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And don't you dare go hollow....
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There is a tenuous line that separates them, and every sane person can tell you the difference in just a few words. The idea of alternate universes and timelines is but a theory. Worlds of space battles, creatures of fantasy, and beings of unfathomable concepts are the thought-children of writers and artists.

That’s what we believed, at least until a few months ago.

One day, many things appeared in our galaxy, the Auddctus System. I say things since it wasn’t just people and animals. No, it was everything. From inventions that allowed interstellar travel to other planets with new species and cultures. They just appeared out of nowhere. The things that could speak — advanced robots, men and women from thousands of years ago, the monsters — most were just as confused as we were. Our governments were in a panic, and society was on the verge of crumbling. Only through working closely with some of these… people from all around the multiverse, and the organizations and governments they owned, were we able to keep some sort of peace.

We’ve made more progress than we ever dreamed of since then. Because of this multiversal collide, humanity has flourished, and trade between these new intergalactic governments and organizations has since brought us technological advances beyond our wildest dreams.

Unfortunately, when you make the ocean bigger, there’s bound to be bigger fish somewhere in the depths. Bounty hunters, abominations larger than planets, and other horrors now lurk around this combined universe of ours. Some of them we’re probably not ready for.

Millions of new faces appear every day from countless other timelines and universes. Some are surprised, others expect it. We hardly understand it any more than they do. Maybe it’s the work of some eldritch horror from beyond reality. It wouldn’t be out of the question now. One thing, though, is for sure.

A perpetual rift between our worlds has been opened.

Now, there are no limits.
1. No godmodding, powerplaying, or metagaming.

2. This RP’s battles are run on a PTK basis. PTK stands for Permission To Kill, and it’s where you, well, ask another RPer for permission to kill their character if you wish to. Characters will only die IF PTK is granted. No exceptions.
2.2. However, this does not exclusively apply to character death - actions that will remove input from a player, such as incapacitation or forceful transmission, will also require permission from them. Treat your peers with respect, and do not attempt to override their control over their own characters.

3. Be considerate to other RPers! Act in character, but be fair as well; it would be no fun to everyone else if only you had the spotlight. F is for friends who do stuff together!

4. Please keep drama away from the RP and the Discord! Discuss things in DMs only, please!

5. This thread is used for Character Arcs and long term Character Interactions that you do not want to have interrupted by GM Arcs.

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[class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px 0; width: 50%; [/class] [div class=tabs][div class=tab]Yang[/div][div class=tab]Details[/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent b"][div class=yBg]
[div class=yText]Yang Xiao Long

Tropic Strip, Neon Haven

No matter what Mao Mao had said for a silver lining about those beings, Yang noticed the anthropomorphic cat was still frustrated just thinking about Sweetypies. She didn't blame him; it was either bad experiences, or they were simply too much for him.

She assured herself that they weren't all that bad, though.

[div class=yText]"Perhaps you've had a bad day."

Then Mao Mao inquired further about her kind and the kind besides that. Normally, Yang would leave it at a simple yes, except this was more complicated than it looked. The omission of the word 'human' was rather curious; instead, he had stuck to describing people of other species than humans. That was enough to paint a vivid world of nothing but weird-looking animals.

What did that mean? Almost certainly, this was the first time Mao Mao has saw humans.

[div class=yText]"Well, not strictly hybrids of your kind, just that the Faunus happen to have a trait from one of your world's species. And we have those species on our world too, except, well, they don't talk, and they usually walk on four legs. We, and the Faunus, however, walk on two, just like you."[/div]

Things got a little more troubling when Mao Mao asked about discrimination of the Faunus. She knew right away that this was a rather complicated issue; the Faunus had been discriminated for however long her world was around. Laws were passed and civilization adjusted to accommodate them in a more welcoming way, but there was still work to do.

And then there was the White Fang. The same White Fang Blake associated with before she parted ways.

She sighed, then muttered to herself as she looked down, eyes shut,

[div class=yText]"I wish it were that simple."[/div]

Then, Yang turned her head back up towards Mao Mao and proceeded to explain.

[div class=yText]"Some people see them as monsters, but really, they're just people who want to coexist with us without having to butt heads with outdated societal customs that do not view them lightly. Of course, there are monsters of their kind. Truth is, we have ourselves some bad apples as well."[/div]

@PopcornPie (Mao Mao)
[/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent rt" style="display: none;"]

[div class=rText]Ruby Rose[/div]
[div class=rBox]Status

How did we get here?
[div class=rBox]Inventory
Crescent Rose
[div class=wText]Weiss Schnee[/div]
[div class=wBox]Status

I don't know, you tell me!
[div class=wBox]Inventory
[div class=bText]Blake Belladonna[/div]
[div class=bBox]Status

[div class=bBox]Inventory
Gambol Shroud
[div class=yText]Yang Xiao Long[/div]
[div class=yBox]Status

