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Fantasy The Hidden; OOC {Closed}

Well shit now I need to rewrite my first post a little. Or not and we just go with my guy having to rearrange the room by hand because none of the magic stuff about the dorms was explained to the students. And uh...

everyone's dorm has magic over it which allows you to EASILY rearrange things into your own unique style, adding in as many rooms and closets and such without making it seem any bigger on the outside.

IDK, isn't this kind of a copout and way too much freedom to just do whatever so no one has to actually deal with dorms being dorms and not perfectly ideal housing? How are we gonna have rooming issues and interaction if everyone can just have their perfect corner with their own rooms? Not even Hogwarts let students just crap out a customized mansiondorm for themselves and they weren't even preparing for a future racewar.
Fluxbauble Fluxbauble
Does it matter what she's really like when fanfics are concerned?

Zerohex Zerohex
Couldn't someone else just merge the split off rooms back in? I feel like the magic shifty walls just makes things worse for butting heads.
KnightOfNight KnightOfNight
They could as things were explained but if you can magically add as much stuff as you want on a whim, the only reason why you would collapse everything back is to be a dick. I mean "The Infinite Dorm Wars" sounds fun but it seems kinda contrary to the game's, well, everything.
Y'alls overthinking it. I just read what littleberry said and thought oh yay we can choose decor n stuff. isn't' that what it is?

or like, the rooms decorate themselves depending on what you want ie custom room decor magic

but not walls shifting or anything...
I have to admit I didn't realize that Galynthia was related to the King...so in order for the family tree to work out your character's mom would have had to have children quite a bit later in life, and the King would have had to start having children pretty early...indeed his children would also have started a family at a young age. It will be an interesting dynamic to be sure.
girl_on_fire girl_on_fire
lol I originally was gonna make Torrin the clan leader's niece, but Fluffer Fluffer got her CS up before me. Although...Torrin still has no idea who her father is......hmmmm......
I may have misread again. From my understanding, Torrin and Krrr are by the board and they're not too far off from their original location. I hadn't read your character had moved before the introduction of Evelyn had concluded.
Yeah, sorry, I had to edit and add on to my post, my bad, I think next time I'll just make a new one. Torrin had already left the party, and found Krr in the building.
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So we’ve reached that part of our scheduled programming eh? Albeit I guess it’d be called bussing.

Wall shifting could lead to fun like spiked wall chamber smashing. I’m a sucker for the classics, you know like the spiked walls, the sawmill, the drowning chamber, chamber of snakes etc.
Ah Scion Scion good you're here I have question: Would you say Charlotte is a closet sub or absolute dom? This is definitely not for Tristan's weird slashfic that I made up on the fly. XD
Hahaha forgive me it seems ive forgetton myself there. If i offended i meant none. Its just the kind of person I am. Ill try and watch myself going forward.

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