• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.


the ghost of pimping past
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

A few notes and rules that you agree to by joining:
- This is an advanced RP, so 3+ paragraphs per post, please! English does not have to be your first language, but please use correct grammar and spellings if you can. If I feel that not enough overall effort was put into the character sheet, I reserve the right to reject it, but I will first make suggestions.
- If it wasn't already clear, our characters will be the students in attendance at the Academy for Young Royals, but they do not necessarily have to be the next in line for their country's throne, or even royalty at all. It is completely fine and encouraged to play servants, bodyguards, ladies-in-waiting, or other staff!
- For royal characters: you may sign up as the prince/princess (or even very young king/queen!!!) of any country, but once a user has already claimed a certain country, you must ask their permission to create a sibling character. That user has the right to deny sibling requests.
- Please keep royal characters between ages 16-20! They are, for the most part, all taking the same classes, so I don't want the age gap to be ridiculously huge. Staff, however, can be any age, older or younger.
- You may reserve any rank or position you would like, but all reservations expire after 72 hours if the form is not complete by then. In the meantime, feel free to post your WIPs on this thread!
- The tentative deadline for character sheets is November 7th.
- While characters are allowed to be complete asses to each other in the roleplay, OOC bullying is not tolerated. Hate the character, not the RPer.
- Please post on the RP thread at least once every two weeks. Don't make me have to hunt you down for a reply. A full four weeks without posting will result in dismissal from the thread.
- With regards to the aforementioned rule, please don’t flood other thread members, including myself. You must wait until three people have posted between your last post until you can reply again. If this rule is broken repeatedly and people are left excluded from the plot, I may end the roleplay.
- You must have an imagination! Create plots, play NPCs and side characters, keep the story rolling. I hate having to make everything happen on my own.
- Realistic faceclaims only for all characters! As much as I love anime, this is not the time or place.


Full Name:
Name Meaning:

Place in Succession:

Height & Weight:
Body Modifications:
Physical Disabilities:

Positive Traits:
Negative Traits:
MBTI Type:
Enneagram (if known):
Moral Alignment:

Mental Disorders:


Relationship Status:
Past Partners:
Dominant or Submissive:

- as many as you’d like
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Full Name: Hui Mingyu
Name Meaning:
Hui is a surname meaning “smart,” “clever,” or “quick.”
Mingyu is a given name that translates to “bright jade.”
Nicknames: Seeing as he is of the ruling class, he is most commonly used to being formally addressed as Hui-zhànshì by strangers and subordinates, with “zhànshì” being an honorific meaning “warrior.” As is the case with many Far Eastern cultures, it is only appropriate for close friends and family members to refer to Mingyu by his first name. On account of his lifelong petite stature, he was teasingly referred to as "Xiao (small) Ming" by his grandfather during his youth. In English and Russian class, his names are Micah and Mikhail respectively.
Gender: Male
Age: 18 years
Birthday: March 18th, making him a mysterious Pisces.

Country: Hong Kong
Rank: Prince, but he would laugh if you called him that to his face.
Place in Succession: 2nd in line for the throne
Major: Political science with a minor in international business. He is a very well rounded student with a liking and natural aptitude for learning, but mathematics are a consistent source of frustration for him.
Languages: While Cantonese is his native tongue, Mingyu is fluent in two other Chinese dialects as well: Mandarin and Wu. Additionally, Mingyu is proficient in English and Russian. He is currently trying to learn Spanish but finds that he is much better at reading and writing than he is at speaking and listening.


Appearance: At first, and second, and third glance, Hui-zhànshì does not resemble your typical warrior. He stands at an unimpressive height and is so thin he verges on fragile. When he leaves the family estate unaccompanied by his royal entourage—as he often does—it is not uncommon for him to be handed kids’ menus in restaurants. His features are delicate, simultaneously soft yet angular, and boyish in a way that makes it incredibly easy for opponents to underestimate him. When Hui-zhànshì smiles, his eyes dance with mischief and a dimple deep enough to pour tea into appears in his right cheek.
Mingyu’s face is long and narrow, with a chin so pointy that it appears downright villainous. Perhaps his face would appear even longer if it weren’t for the shaggy bangs hanging down his forehead and falling into his eyes. His hair is feather fine and parted deep on the right side, so that coal-black streaks sweep on a dramatic diagonal that all but swallow up his wispy eyebrows. Mingyu wears glasses that give him a rightfully scholarly look, with wide, unadorned black frames. Behind them, his eyes gently slope down at the corners, the irises a warm, medium brown that’s really just a dark orange, like the color of gingerbread. Hui Mingyu has full lips with a well-defined cupid’s bow, and the column of his throat is long, pale, and elegant. No matter the season or function that he is attending, Mingyu tends to dress the same: in brightly-colored skinny jeans and loafers along with a casual button-down with the first two buttons popped open to reveal a pair of sharp collarbones. For those who are curious, he is right-handed.
Scent: A fragrant blend of lemon, coconut, and the anticipatory rush of blood just before a fight breaks out.
Height & Weight: 5’6” & 121 lbs.
Body Modifications: From years upon years of intensive combat training, Mingyu has uncountable scars littering his body, some more noticeable than others. In particular is a jagged white fissure snaking along his right hip and continuing halfway down the outside of the thigh. Additionally is a handful of twisting silvery bolts criss-crossing his back. Not exactly a body modification, but he has a pale birthmark vaguely shaped like a star on the back of his neck, usually half-hidden by hair.
Physical Disabilities: Some chronic stiffness in his left ankle after a particularly bad sprain several years back, which is particularly noticeable while running or standing for prolonged periods. Furthermore, Hui is blind as a bloody bat, having roughly 20/200 vision. Without his glasses, he is virtually helpless.
Faceclaim: Yuzuru Hanyu


Positive Traits:
Negative Traits:
MBTI Type:
Enneagram (if known):
Moral Alignment:

Mental Disorders:



Relationship Status:
Past Partners:
Dominant or Submissive:

- as many as you’d like

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