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Yet again he found himself falling back to town empty handed, his traps wasted due to would-be mercenaries who simply couldn't understand the value of attempting to keep one of the "abominations" as they called them, alive. It was becoming increasingly apparent that the only people who agreed with his methods, were those who lacked the sanity required for him to hold a stable conversation on the matter. The food was questionable back home from what he could remember but everyone there was as enthusiastic about magic as he was, as a mild way of putting it. He dared not return to that hollow in the ground though, all he could do was help to repair the damage that the town he now lived in, had suffered from during previous attacks.

His abilities were uniquely suited to such a trivial role, but there was payment in the form of materials, food and information for his work. He figured he'd have to head out again soon though, there was no way he was going to consign himself to the life of a construction worker, the thought making him almost miss the unnerving scent of fanatical worshippers that populated the Enclave. He did wonder how they were doing though, or what they were doing without him for that matter. As twisted as they were, they were the first semblance of a family he had come across during his time in hiding. He could vividly imagine them begging for him to return, so that they could continue to bring him more dead and diseased offerings, truly sweet memories.

For now he stays by the entrance to town until he can resume work in the morning, idly keeping watch due to his uncanny ability to ignore the necessities of sleep. A lifestyle he learnt to adapt to while living underground.
In a tavern not too far from the clinic Lucas is in, Jin looks out the window and recognizes that golden light that illuminates the place, like a candle that banishes darkness away.
Then he notices someone standing guard at the entrance to the town. An odd-looking person, like a hybrid of lizard and... monkey ? But, then again, Jin himself is just as much of an out-of-place creature, mammoth and minotaur mixed together, so he doesn't pay too much mind about that. Probably just a guard on night shift. He hopes none of the monsters like earlier come near the town, especially when he's half asleep, after such a long day.
Having a bed for him and his daughter, the weary and exhausted mammoth gives himself some rest, with his daughter being held close to him. Even in his sleep, the wolf pup's soft fur coat and the faint scent she has, feels like infinite comfort for him. He knows she's well and alright, and that helps him rest easier too.

Welcome home, such as it is... once, your home world was the envy of the universe, a perfect being in and of itself, before our kind made it our domain. Now, this vast wasteland is all that is left, and this town is all that is left for you. We are lords of the places beyond and below here, fitting of this end of the world. Our horrifyingly formless sight, our wordless pact, then your bloodshed driven by fanatical and delusional beliefs... and now, a world broken up in three. Milestones on our path to oblivion of damnation. May you find your redemption, in a new dawn.

(From here on out, players are free to make their own activities and events in town, and are actually encouraged to do so, to aid the people live on for the day when the world is saved. Let the first chapter of the RP finally begin !)

Galaxy_730 Galaxy_730 DarkstarUchiha DarkstarUchiha Yaruzaru Yaruzaru
As Lucas finished assisting in the medical area he stood up and went to take a break. It would also be a good time to let his magic rest and regenerate. As he stepped out he was thanked by many families and workers as they were grateful that someone that was skilled in healing magic arrived. "If there is an emergency be sure to let me know."
Lucas started to make his way to the front of the town towards the front gate as he notices someone. Lucas smiles and stands at the gate and looks out to the forest and how destroyed and corrupted it looked. "It's sad to see this place so torn up." He started to think to himself. It's sad that my parents let it get this bad out here. That they didnt even try to help these people. I wont let that happen.
Lucas felt his magic energy it wasn't completely gone and he could but up a fight and heal a few more people. However right now he wouldn't be able to calculate how hw would fair in a fight.
Yaruzaru Yaruzaru
While everyone was presumably resting soundly, Yaruzaru was hoping that he'd spot something twitching in the darkness ahead. Night was the best time to get ambushed and welcomed into an early grave for most. For this particular individual however, it served as an opportunity, surely thinking that no one would be around to disturb his attempts at catching one of the stray horror's which lurked beyond the safety of town. This was the thought he had most nights though, and most nights ended the same without any chance of him applying what he'd learnt back home.

