Video Games Your first video game?

I'm pretty sure that the first one I actually remember playing is Super Mario World for the SNES. I have bad memory (and even worse when it comes to my childhood) but that's the first one I remember.
I think it was some weird Swedish learning game for small kids, but the first game I actually liked and got into was The Sims back in 2000 when everybody at primary school started playing it, and I felt left aside for not knowing what it was.
The first game I played was probably Super Mario Bros, but one of the earliest games that blew my mind as a kid was Ocarina of Time.
I believe either Pokemon emerald or Pokemon Colosseum was my first video game. Might be wrong though.
My first true video game was Wind Waker, and boy was that amazing. Though I have been handed a controller when I was still in diapers and ran around doing nothing but running into walls in Majora's Mask and OoT. Since my elder sisters had been playing those two since before I could talk, OoT's magic never really hit me because I grew up knowing about it already. Majora's Mask is different because I remembered nothing about it and we lost our copy of it. I never got the chance to play it until I was around 10, and I love it.

People say OoT is one of the greatest games in existence, but I never really got to experience that for myself. I do believe, however, Wind Waker is my favorite and first true video game.
My first was either Pokemon LeafGreen or Super Mario Bros. Advance Two.

And as a kid I beat a game you hear people complain about.
Gamora said:
Tomb Raider for PS! Though, I never could get out of that cave.

The first level cave with the tyrannosaurus Rex and all those damn raptors? Or the first part with all the freakish wolves, bats, and that one bear who comes out of the ancient underground village before the first golden totem? I had one hell of a time getting past it, too. Took me years, actually.
xD !

As you can guess, my first video game was Spyro 1, and my second was Tomb Raider. We didn't own a memory card back in the day, so we ended up playing for hours and leaving it on for
days in an attempt to finish the damn thing.

My old man and my brother had been playing TR for three days straight, and my sister came up and tripped on the power cord JUST as they got to the final boss. The gamer cringe looking back at it is hilariously real. :'D
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Call of Duty: World at War. When I was eight. Says a lot about my violent tendencies.
Damn, you guys have all these retro throwback to the 1990s NES games. All I had was a Nintendo Gameboy and I recall the only game that was on it was Harry Potter: The Sorcerers Stone. I never finished it sadly but the memories are still fond in my mind.
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