Perfectly fine!
[div class=yBox]Inventory
Ember Celica
[/div] [class name=rBg] background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/W1KexJH.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 15em; background-position: center; [/class] [class name=yBg] background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/yykUQZ5.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 15em; background-position: center; [/class] [class name=wbBg] background-image: url('https://i.postimg.cc/xTPTqxPm/rwby-bg-transparent.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 15em; background-position: center; [/class] [class name=rText]display: inline; color: rgb(226, 80, 65);[/class] [class name=wText]display: inline; color: rgb(153, 213, 255);[/class] [class name=bText]display: inline; color: rgb(147, 101, 184);[/class] [class name=yText]display: inline; color: rgb(250, 197, 28);[/class] [class=tabs] background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(255,255,255); font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; min-width: 300px; text-align: center; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.4); [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} Ruby) (show r) if (eq ${currentTab} WB) (show w) if (eq ${currentTab} Yang) (show b) if (eq ${currentTab} Roman) (show y) if (eq ${currentTab} Details) (show rt) [/script] [class name=rBox] display: inline-block; width: 100%; background-color: rgb(226, 80, 65); color: rgb(255,255,255); padding: 2px 0; margin: 8px 0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; [/class] [class name=wBox] display: inline-block; width: 100%; background-color: rgb(196, 230, 255); color: rgb(255,255,255); padding: 2px 0; margin: 8px 0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; [/class] [class name=bBox] display: inline-block; width: 100%; background-color: rgb(147, 101, 184); color: rgb(255,255,255); padding: 2px 0; margin: 8px 0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; [/class] [class name=yBox] display: inline-block; width: 100%; background-color: rgb(250, 197, 28); color: rgb(255,255,255); padding: 2px 0; margin: 8px 0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; [/class]
The walls surrounding you seemed to be made of glass, or at least something clear. At first you thought it had a purple tint to it until you realized that the purple hue was swirling like a mist on the other side of the clear wall. Suddenly you felt glad to be in this strange dome. You take the time to look around and find that you can see other domes not too far off, connected to your own dome by a short hallway. Three of those hallways connected to the dome you are in. Clearly, the domes off in the distance were connected to other domes. One thing you could tell was that where you were was smaller than the others. Big enough to hold one Hell of a crowd, but the others looked like they were big enough to hold small towns, if not cities.

Your eyes go back to the doors. There wasn't anything else here except those doors. Might as well press on.

Welcome to Dezgeog.
Amanda Mossby - Dezgeog, Starting area

Status: Panicking

The insectoid girl appears in the room, completely unsure of how she got there. Startled by the drastic change in scenery and lack of anything familiar to her, she tries to flee anywhere she can and for her that means running in the first direction she sees that seems clear, inevitably causing her to face-plant right into the wall. Oh, right... she can't see glass.
Max Wellington, XCOM Commander
Status: Very Concerned
Actions: Taking Stock
"Alright. Where the bloody hell am I and how did I get here."
A dazed Max rose to his feet and took a look around. This made no sense. At all.
"Glass... domes. Uhhhh, where am I? Some Martian experiment? I swear, if the aliens captured me again..."
"But then I'd be back in that tank. So where am I?"

As Max rose to his feet, he saw the doors ahead.
Ah well, nothing to lose. Max slung his rifle over his shoulder and attempted to go through the door.
(Max is open for interaction.)​

Sgt Michael "Psycho" Sykes


Location: Dezgeog

"Oh, Bloody hell."

Mike closed his helmet and let his AI do some of the work "AI, check for where we are."

Psycho was back.

He slung his weapons nearby.

He looked over, slipping up his AI and turning, noting the man with a blue hat, and others around him

