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Dice Year of the Spy OOC

Seems like we may have lost WlfSamurai WlfSamurai for the interim.
If you all want to plan next steps here in the OOC I'll write around it and find something for Jackie to do until Wlf comes back or we're forced to write her a terrible fate.
Thanks, Grey, its about time we got this show on the road anyway. I'm sure Wlf will understand.

As for what John will do, he just arrived, and he's waiting for the lot of you to introduce yourselves. Or at least tell him what's going on, for crying out loud, he's been waiting for days all for an answer. Poor John, leaving him out like that's real cold. I bet you even gave him that cold shoulder. That long awkward silence must weigh on his soul.
Hey, Grey, just how much is inside the weapons locker? It could carry John's equipment yes, but to help the group, we might have a lot more.

I'm pretty sure everyone else just has a handgun, so there could be room for those
For the record, the Bureau is a civilian organisation and highly clandestine, with relatively limited funding at the moment.
So the weapons locker, in practice, is just a fairly secure storage closet.
For the record, the Bureau is a civilian organisation and highly clandestine, with relatively limited funding at the moment.
So the weapons locker, in practice, is just a fairly secure storage closet.

If that's the case, I think its got some ammunition and spare pistols. John's equipment gets sent in in advance, and they've got some extra parts in case he needs to change his rifle.
Good stuff.
I'll make a post for the next morning after work today, unless anyone wants to do anything with the evening.

Sound off on what you're doing here so I can NPC Wright to hand out orders, and send her on an errand in case she needs to be written out.
Good stuff.
I'll make a post for the next morning after work today, unless anyone wants to do anything with the evening.

Sound off on what you're doing here so I can NPC Wright to hand out orders, and send her on an errand in case she needs to be written out.

You could give John the keys to the weapons locker, if Wright has it. Tell him his room number too, so he doesn't barge in the wrong door.
It's been a while already, we can get this thing going anytime. All we need is a few people to start popping posts. John and Junko are already in the assembly area.

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