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Diana was always the second one up, her sister Meredith was the first one. It worked in their favor as they were the oldest in the cabin, and were born in the same year, her sister being a few months older than her. They shared responsibilities as the head counselors of the Demeter cabin. It worked for them, as they were basically twins in the way they acted aside from some noticeable differences. Meredith was the first person from the cabin that she met, and was the first one to welcome her to camp half-blood. At first, she was scared of new people and tried her best to hide away in the gardens of their cabin but her sister was the one who gave her a chance to shine and thatโ€™s why she loved her dearly.

But she still leaves all the social things to her. Diana will handle everything else, but that.

Diana gets up as she sees Meredith passes by into the gardens of her cabin, she can already hear the cries of her plants, calling for their friend. She smiled softly at their feelings as her sister went to the garden. To be able to feel and hear their happiness is something that she loved, and her siblings always asked her if their plants are happy or needed something. Her gift was something that she was proud of. She gets dressed quickly as more and more of her siblings awaken. Once she sees that Meredith comes back through, she smiles as she passes by her to head to her own garden. Where her plants are happy that she came by.

She quickly laughed as a plant complained that she always took too long to come to them
โ€œI have to shower Mags. No, I donโ€™t just be automatically clean like you cuties.โ€
Mags, the magnolia always asked this question without a doubt. It was quite funny to feel her pouting
โ€œOh stop the pouting, Iโ€™m here now, and soon enough Eric will be hereโ€ฆactually heโ€™s a bit lateโ€
Diana said pouting as the plants try to cheer her up. She grabbed an apple seed and grows a perfect apple for her best friend.

Eric has never been late before, which was scaring her slightly.
โ€œOh Ericโ€ฆwhere are you?โ€

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)

saweetie ft. doja cat

best friend

Damon let out a small chuckle as Fee finally revealed her lovely, lovely face. He felt like the Cheshire cat as he grinned down at her, scrunching up his nose playfully as she kissed it. โ€œI know. Dear, sweet Amore, we both know Iโ€™m the only alarm clock you ever need.โ€ At her gesturing, he climbed up onto the mattress beside her, wrapping his arms around her to give her a squeeze. If there was anything he loved more than seducing other people, it was hugging his darling Fee. Sometimes it seemed as if his true place in the universe was right beside her. (Which, by virtue of how their parents conceived them, was true.)

Running his hand through her golden hair, he said, โ€œIโ€™m nervous, too, darling, but donโ€™t worry! There is no possible way we can get in too much trouble. Weโ€™ve got your secret weapon and our patented puppy dog eyes at our disposal. Besides, how bad can recreating a music video reeeeeallllllyyy be?โ€ He winked, trying to reassure himself as well as her. Hopefully, Careโ€™s plan would involve coming to their rescue before Chiron could even think to punish them for what they were going to do today. Although he was pretty darn sure they weren't doing anything that broke any rules, not really. Just disturbing the peace a little.

Stretching his arms above his head, Damon asked, โ€œThink we should ask Mer-bear to help us out? Not that we arenโ€™t perfect, of courseโ€”โ€ he paused with a smirk โ€œโ€”but she might be able to keep an eye out while weโ€™re doing our thing and let us know if weโ€™re about to get busted.โ€ At the thought of their best friend, Damon scratched the back of his ear. He and Meredith had been a little more than friends (but definitely not dating) for a little while now. It was one of those types of things that Fee and Noah seemed to have: they appreciate how hot the other was, but they knew it couldnโ€™t last forever. In fact, if his senses were right, as they always were, it wouldnโ€™t be long before she was swept away into the arms of the person who was more suited to her.

Now, why did that make him feel a bit lonely?

Ah, but he couldnโ€™t dwell on that now. He wanted his Mer-bear and his Amore to be happy, and the first step to that was to carry on Careโ€™s plan so sheโ€™d get off their backs. He could worry about all the romance stuff later. It was practically the reason he woke up in the morning!

Taking Feeโ€™s hands in his, Damon stood up and pulled her to her feet and into his arms. โ€œCโ€™mon, now, Amore, we gotta get some breakfast. Need to fuel up for our epic distraction, donโ€™t we?โ€

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)

david archuleta

my kind of perfect

To his immense surprise, it didnโ€™t take long for Adrianโ€™s phone to buzz with a message from Nyssa. His eyes scanned the words, and a smirk passed over his face. He wasnโ€™t surprised in the slightest that they were together, and they had been sleeping. If he was anyone else, he probably would have suspected something much more than it probably was, but he also knew that it wouldnโ€™t be the most far-fetched thing at this camp. (No, that would be him actually bonding with their hellhound.) Frankly, he was waiting for the day when theyโ€™d break the news to him. He was also dreading it.

He'd started it, in his defense. Heโ€™d compared them to Danny Phantom. And, well, Danny ended up with Sam eventually. Leaving Tucker to be the mayor of Amity Park. But Adrian didnโ€™t want to be mayor. He wanted to go on his graveyard adventures with the Darkness Trio forever! Still, they were already hanging out without him, raising a hellhound together, spending entire nights together without himโ€ฆ Maybe it was the start of the divide. Like tried and true siblings. Meant to love each other but only speak to each other on holidays.

And, well, ever since Sammy... he didn't really have anyone like that to be around.

Well, wasnโ€™t it just like the son of Death to have such depressing thoughts early in the morning? Adrian shook his head and stood up, making his way across the grass towards the Nyx cabin. He wasnโ€™t going to get anywhere if he kept himself depressed and thinking all day on his porch. As soon as he reached his destination, he leaped onto the deck and knocked on the door. โ€œNyssa? Eli? You two good in there?โ€

There was a bit of a crash inside, and he worried that his friends were hurt, somehow. Had a monster gotten into the cabin? Adrian opened the door, ready to whip out his longswords, until he saw Anubis wagging his tail beside Eli, who was on the ground.

โ€œOh, fuck.โ€

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)

vance joy

missing piece

A cramp hadnโ€™t even formed yet in her lower back before Willow heard what almost sounded like Somnus purring. But that didnโ€™t make sense, because sheโ€™d gotten a text (that somehow hadnโ€™t broken her focus whatsoever) that that guy Eric had him. So whatโ€ฆ?

Her question was answered by the sudden pulling sensation around her waist. She yelped, tightening her grip on her pencil and her sketchbook as Caleb pulled her toward him. Heat spread through her face as she looked down at him talking into her hip, only for it to intensify when he kissed her stomach. โ€œC-Caleb!โ€ was the only thing she could say for a few seconds. Her limbs were already turning to jelly, and the skin heโ€™d kissed burned. She couldnโ€™t even think to hide her drawing from him as she processed the past few seconds, her heart fluttering from the affection sheโ€™d heard in his nickname for her. Songbird. The most beautiful word Caleb could ever say. Why oh why could she never get a grip around him?

