Other Why did you pick your name?

At a bar my dad was frequently mistaken for another man who had the same first name, but his last name is Rabbit. They would call him Rabbit, my mom Mrs. Rabbit, and they'd call me Bunny because I was little.

...then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked I watched Sailor Moon for the first time. Been a quiet fan ever since and my mom sometimes called me BunnyHon instead of HoneyBun.
My online name, 'Rowan Doll' comes from a watch over voodoo doll my sister gave to me, it's name was originally 'Raven Doll', but that was too 'girly' for me, so now it's Rowan
My name pretty much means 'fox traveler', which I found adorable
I can barely remember because it was so long ago but I genuinely just think I saw a picture of a houseplant and went “well there we go” and now it’s my name
Souffle pancakes are delicious, lol.

Even though I chose it as my name, I haven't actually ate any Souffle (french) dishes in my entire life.
no heart-wrenching backstory, i'm afraid. i just like oblivion and sheogorath is one of my favourite daedric princes.
Way back in 2010 I played Lego Universe and used the name generator to pick a username for a character. It ended up with DivineSilverDingo, but because that is too long for most usernames on a lot of other websites, it became shortened to SilverDingo and just kind of stuck.
When I was a teen, a girlfriend of mine nicknamed me Marzi. Can’t remember why but it stuck. I then began adding something in the beginning or end, no real significance to that.
Well as a kid i loved dragons, so my Roblox username was masterdraco. Now back then I used to survive on those cool as frick fight scenes from anime, It’s where i got my love of swords from.. SO of course, when i found out the word slayer was a thing dragonslayer became a person, an imbodiment of who i wanted to be someday, someone who rested deep within me and would come out from the inside to show his bravery! I think i first used the username on this game i used to grind called Dan the man And from then on i used it on every website. I had to add the 56 after a while because it was taken. So Dragonslayer56 was born. Now, when i first came on this website that was my username. But then i somehow lost the account, and so dragonslayer57 was born, and my avatar is usually depicted as a dragon with flames, or a flaming sword of some sort to show my love of dragons because Fire=Dragons. Although sometimes i‘ll use something different like drake or drakon, but there is usually a dragon or flame reference in my online nicknames
It started from when me and a few friends tried making a rock band at middle school. I was the drummer and, being the so-called somewhat 'edgelord' I thought I was as a teenager, I combined 'black' (because how can it be edgier than that?) with 'sticks' (like drumsticks), then changed the naming to be like the River Styxx from Greek mythology. But with an added 'x' because, again, attempted edginess 😂
So i have been seeing a different variety of names many of them have different meanings or they are just them. I started to wonder.... Why? why did you guys choose your names? I choose mine because it means "the eye" refering to god. I have always been a watchful person for others and also means hot spring i always had a connection with water. hby
'cause I live my Truth every day. My name on here is Sonicxskylar, which was literally chosen as a child by putting in my favorite show at the time, Sonic X, and then looking around the room till something stuck out to me, which just so happened to be my nephew, Skylar. But Truth was chosen because every day I strive to live the most true version of my life.
because i'm very normal about my special interest fandom.
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Sasayuri (ささゆり/笹百合) refers to the Japanese Lily (Lilium Japonicum), which despite its cultivation difficulty, is a very beloved flower with a characteristic soft pink hue.
It's one of my favourites and symbolises purity which is an important trait to me personally.

Furthermore, any kind of lily (yuri) would bring to mind yuri (百合) in the sense of girls' love/shoujo ai, which I enjoy!

Finally, the "Sasa" in "Sasayuri" also refers to "Sasakoi", the shortened name for my favourite yuri manga, Sasayaku you ni Koi wo Utau.

So my username references both a series I love, and botany!! :3

Bugga- is actually 'Bugger. Growing up i used to annoy this English kid and he used to always say "Bugger off!" And then erybody just started calling me Bugger for a good minute.

-Boo is what pretty much erybody i know irl calls me. Nickname ever since I was little. Like it's actually 'Boo Boo' as in injury cuz I used to always get hurt and show off my 'Boo boos' lol. Then it just got shortened.

'BuggaBoo' is the mixing of my nicknames. But I like that there is the word 'bugaboo', which means 'something wrong' too lol
I chose my username based on the trope “star crossed lovers”!
My username every where else is tinyxhalo, which is a post I found on tumblr but just shortened the quote. I believe it was “dancing with a tiny halo on.”
I chose my username quite simply..... because i'm south asian and very very bisexual :P

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