Other Why did you pick your name?

*breaths in*

It's a reverse of the name of this guy.

This is Pete Riske.

He is uncannily unlucky due to supernatural influence that he refuses to aknowledge. However, the curse on him also dictates that when things are at their worst he'll have unexpected strokes of good luck. And through it all he's super chipper and optomistic. He's one of my personal heroes.

He's from a game called sentinels of the multiverse which you can check out Here.

It also has a video game version which is the same as the card game but it's a video game so you don't have to buy the physical products and wait for them to arrive and then have them take up shelf space and then never play them because your friends aren't interested.

If you don't want to buy the card game or have bought it and want to know about the lore of the game check out the podcast Here. It's made by the game's artist and writer Adam and Christopher (respectively) and tells you a lot about the story behind the game. There's actually a hella lot of lore.

Finally, there will be an RPG coming out based on the card game that takes place in one of the two timelines that branch off after OblivAeon which is the final expansion of the card game and is about the end of the multiverse. There is also a tactics game with a base set that takes place in the other timeline but hasn't had any other expansions come out due to it being heavily reworked

Sory about all the advertising but I just really love this game and am very passionate about it and want to share it with you all.
Back in the distant time where I watched CLAMP stuff, in one of their movies there was this white bird called Laifan. It was more of a desperate move at the time, to write a name for a website that wasn't already chosen. And I dislike long names and absolutely hate appending numbers to usernames. It stuck because it's a name nobody ever uses.
Caligula was a crazy dude and it's interesting that no one is quite sure how genuinely crazy he was
Well, I originally went with the first username “Number 507” because 507 is like my luckiest number for everything. When I chose the name “Spy Squid 507” in 2018 because...well..Splatoon, great game, I loved it
When April rolls around, my name will be [Insert Name until I can think of one] with “(507)” being at the end so people will know I’m still the 507 everyone knows and loves.
Lol, funny story, actually.

Years and years ago, almost to the point I can't remember, I was playing Minecraft. Ah, the old classic days of MC. I made this mansion that I'd been working on for hours, and I loved it and wanted to save it. But - uh oh! I didn't have an account. So my brother helped me make my first account ever so I could try and save the world.

When he asked me for a username, panic swelled within my tiny heart. I'd been put on the spot! Whatever was I to do? My mind was racing but blanking at the same time, and my brother was staring at me with expectancy in his watchful gaze!!

Aha! The answer had come to me! I listened to the background, and in just the other room, my OTHER brother had been playing a Mario Party game! I heard the voice of the character and blurted out "Daisy", and he typed it out for me.

But-ohwaitfrick-I hate that character. She's always been my least favourite. So as a rebellious gesture against Daisy as a character, I changed the spelling. It was totally my idea, and not my brother's because the name was already taken. Nope. All me. I'm a friggin genius.

The world was not saved.

Screw you, Daisy.
I first had a stupid nickname.
But then i thought ABetterNickname. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Someone plz kill me.
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Inside with friends "I'm a doctor". Doctor is unimaginative. Whats a metal way of saying I'm a doctor? It's like a people mechanic. Natural. Raw. Organic, even.
So i have been seeing a different variety of names many of them have different meanings or they are just them. I started to wonder.... Why? why did you guys choose your names? I choose mine because it means "the eye" refering to god. I have always been a watchful person for others and also means hot spring i always had a connection with water. hby
mines just a portmanteau of ghost ghoul and my favorite color or rather a color that represents me
Mine is just Kairi, my chosen name (cause imma trans) along with a "nyaa" because im complete catgirl trash lol. Kairi was actually a name suggested by a friend when I was still kinda figuring things out, and it really stuck with me.
The name chose me, after a vicious battle with nineteen others who were considered quite flowy, But I was the Flowiest.
Every so often on the internet I would hear someone mentioned cthulhu this and cthulhu that, and I always wondered what they were talking about, so I looked it up and discovered H.P Lovecraft whom to my delight I found out that he was a writer of short stories for scifi magazines in the 20s and thus all of his work was now public commons. Which meant I could plow through it without having to pay a cent. And man oh man....his has got to be the most disturbing and pessimistic vision of the cosmos any fiction writer has ever conceived. But it's strangely captivating to the imagination. I especially find it funny that just knowing about an outer god, could drive a human to insanity, as if they weren't sinister enough in appearance and in their callous disregard for humanity. His cosmic entities are just so over the top, also the names are fun, especially Yog-sothoth it's rhythmic it sounds almost like a heart beat.
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I wish I had a deep and meaningful explanation for it but it's just the name of a planet in Star Wars, and I like Star Wars.

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