GearBlade654 GearBlade654 Jezza Jezza Nightwisher Nightwisher

  • [class=fcontainer] background-image:url(https://st3.depositphotos.com/3519321/14393/i/450/depositphotos_143932117-stock-photo-cinematic-portrayal-of-destroyed-and.jpg); background-postion:center; background-size:100%; width:90%; max-height:100%; overflow:auto; padding:20px; border:solid 2px black; filter:contrast(150%); margin:auto; [/class] [class=fbanner1] background-image:url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/608132068685381634/703386413827227758/Untitled_24.png); background-position:center; background-size:cover; width:550px; height:250px; position:absolute; margin:auto; margin-left:215px; margin-top:280px; [/class] [class=fbanner2] background-image:url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/608132068685381634/703359429277646868/Untitled_22.png); background-position:center; background-size:cover; width:500px; height:250px; position:absolute; margin:auto; margin-left:350px; [/class] [class=felix1] background-image:url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/608132068685381634/703260019507855370/Felix.jpg); background-size:cover; background-position:center; width:200px; height:250px; margin:auto; float:left; border:solid 2px black; cursor:url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/608132068685381634/703750494480236554/Webp.net-resizeimage_17.png), auto; [/class] [class name=felix1 state=hover] filter:invert(150%); transition:3s; [/class] [class name=felix2 state=hover] filter:grayscale(100%); transition:3s; [/class] [class name=felix3 state=hover] filter:hue-rotate(80deg); transition:3s; [/class] [class=fpostbg] background-image:url(https://ak1.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/2774921/thumb/1.jpg); background-size:100%; background-position:center; width:723px; height:253px; margin:auto; display:none; position:absolute; margin-left:270px; filter:contrast(60%); [/class] [class=fpost] background-color: RGBA(193, 240, 246,0.1); margin:auto; [/class] [class=fpost2] background-color: RGBA(144, 254, 251,0.3); border:solid 2px black; backdrop-filter:blur(3px); margin:auto; text-align:justify; color:black; 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background-size:100%; background-position:center; width:723px; height:253px; margin:auto; display:none; position:absolute; margin-right:270px; margin-top:280px; filter:contrast(60%); [/class] [class=finven1] background-color: RGBA(158, 158, 158,0.1); margin:auto; [/class] [class=finven2] background-color: RGBA(15, 15, 15,0.3); border:solid 2px black; backdrop-filter:blur(3px); margin:auto; text-align:center; color:black; padding:5px; height:240px; width:709px; position:absolute; overflow:auto; font-size: 17px; [/class] [class=finvenbox] float:right; text-align:center; width:520px; [/class] [class name=finvenbox state=hover] filter:invert(100%); transition:2s; [/class] [script class=felix2 on=click] fadeToggle 1000 finvenbg [/script] [class=felix2] background-image:url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/608132068685381634/703265552235495604/Felix_2.jpg); background-size:cover; background-position:center; width:200px; height:250px; margin:auto; float:right; border:solid 2px black; margin-top:280px; 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margin-left:-150px; [/class] [class=fsoul] background-image:url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/608132068685381634/703727652732666007/latest.png); background-size:cover; background-position:center; width:150px; height:150px; float:left; margin-top:300px; margin-left:-150px; [/class] [class=fsoul2] background-image:url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/608132068685381634/703727531391582289/Mod_Primal_Fear_Celestial_Soul.png); background-size:cover; background-position:center; width:150px; height:150px; float:left; margin-top:450px; margin-left:-150px; [/class] [class=fsoul3] background-image:url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/608132068685381634/703727576241143818/souls-png-1.png); background-size:cover; background-position:center; width:150px; height:150px; float:left; margin-top:600px; margin-left:-150px; [/class] [class=fsoul4] background-image:url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/608132068685381634/703727610848608326/450.png); background-size:cover; background-position:center; width:150px; height:150px; float:left; margin-top:750px; margin-left:-150px; [/class] [class=fsoul5] background-image:url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/608132068685381634/703727689508323509/latest.png); background-size:cover; background-position:center; width:150px; height:150px; float:left; margin-top:900px; margin-left:-150px; [/class]
    [div class=fcontainer][div class=felix1][/div][div class=fbanner2][/div][div class=fpostbg][div class=fpost1][div class=fpost2]A man appeared in the dome, eyebrows furrowed in angry confusion as he registered the change in his location. His blue eyes flicked around, counting the others that were here. Great. He thought to himself, more annoyed or shocked that he was in a new area. It was possible, though not likely, that some Messorem had decided to play some kind of game with him. Well, he'd just have to win and then beat that idiot's head in with the hilt of his axe. But then something set in. These people here had souls. It didn't matter how powerful or skilled a Reaper was, they could never replicate the energy of a soul. "What the actual fuck is going on here?"The blonde man ventured a question, though it wasn't directed at anyone, nor was he really looking for or expecting an answer.[/div][/div][/div][div class=fbanner1][/div][div class=felix2][/div][div class=finvenbg][div class=finven1][div class=finven2][div class=axe][/div][div class=book][/div][div class=fsoul][/div][div class=fsoul2][/div][div class=fsoul3][/div][div class=fsoul4][/div][div class=fsoul5][/div][div class=finvenbox]A Messorem Scyth gifted to Félix in the form of an axe. It allows him to seal souls away inside of it, or gives him the power to convert souls into raw energy for Vetus Terra to consume. On occasion the axe blade will glow an unearthly crystal blue: a sign that one of the souls inside is reach out to young Soul Reaper.

    A leather bound journal left to Félix by his mother and father. He has only read snippets of it here and there. He doesn't know what the real message of it is, nor why it was left to him, but he carries it with him nonetheless.

    Félix's own soul. A gift bestowed unto him by Vetus Terra for his work as a Messorem. It holds no energy itself, but is an keepsake from the Messorem's time as a human.

    The soul of Vincent William Riggs, Félix's non-blood uncle who raised him.

    The soul of Jacklyn Beatrice Price-Combeferre. Félix's wife who he loved more than his own soul and more than life itself.

    The soul of Benjamin Reginald Kimathi. Félix's best friend since childhood who was the first of the group to die.

    The soul of an unknown, unborn child. Jacklyn was pregnant when she died, too soon in the pregnancy for the child to survive outside of the womb. Its soul now remains trapped in Félix's axe.[/div] [/div][/div][/div][div class=felix3][/div][div class=finterbg][div class=finter1][div class=finter2]Interactions: Psycho ( darkred darkred ), Max Wellington ( GearBlade654 GearBlade654 ), and Amanda Mossby ( Jezza Jezza )


    Location: Dezgeog (Introduction Dome)
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Max Wellington, XCOM Commander
Status: Still Concerned
Actions: Investigating
"You know what, mate? Beats me. I wish I knew."
Max looked back to face the newcomer Felix ( Nightwisher Nightwisher ). As the Commander looked back, he took note of the others with him. Some bloke in a black... suit of some kind, and the other, what Max believed to be two civilians-at least until Max took note of the yellow-haired civilian's weapons. ( darkred darkred Jezza Jezza marc122 marc122 )
"Well, someone's going to have to eventually find out what's behind these doors or we're just sitting ducks. Keep your heads down. I'm going to see just where the hell we are."
With that, Max cracked his neck, and took a deep breath. If he died on the spot, better he die now rather than as some experiment. With that comforting thought in mind, Max quickly opened the door and headed forward, gritting his teeth in preparation for what lied ahead.
They gave a teenager weapons. Just... what.​
Sgt Michael "Psycho" Sykes
Location: Dezgeog


The people around him were different, there was a few civilians and there was another military man with a bluish hat.

Psycho closed his helmet and let the AI scan for what was in the other dome as the man with a blue beret decided to move into the next dome.

He'd cover the group in case any Ceph came out of that dome.

