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Fandom Supernatural RP - Accepting Applications


William resisted the urge to frown when Mac brought up Franklin. What she said was true, of course -- she was after all the only reason Franklin even considered to help Vitae, much less agree to lend his support. And Mackenzie was also the only one who had built any sort of rapport with the Den Master. Still, he didn't like the idea of her spending any more time with him than necessary. Everything was likely a scheme of some sort where he was concerned.

Saying nothing, Will instead listened as Mac continued. When she finished, he lowered the rag and inspected his work on the ceiling. Aside from a few problem spots, it was nearly clean again. "As much as I dislike the idea of putting our safety in the hands of Hypnos again, it's probably worth a shot. Anything that can disrupt the cohesion of the packs is good for us. Maybe after Chase reports in, we can get a better sense of just how tight they are are in the first place. I didn't get a good sense of it while I was..." he hesitated, "...changed."

Shaking the thought away, he changed the subject. "I just hope Ashley is able to rein Elijah in so he doesn't kill himself trying to get back here and 'help'," he said ruefully.

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Mackenzie could feel Will tense as she spoke first about Franklin then about being an Oracle. Certainly hitting all the right cords... She mused, but wouldn't press him further. She'd said enough to let him know that these were items she was going to pursue, a courtesy she didn't typically provide to other people. She was learning, albeit slowly, to keep others in the loop. She paused as he brought up Ashley keeping Eli in check.

She smirked, watching William. "That girl has an iron fist." She said simply. "She might look and act like sugar and bubble gum, but she does not have any give when it comes to something happening her way. She know's I'm just as stubborn as she is: that's probably why we've done so well together, but she won't tolerate it from anyone else. Elijah or you." It was a far warning for him, once Ash was set in her way she did not go back on her decisions.


Malcolm noted that Chase had clearly been seeking a different answer from him, or perhaps wants to ask something else but had refrained. He wouldn't push the man, instead he stood. "Emile will be here in just a minute, but I know we'll be seeing each other again. The Alpha has made it clear he wants me to help you acclimatize to your new surroundings. I guess he assumes because I was once human I can relate better to you." He offered the other man a quick smile. "If you think of anything else you want to ask, and don't want to ask Emile yourself, I'll be around." It was a genuine offer, he knew all too well how intimidating Emile could be. He gave Chase a final nod before moving back to the front door of the single room cabin and exiting.


Chase would not be alone long, within a few minutes of Malcolm leaving by the front door Emile would be stepping through the back. Despite being dressed it would be clear he was injured, if only slightly. Lip bloodied, knuckles bruised and a decent welt forming along his right cheek bone: he's been in a fight and not as a wolf. He pause momentarily as he came through the threshold to regard Chase carefully. He had not expected the colony hunter to return so quickly, and given he had arrived with a pack, he could only assume he was here to accept his offer. "Bonjour mon loupe perdu." Slowly a smile came to his otherwise stern features as he stepped further into the cabin.

He glanced towards the front door where Malcolm had clearly gone before looking back to Chase. "Sit." He said, nodding towards the table and chairs in the small kitchen's breakfast nook, before stepping into the kitchen. He wasn't waiting for Chase to counter, in fact he expected obedience, given that's what he got from almost every member for his pack. Brody had now been handled, their confrontation and ended poorly for the younger man, and the rest of the pack were reaffirmed as to what happened when you disobeyed the Alpha's wishes. "I hear you had some problème on the way ici. Je m'excuse mon loupe, he is ... angry.(dissatisfied)" He paused and frowned, knowing that was not the word he intended, noting he would have to ask Malcolm later. "Have you choose to be a wolf now, instead of a man?" He watched Chase carefully, knowing that just hours earlier he had told him: I am a man before I am a wolf.

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Crono Crono

William grinned as he finished wiping the ceiling; it was as clean as could be expected. "I'll keep that in mind," he said. "I knew there was some way she had to be able keep you halfway in line all these years," he teased, leaning down to plant a kiss on her forehead before drawing away and switching his position in the vehicle in order to gain access to the metal flooring on the opposite side from Mac. He began wiping up any dried blood that he could see, working his way toward the middle.

The talk of Franklin had brought another issue to mind and he hesitated before deciding to bring it up. "The other day, when you were first telling me about Franklin... you mentioned that he might not react well to anyone that he might perceive to be--" he cleared his throat, raising his free hand to rub at the back of his neck anxiously, "--your 'mate'." Mac had been talking about Ashley-May at the time, but a lot had changed between the two of them since then. "Do you think he knows? About... us?"


Great. Chase mused at the irony, Mackenzie's dad will be the one showing me the ropes of the pack. He flashed a smile back at Malcolm as the Beta left, the offer to talk was a nice thought but he couldn't help but feel like Malcolm might only be doing it because he was told by the Alpha. Being by himself Chase cast one long look around the cabin curiously before resuming his wait.

It wasn't long before Emile arrived and Chase looked at the older man with raised eyebrows, surprised to see him looking injured even if only minor. Of course the Alpha greeted in French leaving Chase at a loss other than the fact that he knew Bonjour was Hello, or something of the sort. Instead of trying to reply to the unknown words he just nodded. And despite his otherwise unhappy look Emile changed his tune for the moment. "Walk into a frisky bush on your way here?"