She regained her wits as he asked her what she dreamed about. Blinking down at her drawing, she frowned. โ€œI think my dad was trying to talk to me. But he didnโ€™t say much.โ€ Her teeth worried at her bottom lip for a moment before she added in a whisper, โ€œAnd, um. I dreamed about you, too.โ€ She purposely tried not to look at him as she said it, embarrassed, as always, that she was so consumed by him, even in sleep. They may have been together now, but she still found it a little mortifying to tell him to his face. Especially since he would no doubt tease her about it.

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she swallowed before turning to him. โ€œYou sounded very cat-like just now. I didnโ€™t know sons of Hermes purred. Should I start calling you โ€˜kitty?โ€™โ€ she teased, leaning up to kiss his cheek, right where his smile reached whenever he smirked at her. She wanted to give him a full good morning kiss, but her stomach rumbled before she could. Oh. Food. Right. Also, cat. These were very important things. โ€œI guess we should go to breakfast, huh? I also have to scoop up Somnus from that Eric guy; heโ€™s heading over here to drop him off.โ€

A yawn erupted from her mouth as she set her sketchbook aside and stood up, stretching her arms over her head. Sheโ€™d been so focused on her drawing that sheโ€™d totally forgotten to wake her body upโ€”no wonder her legs were jelly! (Yes. That was the only reason.) Willow rubbed her eyes with a sweatshirt sleeve and trundled over to the door. โ€œComing, Casanova?โ€ she asked through another yawn, glancing back at him. Naturally, that was the moment she finally registered his state of no shirt. โ€œPlease tell me youโ€™re planning on putting a shirt on before you do.โ€ Only I can see you without a shirt now, she thought to herself, complete with the usual : ( found at the end of a text.

Before she could say something that heโ€™d smirk at and that Fee would tease her for later, she shuffled out of Calebโ€™s room and made her way to the front of the cabin, intending to make it look like sheโ€™d hadnโ€™t just come out of Calebโ€™s room and was definitely a responsible head counselor for the Hypnos cabin. Not that she was ashamed of her relationship with Caleb, not even in the slightest. She just didnโ€™t want to deal with the questions and the smirking. Mostly the smirking. It was bad enough she embarrassed herself daily with Calebโ€”with other people it was sure to be much, much worse.

Apparently, the humiliation didnโ€™t stop with Calebโ€™s way of saying good morning (her skin still burned, by the way). When Willow opened the front door of Cabin Eleven, she saw the son of discord himself, Eric, sitting on the deck. Her first instinct was to jump two feet in the air, but seeing as that was a tad physically impossible, she opted for the more physical โ€œah!โ€ reaction. Her hand flew over her heart, feeling how fast it was suddenly beating, and she couldnโ€™t look anyone in the face as she regained her ability to breathe. โ€œU-umโ€ฆ thanks for returning Somnus. I hope he didnโ€™t give you much trouble. You got over here really quickly, hahaโ€ฆโ€ Oh, gods, kill me now. Put me out of my misery.

She wasnโ€™t going to get out of this alive. Or without one of Calebโ€™s smirks.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
Last edited:








  • home (filler tab)

quinn xcii w/ Chelsea cutler

stay next to me

Idle texting and banter with Kyle just wasn't the same without the leprechaun in the flesh. That was Noah's thought as his redheaded friend finally made his appearance, looking very hungover and very out of sorts. Smiling smugly at his friend, he pointed out, "Oh, yes, quite happy that I won last night, as I always seem to. You just cannot catch a break, my friend." He raised his eyebrow at the rumbles his best bud's stomach made. "Well, it's a good thing a certain daughter of Apollo arranged for the perfect hangover breakfast, eh?" His grin widened, expecting his friend to protest that it wasn't what he was thinking, but he knew for a fact it was.

If there was anything he retained from his time with Fee, it was his newfound ability to sense what was going on between Kyle and Violet. And oh, how adorable it was to watch.

Before he could suggest that they get up and go fetch some breakfast, Marissa plopped down next to him. She whimpered, assumedly hungry as Kyle was. Noah would have commented on that normally, but then she was leaning against him, and all witty banter flew from his mouth and his mind. He had to bite his tongue to stop himself from spouting gibberish in place of coherent words.

Oh, God, he wanted to stroke her hair.

But no, that would probably be a bit rude. They were, at most, acquaintances at the current moment, regardless of his infatuation that Kyle had somehow found out about. Instead, after opening and closing his mouth like a fish for a few moments, he cleared his throat and smiled down at Marissa. "Looks like I have two hungry demigods to take care of this morning. Do you need help, Rissa, or can you procure sustenance by yourself?"

Now only time could tell before he broke down and started actually spouting gibberish like a true drunken son of Dionysus.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)

phil collins

you'll be in my heart

Violet didn't have to wait very long before Victor answered the door. She smiled brightly at him before entering his cabin and sitting on his bed, waiting for him to shower and get dressed. Her hands passed through Kevin's fur, and her bunny snuggled deeper into her arms as she hummed absentmindedly. She hoped Jasper had made it to the dining hall; sometimes it seemed like he got so easily distracted (hence the infirmary debacle). And, well, as his sister, she wanted him to be taken care of.

Sometimes it seemed like she had to take care of every boy around here. (But mostly a certain redhead.)

Victor emerged from the bathroom and Violet nodded as he headed toward his car battery. His powers were strange, but they were interesting to see in action. It was like watching a more physical version of how her powers were charged by the sun's rays. She would have thought harder about the connection between the two instances had something not gone wrong.

It started with the pained groans. Violet looked up sharply. Of course, she was used to the groans, since touching a car battery was no easy task, even for a Big Three child. But this was different. Healers knew the differences in sounds of pain. Violet hurried over to Victor before he even hit the floor. She gasped, her hands flying over her mouth when he opened his hands to reveal the burns. Her instincts kicked in, and she gently held his hand, hoping to use her power to try to detect the extent of the burns. But she wasn't quite sure what she was feeling, so she had to rely on her sight instead. That... wasn't normal.

Whatever the case, she had burns to attend to. Taking out her first-aid kit she always kept with her, Violet started tending to Victor's burns. "Vic, I-I can't feel how deep they go." She was normally able to keep her cool while working, but despite herself, tears were gathering in her eyes. This feeling of powerlessness was familiar, but only vaguely so. The last time she'd felt like this, she'd felt the life go out of her best friend's hand. These were burns, she told herself, Vic would be fine.

Swallowing the rising feeling of dread, Violet took out a vial of nectar and held it up to Victor's lips. "Drink this. Please." Her voice was choked, but she couldn't exactly help that. Kevin pushed his nose against her side comfortingly, and she tried to breathe deeply as she helped her friend. She could do this. She wasn't going to lose him.

The burns treated, Violet sat back on her heels and gave Victor a worried look. "Something's wrong with our powers. And that's going to make it easier for us to get hurt."

