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Lucy Spraggan

Lucky Stars

For once in her life, Willow had no thoughts in her head. All her embarrassment over Caleb’s teasing? Gone. Her denial that Care would want to hang out with both her and Caleb? Gone. (She had tactfully ignored him when he’d brought it up.) Even her confusion at this… this thing that was happening, was gone. Instead, she stared slack-jawed at her friend as she danced through the crowd, blinking every minute or so to make sure this was real and happening.

She didn’t even remember approaching the crowd, only that she was here, slack-jawed and probably looking like a complete idiot. Even as Fee got closer to her and Caleb (whose presence she was only mildly aware of, such was the strength of her shock), she didn’t move for fear that something terribly wrong would happen if she somehow broke reality. Was that part of being a child of Hypnos? Was she actually capable of breaking reality? She certainly wasn’t going to find out, that was for sure.

Seriously, what the hell was going on?

Her eyes just barely made it to Fee’s face as she started… There was no good word for what Fee was doing except for caressing Caleb’s shoulders. Somehow, that kickstarted Willow’s brain, and a little tinge of the jealousy she’d had for the past year resurfaced. Her jaw clicked closed, and she swallowed as she watched Fee’s hand move across Caleb’s chest—thankfully clothed this time, at damn least. She felt Caleb’s eyes on her, probably gauging her reaction, and though they were friends again, Willow knew that the very irrational part of her wanted to do something drastic, like put Fee to sleep. Too bad she was a bit tongue-tied at the moment.

Then Fee was touching her, and suddenly, well. She couldn’t really describe it if asked. Her eyes met Fee’s, hooding sleepily, and her tensed jaw relaxed. Fee’s words threaded through her mind, and she just had to stay and watch the show, like her friend had asked. Willow even got a kiss on the cheek, probably for being so obedient, right? Wow, Fee was pretty…

As Fee left, an empty feeling of sorts rose up in Willow’s chest, and she pouted at the realization that the daughter of Aphrodite might not come back. She felt a little weird. Why was she here again?

Willow lifted her head and looked up at Caleb, her eyebrows furrowing for a second. She knew who he was, obviously. Her boyfriend. But she was all confused about what was going on. And when had those walls of flowers appeared?

Finally, too long of a moment later, Willow registered what he said. “Bed. Bed… Bed sounds good about now.” She leaned against him, her gaze drifting over to the stage and the dances Damon was now leading the crowd through. Heh. Funny. Yet as tired as she was, she knew she had to stay and watch. “Can’t go to bed yet. Have to stay and watch the show. Fee said so…”

A hard lesson Willow had halfway learned today: charmspeak and narcolepsy did not mix very well.

♡coded by uxie♡








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It's OK

Alright, so Adrian hadn’t expected this. It wasn’t exactly a meeting, but it wasn’t exactly a party either. Nor was it really a concert, despite the loud music blasting from the speakers and some sort of makeshift stage. So, yeah, it made sense that both Nyssa and Eli were a bit wary to be approaching… whatever the hell this was. He could not blame them. Still, it was important that they be there, and no way was he going back into a confined space with their hellhound again.

“Listen, I was told it was a meeting. I have no clue what all this hullabaloo is about,” he tried to reason with his friends, still doggedly carrying Eli toward the cabin quad. “It sounded important. That’s all I know. Not whatever this is—”

Words completely flew out of his body before he could finish his sentence.

He had them somewhere deep down. But he couldn’t summon any of them at this precise moment. Not while Fee was… dancing? Though Adrian prided himself on being able to keep cool even in stressful situations (hellhound notwithstanding), he was not composed in the slightest as he watched Fee work her way through the crowd. His eyes were entirely glued to her, staring unabashedly at her. Okay, yes, he was attracted to her—frankly, it would be idiotic of him not to be—but there was also the small problem of his itsy bitsy crush on her. That he wasn’t planning on doing anything about. He was just mentoring her. That was it. That was it.

It didn’t take long for Adrian to completely lose track of his friends as Fee approached them. The moment their eyes met, he could have sworn he melted into a puddle in the ground. His mouth simply hung open as she spoke to him and touched his shoulder and oh gods she was so pretty. For a moment, he couldn’t tell who he was talking about, and then Nyssa said something (goldfish?) and then Eli spoke and why did his body feel so light all of a sudden? What would it be like to rest his head on Fee’s lap, he wondered…

Scratching the back of his head, he couldn’t look away from the blonde as he muttered, “Um… sorry. Nyssa and Eli… and their dog, Anubis.” Although he was under a trance, the moment he tried to engage in the conversation with Fee, he regained at least a bit of his wits. He was still having some, uh, really silly thoughts. “But, uh, yeah. We made it. What exactly is this, though? Not that we’re not enjoying it!” A blatant lie. “Um. But I thought there was a meeting?”

Thoughts were getting all foggy again. Gosh, Fee sure was pretty. Maybe he should tell her that.

♡coded by uxie♡








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Jordan St. Cyr

Weary Traveler

It was taking everything in Violet’s body and soul not to panic and start crying uncontrollably. She was usually so good with patients, no matter how serious their injuries. But what was happening with Vic right now was serious, and he just meant so much to her. So, yeah, the static electricity thing? Probably not the best solution she could have come up with. What else was she supposed to do without endangering him more? Drop him in a bathtub with a toaster? Glancing at Brandon, Violet explained, “He usually uses a car battery, but that’s what got him injured in the first place. Doing it again might be a bad idea.” Was she 100% sure on that? No. Did she want to test fate? Absolutely not. Not with her best friend’s life on the line.

While she frantically tried to figure out what to do for Vic, he and Brandon—well, mostly Brandon—had a conversation. Although Violet knew Vic well, it was hard to understand what was going through his head while he was so weak. Violet to Vic communication was sound, but when it came to sons of the Big Three, she was lost. And then Brandon mentioned Vic’s cabin. “What are you—?” She yelped as the son of Poseidon maneuvered the son of Zeus onto his back. “Wait—hey!”

It was all a bit of a blur after that. Violet had the good sense, at the very least, to grab a bag of ambrosia, nectar, and some bandages before rushing after the boys. Her healer brain went into overdrive as she ran after them, barely registering the flowers and stage and crowd in the cabin quad. Vic and Brandon were most important right now, and they were being idiots.

Violet was usually very calm and collected while healing, maybe stern like she was with Brandon minutes ago. But when it came to patients completely ignoring her advice and putting themselves in graver danger, well, that was just about the only thing that could make her angry. Right now, she was absolutely furious.

Being entirely less athletic than Brandon, even when injured, she made it to Cabin One. “Vic! Don’t!” she shouted, and he seemed to respond, but over the music, she couldn’t hear a thing. Instead, he grabbed the clips on his car battery, and she covered her mouth and tried not to scream. Which, unfortunately, didn’t work. She shut her eyes tightly and tried to just breathe. Here were two patients of hers, both injured once again because they had disregarded her words. It was one thing when it was Brandon, who’d already shown a dislike of the infirmary in general. But, Vic? It stung when Vic didn’t listen to her.

When it was over, Vic was talking. Sure, that was good. Fine. But they were both still hurt. Again. What was the point of using bandages if they were just going to bleed through them in five minutes?

Opening her eyes slowly, she fixed both boys with a steely glare. “I can’t believe you did that. Well, I can believe it, but I can’t believe you would be so stupid as to involve each other. Now both of you have reopened wounds, and we’re out even more bandages. I hope you’re happy.” Violet furiously blinked away tears as she crouched by Brandon and redressed his wounds, roughly shoving a dosage of ambrosia into his hands. She didn’t even try to look Vic in the eye as she did the same with him, leaving a bottle of nectar by him. “I’m going to see what’s going on out there. If you two are quite done giving me a heart attack and hurting yourselves, perhaps you’ll join us?”

That was all she could say. Anymore and she would burst into tears, and right now, she couldn’t even handle any sort of comfort Vic would attempt. She woodenly got to her feet and stormed out of Cabin One, swiping at her face as she tried not to burst into tears on the spot. By the time she reached her own cabin (Seven), she finally glanced over at the commotion that was going on.

Tears rolled down her face as she frowned at the sight before her. Why was Damon doing the Cupid Shuffle of all things? Was this part of the meeting?

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)

Hollywood Ending


A meeting. That was what Noah had been told this was going to be. Whatever the hell was going on right now? Was not that. He was trying to shake the image of Fee beckoning to him out of his mind when Marissa leaned over to him, and well, he had an entirely different problem now. (SHE’S JUST SO PRETTY.) “I wish. They’d be a lot more fun if Chiron started doing half of this stuff.”

As they got closer to the crowd, Noah realized some flower arches were popping up behind them. That wasn’t suspicious in the least. Especially the way most of the crowd was really focusing on Fee. He had a feeling she was doing something to them, but he wasn’t going to point that out. Surely there was a plan to all this nonsense? Damon wouldn’t whip out his cartwheels and handsprings if it wasn’t serious, would he? (Nobody answer that.)

On the bright side: Marissa was leaning into him. So maybe bringing her along wasn’t the big mistake he had worried it would be. He desperately hoped she didn’t see the blush rising to his face as she did, and he let out a silent sigh of relief that she wasn’t bored. “We might as well be drinking with everything going on here. Sure we didn’t fall asleep at some point this morning?”

Unless he was mistaken, Fee and Damon were waiting for something. Damon wouldn’t start doing the whip out of nowhere. (Well. He would. But still.) Noah cast his eyes about, trying to find whoever they were waiting for. Huh. There was a distinct lack of a certain set of twins, wasn’t there…? Oh, Fee. “What are you all up to…” he murmured.

Okay, yes, Noah was probably taking this entire situation a lot more seriously than anybody else here. All of those serious thoughts, however, flew out of his head the moment the first part of the Cupid Shuffle came on. This was his JAM. “Marissa, do you know how to do the Cupid Shuffle?” he asked with a huge grin. “Because I am the master at it.”

There were two things that took away Noah’s inhibitions completely: alcohol and the Cupid Shuffle. So while he started dancing like an idiot, he didn’t even worry if Marissa thought he was said idiot. Nor did he worry about whether or not Chiron had noticed the commotion yet. He had a few minutes of the song left before that thought would cross his mind.

♡coded by uxie♡








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In Paradise

Moments We Live For

Well, Bran sure was taking his sweet time.

Though, to be honest, Star wasn’t sure she wanted to hear what he would have to say about what was happening in front of her. She’d nodded absentmindedly in response to Nia’s greeting, watching as Fee made her way through the crowd with Damon not too far behind her. “A distraction? Charmspeak?” she said, her voice pitching higher in surprise. Of course, she knew this was a distraction, but she had no clue about the charmspeak. Well, she knew what it was, but she hadn’t realized Fee was using it on the crowd. “Huh. Well, I guess that’s why so many of them look so silly…” Translation: “No wonder they look like how I normally feel.”

The next bit had Star confused. She looked over at Nia in confusion. “Huh? What do I have to figure out?” Was she immune to charmspeak or something? That could come in handy! Probably some other time, though, not right now. And why was Nia smirking? She was staring to wonder why she’d started this conversation in the first place. Everyone was always speaking in riddles around her. Only Bran and Care ever made sense.

Not that she was very happy with one half of that group at the moment.