His daydream about what may be lurking beyond his vision catches him unawares, as he finds himself failing to pay any attention to his surroundings, the eerie sounds of the night becoming distant whispers. Perhaps he should chance a stroll into the forest to see what he could find, a risk he'd normally take if he didn't have someone else to worry about. Besides, all the houses in town would fall apart without his skilled claws to attend to them, likely leaving everyone homeless and more miserable than usual. So surely he shouldn't do something as selfish and exciting as going out to explore into the darkness, he thought. It's a decent attempt at convincing himself to stay put, but it'd likely be a long night with nothing better to think about.

While amusing himself with his own thoughts, It would take him a moment to notice the presence that joins him, causing him to reluctantly pull away from his daydream. "Are my building skills really that bad? I'm sure I worked all day to repair what I could." He tilts his head in thought as he responds to the words reaching his ears. Sure, the town was definitely not in the best of states, but he liked to think that all the time which he had spent, constantly repairing and rebuilding, had left some sort of imprint or improvement on what was left of civilisation.
Lucas looked at the other presence and smirked, "I wasn't talking about the town." he than simply pointed to the forest as it was very corrupted, "I meant the forest. "
He looked back at the forest. "If that wasn't corrupted this town would honestly look better but for what has happened I do think this town has done well for itself."
Lucas felt the energy and aura of this person, he seemed skilled and his magic energy was almost completely full.
"So you help repair this town? What else do you do?" Lucas smiled at the person with and encouraging feeling.
He could feel the emotion from this person he did care but he wanted more, but more of what. Lucas kept his eye on the forest, "Im thinking about taking a stroll would you wanna join?"
He's markedly pleased to know that any affront to the town's appearance, is only attributed to the forest looming in the background. His long ears twitch as he sifts through the full course meal of questions that come from Lucas. Naturally, the offer that stands out is the one that allows him to brush off the fact that taking a walk was his idea. Having company also meant that he was a little less likely to die painfully and alone in the darkness, in pursuit of his questionable hobbies.

"Some guard duty, some hunting, a lot of volunteer work. Mainly getting by like everyone else." As he speaks, he starts walking as if to silently answer the offer of a joint stroll outside of town. He wasn't currently carrying his glaive which may be an issue, but he chose not to think about that. He had his wits and his magic, what more did he need?

"What of yourself? I don't imagine anyone coming to live here by choice." He would pause momentarily, waiting for Lucas to catch up and take lead of their little stroll, given that it was clearly his offer and totally not an excuse for Yaruzaru to go on a little adventure.
Lucas nodded and started to walk catching up next to the male he just met. "I see well they must be glad you help." He went silent and than spoke, "I am here to provide some assistance especially medical wise." Lucas holds up a finger and lets it glow a little, "Im very proficient in healing magic." He left out the part about his celestial magic however that wasn't really important in this converesation.
"Oh Im Lucas by the way Lucas Darkstar." That was his cover name and he needed to stick to it. he couldn't let people find out he was the prince. They might try to blame him for this even though it is his parents who chose to do nothing. Lucas was next for the throne. He thought about it his coronation was to be in three months if he was correct. Although he ran away not knowing to what extent the war had gotten. He wanted to help the people of this kingdom. His kingdom. He couldn't let them suffer like this.

He responds with a chopped up version of his own name, never really feeling the need to offer more for others to call him by, given that most prefer to use shortened variations either way. There's a brief look over in Lucas' direction after he speaks, his vibrant blue eyes having a cloudy white hue to them which almost makes him appear blind. He seemed capable enough in finding his way around though, following loosely beside Lucas during their walk.

"You should work with the medics in town. They need all the help they can get," he says when he's told of what capabilities Lucas is proficient in. "You could also be my personal medic. I tend to travel a lot, it's never a pretty sight when I make it back. I can't pay you though." It's hard to tell if he's serious or not on the one-sided offer, given how lax his tone is, but he seems happy enough for the company as he looks to the forest and what they may find there.
Lucas smiles and continues to have one, "I actually just got back from the medical tents and helped them. They wish for me to come back and assist since most of them there dont have much experience. To me it looked like a lot of volunteer work. Which is astonishing." He than lets down his hood to reveal his eyes, face and blonde hair. "Your personal medic huh. I don't believe Ill be able to do that."

