Other Why did you pick your name?

Years ago I was super obsessed with Kagamine Len. Very very obsessed. So I started naming characters Len and my username was Len kagamine on several things. Eventually, though, my 'Len' character diverged substantially from Kagamine Len into their own character, so I eventually changed them to Len Auphydas, using the last name from another name I already had (Daelyx Auphydas), who they had somewhat become merged with.

That was several years ago, and I still go by either Daelyx or Len, but mostly Len. Strictly speaking, in full, its Daelyx Len Auphydas.

But, I clicked on this thread at first because I assumed I used my other most common username; spiritualEclipse, and I think that ones story is a tad more interesting. Hopefully thats still acceptable, even though I didnt use it on this site apparently. That name has a bit of a dual meaning; I came up with it back in like 2013 or 2014, somewhere around there, when I was a Homestuck fan. For anyone who doesnt know, Homestuck is a webcomic and in the story theres a chat client called 'pesterchum' and all the usernames are made up of two words, the first all lower case and the second capitalized.

The one I came up with, spiritualEclipse was a reference to two things; The first was the eclipse of 2017, which I was anticipating because I had plans I probably shouldnt mention here for that event. I did see the eclipse, and it was quite the spiritual experience for me, though my plans ultimately fell through; At any rate, that eclipse had alot of significance to me that I had planned out a decade ahead of time.

The other part was more of an analogy, in that I felt like my 'spirit' was being eclipsed, i.e., blotted out, covered over.

So that's the story behind both of my most commonly used usernames.
I wanted the username needpen, but that was taken. Had to go with neidpen. I also remember that neid meant something in another language, I think. Possibly a botched term in another language. I like to translate english into a different language and just mix & match with the words to get character name puns and stuff like that.
I started playing runescape and named myself after the sound a chicken makes. My brother didn't think that was very cool so suggested pez. It evolved into what it is now
Playing this really cool old school jrpg feel to it. It's called Chained Echoes and therefore my name, for now, haha. I'm sure something else will come along later on down the road.
An old roleplay partner and friend of mine had a character with this name. Well, it was one of their names. That friend, roleplay, and character were all a special experience, and I wanted to honor it!
Mika is my pseudo name for role plays, games, etc. I just wanted a noun that rhymed so moon just happened haha.
i'm so lame. i just like the word lol, saw it in a fanfic chapter title one time and i was like... yeah. that one
Shizune is a character from Naruto, and I just really liked her name. lol :p
When I started getting into fitness one of my friends on the DnD server likened me to "whatever a geeky beef cake is, like, a meat ball or something"
Not sure if this is asking about online names, or asking those of us who changed their names; so I'm just doing both :D

Polliwoggle was pretty simple. When I was in the middle of changing my irl name, my brother didn't want to call me by my deadname as I had expressed discomfort with it (hence the name change.) I was pretty confused as to what he planned on doing instead because it wasn't like I had chosen my name yet, until I found out he'd just begun using the frog emoji in place of my name. Thus, the nickname "frog" was born. When choosing an online name I was chatting with my partner about how I thought it'd be fun to play on that, especially the word "polliwog," and then they said "woggle is a fun 'word,' do polliwoggle." It stuck and I'm using it years later.

As for my real name, Lucid, that was a bigger deal. I had just discovered some repressed memories, and I had also just realized I was trans; it felt like waking up. There were entire versions of me that had been quietly waiting for me to be ready to see them, and I felt as though I was finally able to start becoming myself. I was able to look at the past, present, and future in a new light; and eventually I settled on "Lucid" because I felt truly Lucid for the first time in a very, very long time.

it seems as though names I pick for myself are either really emotionally based, or just "hehe woggle" and there is NO in between.
it's mostly brainrot
a character i like a bunch started getting hit the pookiefication beam on tiktok
so now the word just makes me happy to look at

edit: and the "call me kit" under my avi is bc i just like the name kit, always have
its very gender neutral and one of my favorite characters as a kid growing up was kit cloudkicker from talespin
i thought he was the coolest protag on tv when i was like, four, aslkdfhjgk
Well, the '95 is when I was born. And Noah-Bear is like a representation of who I am on the inside; a fluffy, timid bear who wants to help people.
Hmm it’s been my handle online on many sites for more than 15 years so by now I don’t even consider anything else anymore. It started out as a quote from Ally McBeal ‘he’s just a weird little biscuit’ then transformed to ‘i’m a weird little biscuit’, to just ‘weird little biscuit’ and finally I got stuck with ‘weird biscuit’.

At this point it feels like it’s a part of me so still thinking of myself as weird but sweet I doubt I will change it anytime soon.
I've had a beard for a long time, it is starting to grey and is long and majestic. You can't touch it, but you can admire it. 🙃
Mains pretty simple. I'am a huge fan of the Fate franchise thus the magus part and Kaliem is just the name I use for my oc!
This has been my standby name in video games for ages. My favorite LARP name since I was a kid. Made it up when I was 12ish. Still love it.

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