If the demigods' powers were weakening, something had to be happening. And it could affect all of the people Violet loved. She couldn't let that happen, not again. Not ever again.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)

jp saxe ft julia michaels

if the world was ending

Star was leading Eagle out of the stable when she got the text from Care. Her hand tightened around the phone, and she could feel her teeth grinding a little bit. At the moment, she had a few mixed feelings about her best friend. Er. No, yeah, they were still best friends. Hopefully. Maybe. But right now, she was mad! Yes! That was what happened when your friend was being unbelievably stupid and stubborn!

Yet she missed Care terribly.

Releasing a pent-up breath, Star glanced toward the water again. Though she spotted Bran Muffin this time, he was with someone. Star's other hand tightened on Eagle's reins. This was fine. Of course Brandon had other friends. Who happened to find him right when she needed his teasing most. Gods, she was needy. This was what happened when she was left alone with her thoughts for too long. But she'd been alone before, she could calm herself down on her own. Hopefully. Maybe.

Before she went to find Care, she decided she could at least spare some time to ride Eagle since she'd already taken the liberty of saddling him up. She didn't want to interrupt whatever it was Brandon was doing, so she kept the flight low and short. Eagle didn't seem to mind; it was almost like he sensed Star's tumultuous feelings. By the time they landed back at the stables, she felt a bit more prepared to face Care.

Changing was pointless, not when Star knew exactly where Care was. Probably. It was a bit of a hike into the woods, but she knew she'd found her friend when she spotted a familiar brunette head. Her boots trampled on paper, causing crinkling sounds, and Star bent down to see what they were. Care, littering book pages? No, they seemed to be... apologies. Oh, Care. A wave of affection passed through her, and she was almost ready to smile up at her friend, to open up and apologize herself for being so angry.

And then she saw the sling.

The smile fell from Star's face as she practically screamed up the tree, "What the fuck did you do to yourself?!"

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)

jessica darrow

surface pressure

Care was on her twentieth attempt at a written apology to Care. Whenever she tried to write something down, it wasnโ€™t good enough. It wasnโ€™t matching what she wanted to say to her, what she needed to tell her. Care just wanted her to know, that she missed her, that she was a big ass dummy, and wanted her forgiveness. That she needed her, she needed her to keep her grounded and brave. She was her strength when she couldnโ€™t stand up anymore, itโ€™s been that way since they met. The first time they met, Care was just sitting away from someone and she came over and sat with her. And started to talk about her favorite greek animals, and Care knew that she wanted to talk to her for as long as she could. And she did.

She couldnโ€™t lose that. She wouldnโ€™t lose that. She was about to start on her next one when she heard something that scared her to her soul.

Starโ€ฆwas cursing and it was aimed at her. Care looked down and then back to her sling.
โ€If you promise not to smack me, I will come down.โ€
She said with a small smile but the glare from Star told her that she better come down anyway. She came down quickly as she could with one arm.

Care looked down at her feet as Star stared at her pointedly to tell her what she did to herself.
โ€After..our fightโ€ฆI needed to..umโ€ฆcool off so I went toโ€ฆhunt monsters?โ€
She said as she looked anywhere but Starโ€™s face.
โ€I ended onโ€ฆbattling a harpyโ€ฆnow I won butโ€ฆit might have knocked me out and might have dislocated my arm. โ€œ
She mumbles to her as she tried to look for her nearest escape in case she needed to run from Starโ€™s attacks.

โ€I endedโ€ฆup being carried to the infirmary by the hunter of Artemis girl, and might have been stuck in there until this morning?โ€
Care kept going back up slowly away from the glaring Star who looked like she wanted to strangle her
โ€I told Violet not to tell you..or my brother where I was. After our fight, I was pretty sure you didnโ€™t want to hear about meโ€ฆso I kinda hid where I was.โ€
Care was doing a good job of looking at everywhere about her eyes, her eyes of which would be flooded with tears.

โ€Iโ€™m sorry ok. I know..I shouldnโ€™t have..gone out that far. I justโ€ฆI was angry. โ€œ

Care has been angry so much these past couple of weeks, about Star, and about Caleb. About everyone. She couldnโ€™t help it, it was like she was so angryโ€ฆat them but she was really angry at herself. She was so tired of seeing the people she cared about in danger and she is just helpless on the side without thought. She wanted this to be a safe place for her family but it wasnโ€™t and it drove her to the brink of insanity. So she tried to make a safe place..but she couldnโ€™t do it.

Not by herself but she...couldn't let anyone else risk their life either.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

Felicity -







  • home (filler tab)



A soft giggle escaped her lips at the alarm clock comment. He was not lying. If it was not for him, Felicity's beauty 'nap' or sleep would end up to an endless sleeping beauty slumber. Literally. With a soft sigh she nodded, huddling in the squeeze he gave her, wrapping one of her arms on top of his own (the one on the front),
"That is verrrry true, I do not know how I would live without you at this point without losing my head."
His warmth felt like home more than her home was. Her and Damon had been joined to the hip ever since they were in diapers, the small number of years she spent away from him felt... empty. In fact, it felt so out of place that they shortly reunited and she swore she would never set apart ever again. Not unless what she had to conquer did not involve him right by her side... No way Jose...

Fee took a moment to close her eyes and enjoy the light brushing of her silky golden locks. At the moment, she had forgotten the worries she had. She leaned her head down to his shoulder. Despite being the daughter of the Goddess of Beauty, her hair was a wild mane in the morning that needed to be tamed for sure. Especially if she was to actually step foot outside her room. The following second she was brought back by his light voice and frowned. Hearing him say he was nervous did not help her own nervousness at all,
"I know we are the ones usually walking into these situations Bello but this one fell into our hands."
She contemplated, running her index and middle finger along the skin of his lower forearm, returning the caressing gesture. Fee let out an unconvincing laugh,
"Well recreating a music video is not what worries me, it's the type of video. I know I am used to revealing clothing but not for Chiron's eyes,"
she shuddered at the thought before bursting to genuine laughter.
"You are right though, I hope my weapon works on Chiron. He is not exactly the ideal bachelor, lol. I have faith it might seal the deal with our puppy dog eyes though,"
with that her kaleidoscopic eyes slowly got bigger and her lips curled down to form a slight pout.
"Yeaaaah, shame for me to doubt. We got this in the bag babes!"

With that initial pep talk from her platonic soulmate she plucked up more of her known confidence and courage. It was not that she doubted Care's plan. Not at all. She always trusted the daughter of Athena's plans. She knew Care would rather die before letting any of her close ones be perished. Now that was what worried Felicity. She knew the girl had no bounds. Fee was very fussy of her reputation around camp and if this went down south and she gets busted she did want the Love Twins reputation to be tarnished. They busted blood, sweat, tears and well love to build it from scraps.

As he shifted, Fee followed his actions and stretched herself. Although she wanted to stay within the warmth of her bed and best friend, it was a sign to get up. At the mention of her beloved rose, Fee's eyes shined.
"OOOOO YES! Definitely. I think Mer could actually be excellent with props to distract as well. The heads up if Chiron is coming would be of much use indeed,"
she hummed in thought. However, even though he did not say it out loud, his ear scratch and his eyes sinking were louder than anything. Being so close with the two love bugs, she knew they shared history and definitely a bed but never led to anything more than just that. Fee only knew one thing for sure. If Damon did not pursue Meredith, it was because she was not the one for him. What was worse was that due to his powers he felt it. Fee's heart ached at the thought but with a soft smile on her face she gave him another tight supportive hug. Fee was always going to be there for him either way. Especially since she had her own downfall herself with Noah years ago. Ever since she kept bothering the son of Eros to tell her the one but to no avail.

