Experiences The Weirdest Thing You've Googled for a RP

DanganMillie Madness DanganMillie Madness you might try reworking the queries through Tuxedo Mask. His main weapon is a rose which can do all sorts of fun things.

If I had to make the educated guess on whether it was scientifically accurate then no. A rose doesn’t have a sturdy enough stem to stab someone to the extent that you would cause lasting damage. They do typically have thorns though. So you could scratch someone OR poison them by coating the rose with something.

Also fun alternative if you wanted to get creative, suffocate them through extreme rose allergies. I have hay fever that can leave me a wheezing mess. So you would just need to dial up the severity a touch and maybe handwave pollen production.
Oh I just remembered one I looked up yesterday! (When I'm typing this)

"how durable are wolves"

...I can explain. I'm helping my partner with ideas for a setting of theirs which involves werewolves, and I want to give them characteristics akin to actual wolves. So I wanted to know if wolves had any unique biology that made them tougher (bad example but similar to how cows have several stomachs.)

The answer is no, but the eyes of a wolf are 20 times more sensitive to movement that humans. They can also see in the dark, but only have 20/75 vision and can only see green and yellow.
oh god.. i started a heist group rp and some of the stuff i have to google makes me so paranoid that the FBI or smth thinks im planning a robbery. here's a few;

handguns that are not traceable
can police track your phone if its off?
burner phones
how is security in banks laid out?
is it easier to commit crimes when guards are switching shifts?
how to create computer viruses
boats from colombia to texas
richest banks in america
how are fake IDs made?

thats all i can think of but yeah, whoops
oh god.. i started a heist group rp and some of the stuff i have to google makes me so paranoid that the FBI or smth thinks im planning a robbery. here's a few;

handguns that are not traceable
can police track your phone if its off?
burner phones
how is security in banks laid out?
is it easier to commit crimes when guards are switching shifts?
how to create computer viruses
boats from colombia to texas
richest banks in america
how are fake IDs made?

thats all i can think of but yeah, whoops
I love that I'm pretty sure I know which RP most of these were for, lol.
The thing I had to google that has to have gotten me on some kind of watchlist was when I had to google how a lot of... Imma use the term funpowders, were made, and what happens if you take them at different stages of the production process, because of a slime character that had the bright idea of infiltrating a cartel by drying themself out into a powder and being mixed with the stuff at a stage just before moisture would be reintroduced so they'd wake back up.

It turns out that before it's fully concentrated, the extract of the coca plant is not nearly as severe a stimulant as the memes, media, and D.A.R.E. made it seem.
I recently searched if airports carried flare guns and if flare guns were capable of killing someone, so there's that.
Weirdest thing has been updated from how drugs work to the average heights, weights, organ sizes and placements as well as hormonal levels of pre-pubescent children to determine how a device that makes superpowers would affect them, not that my search history knows that.
Because if rps I have had to look up basic military firearms on multiple occasions. As a result, the word Beretta M9 (one of the most commonly used semi-auto pistols in current military service) is now in my regular vocabulary.
Here are some gems:

"Can air ducts carry noise to other rooms"

"Easy to find murder weapons"

"Best way to hide bloodstains"

I swear I'm not a murderer I'm just writing one
Oof! More recently, since I’ve been writing pirate RPs with an old friend of mine.

“How much water would it take to sink an island?”

“How would you survive inside a whale? What would you eat?”

“Can humans evolve back into fish?” - For context, we were debating whether Atlanteans simply turned into fish to survive.
Oof! More recently, since I’ve been writing pirate RPs with an old friend of mine.

“How much water would it take to sink an island?”

“How would you survive inside a whale? What would you eat?”

“Can humans evolve back into fish?” - For context, we were debating whether Atlanteans simply turned into fish to survive.
I can confirm that you can in fact survive inside a whale! There are actually a few records from the ye olde days of whaling of a crew killing and harvesting a whale, only to find a terrified but alive sailor who had been swallowed. They'd be completely bleached white due to the stomach acid but it was better than being dead, right?
I can confirm that you can in fact survive inside a whale! There are actually a few records from the ye olde days of whaling of a crew killing and harvesting a whale, only to find a terrified but alive sailor who had been swallowed. They'd be completely bleached white due to the stomach acid but it was better than being dead, right?

