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Fantasy T R O I A: Slayers vs Whisperers [OOC]

Is there a limit to how slayer and whisperer clashes in the universe? Like maybe some sort of unspoken rules or even written laws regarding it?
Hm, I haven’t really considered it. That’s a good point to bring up. I’ll try to write up something later, although murder of humans is definitely off the table.
Also just wanting to give a heads up, I have finals within the next two weeks as my semester is ending so I’ll be off and on here and there. I will still be constantly monitoring the roleplay and OOC, but roleplay and DM replies may be a bit more spaced out from me. Thank you in advance for understanding!
Also just wanting to give a heads up, I have finals within the next two weeks as my semester is ending so I’ll be off and on here and there. I will still be constantly monitoring the roleplay and OOC, but roleplay and DM replies may be a bit more spaced out from me. Thank you in advance for understanding!
No worries! Good luck with the exam!
Also just wanting to give a heads up, I have finals within the next two weeks as my semester is ending so I’ll be off and on here and there. I will still be constantly monitoring the roleplay and OOC, but roleplay and DM replies may be a bit more spaced out from me. Thank you in advance for understanding!
Good luck!
Also just wanting to give a heads up, I have finals within the next two weeks as my semester is ending so I’ll be off and on here and there. I will still be constantly monitoring the roleplay and OOC, but roleplay and DM replies may be a bit more spaced out from me. Thank you in advance for understanding!
Good luck!
Also just wanting to give a heads up, I have finals within the next two weeks as my semester is ending so I’ll be off and on here and there. I will still be constantly monitoring the roleplay and OOC, but roleplay and DM replies may be a bit more spaced out from me. Thank you in advance for understanding!
I feel this the paper writeups for the end are slowly killing my brain. I hate writing about a cheese company for a case study which I've had to write like 20 pages on... its just cheese it isn't that complicated a company.
Also just wanting to give a heads up, I have finals within the next two weeks as my semester is ending so I’ll be off and on here and there. I will still be constantly monitoring the roleplay and OOC, but roleplay and DM replies may be a bit more spaced out from me. Thank you in advance for understanding!
Good luck boss!
Dawnbreaker casually condoning murder be like:

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