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Fandom UA Class 1C OOC

No promises! I mean, I should probably sleep too but I don't think I will
ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Oi Chief! I finaly got around to posting it, take a look and tell me whatever needs to be changed, gonna go off now but I'll make the necessary changes when I'm online again.

Also Y'all sure are fast, I'll admit I wasn't expecting the RP to get started this fast.
I was going to go to bed earlier, but imagining the logistics of a 4x4 cheeseburger has been keeping me up. I think I'm gonna turn in now though, night yall.
I think it is time for me to sleep as well.
But I shall leave you with this information

I believe that the closest thing in Japanese to 'sab' is 'sabu', which is an actual name that means 'bloom' if I remember correctly. Do with this information as you must. >:)

EDIT: fact checked this. It does indeed mean bloom, if spelled with certain characters. An alternate is also "help someone" and "ferocious". Unintentionally fitting.
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Just woke up and seems like i need to respond to 3 pages of OOC
Ok got a post out, had to skim through a bit due to how much had been written in just a few hours
Should probably make a PSA that I put the given name first for Akemi in case anyone is doing it the other way round.
I think ill wait for Sire Denathrius Sire Denathrius to post before I do, since I already had a post interacting with them since the last they posted. don't want to flood or overwhelm anyone <3
I might not be able to post until like 12+h from now so plenty of time since i need to wait for the two she shouted down to respond.
Also I gotta ask this now or I'll keep forgetting, but

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles I was thinking more about sab's quirk, specifically his venom, and I may have another weakness to add onto it if you'll allow it?

I was thinking that since realistically speaking he'd be constantly producing venom, rather than only producing when he uses it, what would happen if he didn't use more than what his body was making. I was thinking maybe it would back up into his system, and despite having an immunity to the effects of his own venom, it doesn't mean that it wouldn't make him sick or at least not feel good. Kinda like holding in your pee for too long (sorry for gross analogy) eventually it would back up into other systems in extreme cases, and would probably make him uncomfortable and sore in normal circumstances. What do you think?
It also makes his breath smell foul, same with the Fire Breath.
Ihihihihi- I'm villainously rubbing my hands together while typing the activity in preparation for Ken's post... this will be fun. for me, at least.

I'll wait until everyone's responded to their mentions or finished their posts, if they haven't already.
Ihihihihi- I'm villainously rubbing my hands together while typing the activity in preparation for Ken's post... this will be fun. for me, at least.

I'll wait until everyone's responded to their mentions or finished their posts, if they haven't already.
Intriguing, can't wait to see what you've got in hand!
Also I gotta ask this now or I'll keep forgetting, but

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles I was thinking more about sab's quirk, specifically his venom, and I may have another weakness to add onto it if you'll allow it?

I was thinking that since realistically speaking he'd be constantly producing venom, rather than only producing when he uses it, what would happen if he didn't use more than what his body was making. I was thinking maybe it would back up into his system, and despite having an immunity to the effects of his own venom, it doesn't mean that it wouldn't make him sick or at least not feel good. Kinda like holding in your pee for too long (sorry for gross analogy) eventually it would back up into other systems in extreme cases, and would probably make him uncomfortable and sore in normal circumstances. What do you think?
That would make sense, and I'm fine with it.
Ihihihihi- I'm villainously rubbing my hands together while typing the activity in preparation for Ken's post... this will be fun. for me, at least.

I'll wait until everyone's responded to their mentions or finished their posts, if they haven't already.
I'll get IQ up here shortly, need to settle for the evening.
Cool, I'll update his form with this info. Ty!

EDIT: updated form

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