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Fantasy Two Worlds Collide

Kyle smirked, standing and pulling a chair out for her, "Seat. We can talk about something else instead of the mission if you want."
Rowan hesitated a brief moment and then smiled as she took the offered seat. "Thank you...and yes I would appreciate that for now." She says.
Kyle smirked as he pushed her chair in and sat down, "Okay, then how about you tell me about earth."
Rowan smiled and thought for a moment, her hands clasped in her lap. It was odd to try to describe what she grew up with. "It was different." She laughed some. "People don't have fighting to worry about...at least not the majority. There are some. But most have very mundane lives." She says. "I don't know, is there anything you want to know about?" She asks.
Rowan smiled. "I had school. We learned mathematics, English, and whatever else. I had art classes, always did. I love drawing and art and my teachers and parents made sure I had time for it. When I wasn't in school I was with friends hanging out or spending time with my parents." She says.
Kyle smiled, "That sounds like you have a great childhood." Then he frowned, "Being here is probably not what you expected to do with yourself, was it?"
Rowan led down at her hands a moment, shaking her head. "No." She says quietly. She offered a small smile and looked back to him, shrugging. "But life rarely takes us where we expect." She says.
Kyle smirked, "Well, I guess that would be the way to look at it, as of this point." He nodded then sighed, "Are you allergic to anything?"
Rowan thought a moment and then shook her head. "No, nothing that I know of." She says, tilting her head to the side. "Why?"
Kyle smiled, shrugging, "I wasn't sure if you were. It would be nice to know, for when you need the company and we end up eating. I don't want to hurt you while we are together."
Kyle smiled, "It's my job to protect everyone here and even more so, someone that is is my responsibility. After all, I am going to be leader so I have to at least do that."
Rowan smiled and nodded. "That is true. That's a good quality for a future leader and I think everyone here knows you'll be good at it." She says
Rowan smiled. "I mean it. I mean I guess I know the least about all of it. But I truly mean it. From what I've seen you couldn't be anything less than good at it." She assures him.
Kyle blushed and smiled, "Thank you, it means a lot to know you think that." He sighed as the food arrived, "Looks like my father might miss dinner." He frowned and sighed, "He does that sometimes? I wonder if it's the meal, work or me, sometimes."
Rowan looked to him sympathetically. "Why would it be you? I'm sure he just has more work than he thought." She says.
Kyle smirked at her, "It's just, my mother died because of me, in a way. I got in some trouble when I fall through a portal once, having a temper tantrum. She saved me, but ended up getting killed on the way back."
"Oh Kyle..." Rowan says quietly, reaching out without thinking and taking his hands in hers. "She did what any mother would do Kyle. You can't blame yourself for it. Children have tantrums." She says.
Kyla smirked, sighing as he nodded, "Not the future leader of a tower." he sadly smirk. "I am sure you are right though."
Rowan smiled sadly in return. She didn't know how to help. That was a loss that was hard to make better ever. "Kyle I don't think he could blame you and if he did it is wrong. You're his family. You should stick together." He says gently.
Kyle looked ta her and smiled, "Thank you, but in this world, family is everyone in the tower and because of my father I should be fairly perfect."
"Well that's unfair. I mean you're pretty perfect but that shouldn't be your goal." She says. She sat back and smiled.

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