GearBlade654 GearBlade654 Nightwisher Nightwisher Jezza Jezza


Age: Junion Camp + 5624 Missions and 3 Earth Years

Height: 178 cm (5' 10'')

Profession: Ex-World-destroyer and pet (Wanderer)

Motivation: Exploration, Entertainment, Personal Desire.

Current Mood: Alert, observational, cautious. Also mildly annoyed.

Original World: A barren volcanic natural satellite where Camp was?
Or Earth, alternate Earth. One of many.

Location: Dezgeog, Introduction Dome
Mentions: Jezza Jezza , GearBlade654 GearBlade654 , darkred darkred , Nightwisher Nightwisher


Exploration, was fine to Thae'il, in fact that's what he had been doing before showing up here, flying through the universe amidst the stars just looking for a new planet to check out. But, this location had a few problems, and it all started with the fact that well, this looked like a prison.

Where was here? He didn't know the name, obviously, it was a recent arrival, but 'here' was a closed-off glass dome, rather dull in nature and surrounded by some suspiciously fuchsia-colored gas outside. The Star Animal wasn't thrilled, in fact as he lowered his two feet towards the ground to touch the flooring and stop floating, he wondered if the substance that surrounded them beyond the transparent walls was actually toxic to breathe. The air inside was not, suggesting some kind of filtration station nearby, or at least the usage of canned oxygen, yet at the same time that it was 'safe' inside, the presence of no apparent trace of the pink-ish fog meant that this current room was completely sealed.

There was no escape. Everything about this felt like an ambush of some kind... The only thing keeping the possibly dangerous gas away was neatly constructed glass walls where a little girl seemed to be placed:

"I wouldn't stay too close to the edge. In case the dome was to open, you'd be the first one exposed to unknown, maybe poisonous gases.", Thae had warned them as if it should have been obvious, the soldier within him wasn't about to be comfortable in what might as well be some sort of twisted enclosure, "There's no knowing who or what they want, so perhaps moving along and not being an easy target by waiting around would be the current optimal option for survival."

At the same time as he was giving them instructions, Thae'il washed his pale amber gaze over every corner and even the ceiling of the dome itself, looking for the opening where the breathable air could be coming from, hopefully, some sort of vent. Unfortunately, it didn't seem like he had been bestowed such luck, the gap was way too well-hidden and it was uncertain whether they had the time to even search for it, not to mention the possible energy expenses for the task not adding up pleasantly. They didn't know what they could be facing and it looked bright outside, best to reserve power as much as he could from the very start.

There was just no shaking the feeling that someone or something had finally decided to make him pay for the crimes against his original universe, however. Who or what, well, that remained to be seen. This was exactly like the tacky pirate-ship situation all over... Which, was definitely not the kind of flashback that he wanted to be having right now.
Seemed like annoyances were coming by rather early.
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  • [class=fcontainer] background-image:url(https://st3.depositphotos.com/3519321/14393/i/450/depositphotos_143932117-stock-photo-cinematic-portrayal-of-destroyed-and.jpg); background-postion:center; background-size:100%; width:90%; max-height:100%; overflow:auto; padding:20px; border:solid 2px black; filter:contrast(150%); margin:auto; [/class] [class=fbanner1] background-image:url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/608132068685381634/703386413827227758/Untitled_24.png); background-position:center; background-size:cover; width:550px; height:250px; position:absolute; margin:auto; margin-left:215px; margin-top:280px; [/class] [class=fbanner2] background-image:url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/608132068685381634/703359429277646868/Untitled_22.png); background-position:center; background-size:cover; width:500px; height:250px; position:absolute; margin:auto; margin-left:350px; [/class] [class=felix1] background-image:url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/608132068685381634/703260019507855370/Felix.jpg); 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    [div class=fcontainer][div class=felix1][/div][div class=fbanner2][/div][div class=fpostbg][div class=fpost1][div class=fpost2]Félix’s blue gaze turned to the man in the weird hat, a kind of hat he’d never seen before (which honestly wasn’t too surprising considering the fact that he’d not really seen many hats in his life over all), and just kind of… stared for a bit. The Messorem hadn’t been expecting a response to his question, and though he knew he asked it, there was something annoying about it being answered in such a casual way. I’m not your mate. Félix thought to himself, about to say something along those lines until he realized it was a few seconds too late for a response. He allowed his eyes to wander to the others in the dome once more. The strange girl who had run into the wall, the man in the weird hat, the man with the strange armor, and… His attention was called to someone he’d not seen before. The young man was about Félix’s same height, with dark hair, but what was most odd about him was that he had a soul that seemed to be just as strong as a Messorem Elite. Though, it did not have the dark shade of an energy faded soul that all Messorem Elite had, if they were lucky enough to be gifted their soul. Then the young man spoke. A warning to the others. Yes, he was most definitely not a Messorem.

    Félix shifted his gaze to the doors as the man in the hat decided he was going to explore further. A small smirk twitched at the corner of his lips as he imagined the doors opening and flooding the dome with the poisonous gas that swirled around outside. The axe blade on his back glowed a crystal blue and the hint of the smirk fell away as he was reminded that death was not a laughing matter. So, instead, Félix focused his attention on the doors. They weren’t like any doors he’d ever seen. Or, well, that wasn’t quite true. They looked like what his uncle had called ‘elevator’ doors. Spit down the middle and like they’d get sucked into the walls. Duck? He watched as the man in the hat stepped forward, the doors sliding into the walls just as Félix thought they would.

