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Ahhhh I'm so sorry - getting overwhelmed studying for the bar exam - will make time tomorrow to post with either Kiara or Theo (sorry for being a sucky poster - any chance I could get a little TLDR so I know where I can slide them in?)
normally i would but im very sick again and am not sure i remember everything going on lol. last i recall:

- clara is alone outside
- chacha, sasha, lanre, vasu and ricky are all somewhat together
- the same chaos group (cosmo and everyone) are still together just chatting it up
- zuri is alone but close to lis and aurelia
- kaz joined amity and einar
Gavy and Naomi's stats are up! Auri and Einar will be up tomorrow. Thank you so much for your patience with me, the hits keep coming but I am doing my best to do right by yall!
normally i would but im very sick again and am not sure i remember everything going on lol. last i recall:

- clara is alone outside
- chacha, sasha, lanre, vasu and ricky are all somewhat together
- the same chaos group (cosmo and everyone) are still together just chatting it up
- zuri is alone but close to lis and aurelia
- kaz joined amity and einar
Hmmmm - mind if I have Theo absolutely ruin Clara’s day? 😃
irregular-neptune irregular-neptune Please try to reply with Lis either today or tomorrow!

All right, PSA time everyone! With my next RP post, I'll initiate the arrival to Ilvermorny to kick off the Opening Ceremony. Anyway, now that the thread is a month old and I need to create the dance cards later today, all inactive characters who have existed since the thread's inception are being deleted. So that's Angel, Aki, and Aoi, cuz we need to open up those spots to active RPers. With that being the case, would you like to promote Theo to Hogwarts champion? WanderLust. WanderLust.
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irregular-neptune irregular-neptune Please try to reply with Lis either today or tomorrow!

All right, PSA time everyone! With my next RP post, I'll initiate the arrival to Ilvermorny to kick off the Opening Ceremony. Anyway, now that the thread is a month old and I need to create the dance cards later today, all inactive characters who have existed since the thread's inception are being deleted. So that's Angel, Aki, and Aoi, cuz we need to open up those spots to active RPers. With that being the case, would you like to promote Theo to Hogwarts champion? WanderLust. WanderLust.
Ahhhhh yess!!! Yes yes yes!!!
ive been so excited for theo and clara to interact. ill try to get a reply up in an hour or two
LOL i cant believe it took me so long to even realize that it was a pen. im not new to the reaction buttons or anything either so i really dont know where i got the knife from
oh i'm watching the pjo series! I'm bad at keeping up with shows sometimes so i think a couple of episodes have come out since i last watched but it's really good! i think that lis' parent would be athena, ramona's would be hermes?? and Kaz's would be demeter I Think??

also i got my post up! sorry it's been so long, I'm trying to keep up and i'm gonna be more on top of it!! i just take care of my mom and some weeks are better than others :/
Before we jump to the opening ceremony is there a chance we could start plotting with the dance cards and possibly the first challenge? I’m so excited 😆 (and using this as a means of distraction from bar exam prep lol)
aww yay! i meant to message you or put it in here earlier that if you needed to pair any of my characters together to make it easier then you could, but i guess its a little late for that haha

i would love for clara to get into some sort of mischief or dance with a bunch of people. all of my characters are up for plotting with! i think amity is the only one who has anything planned for during the dance but even she can get into some trouble :D

ill start brainstorming challenge ideas. tbh its been a very hot minute since ive read the goblet of fire so ill likely be thumbing through my copy to remember what the challenges usually entail. crazy since i know those are essentially the whole point of this roleplay... i was just really excited to see a roleplay that didnt require discord haha

ill reply with amity and anyone else either tonight or tomorrow morning - i know everyone wanted to move to the next event and i have a habit of replying very often and didnt want to do that especially in the case of changing scenes

edit to add:
okok my brain is fried but heres these 43% thought out tournament challenge ideas:

something to do with potions. i was thinking something along the lines of the champions are given a childbook or poem to read that secretly has ingredients for a potion in it. the actual challenge is to heal or calm a creature acting out of sorts and the absolute only way to calm it down or bring it back to health (im imagining something is distressing it mentally or emotionally) is the potion? not really a fun challenge for outsiders to watch though. or maybe the challenge is figuring out what to do with the book or poem given to them. they are given the poem/book, see the creature, are told the two are connected, and then the timer starts for like six hours.... or something lol. i dont remember how long potions take to brew in the books, i know some of them can take like a month
assuming that if the last champion spot isnt filled by the time the games start, maybe whatever character we use to fill that spot is hidden somewhere at one of the schools and the champions have to go through a bunch of obstacles to get to that (old) champion first? this one could include some of the professors, like maybe einar is used for a detective challenge based obstacle and amity is used as another obstacle that gives a hint as to where the champion is & how he or she might be feeling based off where they are
there should be some sort of dream challenge! i think i read one of the schools get their acceptance letter via dreams and they wake up with a stone? the challenge for that school should be each champion is lulled into a nap that explains their own personal challenges and one hint they get. when they wake, each student gets their own object in their hand that will help them with their challenge. and they only have an allotted amount of time to figure it out on their own. this requires thinking of multiple challenges for each individual champion so maybe its better saved for towards the end, but i think it would be cool to specialize a challenge to each character still in the running at that point
i dont remember who it was that pulled the sword out of the stone (merlin?) but maybe one champion is unknowingly selected (voted by staff) to be able to pull a sword out of a stone. all the champions get one clue as to who that person is but they all have to vote for who they pick to do it. nobody is allowed to touch the sword or try it themselves until the allotted time is up and they come to a unanimous decision. again not another very fun one to watch but i imagine the champions are arguing a lot and trying to prove to one another why its themselves or someone else. to make things more interesting maybe two characters are told its them but only one of them is actually able to? if theyre told though theyd have to be not allowed to tell anyone else its them and play along of pretending to not know who it is. kind of like those youtube episodes where its like "1 real fortnite fan, 9 fortnite haters". im sure theres a way to add magic and obstacles to this somehow but im not coming up with much on this
going with above maybe each challenge is based on a historical wizard or witch figure! there could even be one based on einar's time as an auror?
since there are as many professors and secondaries as there are champions, maybe theres a challenge where they work together? a champion has to escort their professor or secondary through a bunch of obstacles to save them? alternatively, the professors or secondsries are shuffled and the students have to duel them. so like kaz vs kiara or cosmo vs lisandro stuff like that. obviously teachers would have to go easy on the champions but either someone loses or we just roll our stats to figure out why someone is selected to lose (even if they won their challenge because im sure most would)
champions have to fight off multiple dementors in order to stay in the competition? alternatively, before the competition, students are forced to interact with a boggart in front of whoever decides the challenges, so that the they see what they are. everyones challenge is to fight against their actual fear or whatever the boggart is. for example, clara's boggart might have turned into her dad telling her what a letdown he is. so someone (maybe another case of shuffled professors or secondaries) may take a polyjuice potion to turn into her dad and her challenge would be to deal with her fake dad. something like that. its five am as im writing all of this please bare with me
an "escape room" based on previous challenges or their competitors? or maybe based on the history of whatever school they are at, a famous person in history, etc. sooo many different ways you could do this
remember that scene with the winged keys where its hidden in plain sight but you have to get on a broom and chase it down to get it? something like that. but set up like the card game spoons where if there are six champions, there are only five keys. i think this is one where we'd have to pick who loses before the game actually starts so that someone knows to not find one in time
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Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Please try your best to post with Einar and Naomi today or tomorrow!