Star swallowed, trying not to give away why the Love Twins were keeping everyone in the quad. And, judging by the flower arches, they were taking that part of the plan seriously. She crossed her arms over her chest, making sure she didn’t start wringing her hands. That would definitely give her away. “Um, I think I heard something about a meeting? But I don’t think most meetings go like… well, like this, so maybe that was wrong?”

It seemed the Love Twins were running out of steam. Damon was starting up some sort of dancing session, which Star would have joined if she wasn’t so jittery. And where was Bran? He’d promised he’d be here! With that and Care still not here, Star was starting to wonder if something was going to go wrong. Gah, why was she involved in all this again??

“Chiron’s probably going to come over here soon. He won’t be too happy about a flash mob, I think…”

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)



That spa day with her beautiful love doves sounded oh so splendid right now. She couldn't wait to get this show over for once in her life. However, if there was a power drain effect her quasi-sister has been going on about, she could feel the burn right now. Felicity used to entertain various types of crowds without a sweat. This was taking quite a toll as she could feel her porcelain face slowly get coated in a very thin layer of sweat, her head feeling like it was in quite a swirl.

She noticed how both her beloveds were now as immersed in the distraction plan as they were. Behold the showcases of the Beauty Triad made with all their beautiful talents combined. They were all a marvel to look at, who could blame anyone? Felicity spun and danced as she saw the decorative flowers she so loved form around her feet, with every step she took. The more spun on the spot, the brighter the roses, petunias, and camellias bloomed. Soft humming occasionally rang through as the sweet scents filled the air. With an occasional glance towards her male partner, charming his way with the ladies, shooting him a couple of kisses as they matched their momentum as best as they could as Damon followed in her trail.

On her first stop, she locked eyes with the son of Hephaestus, she could feel the connection as she felt his light grey eyes bore into her own kaleidoscopic eyes. One particular point she noticed it was working was because she knew Hani. Hani would never root himself and keep eye contact with her of his own accord. He would look the other way and run at just how skittish and awkward he got with her. She could never quite understand. However, right next to him, she also came into eye contact with the daughter of Hecate whom she could probably smell her speak from miles away. She just hoped they would not flinch away from the first sign of music. If there was something to be heard, it would hurt for their efforts to die in vain. Noticing and knowing the true pairing in front of her and how Althaia was holding onto the male's hand. Her charm-speak was less effective. Especially if she was his anchor. One would have to be blind as to how smitten the son of Hephaestus was Nonetheless, time was bought from her end before she ventured forth to her next conquest with a smirk as she knew he was about to follow. The fact he stopped with Althaia's voice only proved that her matchmaking theories were nothing but correct. The same occurrence with Sammy and Kyle as she tried to snap him out.

Upon reaching her second group with one of her exes/flings and a close friend of hers, she noticed Mere taking it a step higher as she faded into the background for the show-stopper - barely unnoticed by the crowds that formed in the cabin quads. With the music blaring ever so loud, it was bound to be caught as soon as possible. Hence, they needed to be done with this charade, as soon as possible. Her eyes often darted to the stage as her Bello was being carried towards the stage, seeing the floral and vined archways extending from the center stage towards the people she kept luring in with her siren song. Both her best friends had her back big time and she couldn't thank them enough. Her Bello was doing a good job in keeping the crowd she enlisted, captivated and her Doll was keeping the attention on her with her beautiful touches to accompany the performance. Fee low-key hoped these vines were strong enough if she collapsed... she could feel herself slowly diminishing. That and the fact Caleb already fell (or not) for her speak once, he had gotten used to how she acted, to say the least. What she did not expect was her now smitten girl pal right on his arm as she was affected by the daughter of Aphrodite's words.
"Now now Caleb, that's no way to enjoy a show. Look at Low here,"
she taunted as her attention was now focused on the other blonde. Her voice hints a bit of calm down towards her to ensure she has no reason to feel threatened with jealousy as she can see it in her sleepy eyes. The queen bee counted this one as lucky as she squared up the daughter of Hypnos with her speech. That being said, Fee needed that rest so badly as of this point.

Twirling around, she shot Meredith a wink and kiss as she mouthed the words 'thanks boo' from underneath her swaying blonde locks as she did before she approached her last destination (or so it seemed before her energy was going to falter). By the Gods, Care, this plan needs to rush.

Stepping swiftly in front of the trio, she focused her attention on the male counterparts, specifically. Her magic was easily swayed as she could see both their gazes fog towards her. It was no secret that the daughter of beauty was smitten with her fighting tutor. Whilst Fee had a lot of suitors, she pursued a lot of them but with the son of death, she was stumped. She did not want to scare him off with her forward and bright character and comments. Especially when Damon was around. They did not withhold any comments or disclaimers about him so it was no secret. The dark-haired female spoke up, introducing them all. Fee wanted to keep the trance going but as the girl introduced Nyssa, one of the brunette males seemed to have rooted back to his friend rather than Felicity, "
Nice to meet you, Nyssa, Elijah,"
her gaze back to the pair before letting her attention revert to the male she knew most out of them., especially since the dark-haired female seemed to have a more hold of the other.

The gaping and jaw-dropping reaction from her mentor was one of her many aims. It was one of her tests, to say the least. Distractions and energy aside, Felicity did not want to jump the... scythe? with Adrian. It was safe to say she was physically and emotionally attracted to the tanned male. His eyes were so magnetic to her own.
"Oh yes. Hundred percent sure I know who Goldfish Number 1 is, if that is what you go by nowadays,"
Fee shot a taunting wink towards Adrian. If only she could read thoughts right now. If only she could rest this nauseating feeling away into his arms... onto his chest. Focus Fee, she chanted in her head as her eyes darted towards the hell-hound. A safe distance away was of importance.
"Hmm, patience is key. You will find out eventually,"
Fee masked the fact that in reality, she did not know what was going on apart from the task provided,
"I would... I would be offended if you did not. But yes this is a... a meeting."
. Her voice and her words kept cutting as her head started to spin, her stomach churning from the overwhelming feeling of exhaustion.

As she was conversing with the trio of darkness, her eyes tried to lock with a familiar pair of eyes belonging to either Damon, Meredith, or... Noah's even. Her best friends and ex-boyfriend knew the drill perfectly well whenever she looked around all panicked, her eyes flickering with the loss of power, much like a flickering light bulb that was running low on electricity. She was in S.O.S mode and that usually happened when she over-exhausted herself like that. Whenever she undergoes such a long siren song or even uses it for her gain at parties. She had always ended up waking in the familiar wooden walls of the infirmary. All she could see was her best friends pulling all the stops much like she was. By the Gods, everyone was cheering for the all-time Cupid Shuffle which she usually jammed with, if she wasn't so busy. Deep down she hoped he wouldn't have to pull all the stops in the world of dance.

From the blurred vision, she could make up two figures, the Roman twins making their way towards Damon on stage. Felicity was trying her best to remain upright before toppling a bit forward, grasping at Adrian's arms for support,
"Look... at the stage..."
meaning that something was happening on stage next to Damon that everyone needed to hear. Looking helplessly into his eyes, her kaleidoscopic eyes flickered back to her blue-green orbs, as they rolled to the back of her head. Felicity's energy hit a level of exhaustion that caused her to collapse forward into a faint state towards the son of Thanatos.

Quite an impression there princess...

A faint light purple aura slowly radiated around her unconscious body, a symbol appearing right on top. Sweat was being exerted from her body as it attempted to cool her down.

♡coded by uxie♡
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐝

Amber, Avery, Care, Rachel...​


As much as Amber’s curiosity was getting the better of her, her brother was right. In fact, the modicum of curiosity he was feeling could be because of her own heightened feeling of it all. With a shake of the head and a firm look plastered on her face, she altered her route on their mission which was the most important, getting the information and answers they needed. “You’re right, Aves. You’re right. We must focus on ours if this is to be of a success,” she muttered under her breath, clutching her fists as her nails dug into her skin. Avery felt the feeling of nails digging into his skin as he waited for her to focus. “We will figure this out, Berry. I swear it.” He told her softly as they went on. Nail digging was a familiar feeling that Avery had gotten used to by now when Amber focused. Although, remembering that happy portal accident helped ease the tension that was placed upon them, knowing what was to happen, give or take some accuracy.

As they slowly started to approach their decided starting location, the twins needed to get into this the way they were trained. Well-focused, Emotion-free, and no ties. It was the second reason why the mantra was created, to begin with. Knowing they were bound by their birthday present, apart from being each other’s lifeline, they were each other’s ride-or-die. Although the death part was still unexplored territory, it could be assumed from all the accidents they endured. Every last breath, every broken bone, every scrape and scratch. The assumption came ever so naturally. A sigh of focus escaped her lips as her blue-green eyes opened to meet his after he repeated the mantra after her. Now, it was show time to begin for the three.

“We do and it seems to be the natural balance of it all. Everything has a price and it would be unlikely if such a well-crafted and devised plan had none. A price I mean…”. Amber bit the inside of her cheek. As much as she agreed this was not what she wanted. To leave the daughter of Athena behind… it was what needed to be done. As stubborn as the twins are combined, they know not to tamper with a plan, “Agreed. As much as I am not a fan of leaving no man behind, if this is what must be done, then so be it.” Her gaze never left his, to assure him that she was being truthful. He knew she was always there for her comrades. Always by their side, always having their back… but she needed to assure him. She was going to follow the plan. This will work. It has to. Avery sighed “Neither am I, but it’s the way the plan is designed.” He hated this, leaving Care behind. Care had become one of the people that understood him. That gave him the chance to be himself in front of someone else other than Amber.

Approaching the tree where they first met Care, seeing her emerge out from the foliage, landing on the ground. They were ever so determined to start off and recon before they started. Amber bowed her head to her welcome and extended a hand towards her with the gesture to proceed with recapitulating the plan. The brunette could recognize she was in pain. What happened to her, Amber did not know and it was not the right time to ask questions of concern either. Looking down at Care, Amber continued biting the inside of her cheek as the other female spoke. “Fans or not, if that is what needs to be done so be it. We have already taken care of the escape route and we can safely escort you through if you change your mind…” she offered, knowing very well she wouldn’t take it. The priority was for the Morello’s to make it through. Care shook her head “I need to speak to Chiron. He needs to know that this didn’t need to happen if he would have just trusted us to handle it.” She told them truthfully. Chiron needed to know that he was the trainer of heroes but he needed to let them be heroes. Even when there’s a chance they won’t come back.

Especially since Care made sense. The Greeks had no business accessing them in an unauthorized manner near the oracle, let alone the Roman twins. Chiron might go easier on her. Besides she was to be the distraction for the twins to break the news to the rest of the camp and crash the other perfectly cooked distraction. “Yes, got it. We got it. Let’s get our show on the road,” a challenging smirk danced on her nude-colored lip as she faced the daughter of Athena and back to her brother as the trio made their way towards where the oracle resided. The cave.

Care walked inside the cave where she knew the oracle had been hiding at. From the outside, it was just a cave, but as you walk in…

You see it was more like a mini cabin room. There’s a door that was slightly ajar, as she pushed it in. She motioned for Amber to follow her, “Avery, stay look. Signal as soon as you see Chiron.”, Her voice firm, giving an order. The twins obeyed. Amber followed at a distance after Care with a look towards Avery, knowing very well she meant to signal her as usual before he nodded. He knew that right now, Care is the lead in this mission. As the pair of females emerged deeper into the cave, he tapped his chest three times, feeling as if Amber did the same. It was the signal they gave each other as the mission started. A way to connect without words. Avery quickly moved out, standing guard as he climbed a tree and waited till Amber had to make it through.

