• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fantasy The Broken Packs | OOC

Hey Tasteless Tasteless are you back from the future yet???

I don’t mean to be rude or anything, and I’m sure you’re just excited to start this role play, but you’re being very persistent and it’s kinda selfish and rude. People have lives outside RPNation, and I think you should be a tad more considerate about that....just some advice.
I do apologize for being less than active the last few days, I'm going to finish the in character tonight because i only have to do a few more things.
Just a small thing for me, when you guys post your in-character posts please be sure to specify what pack your wolf is in, i find it is easier to keep things organized in that manner. If you don't know what I'm talking about, once i post the in-character thread you can use my post as a sort of reference.
well, here you go guys!
The Broken Packs
you all may begin posting, once you post please wait until one or two more people post before you post again, this will prevent anyone from getting lost.
have fun!

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