As he hoisted her up from her 'fort' and into his arms she narrowed her eyes at him whilst her stomach grumbled to make a point.
"Whilst you are TOOOOOOOTALLY right. I need to get my beauty on my darling Bello,"
she commented as she lifted her hand up and poked his nose again with her index.

With that she swirled away from his arms and started to undress herself out of her pyjamas and in her undergarments. Within a couple of minutes, she was well dressed into her planned outfit for the day which consisted of a floral mini skirt that hung till the middle of her upper thigh, a black crop top exposing the porcelain skin of her abdomen, neck and shoulders as much as possible. She paired them off with a nice maroon jacket and a chunky low heeled beige ankle boots. She was not really fazed he was in the room; it was not like it was something he never seen before at this point. With that she sat down at her make up station to get ready. She went for a natural look but her winged liner was extended more than normal as she felt a bit extra, finishing off with a nice cherry red lip. For the final touch she opened her drawer trying to find the straightner that with one touch her wild mane was now silky smooth with a light wave at the end. This was not hers but she smuggled it from one of her sisters, courtesy of gods know who. Oh well.

With that she adorned her collar with a nice rose gold pendant of a heart with matching heart button earrings and charm bracelet. She also picked up her charmed item and placed the arm bracelet round her left bicep. She took her foundation sponge and dipped it a little bit moving towards Damon who were the same skin tone,
"Lower a little bit, I got some lip gloss on you earlier..."
, she grinned before she was ready to apply,
"Right here... Do not want you unevenly looking"
, she teased, pointing to the nose area.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

Narcissa -







  • home (filler tab)

Fight Song

Rachel Platten

The female was all too comfortable in the position she was in, for once she felt like she did not want to get up. Upon the first time she spoke, he did not seem to recall her voice due to it being quite soft and low for a sleeping person to hear. As Nyssa felt his arm tightening around her, easily moving her to him. It killed her... in a good way that is. Her back felt flat against his chest as she could hear and feel his solemn breathing as he slept followed by his hum. It amplified Nyssa's blush across her cheeks that it was quite evident if one saw her face. The redness contrasted deeply with her pale white skin. The closeness she felt to her best friend at the moment was something she longed for but never had the courage to act on and so she stayed quiet as a small pit of butterflies started forming in her stomach.

With a slight gulp escaping down her throat, she felt his face inching to her jet-black hair, his voice struck her out of her senses and back to the land of the living once again. It knocked all the thoughts out of her head. She shut her eyes and opened them again, shaking the thoughts away as out of nowhere she felt him jump and take his arm back.

As Elijah hurriedly shoved himself away, he accidentally also nudged Nyssa lightly and without even being alert she was sent rolling off the other side but she managed to hold her ground and landed knelt on the floor, her arms on the bunk. Her face matched his in embarrassment. It was clear that both parties were unaware they ended up in such close proximity, let alone the whole night. As she slowly got up, she sat down on the bunk to face the door, opposing him so he wouldn't see how red she was. She distracted herself in arranging her stockings that lowered during her sleep, pulling them up to the middle of her thigh and repeated for the other as she winced at the thud.

She looked towards the other end of the bunk where Anubis zoomed to tackle and happily licked him. All she could see was Anubis' tail wagging left and right in a fast manner showing the level of excitedness. Nyssa covered her mouth and let out a soft giggle,
"At least he learned how to tackle without command on us."

At this point the pair were just as flushed as two strawberries growing out in the fields. Once he apologised, Nyssa shook her head
"No need to apologize, it's okay,"
offering him a soft smile as her silver blue eyes slowly shined in the darkness of her room. She did appreciate the fact that he apologised about it, such a gentleman. Even though she did not mind it at all. It was as if one of her back in the head thoughts had actually happened. Anyways, as he tried to recall the trail of events, she followed the process while she wore her boots and tying them up,
"Yes, we are. I think Anubis' training tired us out more than we thought. When you demonstrated the tackle on me for him, we must have knocked out. I don't recall even falling asleep."
she shrugged with a soft hum. True his sentences were not complete but she could make up what he was trying to get to and ask or say. They had a tendency to do that.

She did not know if it was cause of the loud ringing in her ears from the blush or Anubis excited barks but she did not hear the initial knock. As they were in the middle of her adjusting and him trying to recover from the hellhound attack who was still wagging excitedly besides the son of Hades, she heard her door burst open as light blessed the dark cabin, causing Nyssa to jump both in freight and away from the light. However, as she looked behind her, she noticed the familiar face of the son of Thanatos,
"For the love of Nyx Dri! You scared the heebie jeebies out of me!"
. The darkness in the area by the front door slowly solidified with her concentration as it swiftly closed the door for the room's atmosphere to regain. She clutched her head lightly for the effort.

As she noticed Anubis ears straighten in alert for that freight, she whistled for the puppy to signal its okay and in hopes he would go to her allowing Adrian to help Elijah to get back on his feet again without being attacked by the licks,
"Come here boy."
With Nyssa's whistle Anubis rushed at her legs and bumped her, nearly causing her to lose balance but she managed to keep herself up. She sat down and patted the space on the bed next to her for him to jump up. So, Anubis did.
"Lay down Anubis,"
she signalled lowering her arm.

Upon wearing her boots, she started running her hand through Anubis' soft warm fur as he slowly started to calm down after an eventful evening and night. In hopes she can get him to rest whilst they were out of the cabin. The Nyx cabin provided the right amount of darkness for anyone to fall asleep which made it ideal for the pooch to rest, even when they could not.
"Phantom got overpowered by a puppy, can you lend him a helping hand while I lull this one to sleep?"
she addressed Adrian, as she proceeded to sooth Anubis to rest, her voice low.
"Sorry for the outburst but as much as I was expecting and excited to see you, you scared me Dri. What made you enter so panicked that you were gonna but out your swords?"
, she taunted with a grin.

In the meantime, her eyes scanned the grey imaging of the room for her prescribed glasses which she usually kept on top of her bedside. For some reason, she could not find them there, her face frowned. They must have fallen. She would have to check once the puppy was slowly put to sleep. She needed her eyes to adjust once again from the light by the door, either way.

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Amber -







  • home (filler tab)


Selena Gomez

That smug grin on his was annoying as she was not used to being on the losing end of the stick. Not by distraction at least. Got distracted by the distraction... Funny,
"You are lucky I am distracted, otherwise you would be in my stead, brother,"
with a chuckle she sat up lightly and placed her glaive by her side, placing both arms resting on her knees. As he sat by her side, her head slowly faced him. It showed that they both needed to get to the bottom of this at this point. Never did it happen that they had to linger this long for a mission.