Reaching the depths of the cave, Care looked back as Amber was a few steps behind her, watching their back. “So the oracle is a camper, too?” Amber muttered under her breath, she was quite intrigued as she saw the bunk-like decor within the cave. The interior looked nothing like a cave. It was bewildering. However, before Care could respond she noticed Care halting and an unexpected voice interrupted her train of thought. She saw the oracle ahead who looked up in surprise and sighed. “I knew you’d be coming. Chiron tried to protect you all for too long.” She told her as the daughter of Athena walked forward. “Ask your question, Care, Daughter of Athena, and get your answer.” Care then shook her head “He protected us for so long but it’s costing now, and I will not let it destroy our camp. My home.”

Amber watched the scenario in awe, making sure to memorize all that was unfolding. Deep down she wished that Avery was in her stead, listening. He was usually the brains and memories and Amber executed. This time, they swapped and Amber was determined not to fail. Avery felt Amber’s need to not fail. He wanted to be there for his sister, he wanted to hear everything. The feeling of the need of her brother bubbling in, tapping in, wanting Avery to listen in. What happened next was something she did not notice. Opening a channel within their link, she kept concentrating on the female and elder before her. Suddenly it felt like a channel, opened in their bond. Avery felt like he could hear everything. See everything. Except it was not his sight. He heard as the prophecy was spoken, memorizing every word, much like his sister. It was like he was there with Amber as they heard what was to come. It was as if the Morellos became one.

Rachel smiled and came closer. “Ask.” She inhaled deeply “Orcale, I come to ask, to why our powers are failing, why we are weakening?” Rachel’s eyes went white as a voice older than she spoke out to them. A prophecy. A prophecy had been spoken…

Care breathed in deeply as Rachel returned to normal, holding her head. “Did you get the answer you need?” She asked as Care started to pace, thinking of every word. That she didn’t even notice Amber’s eyes went glossy as the prophecy went on. Like she was two people instead of one. Care knew that she was to be with Hunter’s team, and it was easy to figure out the rest of them but still…this was a big prophecy and so many things to go wrong.

Unlike Care, Amber heard the words, her mind moving like a computer to register every word. She was unaware of who the demigods might be but she hoped she could remember all this with ease. To her surprise, she did. With her brother’s senses merged with hers, unaware, at that point in time he was witnessing anything, to her Amber she was still witnessing everything herself, the pressure subtly rising as she looked at Care's pace.

Care looked at Amber, as she stopped pacing. “Did you get the prophecy? All of it.” She asked her as she glanced at the door. Her mind going a thousand miles per hour, knowing that they didn’t have much time left. “You need to go now.” She stated as she could feel the next part of the plan coming. “Tell everyone of the prophecy, make them believe the truth. Tell the others, I will be there as soon as I can.” She walked over to Amber, and took her hand “Thank you.” A whisper escaped as she moved back.

Avery was still seeing the conversation but in the corner of his sight, that wasn’t taken by the shared vision, he saw movement. It looked like Chiron was rushing to the cave. He jumped down from the tree he was out, and ran to the cave, tapping his chest three times as a warning.

Glossed eyes met the worried daughter of Athena as she gave her a firm nod, knowing the next step was to leave, “Take care, Care.”. With that and the combined feeling of the three taps, set the daughter of Janus to bolt and make her way back out of the cave to her brother. Amber’s emotions suddenly started to calm down, knowing very well she absorbed the prophecy, every word. She wanted to bolt and tell her brother some paragraphs to share the burden. From what Avery could see, the interior of the cave path, came back towards his location, and as she emerged from the cave in a rush she was greeted by her brother, in his arms to avoid them from colliding with each other. Avery caught her, as they rushed back to each other. It was strange seeing himself in his sight but he shook it off.

As they reunited, their glossy eyes slowly subsided as the male twin saw himself in his field of vision briefly before one twin became two yet again, “Your eyes…” she muttered before shaking her head, “Come on, let’s go…” Amber was still unaware that Avery just witnessed everything, or that she too had the same glossed look in her eyes but getting to the main stage was the next step. “He’s coming, we need to go now.” He states that he also ignored the fact that their eyes were different colors. That he had just seen everything like he was amber. Avery couldn’t process it right now, he needed to focus on the mission.

Looking around the forest, archways were quite a rare sight before she noticed the cave entrance again. Taking her key out, she lodged it inside the empty area of the entrance. A golden lock formed around the tip of the key in thin air as she unlocked it, the lock dissolving into a golden spiral. Where an empty cave entrance once was, now was a bright golden portal, “Come on, destination - Eros Cabin.” Avery nodded as he interacted with the portal she had created. Once he was sure of the connection, “Let’s go.”

Following her brother, she awaited as he channeled their destination as she was incapable of doing so. Once he provided the go ahead, Amber walked in behind him as the pair unlocked the end of the portal back in the Eros Cabin’s backdoor. Emerging from the golden glow, Amber turned her attention to the portal, with the tip of her key, scanning the tips of the doorway, dimming the glow till it was now diverted back to a back door entrance as well as the cave entrance was now by default closed as well, back to normal. Amber rubbed a few beads of sweat before the sound of music was now a tad louder, eyeing Avery. “Time to crash the party, dear brother,” she grinned but still ever so wary ran towards the quad, locating the son of Eros. She knew her brother cooked the plan with the love twin so she waited for him too. Avery followed her nodding, going to Damon. He walks up to Damon, grabs his hand without noticing, and whispers in his ears. “We got it, it’s time.” The shakiness in his voice scared him. Knowing that the prophecy was bad enough, to scare him. It scared him a lot of the unknown about it. “Cut the music.” He states as he moves to his sister’s side in center stage. In the meantime, Amber awaited in the center stage, in hopes everyone was gathered and paid attention to them.

As the music faded to nothing, the daughter of Aphrodite’s voice was barely heard with the last ounce of her strength to draw the demigods’ attention to the stage for the Roman twins to take, with a great deal of assistance from the son of Eros. Care was right, the pair did make quite the show to divert attention. “Okay, listen up people! This is a warning! A prophecy has been issued, I repeat, A PROPHECY HAS BEEN ISSUED,” She made sure to cup her arms around her mouth to make her voice resonate a bit. Amber could feel the nerves getting to her. In a split second, she forgot the most crucial part. How it started. Avery looked at his sister as he felt her stress. Taking her hand. He opened his mouth and spoke. Thankfully, her brother picked up on the stress signal and came to the rescue as he started the first stanza of the prophecy in her stead.

“Scattered across this earthly, mortal plane,
The gods attempt to leave, in vain.
Trapped in their places, no one knows why,
Save for those who watch from the rumbling sky.”

Lots of gasps and sounds of distress started to echo amongst the crowds. Anyone who was dubious or had an inkling now confirmed that something was indeed wrong. Especially when powers were fading and children of the strongest getting hurt. Those who had no idea that something was being affected, now do. As Avery incited the first few words, Amber started to recollect the prophecy and proceeded;

“To save the Olympians, you will need four keys,
Or else god and demigod alike will be brought to their knees.
But so many are needed to face the odds,
In order to save the trapped gods,”

With the mention of the four keys, symbolizing the four different quests, four particular demigods started to glow a faint white aura - symbolizing the lead of each quest. The faint glowing aura started to radiate around; the son of Zeus - Victor, the son of Hades - Elijah, the daughter of Venus and hunter of Artemis - Nia, and the son of Dionysius - Noah. The faint glow was starting to get noticed from where the Morello’s stood. It was noted that as they were issuing the prophecy aloud, it was being initiated. How that worked bewildered her but Avery continued;

“To free the king of gods and those above the clouds,
Sons of Lightning and Travelers must be allowed.
To trust the daughters of Sleep and Mist,
While facing the mastermind behind this drift.”

Additional golden glows started to circle the chosen sons and daughters, although not as bright as those of the son of Zeus; the son of Hermes - Caleb, the daughter of Hypnos - Willow, and the daughter of Hecate - Althaia. Upon them, a large lightning bolt showed signifying the trapped god Zeus with the wording ‘South’ underneath it. The first quest has been issued. Amber kept scanning the crowds, blue-green slits darting from one demigod to the other. The words flew from her mouth as to continue;

“For the king of the dead and those below,
The elder son of Fire and daughter of Beauty must go.
Accompany the Underworld's spawn and with Rainbow's aid,
Face a king who long ago to rest was laid.”

If that seemed to be the ending, it was mistaken. The second quest followed right after to rescue to the trapped god Hades, in his own realm. Similar faint glows now light purple in color started to circle the demigods that were symbolized in the quest; the son of Hephaestus - Hani, the daughter of Aphrodite - Felicity, and the daughter of Iris - Star. Above their heads loomed the king of the Underworld’s helm symbol with the words ‘West’ written underneath, the same pattern as the first quest.

“As for the queen of the moon and all who hunt,
Take the Hunter and the children of War to face the brunt.
Of all the attacks the son of Music and Discord can't face,
And put the queen of monsters in her place.”

The third quest followed shortly after, the mentioned demigods were to rescue the trapped goddess of the Hunt, Artemis. Through the crowd now silvered whisps made their way to circle the chosen four demigods that were labeled in the lines, accompanying the Hunter of Artemis; the daughter of Ares - Sammy, the son of Apollo - Jasper, the son of Eris - Eric, and… the last wisp zoomed through the crowds and off towards the forest to reach her last quest member; the daughter of Athena - Care. Amber now figured out what the younger female meant when she said she was chosen. Above their head, a silvered bow and arrow radiated with the words ‘Northwest’ detailed underneath. The daughter of Janus proceeded;

“Even the king of wine merits a quest,
His son must lead the charge at the gods' behest.
Alongside the elder daughters of Harvest and Gates,
The son of Water's longtime enemy awaits.”

The final quest outside of camp was finally issued to save the trapped god and camp director, Dionysius. A vibrant purple light omitted from the chosen demigods to accompany the son of wine with the mission to rescue his father; the daughter of Demeter - Meredith, the daughter of Janus - Amber, and the son of Poseidon - Brandon. As Amber felt radiate, she looked upward as a dark purple goblet with grapes shone upon her with the words ‘North’ which she could not make up. It wasn’t till she saw the other fellow quest comrades, she noticed. Her gaze dropped to Avery, looking at him sternly as she was one to be leaving camp. Finally, she understood their need to be transferred here. The male twin continued;

“Back at camp, the rest of you must fight,
For soon an army will become your plight.
Pray for your comrades and their success,
Or else the entire world will fall into distress.”

The four quests were of importance but the task bestowed on the final demigods was of most importance. Keeping the home base safe for themselves and the quest on goers to return to. An orange outlined the demigods who were to head the defense of Camp Half-Blood against the army they were to face. Amongst the many worried demigods, eight of them bore this outline of amber light; the daughter of Demeter - Diana, the daughter of Apollo - Violet, the daughter of Hephaestus - Marissa, the son of Janus - Avery, the son of Eros - Damon, the son of Thanatos - Adrian, the son of Tyche - Kyle, and lastly the daughter of Nyx - Narcissa. It was then that Amber understood the reason behind their separation. It was more easy to swallow knowing how her strong suit in her battle and fighting tactics were needed on the outside whereas her brother’s wits and strategies were best suited for defense. As much as it was always a tough pill to swallow. It was needed.