That’s actually cool! Thanks for sharing. We were going off from dumb hypotheticals as we do, but this would be interesting scenario to write about. I thought maybe you could try to climb out through the nostril/blowhole of the whale. But surviving the digestion process or at least the beginnings of it would be gnarly.
That’s actually cool! Thanks for sharing. We were going off from dumb hypotheticals as we do, but this would be interesting scenario to write about. I thought maybe you could try to climb out through the nostril/blowhole of the whale. But surviving the digestion process or at least the beginnings of it would be gnarly.
Oh I forgot to mention my take on the human to fish thing! It could be possibly, theoretically, seeing as sea mammals actually used to have legs and sorta looked like dogs, from what researchers have found. But it would take millions upon millions of years for it to occur. Granted if the Atlanteans had advanced tech they could have easily genetically engineered themselves to be fish. There's actually a very interesting book called "Man After Man" that sort of has a similar concept where it tracks humanity's evolutionary path from present day to millions of years in the future.
Oh I forgot to mention my take on the human to fish thing! It could be possibly, theoretically, seeing as sea mammals actually used to have legs and sorta looked like dogs, from what researchers have found. But it would take millions upon millions of years for it to occur. Granted if the Atlanteans had advanced tech they could have easily genetically engineered themselves to be fish. There's actually a very interesting book called "Man After Man" that sort of has a similar concept where it tracks humanity's evolutionary path from present day to millions of years in the future.

Ah, those were my thoughts as well. At least, time-wise, it was going to take a very long time for people to evolve from the Hominidae/Ape ancestry. I haven’t heard of the book, but I’ll look it up. It sounds like it would have some useful information towards evolutionary biology. Thanks for sharing again! I love learning about different things! 😃
Ah, those were my thoughts as well. At least, time-wise, it was going to take a very long time for people to evolve from the Hominidae/Ape ancestry. I haven’t heard of the book, but I’ll look it up. It sounds like it would have some useful information towards evolutionary biology. Thanks for sharing again! I love learning about different things! 😃
Anytime! Another, much darker book with a very similar concept is All Tomorrows. It's the same concept as Man After Man, except with a dark sci fi twist. Humanity is genetically engineered beyond recognition by a godlike race of being known as the Qu and scattered across the galaxy. It follows all of these different offshoots of humanity as they rise, fall, go extinct, evolve and grow.
Anytime! Another, much darker book with a very similar concept is All Tomorrows. It's the same concept as Man After Man, except with a dark sci fi twist. Humanity is genetically engineered beyond recognition by a godlike race of being known as the Qu and scattered across the galaxy. It follows all of these different offshoots of humanity as they rise, fall, go extinct, evolve and grow.

Oh, the premise of that is something I would definitely been keen on! Genetic engineering is one of the things I like to read about. I’d be curious to read about the technology that the Qu use to change DNA and what specific strands they target, though, I’m not sure if the novel would go that deep.
Oh, the premise of that is something I would definitely been keen on! Genetic engineering is one of the things I like to read about. I’d be curious to read about the technology that the Qu use to change DNA and what specific strands they target, though, I’m not sure if the novel would go that deep.
The tech used is actually quite vague. Primarily because the book is structured as a historian from a non human species writing down what he knows about the fate of mankind long after even the latest of its offshoots have died off
I can confirm that you can in fact survive inside a whale! There are actually a few records from the ye olde days of whaling of a crew killing and harvesting a whale, only to find a terrified but alive sailor who had been swallowed. They'd be completely bleached white due to the stomach acid but it was better than being dead, right?
actually, as recently as this year, a diver was swallowed by a whale and made it out
WAYYYYYYYYYYYY back in the day, "coccyx". Didn't know what it meant, still don't, it's tailbone and no scientist will tell me otherwise.
WAYYYYYYYYYYYY back in the day, "coccyx". Didn't know what it meant, still don't, it's tailbone and no scientist will tell me otherwise.
I'm no scientist, but Greek things make me happy and I'm glad to say that the etymology of 'coccyx' is from the Greek word 'kokkyx', which is their word for the cuckoo bird.

Apparently some early Greek doctor decided that bone looked like the beak of a cuckoo, and now here we are.

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