni
Toru released a breath that she didn't know she'd been holding in. Somehow they'd been kept from being thrown out immediately. She knew it was often silly to make such drastic assumptions right off the bat, but this time was different. This senior seemed like just the type to toss someone out over minor things. Toru liked to believe that she wasn't one to let minor incidents slip by, even her sister had told her that she was one of the most meticulous folks around. But Toru couldn't help it, back when Mother was at home her cameras picked up everything. She had to be constantly looking out for things, even after Teru had long since adapted to the endless waves of criticism and punishment.

That was the other thing, Teru's consistent nonchalance was not making it easier for her sister to tiptoe around things. She could only put faith in her Sister's social skills at this point, as she was the one most people wound up talking to.

Even so, Toru took the time to look around the room to the other students who'd applied. Two other boys and a smaller girl who kept close to one of them. Out of everyone there, the blue girl seemed to be the only one to accept Mirana's declaration of executive authority. Both of the boys seemed far more willing to push back, much to Toru's dismay. She knew how this usually went, and was already preparing to shoulder as much of the burden for this club as possible. They couldn't get caught up in disagreements, so just letting the Senior take charge should be for the best, especially given their time frame.

If Teru shared this ideal, she didn't show it. Instead, she merely continued keeping a simple smile on her face as she stared at Mirana, raising an eyebrow as she was ordered to check their emails. Pulling out her phone again, she did just that. Toru leaned back to look over her shoulder, and soon both pairs of eyes were going over the details laid out before them. Soon enough, Teru nodded before passing the phone back to her sister.

"As impressive as could be expected, Ma'am." she nodded to Mirana before pouting and putting a finger to her own lips in thought "But to give ideas of my own after seeing all this glory, gets me a little knock-kneed."

Shrugging, Teru finally turned on the three other members of the Homecoming Planning Committee, "As support students we spend a long time reinforcing potential that was already there, I could start off suggesting based solely off of the Good Lady's ideas alone... but what about you guys?"

As she said that, Toru examined the documents using their phone, "M-Maybe... blue and silver?" she spoke to herself, eyes darting up to Mirana worriedly before turning her gaze back to the screen "I-I mean, after what happened on Monday. Those colors tend to produce a r-relaxing atmosphere in those who view them... if i-if that's what you're going for."

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