“Beware most of all that rumbling sky,
For very soon, an imminent return is nigh.”

The last few words were blurted out in sync with each other from the twins’ lips as they faced each other and then the crowd yet again. A crackle and rumble of thunder was heard in the faint distance accompanying the ending of the prophecy. Both of them were still in shock as to what they just witnessed, knowing that their visions of being separated were indeed true. It was a rather ironic moment not to say the least where the Romans had to incite a Greek prophecy. Everything felt unrealistically real at this point, having a bomb drop in the middle of what was a fruitful and fun distraction. The quad shone with all the quest symbols, as much as the havoc it meant, it was rather… pretty.

collab post with a r i u a r i u

♡design by minajesty, coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)

Fight Song

Rachel Platten

The louder the music and talking got, the more she wanted to retreat into her hole.

Her fingers toyed with the inside of her hoodie pockets more as she awaited some sort of comforting reply and hoped that this was a meeting and not some failed attempt to get the younger demigods to socialize and mingle. As Eli spoke out his concern as well, she nodded in agreement to his words. Meeting, yes but party, no.

If this was some trick, it was not quite being enjoyed at the moment. As much as she loved her big brother, he did tend to push her out of her comfort zone (a.k.a cabin) for her own sake and sanity. Nyssa’s safe space was the dark wooded cabin but if her two friends did not partake in visiting she would probably dig herself in there and never appear. Despite that, deep down she loved Adrian because he always treated her the way she never was by her actual family. Her father… her sister, even.

As she watched the blonde prance around, Nyssa was unfazed as her glasses were serving as a great barrier, unknowingly to her. It was as if the boys were being lulled to her as she introduced them to her. That introduction served as a ‘snap-out-of-it’ kind of scenario. With Elijah, it was successful. As the son of Hades got back on his feet, Narcissa shuffled a bit towards him with Anubis trailing around them in a figure of eight, the music hyping the pooch up. As Felicity was speaking to the boys, Narcissa decided to extract herself out of the equation. She swiftly took the bag of treats from Adrian’s hand unfastened the strap to take out a piece of dried-up jerky and tossed it at the puppy who jumped and barked before lowering to caress his tamed fur. She was not much for the show that the Beauty Triad or whatever they called themselves were putting on.

As the pup was twirling around in circles, it briefly disappeared and reappeared on her other side where her gaze now met with Elijah, straightening herself up once more with a subtle clear of the throat, making sure he didn’t get relayed back in whatever weird voodoo the blonde was doing. Whilst Nyssa was not the best of talkers, she did the next best thing as she took one of her hands gently towards Elijah’s, cold touch lingering to ground him. It was a mixture of panic, awkwardness, and uncomfortableness in the whole situation that made her want to escape. It was a force of habit for the pair to join hands and travel away to a much quieter place. It was always so much better when it was just the two of them, by extension the three of them (if he stopped fawning over the beautiful bimbo).

As the familiar warmth returned by her side, she lifted her shoulders into a shrug, whispering back,
“Your guess is as good as mine… it seems like a show but –”
, clutching tightly to his hand now, not enjoying where this was going.

As the show unraveled, her attention went toward the stage where attention was rather demanding. There was never a quiet moment around since the year she arrived but this was topping it.
“Guess we are about to find out,”
she spoke under her breath but enough for him to hear as she gestured her head towards the main area,
“A prophecy? What’s that supposed to mean?”

The female was quite confused about how this all linked. Was this what was making Elijah weaker? His powers not responding? As the twins on stage started citing the said prophecy, she dimmed her eyes behind her dark shaded lenses as every demigod mentioned started to glow in different shades,
“Whoever is doing this… hates me,”
she groaned, stretching her hoodie over her face before she noticed the light purple glow around both Elijah and the fainted girl in front of them that matched whereas Adrian’s was orange shaded. Lifting her hands, she noticed the same glow around her,
“Is it me? Or am I now more confused than before?”

Her words were now louder for all parties to hear before her lips formed a quizzical line. Why were they glowing? What were they supposed to do? Does that mean they were going to be separated? All the thoughts flooded Nyssa’s head which the other two parties of the trio could probably decipher from the expression of her slightly visible face.

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)



Like a soft lullaby, the son of Tyche was mesmerized by the beauty that was gracing the cabin quad, the grip on his sister's wrist tightening as he tugged at her arm so she could keep up with him and enjoy the lovely show. His mind was like it was foggy and his limbs felt like he was walking on clouds. Nowhere near in control. That was until he felt a strong arm hold him back, Sammy blocking his field of view before Kyle tried to stretch sideways to keep watching the show, "Move out of the way Sam! Watch the show, look! Damon is doing the shuffle Noah loves so much!" he exclaimed with a goofy on his face.

His sister was not having his shenanigans. As the apologetic words escaped her lips, he remained ignorant of them before he felt a flat palm landing and colliding against his cheek. The pale, freckled skin started to grow bright red like a light bulb. It took him a few delayed reactions before he let out a loud groan, clutching his cheek with both hands.
he winced with a gasp. Still feeling the high tingling sensation on his cheek, he sighed,
"Well, I am back to my senses, if that is what you mean..."
By all means it may have not been the strongest swing but the red-head was quite fragile and quite weak when it came to his stature.

Kyle felt himself regaining composure, the fog clearing from his mind ever so slowly (not the state of slight hangover that was slowly being cured by infirmary means).

"Where were we? Oh yeah... right. Your instincts are rarely off when it comes to situations. Unlike mine,"
he remarked with a chuckle as he let his palm rub the soreness out of the reddened area of his cheek from the previous slap. Gods that bloody hurt. He blinked slightly trying to recall the memory of his previous conversation before he was hammered Something about a battle... this spelt nothing like a battle to me. If anything Kyle wanted to see more of this and it was not because the blonde said so. It was because this was so entertaining and so pretty!

That was until he saw her. Sniffling and crying. He called out for her as he waved his arm, hollering.
"Vee, over here!"
He saw her venture off to her cabin it seemed.

He looked a bit worried and it was not because of his red cheek. Why was she crying? Kyle looked to Sammy who was right in front of him as if asking to go check up on her. Kyle hoped Violet saw or heard him through all this commotion. However, the said commotion was now interrupted by the two Roman twins on stage. Music dimmed and words were being spoken which were a bit hard to comprehend. Kyle could only manage to understand that all the campers' powers were dimming. Maybe it could be why luck wasn't on his side. Who knew at this point...

All he knew was that Sammy was right.

What was heard from Kyle's brain were blurbs in the back of his mind as the two figures on stage started to speak. His main focus was the fact he just saw one of the sweetest and hard-working girls, sniffle. He was about to dash her way (jokes on him - he could barely walk this fine morning) when he realized that Sammy was glowing - not realizing he, himself was also glowing as well.

"Uh... bro. You're silvered..."
he stated aloud as he pointed towards the silver glow around the daughter of Ares. It was at this point that Kyle should have probably paid attention to what was being said. It was at that moment he noticed his skin was glowing orange. It was completely unnoticed as his redhead energy tended to do that on occasion but no, this was something completely different,
"Oh shit, I'm shining..."

The boy of luck looked at his sister in a certain hope that she would explain to him more what he should have paid attention to.

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)



He could sense the panic rising in the air about to omit from the daughter of Apollo. Deep down he wished to certify her that Victor was going to be all well but he was only 97% sure that this was going to work. The other 3% was on the other end of the spectrum and he did not even want to go there.
"Car battery, yes. I know this is not the ideal way but doing it again might jump-start him back as well. That's how water works with me... I don't see how this is any different. If not, we will surely lose him. I won't have that,"
he stated firmly, knowing that deep down the medic did not want that fate for her best friend either.

Brandon had to act on impulse as he grasped the son of Zeus' hands and ran the shocks from the car battery through the pale male and it relayed briefly to Brandon which repulsed him back with a burning sensation, groaning in pain, shaking it off to simmer in a couple of minutes as it was brief contact. Thanking his endurance, he looked with hope that it might have worked. That his impulsive plan had positive results. He tried to reach Violet to shelter her from the sight but he was too weak to move, falling by her feet on his knees. One scream and shock later, their healer slowly returned with them with an even bigger scold and he could not blame her.
"You're right Violet and I am sorry. But it was the only way he had hope of surviving,"
he looked at her genuinely and in gratitude as his blood-drenched bandage was now changed into cleaner ones. As she shoved the ambrosia in his hand, he sighed,
"For what it's worth. Thank you, Violet."

He truly was grateful and he did understand her. If the tables were turned, he would be wary just the same.

Looking down at his friend's smoking body as Violet redressed their wounds, he heard him speak which made Brandon let out a huge breath of relief. A sudden laugh of desperation that was being held when the comment was heard,
"That did, that did. I did not fry you for no reason there, Sparky."
With that, Violet addressed her exit which caused Brandon to frown. He did not want her to leave. He did not want her to leave Victor.

"Violet, wait. come on --- "
he reached out for her but it was too late. As she stormed out, she was lost amongst the blasted music through the quad, he decided it was time to tackle the next issue at hand before regaining shape alongside his brother, cousin, whatever. It wasn't that he wanted to undermine her expertise and medical experience but due to their forbidden nature, they needed forbidden means to nurse themselves back to health. Case in point. He hoped Victor would get through to her and change her mood as he needed to go meet his version of Violet (furious bubble), Star. If he was going to be any more late, he was going to get it.

Giving Victor a hand to stand up, he couldn't help but sigh and look out the window in an attempt to see the show that was raging on. Picking up the bottle of nectar and uncapped it, handing it to him,
"Drink up buddy, you need the energy. Hopefully, we get the answers we need through dancing,"
he kidded from the music, jerking his head towards the doorway.

As they were both set to head to the meeting that they had promised to attend, he was still confused as to how this show down, throw down had to do with the shit show they were currently enduring. Brandon was still annoyed and pissed at the fact the water was not cooperating in healing his wounds resulting in him going to the place he hated most, to begin with, and looking weak in front of the female he wished to woo. Classy and manly. The son of the seas scanned the area for his best friend and by the looks of it, he was already late as if. Thankfully, the female was not very far. Looking over to Victor,
"I'm gonna head to Star man. She's not far if you wanna hang with me in case shit hits the fan again. I'll be over there,"
he pointed towards the pair of females that were currently conversing.

Shooting a firm, clear look to Sparky, he gave a two-finger salute which in Brandon's terms was see you soon bro.

The male tried his best not to look weakened but the fact his whole torso was freshly bandaged, did not help the situation he was trying to so hard cover. Casually holding a grip to his side was a bit easier due to the lack of a shirt, he dragged his feet towards a familiar sandy blond-haired female who wanted him to be present for this meeting. Hopefully, they would conclude as to why the water and electricity were not cooperating with them. A part of him wondered whether the new kid's shadows were not cooperating with him as well.

Approaching the two females with a goofy grin on his face to mask the sharp pain that was now slowly subsiding as the ambrosia started to kick in. Occasionally he ran his tongue subtly along his lower lip tasting the everlasting sweetness.
"Nothing to fear, the old man is not here but I am, as promised, Scamp,"
he muttered before he rested both his hands firmly on Star's shoulders as he approached her from behind. His glance shifted towards the female whom he did not recognize one bit. His staring could be depicted as rude, mainly because he was trying to decipher who she was instead of taking the polite route and asking her. After giving in from not hearing the first part of the conversation (due to not being present) which was the introductions, he decided a show was put on and therefore it would be harmful not to enjoy it... no?