As promised, here are the dance cards! So technically I only included the ladies' dance cards, but from looking at them you can figure out where the boys are going to be for each dance! If anyone struggles with it I'll make some individual dance cards for the boys, but I think it'll be simple enough! Also, please note that we are about to get a Mahoutokoro champion imminently! I've been exchanging PMs with the interested RPer, and his form shall be up shortly. His name is Odinson, so he'll appear on the dance cards as well. With his inclusion, fortunately we have a matching ratio of female to male students, so everyone has a partner for every dance!

  1. Cosmo
  2. Lanre
  3. Vasu
  4. Ricky
  5. Odinson

  1. Vasu
  2. Lis
  3. Raphael
  4. Cosmo
  5. Ricky

  1. Raphael
  2. Cosmo
  3. Lanre
  4. Odinson
  5. Vasu

  1. Ricky
  2. Raphael
  3. Theo
  4. Vasu
  5. Cosmo

  1. Theo
  2. Ricky
  3. Odinson
  4. Lis
  5. Lanre

  1. Lanre
  2. Odinson
  3. Lis
  4. Raphael
  5. Theo

  1. Odinson
  2. Theo
  3. Ricky
  4. Lanre
  5. Lis

  1. Lis
  2. Vasu
  3. Cosmo
  4. Theo
  5. Raphael
Clara gets Ricky and Raph back to back 👀 and Kiara and Ricky might meet as dance partners! That's neato
clara is going in through the ringer. i think her only break might be theo or vasu lol and then she's stuck with her favorite person right at the end...cosmo
clara is going in through the ringer. i think her only break might be theo or vasu lol and then she's stuck with her favorite person right at the end...cosmo
If we wanted to switch Kiara and Clara's #5 slot then we could have Clara with Lis and Kiara with Cosmo? That way you wouldn't have to interact with yourself lol - just throwing that out there

Also yay!! I can't wait to meet Odinson <3

I've been brainstorming some ideas for challenges and here's what I've come up with

- Obviously inspired by the dragons challenge in GoF, but instead of just facing different breeds of dragons, all the teams could face off against different magical creatures?? Kappa, Basilisk, Acromantula, Dragon, Chimaera, Zouwu, Mountain Troll, a swarm of Cornish Pixies, Three headed dog, Occamy, etc. - each creature could be guarding something of value, my initial first thought was a key of some sorts that would be used in the next challenge? And just like in GoF they would randomly draw their creatures from a bag so there would be no unfair advantages

- Fairly self explanatory, all the schools would be placed on either team 1 or team 2, they would have to use team work and put aside any rivalries to either protect their own "flag" (though we could make it something cooler than a flag obviously) or to hunt down the opposing teams.

- This one would ideally take place at Hogwarts. All the participants are given a port key which takes them to a random spot in the forbidden forest. Once there, they'll have to find their other team mates and safely make their way out of the forest.

- My thought was that this one could take place somewhere near the ocean or jungle. The professors could set some sort of natural disaster in place (hurricane, Tsunami, wildfire etc.) and the champions would have to find or rescue something or someone (possibly someone close to them like in the black lake challenge) and whoever can do it the fastest wins?

Also pearjuice pearjuice I LOVE the escape room idea!! I immediately thought of the vaults in gringotts and maybe each room has a different sort of curse on it that each team/champion has to figure out and escape from??
Also - just had a thought while in the shower

What if the champions had to rescue and opposing teams secondary? I'm just imagining all sorts of chaos especially if they don't particularly like each other. Some of the secondaries could even sabotage the opposing champion that's supposed to rescue them XD ( help I'm being rescued against my will ) The way Theo would literally just knock them out and throw them over his shoulder if that were the case
What if the champions had to rescue and opposing teams secondary? I'm just imagining all sorts of chaos especially if they don't particularly like each other. Some of the secondaries could even sabotage the opposing champion that's supposed to rescue them XD ( help I'm being rescued against my will ) The way Theo would literally just knock them out and throw them over his shoulder if that were the case

Posting Einar and Naomi after work tomorrow!

Magical I-spy challenge?

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