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She perked up at the idea. “Sounds good to me!”
She studied the artificial sun for a moment, before reaching her paws up and releasing a gentle stream of glowing yellow nebula around it.
Lucas looked at Yaru and shook his head, "Sorry I dont have any money." Lucas started walking away and headed back towards town with Yaru behind him. Lucas had money plenty of it but he dare not to show it. He knew if someone would see it they could possibly tell who he was and he was not taking the chance.
Lucas heads back to town and slips out a little money and heads to the tavern to rest for a few hours before he headed back to help the medical area. More like supervise as he did heal almost all the patients.
The plasma on the surface of the artificial sun comes in contact with the plasma from Galaxy's yellow-colored nebula clouds, as it seems to glow a bit brighter and releases waves of golden-yellow aurora that dances among the black-smoked sky. While the aurora waves aren't enough to clear the sky, they're still quite a sight to welcome in this bleak times.
Some of the ill and sick townspeople, thanks to Lucas' medical assistance, are now healthy and well enough to appreciate their new day now made to loo less grim. They gather around the town square to see Galaxy's performance, some of them applausing her for her skills and talents.
Then, approaching her is a large cobra with a pretty elaborate hood that spreads out wide to two sides, and consists of 5 folds. He has golden-yellow scales and a 3rd eye on his forehead.

- Most impresssssive, young one.

He moves his tail to his head like taking off a hat, but he wears none. Still, he does so as if to greet her, and continues.

- My name isssss Zodiac. I'm one of the people in charge of thisssss power generator, and I'm amazed at your talentsssss here. May I speak to your parentsssss, or your guardian ?
Galaxy rather likes the crowd she’s formed, and spins her magic around in ribbon-like streams. However, she stops when approached by Zodiac.
“Ah, thank you,” she smiles. “My name is Galaxy, and this here is my dad.” She points to the elephant near her.
Aside from being denied a free meal, the night was markedly more entertaining than previous days. He'd have to possibly consign to continuing his efforts alone, but again, he had few expectations on others sharing his views. Yaru would spend the time between night and dawn keeping watch, before sounding a wake-up call by way of the noise created from working on the roofs of the houses he had yet to finish. He had to make a mental note to remember to bring his glaive next time, something he was always forgetting despite often having a need for it during his night wanderings. For now though, the most important thing for him was earning enough credit for a meal, given that he hadn't eaten for most of yesterday and failed to procure anything during the long night.
Zodiac glances over to Jin and is rather confused. Jin saves him the question.

- I adopted her.
- Ah yes, that explains it ! Sorry if I look rude to ya, was just surprised, is all. Anyway, your daughter Galaxy here, has quite the talents that must not be wasted. Though, how old is she ?
- Around 16.

The snake seems a bit disappointed, as he rubs his chin with his tail.

- A minor huh ?... Hmmm, this is gonna be hard, I hate child labor... what about you ? Do you have the same power as her ?
- No, I'm a blacksmith. I can go as far as forging weapons right out of the nebula clouds she gives off, but that's about it.

Zodiac almost drops his jaw, not believing what he just heard, but then quickly regains his cool.

- A blacksmith ? Then I see a solution to this, my big fellow ! You see, this power generator is maintained by both magic and tech. In return, it maintains the power of this whole town. Your daughter, however, can be a nice addition to our crew in that she can add light to it too, with her nebula, which can save up some energy and material needed. So, how about this... for every unit of energy she can do to add to the thing, I'll return to you with materials to keep yourself going at one of the workshops. I'm not forcing her, a'ight ? She's free to stick around whenever she wants, no pressure. And it's not paid in actual money either, so we're not doing child labor, but we're also not doing this for free. Win-win, I'd say. What says you ?

He looks at both Jin and Galaxy, waiting for their answer.

Galaxy_730 Galaxy_730
Galaxy actually seems rather excited about this- she’s wanted an opportunity to use her magic. “That sounds like a great idea! Can we dad?”
- Heh, got this all planned out pretty quick, didn't ya ? Alright, I'm in.

Jin brings out his hand for a handshake, but it has to go with Zodiac's tail, due to the feral cobra.

- Wonderful ! Now, like I sssssaid, this isssss all done at your convenience, a'ight ? But, since you're here, why don't we get to know each other a bit with my crew at dinner tonight. It's on the house, so be sure to come by.

With that said, Zodiac takes his leave back to his crew. Everyone also leaves to their daily jobs. Jin pets on his daughter's ears, proud of her.

- That's quite a proposal, but let's see what else we can do here, sweetie.