He looked up, "There's something I have to do. I will help others on my way to that goal, but I wont be able to do that if I stay and assist just one person. Im sorry." Lucas said this with a calm, quiet, and kind voice. He wished he could just do what he wanted but it was not the time for that.

Lucas looked around as they kept walking and even decided to stop and just look at the sky, "It's beautiful isn't it." He than looked at Yaru, "So tell me what made you stay here at this town?"
Yaruzaru Yaruzaru
He'd never really looked up to appreciate the night sky, but even he had to admit it had its charm. When he brings his head back down to watch ahead, he doesn't appear to be too disappointed at the news that he wouldn't be hogging Lucas' services for himself. He does however smile a little at knowing that his company was utilising his abilities wisely within the town, the lack of experienced healers not being a surprise given how chaotic things likely were.

"It pains me to say this, but it's safer here. I'd rather be underground though. It's a lot more lively and someone is always doing something entertaining." It was a very sugar-coated response, his attempt at putting the situation back home lightly, at least at first. "I'll take you there sometime, you'd be a great help, someone is always on the verge of death or suffering from an odd illness." He speaks very lightly on morbid matters as if they happened every day, which was likely the case, even in the town that he deemed to be safer in comparison to the Enclave.
"I see." Lucas continues to walks. He liked the night air is seemed relaxing, not only that he wasn't used to this much freedom. So it made him happier. Lucas than thought to himself. What was his next move going to be, he couldn't just stay here the entire time. He needed to find out how to stop all this chaos.

Lucas than shook his head. "Anyways, thank you for going on this walk with me." He needed to keep his mind off that for a bit. He didnt need to make a dramatic decision right now anyways.
"Of course, this works out for me too you know." It allowed him to be a little more lax in his scouting methods, given that either one of them could end up spotting something. Though, now that he had decided to actually walk about outside, he didn't feel much like going back for a while. He's pretty quiet after his response, planning to continue travelling for a some time since he had now made the effort to leave the town's gates. It was as good a chance as any, especially since his only company was a healer by the sounds of things, who he expected to make a U-turn as soon as they got out too far.
Lucas looks at Yaru, "what do you mean?" He continued walking beside him and wondered what he meant. however Lucas kept his calm. he wondered if he planed on trying to kill him although he wouldn't especially if he wanted him to join his adventure.
He continued to walk in silence and just listen.
"Your speciality is healing magic, right? Have you ever thought of trying to, cure these creatures? I have a theory on what they are." The question comes with a slight hint of apprehension, Yaru expecting a similar response that he had gotten from many others. Hell, even those who dabbled in necromancy and more forbidden arts, snuffed at the mere mention without much thought. You'd think given the dire straits that the world was in, that people would be more open to considering alternatives. Apparently, treating with the horrors who had likely taken much from the people, was simply an idea that none were willing to entertain.
Lucas looked at Yaru, "To be honest I have. Although I dont know how it will go down considering if I make one mistake it may kill them." Lucas stopped and than thought to himself and than knelt down and used his finger. He started to draw two big circles and had them cross in the middle like a venn diagram. "You see the darkness and the other corruption are starting to morph with them." luke than makes a figure of a person zapping another person. "Normally when light and dark magic fight one engulfs and destroys the other. So with my Light celestial magic touching the corruption. It has a chance to engulf and destroy the patient." Luke than pointed to the venn diagram. "That being said if im careful and can focus on dividing them with no distractions it is possible for me to do it."
Lucas scratched the back of his head. "Like I said it's a complicated process especially if they are struggling and trying to fight you off."
Yaru would watch intently, appearing to understand enough of the explanation to know what Lucas was getting at. He can't help but give a slight chuckle though, finding it hard to believe that someone else was crazy enough to make an attempt at such an ideal. "Would you be able to give it a shot if I can subdue one for you? If you fail, it's not the worst of outcomes. If you succeed however, we'd have a method for undoing the damage to this world. Or at least a basis for it." Yaru had tried himself in the past but with no result, he certainly didn't have the blessings of celestial magic at his disposal to attempt to remove the corruption in a way that only Lucas could.

