Video Games Your first video game?

Don't quite remember because it was so many years ago for me, but I'd have to say either a few atari games, Mario, Final fantasy tactics on the PS or Pokemon leaf green and fire red.
I can't recall if it was Pokemon Red, or Ocarina of Time.
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Call of Duty: World at War... when I was eight. And that kids, is how I turned into a psychopath.
My first video game is very embarrassing its Yugioh Cpasule Monster Colieum on the PS2.i got it from my dad
Pretty sure mine was something like Tetris on the original Game Boy or NES, I can't quite remember what console but it was in the very early 90's. But my first favorite game was definitely Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (also the first LoZ game I'd played.) I was just enchanted by the mechanics and the music, probably the first game I played that actually told a story, haha.
The very first one I remember was Lion King for SNES, but I really remember Pokémon Red since of was in Kindergarten with it and I loved it a lot
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Some nameless DOS racing game. Moving pixel and crashing...

But the one that I use for the excuse of learning English was Harvest Moon on PS1, and also CTR.
Super Mario World on the SNES and it's still one of my favorite games (if not my favorite). after it some of my first games were super mario kart, donkey kong country 1, 2 & 3, and final fantasy "3" (really it's...6?).
When I was about five years old I got my first DS Lite and spent all my time playing Super Princess Peach, hehehe...
I remember being six years old getting introduced into the gaming world.

The first game I ever loved and still remembered.



Lmao ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
I think it was Super Mario World, if not TMNT: Turtles in Time. Pretty sure it was the former though.
The very first game that I remember playing was Tetris. But I think the first game that I really got into as a kid was NFS Underground. Maybe even the Burnout Series
Oh geez. Excluding silly games for Win95 when I was a youngin', I feel I have multiple answers to this.

The very first video game that got me obsessed...was, like so many others, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the N64. Before this my sister had a Gameboy (OG) and Kirby games for it, which I would always steal, but I could never get very far so it never really struck me.

A neighbor at the time introduced us the the N64 and LoZ captured my heart. I must've been around 6 or 7? Sister and I convinced my mother to buy us the system and a few games one summer, and I cannot tell you the countless hours I spent running around, not even beating dungeons (I was scared xD ) but playing pretend with Link. Walking through Kokiri Forest, talking to the villagers, pretending he had this strange morning ritual of climbing down from his tree house, talking to Saria, going for a walk around the village...thinking back I was a pretty odd kid, huh? HAD to talk to EVERYBODY, read all their dialogue...

After that, it was down the rabbit hole. I got a PS1 and the next formative game was Legend of Dragoon/Final Fantasy IX. Both bought because the cover art was pretty. xD ; That was the first introduction to story-heavy RPGs, and kind of started my real love affair with gaming. After IX I bought VII which obviously captured my heart.

Many games and many years later, god help me, I decided to get into PC gaming. A friend had me play a fun creative game at his house one day...really liked it, so I talked my mother into letting me get it...HER BLOODY MISTAKE. Played World of Warcraft since Vanilla, just quit a few years ago because they butchered it but I'm totally still seeing the movie.

WoW was pretty much my teenage years. Nelf Druid holla, Resto of course, from Vanilla through Cataclysm. I really gave up on the game come Pandaria but OFFICIALLY stopped playing with WoD. I raided, I PvP'd, I did it all.

That, my friends, was my real gateway drug into failing classes PC gaming and gaming on a slightly more...invested?...level.

Blizzard owes me eight~ years of my life back.

On the other hand, World of Warcraft is the only reason I can type mostly with one hand at 130~ WPM (99-100% accuracy). I mean, you gotta tell the tank to slow the fuck down, but keep spamming those heals with the mouse. xD SO I GUESS THERE'S THAT.
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