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Fandom The Marauders (OOC)

Yeah , today’s actually my birthday too , so I’ve been having lots and lots of IRL fun. I saw Wrinkle in Time , which was (in my opinion) absolutely wonderful. Yesterday I saw Black Panther , which was wonderful too (though I have to admit I liked Wrinkle in Time just a sliver more).
I’m terribly , terribly sorry , but I’ve tried to post and it’s not happening. I believe I’m feeling rather tanked too. I’ll have to put this off until sometime tomorrow morning if I want it to be any good. Very sorry for the delay , everyone.
Thank you! But , er , I don’t believe it’s Alashar’s birthday yet? I’ve never actually thought of when her birthday actually is , but it’d be awfully strange for hers and mine to happen on the same day.

It’s possible that whatever in-game day was yesterday was her own birthday , hence why she went to dinner with Sasha.. and why she freaked out so much. Sort of a combination between celebrating her birthday , fixing herself up a little , going to a fancy restaurant , and starting to get closer to Sasha all made her have a little bit of a fit over how unbecoming for a Jedi all the thing she was doing were.
Whoops. I believe I got them confused for a moment , since they’re both humans with names that start with A (or at least , Jalen seems to always call Lexa ‘Alexa’).

I’m gonna edit that now.
Wouldn’t it be Stormtroopers accosting them by now? A decade out , I’d think the armor would’ve been switched over and the bulk of them would be largely composed of conscripts or non-Fett clones. Unless Jalen just thinks of them as Clone Troopers still , which I suppose is possible.

Also , there technically is/was another Hutt Jedi at one point. Beldorion fell to the Dark Side and established himself as the ruler of a planet before he became a Knight , but a Padawan is still a Jedi. Again , it’s possible Jalen either doesn’t know about him or consider him a Jedi. The actual event itself was a little less than 400 years ago , so it’s possible he just doesn’t know.

Also , er , if we’re using the Disney Canon-only quad jumpers , does that mean we’re using Disney canon as a whole or..? Because if we are , I’m gonna have to re-work a few minor things about Alashar’s backstory.. and some of those things she knows about.
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HK Fifty HK Fifty ill keep the clone troopers around cuz in my personal opinion they were quite possibly the best weapon the emporer had, conscripts are pretty lame. again my opinion lol Also no, i was just using ships i know of personally. I'm not going off actualities seeing as this is more of an alternate universe freeform rp. I figured there was other hutt Jedi but yea well go off him being the only one Jalen knows of.
Ah , I see then. Thank you for adressing my concerns! I can see the Emperor absorbing the extra cost of the Clone Troopers if it means having a more adequate fighting force , even if it means he has to force the Kaminoans to stop their accelerated aging processes (which isn’t at all impossible for Palpatine , given all the power he has).

Also , I think Alashar’s gonna let Sasha talk before she does unless someone else says something she really , really feels the need to respond to. (In case everyone hasn’t noticed yet , Alashar tends to talk when Sasha talks for the most part). If it wasn’t for the fact that she’s going in inside of a ship that’s going to be taking a large amount of flak she’d drop in Ashlyn’s Weapons , but doing so would probably make them be shot out of the sky.. or draw attention to Ashlyn , and potentially Sasha.
I've suddenly got really busy for the end of this week so I probably won't be able to post till the weekend, sorry.
Sorry about the incredibly long post , everyone. Alashar can be incredibly talkative at the oddest times , doubly so when she vehemently dislikes the situation she’s in.

I might also be terrible at making things brief and to the point. Which is a trait Alashar and I have in common , come to think of it. Heh.
Argh , I’m beginning to wonder whether I shouldn’t delete off the last paragraph and just have her stop at saying the bit about not wanting bounty hunters after them.

What do you think , Jadus Jadus , Epiphany Epiphany ? Sasha and Jalen have the most influence over what Alashar’s doing , after all.
Well , that’s good to know , but you don’t think the RP itself would be better for it do you? It’s not that it’s not what she would do , but I’m just wondering if it wouldn’t make sense for her not to start completely ranting over everyone like that.
I think that last paragraph's romantic as hell. If you'd rather delete it, I'll understand but I imagine Sasha's reaction will depend a bit on whether it stays or not. :)
Well , since both of you seem to like it , and it’s very , very ‘Alashar’.. it stays! I’m happy you two like that part , myself. Because that’s definitely the authentic Alashar.

Also , I’m very happy to hear that you think the last paragraph is romantic as hell , Epiphany Epiphany ! I thought it was romantic myself , so I’m glad you agree. Alashar’s very romantic.. if not very flirtatious.

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