"C, Aves... is it me or did you get yourself a new bestie?"
she teased him. In reality as much as it was weird for someone else besides her to call him that, she was glad that Avery had managed to find someone that he considered worthy of a friend.
"Even though it is a new sight, I am glad that you have managed to make a friend instead of an enemy finally,"
she pursed her lips as she said that before a slight wrinkle appeared on her forehead.

"That is the ideal outcome for the plan but we both know it is too good to be true,"
Amber stated before she returned his glance.
"Me neither, if that is the gameplan laid out, then we must oblige. Even though I have a feeling we are gonna fuck it up with her Greek pals if we return without her. It is not like she keeps herself open at the moment either way,"
she stated plainly.

As she examined her brother, she noticed the dark circles under his eyes. The sense of grief that dwelled deep within in the pit of her stomach. She had nothing to grief so that feeling was not hers. She knew better than anyone. Avery had a tendency to roughly predict an ending of one scenario. Could it be the source of his restless nights. She wondered. Amber had been getting rough dreams of both of them trying to escape through the portal and a silhouette of a girl. Could it be Care? Could it be the start of the plan that was bound to happen soon?

Amber placed a warm hand on her brother's,
"Kite, are you okay? Why were you not in bed?"

Her wrinkles on her forehead were now more intense as her light blue eyes pierced his own with worriedness. He knew better than not to lie to her. It was best that they headed into this with all the cards on the table. Her cards were always there. Amber was an open book to a certain extent. Especially with her brother. She knew that this newly found friendship with Care, he already cares about her and swore to make sure nothing happens. Itโ€™s the same argument they keep having for him to let her in. To stop protecting her from his thoughts. Thoughts that she did not want him to face alone.

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Kyle -







  • home (filler tab)



As he finally graced his friend with his presence, he predicted what he was going to great him with. His gloating about his yet another beer pong win. He rubbed his eyes as he slumped down on that chair,
"Ha ha ha, very funny Noah. You are just lucky I play fair. I can obliterate you if I wanted."
. As he was going to protest any further on how he can beat Noah in a beer pong match, his stomach interrupted ever so loudly. He held it and frowned,
"I guess defeat comes with a hungry stomach my friend."

As he heard the words 'daughter of Apollo' and 'perfect hangover breakfast', Kyle's eyes widened (or at least would have if the light was not being a pain). As he was about to raise a finger to come back from that he opened his lips and paused not even started that sentence,
"Wait, she did what? The perfect hangover breakfast you said?"
his eyebrow arched in interest now. He knew that Noah loved pulling his leg about his unspoken crush on the camp's best healer. He didn't know if it was the endless nights she spent with him in the infirmary curing him from a hangover or those nights she spent patching him and his sister up when they came back from home. The nights she had spent listening to his problems when he confided in no one. Vee did care about Kyle and he knew that but he was too oblivious. The guy could not tell being nice to a flirt even if it hit him in the head... which ironically enough, she was like that too.

As the pair were eventually felt they were at a point to get some food, another grumbling stomach with a familiar bed of curls emerged from behind him and took a seat in front of him next to Noah, chanting the same song he was singing. Food. His expression was priceless. Just as Kyle had his crush problems with Vi, Noah was also facing the struggle of a crush but his took into the form of a certain daughter of Hephaestus. Kyle looked at him and mouthed, 'Fish got your tongue?' as he silently chuckled at his fish mouth movements in attempt to speak. He could see the urge in his eyes, one thing Marissa could not see for his friend's sake. As he spat out coherent wording, Kyle gave him a pout,
"Why didn't I get an offer for help in procuring... susten... whatever. food?"

The red-head had gotten a hunch at his newly acquainted friend. Kyle had recruited Marissa for their beer pong tournament. Nothing better than matching them up by pairing them up in beer pong. He admired Rissa's curious and inventive nature. She had wanted to see the mechanics behind it. To Kyle it was just a fun game and a way to get smashed. That and it was him and Noah's past time, their thing or so to speak.

Kyle's legs felt like jelly at that point. If he managed to make it there and back it would be a miracle,
"Be even more of a gentleman and help me get there and get her food as well?"
he retorted back with a laugh as he swirled across the bench and lunged on his feet, almost vomiting with the fast movements,
"Prolly not a good idea..."

As his stomach slowly played in his favor he looked back at the two,
"C'mon fish face, let's get going. Otherwise, it would not be only hungry demigods you will have to take care of. Plus, let us not mention the hangover. I hope Violet had her breakfast,"
he contemplated.

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Brandon -







  • home (filler tab)



As he was clenching his jaw in desperate need for his body to heal, he heard a voice coming from behind. A familiar voice that he knew all too well at the start of his mornings. Brandon kept moving forward in the shallowness, now he was knee deep in the water. Half his shirt was soaked from resting it on one arm, his uninjured side and his trunks were now dampening. Brandon was never and will never be bothered by the water. It was his life force. A life force that was simply not. bloody. working!

The voice got closer. He tried his best not to face her. Not like this. Brandon loved his image, his body. It was his temple. It was in ruins at the moment. He did not want to be tainted in her eyes. Plus, his pride was a bit hard to swallow. Nonetheless, as she approached him, it was inevitable. He heard the sudden steps run to him till they hit the water. Small ripples made their way to him as he was greeted by her,
"Hi there, Flower Girl"
. His voice tried to be as collected as possible as the water stung his open flesh.

As he felt her warm touch against his skin, it already felt so much better than the burning sensation that was coursing through his bicep and round to his chest. He tried to avoid her gaze out of shame but she seemed to be genuinely concerned about his injuries. He did not fight against his gentle grab and instead he let her investigate. As she asked, he slowly turned her gaze towards his cuts,
"I got bested by an Ares kid rampage. Sounds fun, right?"

He followed the trail towards the soft voice that was laced with worry, his gaze meeting hers as he slowly gave out a sigh,
"I'm okay, apart from the fact that I am still slashed. My healing is not kicking in. It only healed till here."
. With that he pointed with his other index towards a few inches up his elbow which was healed but had a slight red outline from improper healing.

"I've been here for a solid 20 minutes and nothing but stings and open wounds,"
he gritted his teeth both in annoyance and pain. However, his head went back to the worried female. His facial expressions softened lightly,
"Do not worry your pretty little head, Flower Girl. I'm a big guy, I can handle it."
However, as he stated that he felt his head spin for a solid three seconds as he almost toppled before he regained his composure. It could have been the open wounds and loss of blood.

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Eric -







  • home (filler tab)


Imagine Dragons

He hoped that the owner was going to show up soon. As much as he was awed by the sleeping cat, he was late and he always tried to be on time for Diana...

The male was quietly adoring the grey cat sleeping and purring in his lap before he heard the door the door open from behind him. As he slowly took Somnus back in his arms, he got up from the porch only to be greeted by a blonde female that has been startled. Startled by someone she knew she was meeting? Eric shoot that stupid question away and gave side grin,
"I did not know I was that mortifying for a guy returning your companion..."
. His voice was quite husky and low at the sound but he spoke in a calming manner as he always did.