    The doors opened to one of the short hallways with another door visible at the end. Once through the hallway, and standing in front of the other set of sealed doors, they would open as well. From where everyone stood, no matter their eyesight, technology or special abilities, all anyone could see was a dull shimmering light. However, once they stepped through the threshold and into the dome on the other side, everything was much different.

    The moment their feet hit the floor in the new dome, their bodies would change. They would shrink, but not just get smaller. Their bodies would revert back into a childlike state. No one could have been older than ten years old, eight at the youngest. Their clothes shrank with them, however their weapons did not. More than that, however, was the strange difference in their surroundings. Unlike the emptiness of the first dome, this dome resembled a house. There was a living room, and a kitchen, a few closed doors that may have been a bathroom and an office of some sort, but no one could really know for sure -- just basic knowledge of houses. Even more than that, though, was the fact that everything was giant. More than just big for a child, the seat of chairs were about three feet above anyone’s head, the table tops and the counters seemed to be towering like buildings.

    Félix, who had followed after out of curiosity, though not very close behind as he didn’t want to seem too interested, heard a loud CLANK on the floor behind him and turned to find his axe had fallen to the ground. The bone carrier for it had opened as if he couldn’t control it anymore. “Jackie, are you alright?” he asked, getting down on one knee and trying to lift the monstrously heavy weapon. The axe blade didn’t glow, he heard nothing from the trapped souls, he could have sworn he felt his heart skip a beat except… His eyes widened and two fingers shot to his neck. He had… he had a pulse? Whatever this dome had done, it had not only turned their bodies into that of a physical child, but it had also reversed any power changes that had been made past whatever age they had been reverted to.
    [/div][/div][/div][div class=fbanner1][/div][div class=felix2][/div][div class=finvenbg][div class=finven1][div class=finven2][div class=axe][/div][div class=book][/div][div class=fsoul][/div][div class=fsoul2][/div][div class=fsoul3][/div][div class=fsoul4][/div][div class=fsoul5][/div][div class=finvenbox]A Messorem Scyth gifted to Félix in the form of an axe. It allows him to seal souls away inside of it, or gives him the power to convert souls into raw energy for Vetus Terra to consume. On occasion the axe blade will glow an unearthly crystal blue: a sign that one of the souls inside is reach out to young Soul Reaper.

    A leather bound journal left to Félix by his mother and father. He has only read snippets of it here and there. He doesn't know what the real message of it is, nor why it was left to him, but he carries it with him nonetheless.

    Félix's own soul. A gift bestowed unto him by Vetus Terra for his work as a Messorem. It holds no energy itself, but is an keepsake from the Messorem's time as a human.

    The soul of Vincent William Riggs, Félix's non-blood uncle who raised him.

    The soul of Jacklyn Beatrice Price-Combeferre. Félix's wife who he loved more than his own soul and more than life itself.

    The soul of Benjamin Reginald Kimathi. Félix's best friend since childhood who was the first of the group to die.

    The soul of an unknown, unborn child. Jacklyn was pregnant when she died, too soon in the pregnancy for the child to survive outside of the womb. Its soul now remains trapped in Félix's axe.[/div] [/div][/div][/div][div class=felix3][/div][div class=finterbg][div class=finter1][div class=finter2]Interactions: N/A

    Mentions: Max Wellington ( GearBlade654 GearBlade654 ), Psycho ( darkred darkred ), Amanda Mossby ( Jezza Jezza ), and Thae ( Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun )

    Location: Dezgeog (Dome 1)

Sgt Michael "Psycho" Sykes
Location: Dezgeog

The former British SAS stared over at the others and turned at the other named Thae'il. "Right, mate, I'll be careful."

As the door opened to the next dome, everyone got hit with some sort of deaging blast.

Psycho's voice went from deep back to his childlike form at 10 year old.

"You've gotta be fucking KIDDING me... oh bloody hell..."

His short almost shaved brown hair had also become light and shaggy underneath his nanosuit.

He sighed, at least he still had his powers and his AI inside his nanosuit so he had almost everything right?

The gun he carried was still about the same size at least.

Nightwisher Nightwisher Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun GearBlade654 GearBlade654

Max Wellington, XCOM Commander
Status: Deeply Annoyed
Actions: Investigating
"What the-"
Max staggered on his back as he entered the dome. This was not what he had expected. Gas? Well, better to die now than die a slow death-
Wait a minute, this wasn't death.
Max took a good look at himself, as the reality of the situation dawned on him. The commander let out a very annoyed sigh, before tapping the top of his head. So his beret was fine. Good to know. At least the Commander's favorite hat was fine.
"Reverse aging. You know, I could live with that... if I was some old man on his deathbed. But it had to happen in my prime... I swear, this better not be permanent, no one back home would take me seriously."
The commander tapped his assault rifle. So it still worked. Max proceeded to pull his Psi Amp from his back to check it...
And saw to his chagrin that the purple orb that the Amp generated was gone. His mind abilities, his psionics... rendered useless.
"Oh, you have to be kidding me."
Max gave a disbelieving shake of the head. His abilities were gone.
"Alright, I'll be doing some recon. Where the hell am I, and if this effect is permanent. If it is..."
"Well, no one's really going to take me seriously now, would they? You ever hear of a resistance group obeying the orders of a literal 10 year old? Yeah, didn't think so..."