Reaching out for a flower that was branching from the arch, he gently offered it to Star,
"Will you forgive me and do me the honor of Cupid Shuffling with me?"
the goofy smirk on his face always plastered onto his face. He was partially kidding at the last bit but he was entirely true for her forgiveness in the matter. Star was one of the few people that he could relax and just be himself (to a limit). He acts freely with her without having expectations and they can relate to each other when it comes to their brain capacity and densities. Two scatterbrains if you may. So to have her be upset with him was simply a no-go. Brandon needed his Scamp on his side. She may be tiny but when she got mad, he ran for the hills at most times (when physically possible).

Just as the dancing and rhythm were getting to it, the music was cut which turned a few heads towards the son of Cupid who was accompanied by the Roman demigods. Brandon still frowned as to why they brought two Romans to camp but a hunch was itching that they were about to find out as the female of the lot spoke up. Bran's ears perked up at the word prophecy, his eyes immediately looking back to lock eyes with Victor. His face hardened as the prophecy was told. Mentions of both his uncles but not his father. Yet he was still being drained? Where was his old man if not with them? With a groan he tensed more at the mention of the quest for the god of wine, reciting the last line,
"... The son of water's longtime enemy awaits..."
grumbles under his breath as he rubbed his face in his palms as she ran them back through his jet black waves,
"Great, what's that old bag going to get me in now..."

Whilst he was not the smartest shell out there, he started noticing the aura of colors running around choices of demigods. Demigods are being picked for the quests. Deep down he envied he was not picked to lead but judging by how their quest was described, it was for the best. His longtime enemy... unless that translated to his father's enemy. It was no use to dwell. The gods needed their help and the god of wine needed his and his comrades' help. Deciphering the rest he looked around for a daughter of Demeter to check the same aura, noticing one was circling Flower Girl. Great, even she had to step out. He was not too thrilled when that happened it was not pleasant. He wasn't super ecstatic that Scamp was about to leave camp for a quest without him with her. To the Underworld no less. The girl on the platform also shared the same aura, which meant one of the Romans was with them. So many different ways to worry but all the more many ways to get a move on. He sighed, looking down at her and her new friend,
"Seems us three are heading in different directions. I must find Noah. If this is as serious as the girl is saying, we all need to get a move on,"
he muttered to himself.

He needed to take a moment and breathe, clear his thoughts. But knowing Brandon he was all about act. He needed to act.

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)


Imagine Dragons

As he flew to the roof, his eyes darted from one scenario to the other. His chaos radar was slowly being filled as he sensed various arguments, pangs of jealousy mixed with raw worries. Sometimes he swore these fellow campers made his life a tad bit easier. Especially if the Chaotic trio had a say in it when it came to the aftermath. Having the urge to strike some more ruckus now, he decided the best move was to wait around till something more intriguing struck. Especially since both Dahlia and Rue were in the mix down there. He would hate to cause chaos and get the only two people he cares about, stuck in the middle of that crossfire. What do you know... someone did manage to light up a caring switch in that pale, dark soul of his.

Even though he was eyes front, he could sense that there was a strong sense of confusion and shock way deep into the forest. Something else was happening, but what?

Eric deep down was quite the curious nut and if it wasn't for the promise he made to Diana that he would be there, he would have flown towards the root of this. Whatever it was, the tingling sensation of discord was slowly building up and he was loving it. Resting his chin on the palm of his hand he watched as the son of Eros surfed the crowd after a good round of cupid shuffling. He held the urge to roll his eyes at the performance beneath him. If he wasn't so high up in altitude, he would have probably fallen within the mind spell that the blonde was casting as she turned most into mindless zombies. Seesh height had its advantages in such cases.

It wasn't that far off when he noticed the twins running as calm and collected as they could muster to the stage. The same aura of worry that was radiating from the deep into the forest. Oh dang, the plot thickens. He leaned forward more so he could hear when the female was talking, hovering down from the roof as he landed on his feet, both hands into his pocket as the prophecy was being told. The faces of utter shock and fear were priceless. Although there was no direct mention of his mother, his blood went cold before he realized she could have also been a victim. A reason as to why Eris stopped her late-night visions to him. It was all fun and games before he realized it was a possibility. Before he realised he was picked by the prophecy to rescue the goddess of the moon. Screw that, his mother was more of a priority for him. For all he knew the goddess of the hunt has her hunters.

Eric's eyes continued to dart around, casually prancing through the chaos to make his way to his beloved... and her sister.

His eyes zoned in on Diana as he skidded to a walking halt right by her side after the prophecy unfolded, noticing how the two girls in front of him had a different luminescent aura, a relief when he noticed Diana had to stay back at camp. He knew that if anyone was to defend their home with her courage and will to keep her home safe, no army could match. That combined with the other orange-orbed demigods, he had no doubt,
"Quite a set of quests I see. It is either radio silent or a plethora of options around here. I don't care about my post, I am staying here with you Didi. I won't leave you alone..."
he sighed, rubbing his face in his hands. He knew it was not possible, especially when pinpointed by a prophecy but whoever knew him, the few that knew him, he loved to bend and defy the rules when it didn't befit him.

♡coded by uxie♡

meredith -







  • home (filler tab)

clean bandit

symphony ft. zara larsson

"You would think that, wouldn't you?"
Meredith couldn't help but smirk, despite her exhaustion. She was leaning heavily against one of the pillars she'd made when her sister and her boyfriend made their way to her side. All she could think about was how this plan that she'd been dragged into better work. She was exhausted, and honestly? It wasn't a good look on her.

Glancing over at the other girl, she sighed.
"Fee and Day got roped into this whole thing and of course, that means so did I."
she shrugged.
"At least we make quite the distraction. The flowers are blooming and they certainly know how to keep the eyes on them."
she giggled, admiring the beauty that followed her friends.

It wasn't hard for her to fall silent, eyes drawn back to the show. Well. Almost the show. Sure, she was paying attention, but at the same time, she couldn't help but scan the crowd, and no, she wasn't looking for anyone in particular. As Fee danced through the crowd, she followed, taking note of who she stopped at. Meredith almost snorted a few times, laughing softly as her friend made certain to stop at certain targets. The daughter of Aphrodite certainly knew how to put on a show. And her Day! Such a grand show of athleticism! She gave a few sharp whistles, cheering him on as he flipped around their impromptu stage, even starting the cupid shuffle.

"Fun right?"
she asked the two beside her, sending them a small grin. She was ever so proud of her two best friends. Hopefully this was all worth it.

She wasn't ready for the surprise interruption, the Roman twins and Care, rushing into the middle of the clearing. She swallowed nervously, all her worries and tension flooding back into her form. As the twins started reciting the prophecy, she could feel a weight settle in her gut. None of this was good. Not one single bit. Biting her lip she just barely held back her gasp as glowing symbols appeared over Victor, Noah, Elijah, and Nia's heads.

Styx, this could not be a good thing.

Of course, her worry was only proved worse when everyone else started to glow in a similar light to the demigods that had been chosen to lead the quest. Gods be damned, Meredith couldn't help the bit of terror that was flooding her veins. Eyes wide, her gaze darted between half bloods, before they finally landed on the one person she'd been anxiously waiting for. Her eyes locked with Brandon's for a quick second before they both broke away, looking for others dear to them. Fee was clearly exhausted, half collapsed against Adrian and glowing herself. At least it seemed Damon would be able to stay in camp...Of course it seemed as though staying in camp wasn't all that safe either.

Having caught sight of the glow surrounding her already, she knew that it had been decided that she was going to be leaving camp. The only solace she had right now was that she'd be with Brandon. At least she knew Noah, but she couldn't say the same for the similarly glowing Roman twin. Amber, she believed. Her eyes closed as she forced herself to process this whole thing. Well. At least her sister was going to be at camp. Diana was well-versed in defense, and seeing as it would be home territory, she'd have a decent advantage.

Taking in a sharp breath, she opened her eyes, turning towards Diana and Eric, giving them a tight smile. Meredith pushed off the pillar she'd been leaning on and grabbed her sister's hand.
"I...I have to go figure this out, alright?"
her voice was shaky. She couldn't afford that. It was time to play the big game now, and the daughter of Demeter was nothing if not prepared.
"Stay with Eric for as long as possible, alright? I...I have to go find Brandon. Something happened this morning and I need to know if he learned anything before any more of this quest gets figured out."
she glanced at Eric, before focusing on her sister once again.
"I'm sure there'll be a proper meeting soon."
she finished, squeezing her hands quickly, before turning and hurrying over to Brandon, who was making his own way to Noah.

"Pretty Boy!"
she called out, coming up behind him. Thankfully, she'd been able to catch her breath during the performance, allowing her to catch up to him quickly.
"Are...are you okay?"
she asked, referring to this morning.
"You're headed to Noah right? Might as well join you. Seems like we'll be stuck with each other for a while."
she joked weakly, trying to lighten the mood.

♡coded by uxie♡

caleb -







  • home (filler tab)

imagine dragons

bad liar

Yeah, Caleb knew they should've stayed in bed. Surely he could've tried harder to convince Willow to stay in bed. He had before, he knows he could definitely do it again. Truly, it was a shame he hadn't done it this time. Would've saved him a lot of trouble, because clearly, this was going to turn into a whole thing.

He'd known Felicity for years, he knew how she worked, especially when her and her fellow beauty obsessed friends were involved. She was clearly in the middle of some sort of plan, and he had a gut feeling that his little sister was involved in it somehow.
"You'd know all about shows, Fee."
he responded, raising a brow at the blonde in front of him. She'd shifted her attention over to his girlfriend, eyeing her up and down with a smirk on her face.

Oh yeah, she was definitely playing a game.

It didn't take long for her to wink and move on. Which made sense, she had plenty of other campers to woo and charm. It was what she did best after all. Command a crowd.

Caleb shook his head, wishing her well on whatever her end goal was. Meanwhile, he had himself a bit of a love drunk daughter of Hypnos on his hands.
"You seem like you're having a great time, aren't you Songbird?"
he asked, voice light and teasing. Yeah, Fee said to stay and watch the show alright.

He'd grabbed his girlfriend by the shoulders to try and make a move to steer her away from the crowd and maybe make an escape back to his cabin, but it wasn't to be. Turns out he'd been right. His sister was definitely involved, and now he had to stay. Tightening his grip just a tad on Willow's shoulders so she couldn't wander off in her semi-intoxicated state. The last thing he wanted was to lose sight of her.

As one of the twins stopped the music, and grabbed the attention of the crowd, he could feel his muscles tensing, anticipation for bad news rising, and gods, did he hate that he was being proved right. A quest. A fucking quest. What else would it be?

And now everyone was glowing. First it was just four other half-bloods and now everyone else was glowing in matching colors. Fan*tastic*. At least he was glowing the same color as Willow. Caleb wasn't sure if he'd be able to handle being separated from Willow during something as messed up as this quest was going to be.
"Come on, Songbird."
he leaned down, muttering into her ear.
"We should probably find our group members. See if Sparky and the Witch have more information."
he expanded, hoping that Fee's charm had dropped, and that Willow would be snapping out of her daze soon.