"The real problem is finding one of these creatures, without getting interrupted by some guy with a big sword and something to prove."
Lucas shook his head, "Honestly I dont know if thats a good Idea to be honest." He than touched his keys and looked at one, "I do have an Idea though." he held up a silver key and swiped it, "Open gate of the grand Cross. Crux!" A giant cross headed man clock pops out and waves. "How do you do master Lucas."
Lucas smiles and waves him off, "Please you know you don't have to call me that. "
Crux smiles, "As you wish. How can I assist you today?"
Lucas smiles, "I need you to research something for me throughout of the history of the corruption thats been happening. Is there a possible way to save them and how?"
Crux smiles, "Ill get right on it."
Lucas waits on Crux to search and than he opens his eyes and speaks, "I am not able to find something some magic is blocking me apparently its one of the creatures even though I am not aware of how they are able to stop me considering i search through the celestial spirit world."
Lucas nods and dismisses Crux.
Yaruzaru Yaruzaru
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(basically yeah, aside from a bit of hint that the monsters could somehow sense him looking in, and they actively block him out)
He watches as Lucas attempts to figure out a way that would best deal with their problem. Of course, he's quite disappointed when Lucas's summon is denied access to the information that would have made their goals a lot easier. "Didn't work? Don't feel bad, it was never going to be easy." It's a blunt consolation on the facts of the matter. Part of him almost feeling glad that their little query would require a little more legwork before it could be solved. It just meant that they had to figure out what they were dealing with without solely relying on their gifts.

"I'll be sure to let you know how things come along on my end though. It will take a little more time, buuuuut i'm confident that capturing one of these things will point us in the right direction." He speaks in a way as if not to implicate Lucas in his plans any further, not that he was refusing the summoners help in any way.
Lucas looked at him, "I will think about helping you and this process like I said it's dangerous." He than looked at the forest and bit his lip and thought although im not totally against the idea.
He started to look at the drawings in the Dirt. "What if were missing something?" he mumbled this but was loud enough to be heard clearly. He continued to stare at his drawings. "I dont wanna risk any lives but one life to save thousands that would be the logical answer. Although I'd like to not lose any live."
"Who says we need to lose anything? The world is in such a sorry state right now that we only stand to gain. Everyone currently left is content to hide in the skies, underground or in their ravaged homes. But we all know deep down, that we won't survive like this."

He presses a closed fist lightly against Lucas's shoulder before gesturing back towards town with a quick tilt of his head. "We can head back if you want, I don't plan on bringing someone having doubts into my madness. I will insist that you buy me something to eat if we do return though, as compensation for pulling me off course."
As the dawn rises and shine over the town for a new day coming in, the torches and street lamps are off.
Jin slowly opens his eyes and wakes up when he feels the wolf pup turns and shifts while still in his arms. He goes to pet on her ears and gently kisses her forehead.

- Hey there, sweetie.

He rubs his eyes a bit and playfully places his long trunk in her paws.

- How was your sleep, pup ?

Galaxy_730 Galaxy_730
Galaxy awakes softly to, and smiles at the affection from her dad.
“Slept fine dad,” she said, stretching as she rose.
The mammoth slowly gets off the bed and stretches too, then cracks his knuckles a bit.

- Man, I needed that... now, to get ourselves familiar with the locals.

Exitting the tavern, the two make their way to the streets. He looks at the solar panel and the artificial sun above it.

- Say, pup, I think I know a job that may suit you so we can have something to live on. How do you like helping in keeping that thing running, with your plasma nebula ? Maybe even add some colorful nebula in to make this place look more lively too.

Galaxy_730 Galaxy_730

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