With that self-talk out of the way, Max began moving forward towards a cabinet, attempting to see if he could open it.
(Max Wellington is open for interaction.)​
Sgt Michael "Psycho" Sykes
Location: Dezgeog


Mike decided to walk closer to the Commander "Hey, Commander, you might need someone with some abilities to stick by you until we get out of this bloody mess, I swear, if i find the muppet responsible...

The British Sergeant stared over at the cabinet, closing his visor on his AI "AI, search this dome for traps, and or available information."


"No information available on this dome. Trying again. .. ...

A round dot appeared on Mike's visor showing a piece of paper on the table close by.

Mike blinked and looked up "Huh? What's.. this?" as he attempted to grab a hold of the chair to climb toward the top of it so he could get to the table.

Nightwisher Nightwisher Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun GearBlade654 GearBlade654

Amanda - Child dome

Status: Tiny and hungry

As the gas cleared it seemed as if the fancily dressed girl had disappeared entirely, but if one where to look closely at where she had been they would see she went through a significantly more dramatic change than the others.

On the ground where she had been was a small green mantis-like creature, no more than 2 cm tall, and she was furiously gnawing at what seemed to be a similarly shrunk down and hand woven dress. Whatever shrunk Amanda, it seemed her appetite certainly didn't shrink in proportion.15877844711662627692902595047417.png

Nightwisher Nightwisher Félix Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Thae'il GearBlade654 GearBlade654 Max Wellington darkred darkred Psycho
General John Connor-Child Dome




For clarifying sake, just imagine the guy on top looking like 10 year old John Connor here, except with a big Y shaped scar and other scars and Resistance armor.

Location: Dezgeog

The man who was the General of the Worldwide Resistance against Skynet appeared in a dome of some sort and suddenly he felt he wasn't himself.

He eyed his body, he had the military uniform, check, the Resistance armor, check, but he even still had the scars from his adulthood.

"Back to square one."

"If I wasn't already born to lead the Resistance, this would already been awkward ten times over. Who would listen to a kid General who's 10 years old?!
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three marks.png1588551097880.png
Mark and Three
Location: Domes
Mentions: @Beginning Dome gang​
In a lush green valley far into the countryside, a slam marked the end of an altercation and dipping the area back into peaceful silence. It was hard to make out who had taken out the Dire wolf; Between magic bolts and sword slashes, there was little of the creature left to account for damages in it.
Standing just a few feet away, a blonde dressed in a battered tank top and pants stared at the body with annoyed eyes. Her weapons - a pair of jet black crossbows - were still fuming from fire as she returned them to their waist holsters and began walking towards the corpse. Her gaze had locked in the wolf’s head to the point it seemed that nothing else in the world mattered and, as soon as she reached it, her fingers grasped firmly on the furs of its head to yank it away from the body.
Only after a few tries did she realize she wasn’t alone trying to take the prize.
He had approached the head as well focused on his goal to nab it so he could finish the assignment that was given to him, noticing the blonde only after he had held onto the head. He figured maybe she was the one to take down the beast...which was sort of awkward for him since he wanted the head more, maybe they could strike some deal over it? noticing that she had seen him he would gesture towards the head as if to say they should both try and pull it out at the same time which might give a better result? and he would then plant his hands on it to get ready.
Three picked up the man’s reaction with, at first, a mere blank expression, eyes following closely the movement of his hands. There was a brief moment after he was finished in which she simply stared up at him in expectation. Then, her face twisted into a hostile grimace. The young bounty hunter doubled down on her grip took advantage of his signaling to make a motion with her free hand; A growing red line formed around the beat’s neck, scorching skin, meat, and bone alike until the head split from its body. The prize was now free to be brought close to her chest and away from the stranger’s grasp.
As she tugged it away from him and seemingly used some spell to cut the head from the body, he would sigh internally as he would reach out into the air and pull out a journal and pen from seemingly nowhere, quickly writing in it and then showing her what it said “I need that head for something...I don’t have much to pay for it but I would really appreciate it if you could give it to me” and with that he would put away the two objects again into his own inventory, holding the other hand out for the beast.

Three would remain dead serious as the young man produced the pen and paper to write his message, the tension in her expression dropping like a sack of potatoes into bored dullness as she read it. The girl bared teeth with feral spite, hugged the head closer still and turned around to leave, glancing over the shoulder once to check if she was being followed.