"I'm sure, there'll be a counselor meeting soon, we should try and figure this all out."
he sighed.
"Bet you're really wishing you'd listened to me this morning, huh?"
he smirked.

♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:

althaia -







  • home (filler tab)

taylor swift


Something was clearly not right. While Althaia definitely wasn't close to the beauty queen, she knew that the daughter of Aphrodite had her own brand of magic, but she didn't normally use it. And especially not at the rate she was currently burning herself out. She bit her lip, watching with worried eyes as Felicity slowly began to lose energy the longer her song went on.

Theta tightened her grip on Hani's hand, feeling her nerves worsen.
"Something's not right..."
she murmured, her voice full of anxiety.
"She's gonna hurt herself."
she whispered. She glanced at the boy next to her, eyes swimming with thoughts but no solutions.

"What...I don't know what to do."
she continued. She wanted to dart forward and grab the performing blonde by the shoulders and shake her until she let go of the power she was wielding. Theta could feel it flowing through the air, catching everyone in its web. Clearly that was what the blonde wanted to happen, but why? Felicity didn't use magic on this grand a scale and for her to do it now all of a sudden, there was definitely something bigger going on behind the screens.

There had to be, for her to risk her health like this.

Theta nodded, thinking back to Hani's question.
"We should...s-should definitely find the others."
she muttered. Before she could even think of trying to figure out who they should find or how, the Roman twins shoved their way through the crowd, bringing with them a whole new set of nerves. They looked manic, and they moved with a purpose. They made their way to the stage, quickly taking command of the crowd.

Oh gods...quests? As in, multiple? And there would be more than three per quest? That was...just breaking all the traditional rules for questing, Chiron was sure to love that. She scanned the crowd, watching as the apparent leaders were declared, each with their own shining symbol and color. Only...it was when everyone else started glowing that she truly became scared. Theta turned back to Hani, wanting to find at least some form of comfort with all the stress going around, only to whimper softly as he had a glow around him as well. A quick glance down to their joined hands, brought tears to her eyes, seeing that she too was glowing.

Her? On a quest? Both her and Chiron had long since agreed that that was not something that should be repeated. Sure, she was the counselor for her mother's cabin, but that was mainly due to her expertise and specializations in her mother's gifts, not because she did well on quests! Of all the things that were going to make a quest go wrong, including her on the journey was one of them!

she murmured, though she wasn't sure what she could say. This day had started off so well, only to seemingly end in disaster. She could hear the campers moving around her in a panic, voices joining to create a giant hum. She didn't know what they should do. Should they group up? Based on the color of the glows, she was going to be with Willow, which didn't sound too bad. But um...her boyfriend, Caleb, and oh gods, she was going to be working with Victor too. Was she being offered up as the Fates' punching bag?

"I...I think I was just called a witch?"
she wondered aloud, shocked as the voice reached her ears. This was terrible already...

♡coded by uxie♡

elijah -







  • home (filler tab)

peyton parrish

go the distance

Elijah really didn't understand how camp politics seemed to work. He thought that the cabin counselors had meetings not...whatever this was. Surely the haze that almost everyone seemed to be falling under wasn't natural. Well, obviously, it wasn't natural, nothing about being a half-blood was, but that's not the point. He meant that someone was clearing influencing everyone else and based on the fact that the...beauty group were putting on some show, he had some concerns.

Nothing about this spelled anything good. His Death Bro was under the spell hard, but at the same time, he seemed perfectly ordinary to him. Like the spell was hitting him differently than the rest.
"Yeah...I don't think this is how these things usually go."
he whispered back to Nys, following her lead as she started to shuffle back a few steps, Anubis winding between their legs.

This place was definitely weird. Like some things were for sure, pretty cool and interesting. And you know, being safe from monsters trying to kill you was always a plus! But uh, with all the....bold personalities that filled this camp, Elijah had to wonder how his dad thought this was a safe place for him. He really wanted to know. Maybe one day he'd get a chance to ask him. Hopefully he didn't have to die to make that happen.

That would be a real bummer.

Watching as the show was interrupted, he shared a glance with Nys before looking back towards Adrian only to inhale sharply at the sight of the blonde girl, collapsed in his arms.
"Uhhh, Nys?"
he nudged her, pointing towards their friend.

Before he could think about trying to do something, a rush of quiet settled over the crowd, the camp's other two newest members arrived, turning off the music. A...prophecy? Crazy, for sure, but he doubted he'd be called...aaaaaand they just said the son of Hades and now there was a glowing symbol above his head.
"What the..."

Now everyone was going on a quest? Everyone in the crowd was glowing different colors, he saw Hani on the other side of the crowd glowing the same color as him, which was a good sign, he guessed. Turning back to Nyssa, he frowned, noticing they weren't the same color. Checking on his Bro, he was a different color than him as well. But Felicity was the same color as him. Did that mean he was going to be separated from half of his friends? He had Hani, but he couldn't go anywhere without Nyssa or Adrian!

"No...I'm confused too..."
he frowned.
"This is all sounding like something we don't want a part of..."

♡coded by uxie♡

marissa -







  • home (filler tab)



Marissa wasn't normally one for a party. She, like the rest of her siblings, did better in their own hidden environment, also known as, the Forge. She preferred getting her ideas out of her head and working with her hands, so the fact that Noah convinced her to go with him to this meeting, was a bit of a surprise. But one she was definitely happy with! Man, if Hani had told her meetings were like this, she might have been willing to tag along sooner.

Well...no, she probably wouldn't have. But it was fine, she's here now.

Glancing up at Noah, she grinned, though she was a little confused as to why he was so red. Maybe it was the crowd? There were a lot of campers around, the show having garnered quite the audience. She watched him closer for a moment longer, before deeming him to be fine. She'd keep an eye on him, just to make sure though.

As the music changed, Noah shifted, jostling her slightly as she was still pressed against his side.
"What, do you like this song or something?"
she asked, teasing as she caught sight of his grin. She laughed, standing upright and letting him have some space to start to dance. Throwing caution to the wind, she moved so she was next to him, following his moves, half a second behind him.
"Here's hoping 'the master' is as good as teaching as he is at bragging!"

Marissa was more than happy to keep partying, enjoying the feel of being out in the fresh air and being among other people, but when the music cut off suddenly, she stopped. Confused, she looked around, only to pause at the sight of the twins climbing up onto the stage. Was this part of the plan for the party...? Seemed like a weird way to move things along, but what did she know.

She looked up at Noah, unsure, before focusing back on the stage. They were talking about a prophecy? That didn't sound ominous at all. She didn't know what was going on, and now Noah had a glowing symbol above his head?
she stammered, unable to think of anything to say as she stared in shock at the glowing emblem.

During her confusion, the rest of the message was relayed and now everyone else was glowing. She swallowed, starting to feel nervous now that an ominous tension had filled the crowd. Hesitantly, she stretched her hand out, gently brushing against Noah's before intertwining her fingers with his, gripping his hand tight.
"What does this mean?"
she asked softly, staring up at the stage.

♡coded by uxie♡

jasper -







  • home (filler tab)

mgk, bebe rexha

home ft x ambassadors


Seated on the forest floor, leaning against a large boulder with Aurora curled up beside him, Jasper had been happily playing random tunes on his guitar. He'd known there was supposed to be a counselor meeting going on, which meant he had the morning free, seeing as his sister was his cabin's counselor. Something he was more than happy to leave to her.

He'd been humming along as he strummed a few strings, testing a new melody when he noticed something strange.

"Why am I glowing?"

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)

chord overstreet

what's left of you

Care stood in the cave waiting for Chiron, as she looked down and thought about the quests. A million plans, and ways to win came to her mind. With multiple endings, none of them with everyone coming out without major harm. It was like there was no way that she could save them from the pain that was coming for all of them. She closed her eyes in anger as she thought she may have more time, and more chances to figure a way if she was only allowed to ask the question that she knew needed to be asked.

She heard his steps coming towards her, and she snapped her eyes open, glaring at him.
“Do you know how much time we could have used to plan, to figure out all of this, if you would have let us in on what was going on?”
She tells him with anger in her voice.
“Chiron, we haven’t been children since we found out that monsters hunted us since we found out that our existence came with a death note attached to it. And yet, you treat us as such!”
She grew angrier as each word came out of her mouth, each word that she had held back since she figured out that he was hiding something from them, something that they could have and would have been able to plan and defend against.
“When are you going to realize this truth that all of us had already figured out! When are you going to stop trying to save us from a fate that has been ours since the start!”

"Child, I had fully planned to tell you all in due time. Even with a prophecy, we did not have the full picture of what was going on. Olympus is in chaos right now, and I can only imagine what is happening in the Underworld." He sighed. "I wasn't going to send you all out there to face whoever is behind this without more information. That would be a more costly mistake than simply omitting the truth."

Her anger only growing stronger with every word she spoke. Nothing was stopping her from yelling at him for putting them in this situation. A situation that now called for them to quickly figure out how to defend themselves from enemies that they had inherited from their godly parentage. Enemies that only grow stronger in the silence that were given to them by the adult that was suppose to train them to be warriors and instead looks at them as children. Children, she thought, fucking hilarous. They haven’t been children from the moment they were given a sword and told that they needed to fight to live in a world that barely wanted them around.

Care rolled her eyes at Chiron’s answer.
“When? When the enemies are at the tree line? Or when all our powers failed, and there was nothing left to save? When Chiron, were you ever going to tell us what was going on in due time.”
She told him as she looks at him with a glare that would scare even the bravest of warriors.
“I can’t plan, Ares’s kids are losing their strength, Even the our own love twins are not as charming as they should be and has always been! And you are telling me that you needed a full picture to understand what was going on, before consulting the people that were going to be facing it in the first place!”
She shouts as she shakes her head.
“You can’t solve everything on your own! The cabin leaders should have at least been consulted instead of you omitting the truth!”

“All the information that you could have gather wouldn’t have prepared us for this because you aren’t a demigod. You are a teacher, and trainer of heroes. You train us so we can help and save whatever is needed to be saved. This?”
She gestured around her.
“Could have been avoided, I know for a fact that the roman twins, and the artemis camper has both been at your door and you kept it close because face it Chiron, you are scared of what this may mean for camp, for all of us. “
She told him with a look on her face.
“You are afraid to lose us, to burn another shroud but heard me when I say, that is our choice and you took it from us. You took away our choice before we could even make it and that is something I cannot forgive. “
She told him as the anger goes down and turns into sadness.

“I don’t want to lose my brother, my siblings, my family and now I might have to deal with that fate. And you are here talking about information. Information is meant to be shared, you can’t just hide away in your cabin, and not tell us our lives were in danger. “
Tears sprung to her eyes at the thought of burning a shroud for the people who gave her a family. For them, burning a shroud for her. It was something she never wanted to even have a chance to happen, but all this choices, all these plans, it might be a possibility. Care might lose her family again, and she can’t deal with that. She wouldn’t be able to survive that. Not again. Not ever.

"You and I know full well that when all else fails, the protection around this camp will not." Chiron lashed his tail. "I am well aware of everyone's powers weakening, which is precisely why sending out a quest—much less four of them—would be foolhardy at best and disastrous at worst. Without their powers at full strength, I'm not sure how any of them will succeed." He rubbed his temple with one hand. "It was not the best decision, I will attest to that, but I felt I had no choice. Even Mr. D did not want to alarm his son or his friends until we knew more, until we had a strategy." Lifting his head, he looked at Care sternly. "You have a right to be angry, but causing… whatever that was—" and here, he waved toward the cabin quad, "—was not the way to do it. Now I'm afraid we're running out of time. Every single one of those demigods who were chosen must answer the call and leave for their quests, or we will miss the window to free the trapped gods." A regretful look passed over his face. "I can only pray you will all be ready."