Galaxy_730 Galaxy_730
Lucas woke up a few hours after he went to sleep and felt refreshed his magic energy was finally replenished. He stepped out of the tavern and looked around. He noticed the sun shining brighter than usual. He proceeded into town again and started to look around. Lucas wondered if there was something he should go do. There was the option of going to see if the medical tents needed more assistance. Although he had pretty much helped most of the patients and they should be able to stay caught up.
He than just started to stroll.
Anyone Anyone
The day is still young, and there is always much to do. Jin and Galaxy go to find Lucas.

- So, how's everyone doing ? You must've been busy with healing people, I see. Anyway, I found this on what looks like a bounty board nearby.

He shows them a list, with something in terrible handwriting on top, and scribbled out just as bad, the only word that can be made out, somewhat, is "goals".
The list is a bit more readable... but nearly incomprehensible.
  • Our future final resting place
    • Too poor to pay respect
      • What's dead, stays dead
  • (DANGER !) Join in with the dirt
  • (DANGER !) Spell doom to all, even one's self
  • Mother nature's morbid sense of humor
    • Harvest what's left
      • Reap the weed
  • (DANGER !) The hiding roots
  • (DANGER !) Deforestation
  • Wild and untamed
    • Feast with the beast
      • Dine in hell tonight
  • (DANGER !) Behind the slaughterhouse
  • (DANGER !) Ruler over the slaughter
  • Into the waters
    • Trinkets and riches, paid for in blood
      • Eternal darkness awaits
  • (DANGER !) The lurking fear
  • (DANGER !) Where mortals fear to tread
  • (DANGERS !) Death written in all shadows
He looks at the others.

- Feel like giving this a look ?

(We'll start these missions when everyone is ready)
DarkstarUchiha DarkstarUchiha Galaxy_730 Galaxy_730 Yaruzaru Yaruzaru
Lucas looks at jin, "Yeah that doesn't sound like a list more like a bad poem." He shakes his head, "Also I dont know last time i tried I was with you. You didnt really listen to me."
He starts to walk away, "what good am I gonna be I cant fight." Lucas definitely could the fact is Jin and his clearly adopted daughter weren't trustworthy. they could say the same about him but he would rather not be backstabbed.
DarkstarUchiha DarkstarUchiha

Jin is... pretty speechless at what Lucas has to say. Then he goes after and grips on the human's shoulders, not too hard but definitely not gently either.

- OK, hold it right there, buddy. We need to talk.

He glares at Lucas, not the kind of holding a grudge but still the kind to make sure he gets his point across, whether Lucas likes it or not.

- We didn't really listen to you ? Or you didn't listen to me ? We had a monster wanting to rip us to pieces, a monster not alive, dead, or even undead. An abomination fucked up beyond comprehension and beyond help, because of that forest. And that monster was just the tip of the ice berg compared to those that ripped and tore this whole world apart. Now there you have it, an entire planet, down to just 3 areas to live, this town, a city on the sky, and a base underground. Not a continent, not a country, not a kingdom, just a town. Because of the things, like the one we fought at the forest. So, if you're still salty about that, and now tell me you're no good because you can't fight, then maybe that's more the reason for you to come along, eh ? This time we're not gonna lift a finger so you can try to see if you can heal those things and purify the corruption. How's that for you ?
Lucas waves him off, "I SAID NO" he continued to walk away and stops and turn, "Your not the one in charge remember that. Just because your bigger and you think............wait a minute."
"you know whats causing this."
He noticed out of Jin's wording, "You said compared which means you know whats caused this and you've been around them."
Lucas glares at Jin, "Does galaxy know too?" lucas looks at her, "That how you knew how to kill the last one. You probably know how to cure them too." he shakes his head, "I've been in enough diplomatic conversations to listen to all the words being spoken and how they are spoken."
He smirks, "Don't try and argue and say I'm just guessing people tend to be honest when angry till they realize they messed up."
Jin is out of arguments to have at Lucas at this point. He shakes his head as well.

- Yes, I know what's causing this. Yes, I know they can be killed. No, they can't be cured. And no, Galaxy doesn't, you saw her reaction when she saw me "turned".

He clicks his tongue.

- Maybe if you spent less time arguing with diplomats, and spent a bit more time getting to know the world outside, you'd know what's going on by now. Hell, you'd probably learn that those monstrosities can't be cured, as well. But sure, I'm not giving you orders anymore, "your highness". Have it your way.
Galaxy keeps clear, though still somewhat close to her father’s side. However, is quite shocked at him referring to Lucas as “your highness”
“Dad... what are you saying?”
The mammoth clicks his tongue again.

- Eh, nothing. Don't mind it, sweetie.