He froze with the cat in hand till she was able to speak again, or at least the little rosy tinge she had in her skin returned where it belonged. He slowly nudged the cat to slowly wake up and outstretched his arms so that Somnus can go back to his rightful owner.
"Not in the least. He was very cooperative,"
he confirmed. Eric had a habit of seeing lost and found items and creatures from such a high altitude. Somnus was by far the most docile out of them all. As she remarked his speed, he grinned,
"Or so I am told. I have means of travels."
. With that return Eric took a few steps down back on the ground and retracted his jet-black wings out that had a large wide span. He turned her head a bit sideways to face her and gave her a two finger salute from his forehead,
"Good Morning to you. If you don't mind me. Be seeing you around."

With that he bent his knees and pushed himself up in the air. His wings shot a gust of wind that probably headed Willow's way. He felt free again as he was in the air. However, as he was enjoying his moment of freedom, he noticed a familiar brunette by the small field near the Demeter Cabin.
"Yeah, right... Shit. Diana."

He flew his way towards his best friend and slowly hovered above her as a smile danced on his lips. He adored how she spoke to her flowers, especially Mags. He ought to watch out for her magnolia as he swore it had a vendetta against him every time he mistakenly pissed off or messed with Diana. She was quite a prank blocker. As he saw the bright red juicy apple formed, it was calling him. She was so thoughtful. Unlike him who was late.

Eric slowly glided down behind the brunette in the stealthiest way possible before enclosing her with his wings, carefully covering her eyes with the tip of his wings,
"I am late, I know. I got us our place ready as usual though! Please tell me I did not fuck it up with Mags? We just made up,"
he pouted before slowly opening his wings again so she can properly breathe.

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caleb -







  • home (filler tab)

troye sivan


Caleb frowned, quickly recognizing the worried way his Songbird began to bite her lip, but he relaxed seeing her move on to being embarrassed that she was dreaming of him again. He smirked as she leaned forward to kiss his cheek.

"I dunno, are you scratch my belly if I say yes?"
he teased. He loved watching her blush.

With a roll of his shoulders he slid off the bed and began to stretch out his arms, not yet ready to leave the comfort that was, what he lovingly called, their room.
"Food sounds good."
he agreed.
"Somnus is getting pretty adventurous, hm? Or is he getting to be too lazy to find his way home at night?"

Not that it mattered in the end. Willow adored her cat, and while Caleb wasn't the biggest animal guy, he didn't really mind Somnus. He did make a pretty good hot water bottle at times. Particularly when he couldn't manage to convince his girlfriend to skip counselor duties to hide away and nap. Oh well.

He watched as Willow made to leave the room, smirking as she paused and turned around, no doubt planning to try and tease him to follow after her - like he would dare not follow her anywhere - only to realize that he still hadn't put a shirt on. He could see her brain turning and he knew, he just knew that she was thinking something embarrassing. He was waiting for the blush to follow, only to pout when she hurriedly turned back around and fled. Damn, and here he'd been hoping to see her go red once more before he had to share her with the general public.

He sighed, knowing his mental game was over for now and dug around for a shirt to throw on. Once he found a simple gray one, he left the room, shutting the door firmly behind him, locking it quickly. He knew better than to trust any of his siblings with access to his and Willow's room. Not that any of them would admit it aloud, himself included, but the children of Hermes did all tend to be kleptomaniacs in some form.

By the time he made it outside, standing behind his Songbird, he could see the back of Eric as the other male headed off. Wrapping his arms around Willow's waist, he rested his chin on her shoulder.
"Real friendly guy, huh?"
he mused, tucking his nose into her neck. Only partially releasing Willow, he reached up to give Somnus a quick scratch before resuming his octopus impression as he cuddled the blonde in his arms.

"Come on, let's go get some food before I drag you back to our room, food be damned."

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elijah -







  • home (filler tab)

andy black

beautiful pain

Laying trapped on the floor of his best friend's cabin still wearing yesterday's clothes wasn't really the best way to start the day if anyone bothered to ask Elijah. It was extremely embarrassing and not to mention it was hard to breathe with his beloved hellhound currently doing his best to suffocate him.

"A...Anubis....b-buddy...come on..."
he wheezed, pushing at the happy canine's chest.
"Need to breathe...!"

It took a moment but eventually Anubis began to slide off of him, happy to have gotten to say good morning. In the next moment the door flew open to reveal Adrian, ready to draw his sword. Elijah tilted his head in confusion as he pushed himself upright so he could sit cross-legged.

"Death Bro? What's up?"
he asked. Turning to look back at Nyssa he did his best not to go beet red again as he thought of how the day had already started. He smiled as she called for Anubis and began to lull their pup back to sleep.

Clearing his throat he turned back to his other best friend, shooting him a wry grin. He raised his arm up, palm open, and wiggled his fingers, a silent request for help up.

"Wanna help a bro out?"
he grinned.

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marissa -







  • home (filler tab)

why don't we

don't change

Despite being in her hungover like state, Marissa was surprisingly aware of what was around her now that she was sitting. The world wasn't spinning anymore and she didn't feel like her feet were going to collapse under her at any given moment. Letting out a low groan as her stomach rumbled again, she paused as Noah cleared his throat. Shifting slightly so she was still leaning against him, she dragged her arms up onto the table so she could rest her head on them and turn to face one of her new friends.

She wasn't sure why her, Noah, and Kyle hadn't gotten to know each other sooner. If she had to take a guess it was probably due to her brother in part, and the rest due to her tendency to hide away in her forge all day.

she whined in reply to his question.

Noah was warm, pressed against her body and it was making her sleepy again. While sure, sitting at a picnic table wasn't the most comfortable, the steady heat of the boy beside her was quickly lulling her back to sleep. With her arms crossed on the table and her head sideways on top of them, turned so she could see both Kyle and Noah, she blinked slowly, trying to remember what they had been talking about.

Did she even know in the first place? Or had she joined them during a pause in the conversation?
she mumbled, blinking again as she tried to focus her brain.

Kyle moved then, drawing her attention, and her eyes followed his movement. As he began to stumble, Marissa winced, feeling sympathy flood her being. She hated feeling unsteady like that and she had a feeling that if she tried to stand up again, this time she really would fall to the ground. That didn't sound fun at all.

"...fish face?"
she mumbled, confused. She didn't understand the nickname, but that wasn't surprising if she thought about it. She'd learn eventually if she kept hanging around the two, and she definitely planned to participate in their next game of beer pong.

With a sigh, she lifted her head, wincing as the world started to spin again, ever so slightly. She frowned, pouting almost. Turning to Noah a whimper escaped her before she could help it.
"...Can you help me...?"
she mumbled.

She'd never be able to get up on her own, and she'd rather not taste dirt today.

