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Fantasy Adventures in Mocon - OOC

"High Elves also frown on breathing from time to time so their opinions are worth the same as rancid onions."

I love this so much
Can we take a moment to appreciate that the rich bitch in flashy clothes might also be the one of the tallest people in the group? Like, that's just a lot of ruffles, you know? We could hide Corvid under her skirt.
Also I was going to respond however my family is going out so ill try to write something a little later.
Hey y'all, sorry but I'm not really feeling this (or any rp for that matter) at the moment so I'll be dropping out. I'm glad you guys have gotten things going though.
Sorry, I could have responded earlier but I've been on vacation and playing video games instead of paying attention to Discord/RPN.
What game? :D
Right now I'm playing Overwatch with the girls, but I've been binging Borderlands 3 with Zahzi. It's the second game franchise he introduced me to when we started dating, and I'm totally smitten with the combination of wasteland and alien bullshit.
Right now I'm playing Overwatch with the girls, but I've been binging Borderlands 3 with Zahzi. It's the second game franchise he introduced me to when we started dating, and I'm totally smitten with the combination of wasteland and alien bullshit.
So many questions but they're all personal T.T

That said, Borderlands is fun. I'm debating playing it but also other games but also writing.
What do you think of this pic?
Weeb pic! Oh, I shouldn't poke too much fun, I like a lot of anime too. I think since it's so dark, it's probably a cyberpunk or cybernoir theme. Definitely rocking some sort of post apocalyptic street wear vibe. Why do you ask? Do you think you'll use it for an RP? I'm sure people will love it.
Weeb pic! Oh, I shouldn't poke too much fun, I like a lot of anime too. I think since it's so dark, it's probably a cyberpunk or cybernoir theme. Definitely rocking some sort of post apocalyptic street wear vibe. Why do you ask? Do you think you'll use it for an RP? I'm sure people will love it.
It's Code Vein which is like anime vampire dark souls. In a post-apoc world.
Great now you have me thinking of a Code Vein+God Eater 3 RP. And I might make one..............
I will never discourage someone from making an RP, lol.

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