“The protection around the camp is already failing Chiron.”
She spoke softly.
“An harpy was at the treeline, and I fought it. How did it even get so close with all protection that camp? Zeus’s power is failing, and that means Thalia’s tree is also failing. His power protects this camp.”
Care told him with a stare and frown as she thought, how did he even not understand the trouble they were truly in. She laughs bitterly as she runs her good hand through her hair.
“Which is why we should have been inform weeks ago, when the powers started to fail and flicker. We would have a better chance of surviving four quest, instead of us now having to depend on failing powers and our wit.”
She stated with shake of her head.
“There is no strategy for war, or battles, there is only winners and losers Chiron, you should know best. Seeing that you have been on both sides before. “

She looked away.
“It was the only way to get answers. You weren’t listening, and I needed to know what the hell was happening. You left me and the others with no choice, no way out. “
Care starts to walk towards the entrance.
“If you weren’t going to prepare us from what was coming, if you weren’t going to do your job, someone had to. If you weren’t going to protect my family, I would. So I did all of this so I can protect my home, my family because you decided what was best for us, without even thinking about what we would want. What we needed. And I will not sit by and watching my home get destroyed because you wanted to play it safe. After all, you wanted answers that weren’t going to be answered. “

She walked towards the cabins but stopped before she went too far away.
“We had the time Chiron if only you gave us the chance. Remember who you are, trainer of heroes. You aren’t our parent, you aren’t our leader. You are an advisor. An observer at best. We lead, we fight, we defend our home. And we will succeed because we have no other choice, as the other way leads to only destruction and death. We will win this fight because I will not accept defeat nor will my family. We will survive but understand this. “

“Next time, you decide to hide the truth from me, from us. I will be more than ready to call for your removal from camp. “
She turns away from him.
“And I’m not angry, I’m fucking furious and sad. And most of all, disappointed. “

Chiron closed his eyes. "The woods have never been entirely safe to go wandering alone, there is a reason they're used for training. However, I cannot account for the appearance of a harpy." He turned, facing away from her. "Unstable powers are just as dangerous as weak ones. I believe a certain son of Zeus discovered that this morning." Glancing at her over his shoulder, he continued, "I have indeed been on both sides, but I have found having a strategy is better than going in completely blind. I will not be responsible for sending my campers straight to Hades." He had the grace to look remorseful as she walked away, though the expression quickly turned pained at her threat. "I have no doubt that you will." Though he had plenty more to say on the subject, he didn't, choosing instead to turn back toward Rachel's cave to check on the Oracle. There would be much to do to prepare later.

Care didn’t look back as she walked away from the man that she had once admired. That she had looked up to, and now she couldn’t help but want to hit him, to cause him pain because he gave them no other choice but to go behind his back. He hid the truth from them for the right reasons, yes. Gathering information was something that was needed but he didn’t have to tell the whole camp about the threat. He could have trusted the leaders to at least help, plan, figure out how to fight this. He didn’t trust them enough to understand that they could have handle this.

And maybe that is what hurts the most. Most of campers here, don’t have family waiting for them back out in the mortal world. Chiron was their parent, the adult figure to look up to, and now…to know that he hid something like this from them. It broke her heart. She shook her head, running up to the quad, getting on stage. Looking at Amber and nodding slightly as she looked out in the crowd.
“Everyone, get with your team! This isn’t the time to panic, we have missions that have been given out, we have trained for this, and we will fight, and win. “

She shouted loudly over the crowd as she walked up to the front of the stage.
“We are fighters, we are warriors, and most of all, we are family. This is our home, and we will not let it fall. We have never let it fall, we will not stop now. Trust in your leaders, trust in your home, and trust in yourself that we will win this fight. Cabin leaders! Meeting in 10, bring your teammates as well!”

Care glances at Caleb and nodded at him as she moves to meet with her team.

It was time to get to work.

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)
  • home (filler tab)


i miss the days

Victor hated himself. At the moment, he truly and utterly hated himself. He caused pain to the one person who he swore never to hurt. He didn't say anything as she shoved nectar and ambrosia at him. Wrapping him up she wiped tears from her eyes. He didn't say a word as Brandon helped him up and opened the bottle of nectar for him. He downed the entire bottle as he hid his face from him. Not wanting him to see the tears filling his eyes.

His worst nightmare had came true, Violet had enough of him and left.

He just grunted as Brandon motioned to the outside. Victor hoped that whatever was out there was worth him losing his best friend. His sister. The one person that he never wanted to hurt. As they walked to the courtyard, he glanced around to see Violet off to the side but quickly looked away. He didn't want to cause her any more pain, as he focused back on his cousin, he shook his head at Brandon's offer.
"I'm just going to chill in the corner. See you around."
He nodded at his salute as he moved to the corner and watched. He did not interact with anyone as he watched the show.

Victor was in his head as the show went on. He never wanted this power, this role in this camp. He was given it without a choice, Brandon was given it without a choice. He was the leader that his father wanted him to be, but at what cost? He could have everything and it meant nothing to him as long as he didn't have the people he loved by his side. As he wiped tears from his eyes, he looked down not paying attention. Until he looked up to see everyone had gone quiet. It was the Romans....it was Amber on the stage. And she was...

Speaking a fucking prophecy.

He swore under his breath as he glowed as the leader. Looking up, he saw the direction that was glowing and swore under his breath.
"I'm really hoping, it doesn't take me where I think it will. I fucking won't survive that."
He mutters as he looks at his other team members. Caleb and Willow were good people in camp, and he knew that he could depend on them. Now for Althaia...that might be more difficult as he didn't interact with her but knowing stories...she was good to depend on..and good at pranks. He nods at them to come to him. As Care ran on stage, commanding the stage.

Victor felt a rush of energy as she told everyone what they had always known. They were fighters and they weren't going to lay down and take this beating. His eyes became focused as he looked at Caleb, nodding. Knowing that they needed to fight together.

Wherever this quest was taking them...he was going to fight but not for himself. For Violet, his sister. His family. For his home.

And for his mother who he knows watches over him from wherever she is.

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)

ashley kutcher

love you from a distance

“Yes, charmspeak. I can sense being an daughter pf Venus.”
Nia tells Star as the distraction goes on. She wasn't stupid, she knew what this was. After being around the greek camp for this long, something like this wasn't normal. Yes the greek were loud and crazy but they weren't this loud and crazy. Something was going on and she intends to figure it out. She laughed softly.
“Exactly why everyone looks so silly, she's drawing them in with her voice and they are falling for it. Charmspeak can charm anyone unless they meet certain...exceptions.”
She adds on with smirk.

Charmspeak, a skill that most children of love possessed. Nia was blessed with a different power by their mother but a lot of the children get that one. The power to persuade people to do whatever they wanted them to do. None as powerful as the skill that Felicity was showcasing for them all right now but enough to cause trouble, wars, even death. Of course, a power that powerful has weaknesses. The affected must have devoted attention to the speaker or else it won't work, hear the words, and most of all, must be open to it. By open to it, they need to be unattached. Not in love or attracted to someone. Or else the spell either doesn't work or breaks easily.
“Like I said, you must figure it out. This is something for you to discover.”
She adds as she smirked again.

Nia was about to reply when the music stopped and she turned to see the twin romans. She of course knows them, as hunters spent time at both camps and she had seen them around and heard of the stories of them. She kept her way from them, as one step towards them, and she feels her heart breaks more than enough to last her an thousand lifetimes. She listens as finally infomation was given to them. A prophecy, which as they spoke it out, lights began to go out and reach the demigods that were onto each quest. She was none the surprise as she light up with the quest to save her lady.

She was however surprised as her compainon also lit up.
“Looks like we are on different paths heading towards the same goal.”
She softly tells the girl as she looks for her quest members. Unlike her other sisters, she holds no hate towards men. As she didn't gain her pain and suffering from a man but from a woman so she knew from experience that men aren't the only ones that could break hearts.

Women could do it too.

So she didn't have a issue with questing with boys. But she had no idea who they were, and or if they even knew the danger they were about to run in.

Only one goddess had earn the name Queen of Monsters, and bad for them, there was a reason she held that title.

They were in for some trouble.

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)

citizen soldier

I'm not okay

Sammy needed this. This hug, with her brother. They may not have the same birth parents, but he was her brother. He was the one that she neeSammy winced as Kyle came back to her.
“I’m sorry Lucky but you were falling charmed to Fee, and I needed you fully focused on me.”
She told him softly, as she moved his hand from his check. Frowning at the red spot, already feeling guilty at her harm to his face. She rubs his cheek softly as she tries to help some of the pain go.
“Good, cause I need you to be back to your senses. This isn’t right, and something is going on. Now we are going to head in closer, but hold my hand. And keep looking at me, that will help you not fall for her charm. “
She was telling him as she took his hand softly.

Most people who knew them, knew that the only person allowed to comfort her aside from Sunny was her brother. She could be having a bad day, and in bad spirits, and one hug from him would bring her back to herself. It had been like that since they met as children and their parents wanted them all to get to know each other. They just fit together as siblings and that was so important to Sammy who always wanted an older brother to love her. She got lucky and it was the best present anyone could have gotten her.

As they moved through the crowd, she kept looking back to see and make sure that Lucky was still with her. She could see him trying to stay focused on her, and that was all that mattered, that he was trying.
“My instincts are never wrong. Something is going on, and I’m being told to prepare for a battle. So are my other siblings. We can’t stay still. And Ares kids who can’t stay still, well…that’s a battle itself.”
She commented as they got close enough to be able to see the stage, still standing off to the side of the crowd. She heard her big brother call for Vee and smirked.
“And you talk about me and sunny, what about you and miss sunshine huh? I’m not the only one who likes an Apollo kid.”

As he looked to her to hopefully go near Vee, she was about to roll her eyes when the roman twins showed on stage and everything stopped. Sammy’s complete attention came to the twins who unsurprisingly, stated a prophecy. What has her new training buddy gotten them in now? She watched as lights flicker out and towards people. One lands on her, and then her brother. Damn it. She was hoping he would be left out of this. Kyle states the obvious as she thinks about the prophecy.

“Yea I’m glowing Kyle and so are you, were you not paying attention again?”
She sighed
“Well listen here, you are a part of a quest. And I’m in one too but in a separate group. There’s four groups in total. “
She explains his quest to him and hers.
“Come on, let’s find our groups together ok?”

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)


the author

Diana laughed as her sister smirked at her
"I would, but then I know you and you have a thing for trouble...and sea spawns"
She added with a smirk. She loved teasing her sistet about her crush on Brandon. Like she had teased her about her boyfriend, Eric and how he wouldn't go more then 2 feet without her by his side. And it was true. She could spent hours with her Tulip and never be bored by it. It was just how they worked together. Since the start of them, they have been attached at the hip with the added friendship of Dahlia, it was never a need to be separated.
"I see, the flowers are doing their job well. They wanted me to tell you that you bloomed them perfectly."
She told her with a smile as the crowd went crazy. She quickly turned her attention to the stage.

