Other What stereotype of your country do you not meet?


One Thousand Club

Im Canadian and I absolutely detest Tim Horton. I tried everything on their menu, even their donut suck.

Beside that I pretty much fit every other stereotype, even more accurate so french canadian. Maple syrup in my poutine, hell to the yes. Hockey, fuck ye (especially if I get to play), crazy driver yuuuuup, etc etc.
Nothing. I'm a living stereotype. I'm posh home and rowdy abroad. I have horrific teeth and drink thirteen litres of tea a day. I'm petrified of guns and never make eye contact on public transport, even when apologising. I can talk about the weather for half an hour and complain about anything for days. Most of my life is spent queuing or singing God Save the Queen.

Yes, I truly am a generic American.
I am anti-patriotic, I refuse to own a gun, I think immigration is fine, and I am not Christian.

A terrible American by the metrics of Stereotypes.
Unlike most Filipinos who are always proud of our cuisine, I just find it...pretty standard. Well, I eat the stuff every day and yeah, I do love some dishes like Chicken Adobo, but overall, I don't think it's that revolutionary especially when compared to other stuff I've sampled like Japanese, Thai or Italian cuisine.

Oh, and I absolutely hate basketball. The country is always swept up by basketball frenzy whether it's the local scene, the NBA or FIBA but I don't really care for it because I hate it.
I was born in Ireland but was raised in Australia.
I do not live off of potatoes
We don’t call prawns “shrimps” and I do not wrestle crocodiles
We also do not ride kangaroos to school
We do accidentally hit them with cars tho because of where I live (outer parts of the city, not within the city - THERE ARE NO KANGAROOS OR EMUS IN THE CITY. I REPEAT. THEY DO NOT LIVE WITHIN THE CITY)
I lived in Alaska.

No, the polar bears aren't around as much as you ask.
No, we don't snowmobile to school.
Yes, I'm pale, thanks for noticing.​
I'm american, but I'm not egotistical or patriotic. I am not obese and do not eat unhealthily. I refuse to own a gun. I agree with immigration so long as we have certain perimeters to make sure illegals, and criminals do not get in, and I could care less about sports.
I am Portuguese and I hate the sea. I'm also not terrible with technology, which is a stereotype I only found out existed after I saw it joked about on a fridge magnet in Italy

Don't eat hamburgers

Really just not fond of most people's behavior here

I do not think we are the greatest (in fact, I think we're the worst)

Don't understand the point of football

I have actually read the Constitution (well, most of it) Heh... casual burn

I actually am tolerant of people of all genders, races, what have you. Because that's what America is supposed to be?
American (southern specifically)

I'm fine with just about every race, sexulaity, and religion, as your actions dictate you and not your faith or color of your skin, nor even your 'likes'

I dislike monster trucks and I'm not an avid gun owner

I cannot understand sports for the life of me, especially football and baseball
i’m blonde and am typically clichéd as a bit of a dumbass, as most blonde stereotypes are to some. but i’m the valedictorian of my class so...

I hate sweet tea, I don't eat dairy or gluten, I hate most soda, the only fast food I eat is Chipotle and occasionally In-N-Out, I'm rail thin, I don't like most dogs, I don't own a TV, I HATE sports, and I'm extremely pro gun legislation. Not the perfect American, lol.
Canadian. I'm not ultra-polite. In fact, most people think I'm outright rude. That is, of course, not true. I'm just incredibly introverted and only socialize on my own terms.
American here, specifically the South/Oklahoman

I don't blindly claim that America is the greatest place on earth, especially morally. It's a pretty nice place to live, yes but we got this far by trampling over a lot of people.

I have no problem with immigration or refugees.

I'm not a fan of politics.

I'm actually fairly smart and have a decent grasp on science and math.

I'm not overweight. However, I am out-of-shape and probably borderline diabetic. (Thanks genetics.)

Guns are a meh subject for me. My dad's family is country all the way, so I know how to shoot, but I'm not fanatical about it. I also don't like hunting, more because it's boring than anything.

I am Native American, but I am the whitest Native American you'll ever meet. (Serriously, have pale skin and curly brown hair. But the Choctaws go by percentage of Choctaw ancestry, so they say I count. Barely.)

I do not live on a reservation, nor am I dirt-poor/technologically backwards.

I do not ride a horse to school. I have never owned a horse.
The love of guns.

I have never, nor have any of my family members ever owned a gun. Don't know how to use one and don't plan on learning.

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