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Fandom UA Class 1C OOC

I haven't posted since last night, I think, so I've just been vibin. Lol
Please join in if you have the time! The more the merrier!!
I'm on summer break from college for another few weeks. Then back to the dorms for meeee
Donny's here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and he's got cinnamon, peppermint, fruit punch, and cherry flavor. He's also got those lollipops with the gum on the inside, plus taffy.
What am I, chopped liver? Jkjk, they are pretty great. I love them too.
The center of tootsie pops are groce. Sorry I don't make the rules.
Since Azuza was a shotgun made character I'd like a generalized opinion if possible. I've been told my shotgun characters can be a bit spotty I've been trying to improve it. Thoughts?

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