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meredith -







  • home (filler tab)

ben rector

brand new

As she reached Brandon in the water, all Meredith could think of was why he wasn't healing. It wasn't something he did voluntarily, it just happened anytime he was around water. She could see how tense he was just at the fact that she had come over, seeing him like this. It hurt, thinking that he didn't want her to be there at the moment, but she had to believe it was just because he was in pain. She knew how he was about his image, and honestly she could say the same about herself. Still, she wanted to be there for him if he was struggling.

she murmured, gently turning his arm so she could see the slash better. Making sure she didn't actually touch the mark, she cupped a small amount of water in her palm and tried to pour it over the wound to no avail.

"I don't understand,"
she paused, trying to gather her thoughts. Of course she was going to worry, was he being serious or was he being thick?
"Of course I'm going to worry you numb-skull. This doesn't make any sense."

Moving so she was another step closer to him, Mer's eyes widened in fear as he stumbled for a moment, almost falling over.
she cried, rushing closer so she could try and help support him.

Almost waist deep in water, her skirt flowing around her, Meredith kept one hand on his arm and the other on his side. Despite their height and strength differences she was still ready to try and catch her Pretty Boy if needed. Looking up and into the eyes of the boy before her it was easy to see how much pain he was trying to hide from her. Biting her lip she looked down at the wound on his chest and the sight of it made her want to cry.

"Come on, Pretty Boy."
she whispered, trying to keep her voice from breaking.
"I know you're super strong and everything, but for my peace of mind? Can we please get you to the infirmary? I uh...I don't think my skirt's long enough to rip into a bandage that can actually help, ya know?"

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jasper -







  • home (filler tab)


lemon drop

At the familiar call of his best friend, Jasper immediately felt a grin stretch across his face. A laugh bubbled out of his chest as Sammy crouched down to let Aurora jump all over her. Something about seeing the two of them together like this always made him smile.

"You know it."
he grinned.

As his stomach rumbled again, eliciting a laugh out of the girl before him, he laughed as well, feeling a little awkward as a flush began to climb up his neck. Reaching up to scratch the back of his head he waved her away as Sammy darted back into her cabin to get dressed.

Shifting down so he was sitting on the ground, he sank his hands into Aurora's fur, more than happy to play with the energetic dog as he waited. He was used to this routine. Meeting up with Sammy like this was easy and familiar and it grounded him in a way he wasn't sure why he needed today. He let out a sigh and fell onto his back, letting out a breath when his canine companion draped herself across his stomach. A huff escaped him as he stared up at the sky.
"Today's gonna be a good day right, Aurora?"

He really didn't know why he felt like something was trying to drag him down. There was nothing upsetting that had happened this morning other than the usual reminder of the infirmary incident, but even though his run had cheered him up a bit, he still felt like something was slowly crawling up his back. He hated it.

At the sudden reappearance of Sammy, her voice teasing him, Jasper jerked upright with a cry.
"H-hey! Yeah, hang on wait up!"
he yelped, scrambling to his feet as Aurora barked happily, running back and forth between the two until he caught up to her.

As she grabbed his hand, Jasper smiled softly, feeling some of the tension drain out of him. It always amazed him how easily she was able to help him de-stress.
"Yeah...I dunno, I mean I'm okay."
he tried to explain.
"Nothing's wrong really, I just don't feel right. Like something's crawling up my spine at times."

He shrugged.
"I'm pretty sure it's nothing, but it's just annoying."

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althaia -







  • home (filler tab)

maxton waller

on my way

She hadn't gotten very far when someone bumped into her and knocked her straight to the ground. Theta winced, letting out a small groan as pain began to spread across her backside.
she grumbled, one hand on her lower back.

At the apology coming from above her, Theta looked up, noticing the gloved hand in front of her. Gloved...? She followed up the arm before her only to flush at the sight of Hani before her. She gulped, hand shaking slightly as she accepted his help up off the ground.

"O-oh, it's uh, fine, d-don't worry about it..."
she mumbled, biting her lip. Gods, she must look like such a fool.
"I uh, I wasn't paying attention either..."

Inwardly she winced as Hani began to back away from her almost frantically. Of course, like he'd want to actually spend any time around her. She took a small step back herself, not wanting to listen to the awkward apologies about having somewhere else to be. She was used to it of course, being a witch and all, but that didn't make it hurt any less. Especially if it came from...him.

she mumbled, prepared to halfheartedly accept the usual excuses, only to pause. Her head shot up in surprise at his following question, not having realized she'd even looked down.

Friends? He...he wanted to be friends with her? Almost frantically Theta searched his face for any hint of a lie. Hani had closed his eyes as he spoke, but his features, the way he held himself, all screamed of a familiar song. He was...nervous. She had to bite her lip even harder to stop from squeaking.

she managed to squeeze out, her throat tightening. While everything about Hani screamed his sincerity, Theta couldn't help the small part of her that was telling her that this was all some sick game. She didn't want to listen to the voice and was doing her best to drown it out.

"I-I...uh, ye-yeah, I'd uh, I'd love to."
she stumbled, taking a few steps forward, closing some of the distance between the two.
"U-um, I was uh...on my way to g-get something to eat..."
she paused, hoping this wasn't too forward.
"Did you um...wanna eat together?"

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  • home (filler tab)
  • home (filler tab)

bruno mars

count on me

Victor was kinda freaking out himself, but he saw how freaked his best friend was and decided to put his feelings aside for her.
โ€Hey, look at me Vi. It's ok. I'm ok. I promise..โ€
He told her softly as he sees the tears gathering in her eyes, to not feel how bad the wounds are. He knows this scares her.
โ€It's just a couple of burns, I will heal. I will heal fine.โ€
He keeps her focused on him, and not on his injuries. She needed to see him and the not injury

Victor gulps the nectar down and waited for her to finish tending to her before he quickly moves to her and brings her into a hug.
โ€Then we need to be extra careful, ok? We are ok, we know how to handle this.โ€
He whispers to her as he held her in his arms. This was his job as Violet's best friend, she was the one who brought him out of the dark of his mind. Dragging him out to the humans, and was his biggest supporter when he needed it. He knew that she never cared for herself as much as she did for others. So he became the person who makes her sleep or makes sure she takes a break. He watches over her because she did the same when he came back that one summer that his mother died. She was the only one he spoke to other than Fee.
"Remember Vi, you and me. We can do this. You heal, I lead. It's how we always had worked.โ€

And it was. In battles, she was the leader of the healing. Taking the sick, and the hurt while Victor and the other big three children lead the main force. They worked together watching each other's back. No one touched Violet, when he's around. He would battle anything for the sake of keeping Violet happy. She deserves the world, and he only wants to make sure that she gets it. He will swear it on the River Styx if he could.
โ€Let's go, get something to eat yea? Then we could go figure this out, so no one gets more badly hurt.โ€
He stands up, grabbing Violet's hand as he does. He holds her hand, bringing her into another hug, and kissing the top of her head
โ€I promise, it will all be ok...โ€
He mumbles into her hair. And it will, because Victor will do is damnest best to make it so, for her....for the camp.