Seeing her walk off and not really having a very easy way to get her attention, he quickly walks after her and reaches out to tap her on the shoulder so he could continue to try and possibly convince her to give the head to him.
The instant the young man’s hand reached Three’s should, her entire body winced and clenched, an act of pure instinct that acted faster than thought.
The movement transition seamlessly into conscious action as she fell into a roll, grabbed her crossbow and pointed it towards the boy who approached her; A red sphere of energy formed up at its tip and fired off as a bolt towards its Mark.
Mark would quickly roll out of the way of the bolt, quickly taking a sword and a shield in his hands. If it was a fight this girl wanted, it would be a fight she got. He faced the blonde as he would wait for her to try and fire off another shot, ready to block and then attack afterwards as to try and disarm or knock her out.
On Three’s side, she was also keeping herself on the move; One of her crossbows fired a continuous stray of bolts while she ran around her target, carefully aimed at every hole and opening to keep his shield busy and his stance, on the defensive. The other crossbow hanging by her side, slowly but surely amassing a much larger sphere of red-hot energy until it seemed to be just begging to be fired off.
Mark would continue to keep the shield up defending himself from the barrage of bolts that were flying at him, although on one of the more recently shot ones he would quickly attempt to charge at the blonde warrior, shield up and sword at the ready to strike any blasts that would come for him, ready to try and smack her with the blunt flat of the blade, he was really hoping that he didn’t hurt her too hard but she was definitely gunning for trying to take him out.
Three noticed the young man’s bold approach and, instead of retreating, went directly towards him, bringing the crossbow with the charging energy sphere in front of her to aim and fire. They were mere inches away from contact when something flashed between them. Color, shape and reality itself collapsed upon each other as the rift came into existence, only to disappear just as mysteriously the moment after. Once it was gone, there was not a sign from the two fighters but a sad Dire Wolf head laying unclaimed on the ground.
Going through the portal mark was confused, was this the spell she was charging up? no because she was falling through it with him, and soon enough he was dropped with her into the strange room, he landed on his feet, glancing around at the others. Seeing as the situation was changing, he put away his sword and shield.
When Three fell to the ground, she fell badly, slamming her face into the ground - yet, not a sound was uttered from the pain. She slowly pushed her squashed face up, then widened her eyes in confused terror, scrambling desperately to drag herself away from Mark. Her eyes landed on the floor, the domes and finally, the doors. Someone seemed to have just used one of them. The girl turned back to the other one stranded in the same situation and, already at the end of her wit, raised her brows slightly to highlight the almost pleading eyes.
Seeing the blonde lady now instead of trying to fight him, look in terror at him, he internally sighed as he calmly approached her, holding out a hand to help her up, trying to show that he meant no ill intent and also hoping that she would notice he didn’t know why they ended up here, and so it would be better for the two of them to work together rather then try and fight each other to figure out where they were now.
Three’s still shaky eyes focused at the hand, then at Mark’s eyes, chest still heaving from the fight and sudden panic.Once calm settled in, again, she pursed her lips and hovered her hand over his, trying to dig deep into the young man’s soul with her ocular sapphires before finally taking the hand back up. Even then, there was a clear effort at keeping him within an arm’s distance, and a hand was never far from the hilt.
Seeing her get up and not attack him was relieving, and looking at the door that seemed to be in recent use, he would carefully lead her over to it, maybe someone other then the others who seemed confused with them for the most part in this room, a better person to explain where they are could be? With that thought in mind, he reached out for the door to let the two inside.

Age: Junion Camp + 5624 Missions and 3 Earth Years

Height: 178 cm (5' 10'')I 103 cm (3' 4'')

Profession: Ex-World-destroyer and pet (Wanderer)

Motivation: Exploration, Entertainment, Personal Desire.

Current Mood: Annoyed, Conflicted, Observant, Resignated, Alert.

Original World: A barren volcanic natural satellite where Camp was?
Or Earth, alternate Earth. One of many.

Location: Dezgeog, Introduction Dome
Mentions: Jezza Jezza , GearBlade654 GearBlade654 , darkred darkred ,
Nightwisher Nightwisher , Jeef_jones Jeef_jones , CapRock CapRock

--Graphics Credits--
Space BG, Shutterstock photo credited to PixelParticle;
Child Portrait, 誕生日おめでとう by 瘋狐 and Previous One, heavily altered by me;
Energy Bar BG, Space Texture 2 graphics pack by mandyfloss;
Fox Icon, Outline from SVG Repo, edited by me.


As the others had progressed through the metallic slit doors, Thae'il tagged along, only sparing the small girl a glance from the corner of his eyes to make sure that she was following too. The rest of the group seemed like either of military background or something else with just as much fight and risk involved... She, however, did not. If the delicate dress hadn't already been a big hint, her body language spelt 'clueless', but also 'innocent' to an extent. The type to freak out at the first sign of real trouble, to possibly become a liability.

So he felt the need to keep tabs on her.
A frightened member had the potential to be just as problematic than a loose cannon after all...

What awaited their sudden ensemble at the next room had been rather unexpected though. The environment had been furnished to imitate a typical human's home, except that everything was extremely exaggerated on size. What did they call it again? Ah! like a dollhouse. Sure, mind games had always been one of the options. But wow, the fox male hadn't actually been betting on that options as most as the remaining ones. Should he be relieved that it was not aimed at him specifically? Naaaah, that was too soon to say for sure.

"This confir-!!", the 'still calm despite the situation' sentence had suddenly been abruptly cut, in a display of shock, a tiny choke, that didn't match Thae'il at all.


It was impossible not to come to a full halt by hearing it again, memories of camp training days, near-death tests flooding to mind immediately. But perhaps, what hurt the most were the countless occurrences of it saying 'I don't get what you mean.', '...How so?', 'No. I don't.' and similars in the dullest, most indifferent and emotionless tones ever, all echoing in his mind together like a chorus of unshakeable regret and guilt. To the others, the shrunk Star Animal had just, seemingly frozen in the spot with dread, focused at whichever direction he had been looking at with such intense attention that it might as well have torn a hole through the wall.

The blur of a familiar white figure had passed by Thae's vision, taunting him, only for a split-second before it was gone again. It had prompted the black-haired boy to quickly jerk his head in its direction, observing with an erratic gaze and looking for something that did not exist. Unrationationaly and illogically pursuing the impossible...

'But nothing can erase what's been done, not even time itself.'

"T-thAT confirms that someone else is playing a game with us...", the disturbing childish voice continued as he attempted to regain composure, "Though for what purposes, it's still quite unclear. Entertainment perhaps? Are we being watched? Can they hear this? I sure hope they can, because if we ever manage to track the bastards down..."