In truth, Jin has no idea about Lucas' identity. He's just being purely sarcastic and picking up on Lucas' wording in return too, mostly the "diplomat conversations" part.
Then he takes a deep breath, as if just fighting verbally like this is still enough to wear him down a bit. He wipes his hand over his mouth.

- I need to blow off some steam. Come on, let's find the nearest monster and send it to oblivion.

Galaxy_730 Galaxy_730
Lucas smirked, "well atleast you got something right?" He looked at galaxy, "Your father has been lying galaxy to you and everyone else." Lucas shook his head, "To think I thought about trusting you." he started to head toward the medical tents. "Well it doesnt seem like it he actually knew. however with how everything has played out it surprises me he doesnt."
Galaxy goes with her father, but catches the last comment from Lucas. A slight growl escapes her, but just turns to leave not wanting to continue this.
After having some talk with the people in town, Jin learns that the list belongs to a caretaker of someone supposed to inherit the town, but they didn't make it during the world war. Following their instructions, Jin manages to pin down the locations of the missions in the list : one is a cemetery full of undead skeletons and zombies, reanimated by malicious forces ; one is in the forest that the party went through earlier ; one is in an abandoned slaughterhouse ; the other, in a cave half-sunken in water.
The two head out of the town, and they immediately face the forest once again.
A bit further away, Jin stops, looking at Galaxy with concern in his eyes.

- Hey kid, you don't think I'm lying to you, right ?...

As much as he doesn't want to bring this up, he fears that what Lucas said might leave a bad impression in his daughter, about him, and he really can't breathe easy until he clears this up with the only family he has left.
“Of course I trust you dad, Lucas has no proof anyway,” she says confidently. “Besides, we’ve got to stick together through all this”
Galaxy_730 Galaxy_730

Jin feels guilty, having to keep what he knows a secret, and be called a liar right in front of his daughter.
At this point, everyone knows about the damnable monstrosities that hore the world apart and drove people insane, but why they came to this world in the first place, only he knows... but if he were to let it be known to public, he's very likely to be burned on a stake. And if he keeps it to himself, then his daughter would hear of her father as a liar.
He keeps telling himself, his daughter doesn't need to burden and trouble herself with any of this, she's still too young, so even if he has to be called a liar, right in front of her, at least he's trying to protect her from falling straight down to insanity and madness, like the ones in the enclave, or the extremists in the city above...
He knows he can't keep this a secret forever, but he doesn't know when is the right time to come out either. Such thoughts just won't stop wrecking his nerves.
He lets out a very low and barely audible sigh, then gently hugs the wolf pup.

- I'm with you on that... we need to stick together. You're all I have, sweetie. I can't afford to lose you, ever.

He's on the verge of crying now, his breathing gives away that much, but he's also trying not to. Instead he just holds the pup's paws.

- We'll always have each other, I promise you. Even if I can't find heaven for you to be in, I'll walk through hell and make it live-able for you.
Galaxy is genuinely touched by her father’s words, and gives him a reassuring smile. “Thank you dad, I know you would.” She then gives him a big hug.
As Lucas enters the medical wards he listens to whispers of a mammoth and a pup going out to fight the creatures. He hears how they might be killed and a meeting is called by the medical staff. They talk about how they might want to send someone to assist and be there as a medic.
Lucas stops the staff and shakes his head, "no that wont be necessary."
The medical staff roar, "yes it is they could die."
Lucas raises his hand, "Let me finish it wont be necessary, because i'm going." he stands and walks out of the room and heads towards galaxy and jin.
as he approaches he crosses his arms, "Alright where is it that we are going and before you say anything about me not trusting you. Im not here to trust you. Im here to make sure you dont die. because no matter what her life is innocent and she doesn't want you to die."
He looks and galaxy and smiles, "Sorry if you dont like me for calling your father out, but it's true he lied and he knows info he's not sharing like his possession. That and he admitted he lied. which in form is proof enough and you cant argue with that. Whether you trust him is your priority and thats fine. Just know im here to help and keep you both alive."
Many Weapons Guy Many Weapons Guy Galaxy_730 Galaxy_730
Jin crosses his arms too, clicking his tongue, then shaking his head and rolling his eyes. He's pretty much done with talking now, clearly annoyed at all these negative remarks thrown at him, but to the point that he doesn't even feel like clearing his own name, let alone raising his voice and having a verbal outburst. He just shows his attitude with what can be seen on his facial expressions instead of with words, before dropping a one-liner as short as he can :

- This way.

One hand holding the map, the other holding a gun, he looks angry enough to be ready to pump full of lead to the first thing he sees moving in range, as they head into the forest.

Galaxy_730 Galaxy_730 DarkstarUchiha DarkstarUchiha

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