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Fandom Unearthed (OOC)

Bev is going to worry about getting drunk on ale-cakes xD
"If...if I have too many of these am I going to get silly?"

And Val will be drinking himself into oblivion.
They sure can, I'm not sure on how resistant different elves are specifically, though Mirkwood elves are notoriously resistant to it
Elves do get drunk in The Hobbit iirc but their stuff is said to be a lot stronger than anything the other races brew.
well, i'm off to go and place my hands in a ice-bath.. xD
Maybe he is her mentor in archery or something like that? Or one had a crush on the other?

Also will likely wont be able to write a post until tomorrow GMT.
I think they would be good friends, but I don't think Galadon is that skilled with archery and certainly wouldn't be interested in romance.

Also, S Shibe , do you think you could change the "Main" threadmark to link to the IC thread and not the interest check?
hey guys, i'll get a post up as soon as I can !
ended up falling sick and so i'll be a bit slow
I think they would be good friends, but I don't think Galadon is that skilled with archery and certainly wouldn't be interested in romance.

Also, S Shibe , do you think you could change the "Main" threadmark to link to the IC thread and not the interest check?

I’m not sure, mostly because I’m still a bit new here and kind of a dum dum when it comes to working with all the links and threads. I can certainly try though!
Just posted my character sheet. This is going to be wicked fun ;)

And just to weigh on the thread I would be against guns as well. Makes it seem more steampunk than Tolkien but that's just me.
Why apologise? More text to read is very much welcome in my book! :D
Likewise! I used to write medium sized posts but if it's something i'm quite into then I just pile on the typing xD
Found this.. and i'm still giggling internally
Archon Archon You will get my reply but it'll have to be in a while.. since it's just gone past midnight for me.. and I am very tired xD

Nighty night folks! :D
Hi folks~
Tbh I forgot an ooc page was up. I'll try to get the character, and first up in a timely manner.

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