The threat hung in the air, as the diminutive Star Animal glanced angrily towards the top of the dome, wondering if there were cameras hidden beyond the skyscrapers of tables and chairs. Though it probably sounded less threatening when said in a middle, vivid pitch rather the depths that he'd have used to reinforce the idea. Message delivered, it was time to ponder about everything better, if only so that he could stop having to listen to his voice from camp times.

Certainly, the de-ageing effect was caused by something in this location and was bound to remain for at least the duration of their stay. What and how it worked didn't matter right now, what did is that given by the dimensions of everything else in the location, it had been a thought-out thing, meant to make their task more difficult. The task? Finding the exit, at best. Some convoluted collaborative puzzle at worst. Maybe both. Everyone that walked into the room was reverted back into a kit--sized version of themselves. Or uh, 'kid' version in human terms, which apparently entailed whichever was on their person at the time, except the weapons.

For Thae'il, however, due to how his humanoid form was just as much as physical expression as it was a psychological one, things looked a bit different. Instead of the dulled-out, devoid of personality attire from back then, the clothing had remained the same array of bright shades and chaotic forms that it had been for the last aboooooout 4824 missions and 3 Earth Years. Full physical and mental maturity ...Well, in theory.
Shrunk in size to stick closer to his humanoid core and yet, not in length, probably to avoid having anything fall out and get lost if that was any possible. --...What would that even look like once he switched back? Losing fur in splotches like a skinned animal? What a terrible mental image...-- Either way, the point here is, baggy clothing galore. Which, was incredibly impractical and absolutely bound to get in the way. Honestly, if it wasn't for the raised vulnerability Thae'il would have really considered solely being a fox kit for as long as this lasted, but he should not give the enemy the opening to strike.

Definitely not while they struggled through unknown territory.

And it was after standing there for the span of a couple minutes while he observed everything that Thae had come to realize... they had a missing member. Really! Two of military dudes seemed caught up in complaining about loss of authority, --Is this really the time for that??--, the third one was trying to move an oversized chair most likely to climb on it, and the blonde was caught up with having an existential crisis of some sort ....as well. It wasn't as if the Star Animal had any right to poke fun on that one when he had been through the exact same.

Moving on from that, the problem was more than clear: that little girl was suddenly nowhere to be found.

Pale amber gaze washing over the scene thoroughly, --other than the ceiling, of course, a bit hard to get there right now--, the fox child's attention would eventually come to his immediate space and what was a rather familiar delicate dress left on the ground. Oh, okay then, so not human, gotcha. But then what was she? And where had she gone? Before he could even think of checking the piled-up piece of clothing footsteps echoed from beyond the entrance announcing the arrival of yet more people.

Thae'ils reaction had been immediate, extending his small arm out, with the intention to block their path. His signature-weapon materialized born out from a cluster of stardust, middle to either end, it looked no different from what it could have before all this mess, a long majestic golden war-scythe inscribed in an alien language with two pieces of cloth tied between the blade and the pole portions. Except, that Thae was smaller now and his balance had soon been thrown off by the normal-sized polearm sticking to the right forcing the poor kid to take wobbly steps trying not to fall, before retracting the weapon just as quick as it had come to be. Only the lingering sparkles in the air remained of the failed attempt, albeit temporarily. Also a sigh of defeat.

"Careful with where you're stepping.", that voice echoed out once more, draining any kind of amusement or intonation that he might once have thought of sharing. This would take a while to get used to...

Finally, mini Thae had crouched down beside the abandoned outfit, careful to not tumble over or step on it. What he saw near it was aaaa, bug? That's what they were called on Earth, right? An incredibly tiny green bug of a rather long body seemed to eat at the dress without a care in the world. Other than eating the fabric. This looked like something he'd have expected out of Chester, except a lot less delicate and more heinous and glutinous.

"What are you?", he felt forced to ask, at least there hadn't been as much as a flinch as the voice rang out this time...

Could it even understand a word he was saying in this state though? Guess the Star Animal was about to find out.
Location: Kids dome
Mentions: Nightwisher Nightwisher darkred darkred GearBlade654 GearBlade654 Jezza Jezza
Interacting: CapRock CapRock Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Mark lead the girl into the hallway, although reaching the other end and with the gas clearing, what was left was a young boy holding the hand of the younger girl. suddenly he would stop, his hand letting go of the girl as he seemed to lose focus of everything for a bit, just staring off for a while, not really listening to the others until suddenly...a laid back smile grew on the boys face, as he put his hands behind his head, sort of as one does when you lay in the grass to rest your head on them, looking around "Well I don't know what's going on, but it's nice to be let out, although this whole size change thing is a bit weird, it's pretty aight~" He first looked to the two military-looking types, wow they seemed to be mostly alright with it like himself! finally realizing that the kid in front of them with the way to big scythe was trying to stop em, of which he would lightly chuckle "That thing seems a bit big for ya, doesn't it? then again I guess anyone our size would have some trouble with it...anyway what's this about watching where we step?" he scanned the ground and suddenly his eyes landed directly where the bug was, just now staring at it "Huh, a tiny little mantis on some clothing...that's a bit strange, but not like I need to worry about it too much yet" And finally he turned back to the girl who was keeping a distance away from him early, offering a bit of a smile "Right! I sorta remember you freaking out before we got teleported to the entrance somehow, you doing alright now?" His tone seemed...actually a lot more laid back then concerned, but there was a look of concern on his face.​

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