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  • home (filler tab)

we three


Avery smiled
โ€œWhy do you think I am gloating dear sister?โ€
He says as he sits beside her.
โ€œThis was a rare win for me, let me breath me in some, won't you?โ€
Avery smirked and then moved to meet her eyes, which he looked back down to the ground. It was a sign, that both of them were tired of running around. They wanted to get to the bottom of this. It was leaving, they were scared of the future. He nods, taking her hand, and letting her know that he was right there with her.

โ€œShe is like us sister. I understand her pain, and you would too. If you have gotten to know her as I have.โ€
He laughs as she teases him
โ€œNo one is my best friend, like you are Berry. She's just a new ally that I have come to care for.โ€
He keeps her eye contact as he makes sure that she knows that no one is taking him away from her. She will always be his number one person. Their bond is not one to be unbroken. They are for life, till earth's collapse. That was the promise they made to each other, that was the saying to keep in their mind. They know that even without the curse, they would not be able to survive without each other, without the bond between them giving them strength and promise for the future.
โ€œMaybe not all greeks are bad..โ€
He admits to her

โ€œWhen have we ever fucked up the plan Amb?โ€
Avery states to her
โ€œRemember that this isn't just us into the gameplan, it includes three greeks. Star, Damon, and Felicity. They will have to trust us with them, this is why C chose them.โ€
Avery smirks
โ€œShe could have chose anyone, but she chose them because the camp trusts them, and she knows she needs their credibility to make this work.โ€
He nods
โ€œShe wanted to make sure they believed us. Henceforth the twins.โ€
He sighs, his little C was smart as fuck. It scares him sometimes, because he know the pressure that comes from that. He knows it all. The next question made him froze. He didn't know how to answer this one. He felt her warm hands on his, and he knew that he could never hide the truth from her. She was his sister, and it wouldn't work like that.

โ€œI had a drean.โ€
He whispers out, the pain from the dream still fresh in his skin. He could see it in his mind,
โ€œIt was a battle..a battle that I feel is yet to come. I felt..I felt you die Amber.โ€
He keeps his calm, but in his mind, he was screaming. Screaming and breaking down but this wasn't the roman way. He kept his emotions locked, and his blank look on his face.
โ€œAnd I saw it happening, and I couldn't stop it. I screamed, and I saw red. Next thing I know...everyone around me is dead, and i'm holding your body and trying to will you to life.โ€
He grips his weapon hard as his hand is almost white

โ€œBut you were dead...the only person that has been beside my side...was dead. And I was too, because living without you, isn't a choice I can make or live with. Without you, I'm barely human. โ€
Avery says sharply as he glares at the ground. A life without his other half, is a life that he will not chose. If she goes, he goes. He will never leave her side.

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  • home (filler tab)

luke combs

better together

Diana was pouting and talking to her plants, who were saying unkind words about Eric which she kept telling them, to leave it alone. He probably had a good reason, but they were still a little mad that he was late. She may feel their emotions, and talk to them, but it goes both ways. They can feel her, and understand her. Meaning if she's sadden, they know and they will not be happy about it. Mags, especially. The magnolia was the first plant she grew, so it grew protective of her, and everytime Eric made her upset, it was Mags who was cussing him out. She was about to respond when she was incased in wings...Eric's wings.

She loved his wings. They never scared her, she thought they were beautiful, and she would fight anyone who ever said any different. Eric was her best friend, and no one will disrespect him around her. Unless they want a apple to the head or a coconut.

Diana giggles as he asks about Mags before opening his wings.
โ€œShe's a little upset, but she'll get over it quit, if you get her, her favorite feralizer again. You know the way to her heart.โ€
She turns around, still incased in his wings. They brought more warmth into her body that she loved.
โ€œFor me, you owe me Ricky. You know you aren't supposed to be late mister.โ€
She said as she smirks at him. She hands him an apple, a perfect apple
โ€œAn apple for you, as always Ricky.โ€
She said softly as she leans against him.

She was the first one to ever get close to him, as he was in his wings, and she will always be close to him. Eric was her best friend, and she trusted him with everything in her.
โ€œWe gotta go now Ricky, we are late and I want to go to our place! I have all the seeds ready!โ€
She says grinning at him. Their place was theirs and theirs only, they had gone their every morning and night.

โ€œTime to fly, before the sun finishes rising Ricky.โ€

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)
  • home (filler tab)

we three

when I'm with you

Sammy frowns as she listens to Jasper. Holding his hand softly as he tells her.
โ€œI am here, so if anything is coming at you, you have a super strong areas kid to fight it off.โ€
She giggles as she looked at Jasper
โ€œBut honestly, Jasper, maybe you should go laid down after eating. You might just be sick but then again...I feel something is off with me.โ€
She said quite honestly. She couldn't hide what she was feeling from him. He just knew her inside and out.

It was like that from the very start. Sammy could never hide anything but her true feelings from him.
โ€œIt's like I'm on guard for someone to attack. It's like...someone is making me on edge.โ€
She murmurs to him as she plays with his fingers anxiously
โ€œIt's probably fine right? Wouldn't have Chiron told us something by now?โ€
She questions herself before shaking her head and pulling Jasper to the food that they need

โ€œBut it might just be we are hungry. I did train a lot already, I need fuel. Come on Jas.โ€
She said as she pulls him to the food.
โ€œAurora needs food too!โ€
Aurora barks at that as Sammy laughed.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)

jesse mccartney

beautiful soul

Hani smiled softly as he heard the yes.
โ€œY-y-yes? Y-y-you said y-y-y-yes?!?!โ€
He smiled brightly as he heard her confirm that she said yes. He wasn't expecting anything more before Theta came closer to him. As much as his brain wanted him to step back, he didn't. He was drawn to her. His heart was telling him to stay, and his body wouldn't move. He was so enamored by her eyes, with her whole self. Hani has had a crush on Theta since she came to camp. The first time he saw her, he was taken aback by her beauty. He couldn't help but want to get to know her. Yes, he knew that she practiced magic, and maybe others were fearful of that but...

Hani could never be scared of such a beautiful soul.

When he finally broke out of his trance, he couldn't yet again believe what she said to him. She was inviting him to eat with her. She looked...almost nervous to ask this. He couldn't stop the hope that swelled in his chest, that she could like him as he did but he pushes in down. It was no way, she could. He couldn't do anything right without bursting in flames. This was just so they can get to know each other...as friends.
โ€œI w-w-would like that. I h-h-hope you don't mind the s-s-smell of the forge.โ€
He struggled with getting rid of the smell but it also was something that he didn't want to get rid of. It felt like a piece of home was always with him. He didn't want to lose that. So he didn't truly want to get rid of his little piece of calm.
โ€œIt's kinda..hard to get rid of.โ€

He nods to the dining pavilion,
"S-s-shall we?"
As he glanced at her hand as if he wanted to hold it before glancing up at her and deciding not to. She may not be comfortable with holding his hand as much as he would like to. She might be scared of him...cause of his power.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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