Everything was happening, people were doing the cupid shuffles. Boys were falling over their feet to try to get to Fee. Charmspeak she suppose was being used. She was worried about what this was all for. Normally it would be her group causing the chaos, and she was pretty sure Tulip was up there feeling the itch. Looking up, she could almost see him on top on her cabin. Knowing him, he would do anything since both her and Theta was here in the midst of it all. He has no problem with causing trouble unless it was going to hurt the people he loves and cares about. Which right only includes his mother, her, and Dahlia. The crowd going slient is what brought her back to the scene in front of her. It was the roman twins...giving a prophecy...she sighed as she knew that this meant only one thing.

A war was coming.

She was about to call for her boyfriend when he appeared next to her. Grabbing his hand, she listened to the prophecy watching the lights go out for people. One lighting her sister, and the other lighting her tulip. Both of them gone...on quest that meant nothing but danger, Her hand holding Eric's tighten. She felt like she couldn't breath as another light came for even Theta. All of her family...were going to be heading away from her...away from the safety she could and will provide them. Even she was chosen to defend home...but all she wanted to do was run away with her family. Keep them away from the trials and pain that will come to them.
She gasps out as prophecy ended.

Her sister grabbing her hand took her attention as she told her what to do. Meredith was the stronger of them, in terms of leadership and a clearhead. People who knew her, knew that when it came to her family, Diana loses all control of herself, and will turn into someone who will destroy the world to keep them safe.
"Promise me, you come back to me..tonight or at the meeting. I can't...I need to see you off Mere."
She tells her softly as she holds her hand.
"I will..just stay safe...and if you see Theta, tell her we are at the usual place...meet with us as soon as she can. I...I love you. "
Before turning to Eric who had already stated that he wanted to stay with her.

Shaking her head,
"Baby...Tulip, you can't...you have to go...I wish you can stay but you..have to go."
She told him softly as she goes for a hug, burying her face into his chest. Seeing the stress on his face, she moved his hands as they rubbed his face and kissed his cheek softly. As she moves back, she motions for him to take flight.
"Tulip, let's go...we have to talk ok. Let's fly away ok baby?"

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)

forest blakk

fall into me

Hani was scared. Not that he would ever tell anyone, he was made to be the leader of the Hephastus Cabin, the one who didn't falter in the face of danger. He was chosen not because he was the older, but because he never stops fighting for others, not for his siblings or anyone. Just because he's quiet, doesn't mean he doesn't have a fire roaring in him. He shook his head as he held Theta's hand more firmly as she tightened her grip on him. There was no way they were going to be separated in this crowd. He wasn't going to leave her side unless he had too.
"Something h-h-has to be happening for her to do this....F-F-Felicity hates using charmspeak. "

All the cabins knew of this, plus it wasn't like she had to use it. Felicity wasn't the type of girl that needed charmspeak, boys and girls fell all over her feet without trying. They didn't need the added power and neither did she.
"I don't t-t-think you can do a-anything Theta.."
He looks at her as she glances at him worried about the power and magic that she was watching being used. This is one of the reasons, that Hani likes her so much. It was the way she cared about others then herself. Not even dancing or anything could distracted her from the fact that Fee was going to get hurt from this.

It was little things like this, that makes Hani think that he could really fall for this girl.

"Y-y-yea we should."
He said as she tells him that they shoudl look for the others but before he could, the roman twins ran on stage. The music stopped as the twins came on stage and started to talk.

A prophecy?

As the twins went on, lights started to appear all around. Even hitting his little sister, breathing a sign of relief as she was staying home to defend camp. Even he gained a light, as he looked to see himself all lit up and checked on Theta who was already staring at their hands as she was also lit up as she was given a quest as well. Normally he would be listening, know that he needed to see who he was partnered with but as the noise around him grew louder, someone called out his name. Someone who made the noise go away as a tears gathered in her eyes and whimpers came out of her mouth. The call of his name snapped all control he had as he could hear the worry and fear in her voice. He pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her. Instincts had fully taken over as he wraps Theta in a gentle hug.

"Y-y-yea they did, b-b-but I think in a good way?"
He tells her as he holds her in her arms. As he looked out in the crowd, he finally noticed that Star, the daugther of Iris, Felicity as she was carried by Adrian who also had the same color glow as him. He guess they were his quest members. At least he had Adrian by his side. None of it matter to him at the moment as he gently holds Theta close to him.
"We will be ok Theta, p-p-please don't cry. I-i-i hate seeing you cry."

Hani truly did, it broke his heart to see tears gathered in her eyes. It was watching the most beautiful girl that he had ever since in his life, with tears and sadness in her voice that truly and utterly broke him. Because he would do anything to make her happy and at the moment...

Hani couldn't do a damn thing.

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)


It's OK

The fog was starting to lift from Adrian’s mind. Even as Fee continued talking to him and even winking at him, whatever haze had been filling his mind started to dissipate. Had this been any other time, he probably would have tried to figure out what just happened, confirm what Fee had to do with it. Unfortunately, he was still a bit distracted by this entire gathering. Oh, and the fact that Fee looked like she was about to pass out at any moment.

By the time he realized this, it was too late. Her eyes shifted back to their normal beautiful blue-green before she toppled forward, grabbing his arms. Adrian widened his eyes and sank to his knees, trying to keep her from dropping to the ground and hitting her head. He tried to maneuver them both so her outfit didn’t touch the ground, which resulted in him holding her rather close. Just as he was about to lift his head and tell Nyssa or Eli to run for help, the meeting finally began.

Really, he should have expected this. It was like all the tension in camp had been leading up to something, but he’d been so distracted with the Darkness Trio and training Fee that he had completely ignored the signs. He hadn’t had a vision of anyone’s imminent death, either, so it’s not like he was on the lookout.

But why did he have a feeling that was all going to change now?

The Roman twins were suddenly up on the stage, reciting a prophecy. It wasn’t much of a surprise that the gods needed their children to fix things—wasn’t that always how these things went? But then there was that stanza about the king of the dead… Adrian’s eyes immediately darted to Eli, who started glowing like a beacon. He clenched his jaw. Shit.

A bright light right below him started to blind him, and Adrian’s gaze shot down to Fee, who was glowing the same violet that Eli was. Shit shit shit. Absolutely not. This was not happening.

Adrian was not paying attention to the rest of the prophecy. Even when he and Nyssa started glowing the same orange, he looked back and forth between Eli and Fee, trying to process this whole thing. They were going on a quest to free Hades, which meant they were probably going to the Underworld. So why the hell weren’t he and Nyssa involved? Did they seriously expect Adrian to be okay with his Death Bro going by himself? Yeah, yeah, Hani and Fee and Star would be there, but this was Elijah. Adrian wasn’t going to be satisfied unless he was there to make sure his Death Bro was okay.

“I don’t like this.” He wanted to be very clear about that. Adrian carefully stood up, cradling Fee in his arms as he did so. Somehow, this was much easier than giving Nyssa or Eli a piggyback ride. Or maybe that was just the anger rumbling in his chest. “Not one bit.” Turning to his friends, who were very much new to the whole camp quest thing—not that this was entirely normal for Adrian, either—he frowned. “Eli, it seems you’re supposed to be leading a quest to go help your father. For whatever reason, Nyssa and I aren’t involved in that.”

Looking out over the crowd, he easily spotted the other violet-glowing campers. Even with Care saying they should all meet with their teams, nearly everyone seemed rather hesitant to actually go anywhere. He couldn’t blame them in the least. This was huge.

“Right now, we need to make sure Fee is okay and get her to the infirmary. Then I guess we’ll have to figure out a plan.” Chiron probably wouldn’t let Adrian or Nyssa tag along with Eli, but the least they could do is figure out how to communicate. The phones thing probably wasn’t going to work if that group was indeed going to the Underworld.

Since his arms were a bit full at the moment, Adrian could only look Eli in the eye with the sorriest look he could muster. “I’m sorry about this, bro. I promise I won’t let you go unprepared.”

There was no way Adrian was going to let up on his promise to always look after his Death Bro. Not even if the world ended.

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)

Gavin DeGraw


Even with all the shit going down today, Damon considered himself a rather optimistic person. At the very least, he was good at pretending like everything was peachy keen, even when he wanted to resort to rare violence and punch something. Thankfully, that urge was always passing and brief, and it usually had to do with defending Fee in some way.

He glanced briefly at his Amore, who was still talking to Adrian, before turning back to the crowd. The distraction was certainly distracting, and he couldn’t even say it was just him. Damon could only hope that whatever was going to come wasn’t going to be too terrible. Everything was going to be fine, right?

Yeah. No.

Since he was leading the impromptu dance party, Damon didn’t realize the Romans had returned. So when Avery took his hand, he nearly leaped five feet in the air (which would have made this particular round of the Shuffle more fun if he hadn’t been so scared). He frowned at the Roman boy for a moment before nodding and backing away so the camp would focus on him and Amber. With a click of his remote, the cabin quad fell silent. Too silent.

Gods, it was so much worse than he’d thought. A prophecy of all things, but it wasn’t for one quest—no, it was for four. Which made sense, considering how scattered the gods were for various reasons, but damn. At the “daughter of Beauty” bit, Damon’s head shot up, and his eyes shot to where Fee was—where the fuck was Fee?

He should have known that using her charmspeak like this was going to exhaust her. But no, Damon had been so focused on keeping his promise to Care. Goddammit. Damon let out a strangled noise when he saw Fee crumpled in Adrian’s arms. At least she wasn’t hurt, but dammit. How could he have let her push herself like this?

It got worse. Naturally, their camp director would need a quest to free him, not that he was going to be done with his “punishment” to stay here at Half-Blood anytime soon. What Damon didn’t expect was that Mer-Bear would be part of that quest. She started glowing purple, and by the end of the prophecy, he was glowing orange. What the fuck?

“Absolutely not.” His hands curled into fists as he muttered the words before repeating them, louder this time. “Absolutely NOT.”

Damon did not often get angry, and he theoretically had a lot to be angry about. Chiron keeping secrets, sure, the fact that the gods had gotten themselves in trouble again, yeah whatever. He should even be pissed off that Fee’s family had never treated her half as well as he always did. But no, he kept himself rather calm through all of that. Now, his best friends were going out on these goddamn quests, and he was just supposed to be okay with it?

“How can you be okay with this?” He turned to Avery again, trying not to misplace his anger upon the Roman demigod. The last thing he needed was to needlessly start a fistfight after they’d struggled to reach this peace between them. “Do the gods really expect me to sit idly by while Mer and Fee go out there, facing gods know what?”

A rare growl made his throat hurt as he added, “She isn’t going without me. She’s Amore, and I’m Bello, and we’re supposed to be by each other’s sides.” He could feel the tears welling up in his eyes as he looked back at Fee, still weak from her overexertion. Every ounce of love he had for his best friend, his other half, his platonic soulmate, ached as he studied the violet glow around her. His father and her mother had literally planned their births, given them each other as lifetime companions. If she was about to go help Hades, which inevitably meant the Underworld, he couldn’t just be okay with it. He wouldn’t be.

The rage and worry, and even the love, collided in his chest. Damon covered his face with one hand and let out a sob. “I can’t… I don’t want to lose her. Or Mer. I just… it can’t happen.”

Yeah, he was a great choice to defend the camp.

♡coded by uxie♡

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