The next word out of Emile's mouth felt like a command despite it not sounding very demanding. And while he preferred to stand he decided to walk into the kitchen, pull one of the chairs out, swing it around and sit with his elbows resting on the back end. Chase watched the Alpha as he also entered the area, "Nothing I probably couldn't have handled." Chase couldn't help but wonder if this was a usual thing within the pack, if this black wolf typically challenged Emile's authority. Though from the other mans look on his face he clearly wasn't satisfied with the term he'd used, but Chase was at a loss as of what to suggest. "That wolf, he's clearly not a fan of me."

"I'm here to try. Someone at the colony found out what I was and basically told me to run or die." Chase shrugged his shoulders, "I ran here, figured maybe it's time I find out what the pack life is all about. But choosing between man and wolf, Malcolm said something similar. It's not something I can just turn off." Even Chase didn't feel like he sounded convincing, there wasn't enough reasoning. He felt he had to play his Joe card, having a loved one at the colony he wanted to protect made plenty of sense as to why he'd side with the pack to himself.​
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Mackenzie smiled feeling the kiss on the forehead, it was odd how much she enjoyed the tiniest of affections from him, how much they lightened her mood, made her feel loved and cared for. She knew Ashley cared for her, had even said that she loved her, but this was a far different feeling, something new and certainly something she had never felt before. Despite how gruesome and disgusting the work was, she was still happy to do this along side Will.

The mention of Franklin brought her from her thoughts and she blinked at him as she considered. She felt a cold tingle grow down her spine, terror and fear growing within her. "Shit." She had been so afraid of Ashley-May getting caught up by Franklin she hadn't thought a thing about Franklin finding out about William. A million scenarios ran though her mind as she considered the possibilities. Franklin had agreed to help them but why? At the time she thought it had been because she had told him he should based off of merit, but he was a vampire and she expected him to have human feelings and emotions tied to her and their history. "He must have another plan." She said slowly. "An ace up his sleeve." However for the life of her she couldn't figure out what his play would be. "We can't call it off, we need the help, but you need to be careful. When they the Nest is here you can't be alone. If Franklin is up to something I bet it's about you."

That thought alone infuriated her, she had been so worried about what Franklin was going to tell Will -what Will was going to think about her knowing where she had come from, that she had not stopped to consider that Franklin might have agreed just so he could get closer to Will.


Emile was satisfied that Chase had done as commanded, though he was not surprised he had done it in an rather unconventional way. He tilted his head aside as the younger man made a statement he could not even begin to understand. "Frisky bush?" Within the kitchen he opened the fridge, drawing out two green bottles and opening both before setting one on the table next to Chase. The other he drank from and set it on the counter in the kitchen before digging through the fridge and removing various bits of grocery -none of which had been hunted for.

"Brody." Emile gave him the name of the black wolf. "Does not like many." He said, clearly satisfied with what he had pulled from the fridge he took plates from the cupboard and started assembling a couple of sandwiches. "He is angry with the Hunt from Pan. He did not get to kill the sacrifice and can not control his nature." Emile glanced over his shoulder towards Chase, clearly he didn't believe that Chase was a threat to him. He frowned slightly as Chase spoke about turning off his 'human.' It took several moments of quiet consideration before he would reply, wanting to make certain he understood what the man was speaking of.

"It's good you try. Not good the colony to send you away, not for them. Good for the pack, for me, however." He smirked then, Chase was quite the attractive man, Emile would not deny it. "I don't care what you are. Human. Wolf. Tree." He shrugged. "I am here to make my pack stronger. Firm. I came to Vitae because hunters there want to join us, want to be part of my pack and the Council will not let them leave. Should they not be free? To be what they want? Where they want?" He didn't expect Chase to have known this, he'd been through this very scenario before with Borseti and he had little doubts it would end the same way -though this time he had not aligned with Franklin's Den. "We just don't accept Dead Ones. Sangsue." He turned back to his work, hoping to have satisfied Chase's concerns.

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Chase let out a light huff at the loss of translation whilst watching Emile push a bottle his way, "It was just a uh joke, forget about it." It didn't take long for him to realize that Emile was preparing something, and Chase wondered if he was going to sit here and chat while the Alpha ate. He did have a name to match up to the Wolf who'd taken a shot at him, Brody. Yup, very douche-like name and he isn't surprised the Werewolf has a hard time keeping control. And now there are two plates, which meant he was currently in the Alpha's home, his kitchen...having a sandwich made for him. Chase had to double take a second on what was currently going on. Of all the things he'd expected on arriving, this very casual meeting with food wasn't one.

Emile was rather understanding at that, unless the language barrier was preventing the actual understanding. Chase realized while he took a few swallows of the drink that he probably had to keep that in mind around the Alpha always. When the wolf spoke on the colony, council, and hunters, Chase's brow furrowed now he was puzzled. "But they don't want to be part of the pack. That's why they are all gearing up for the attack, to stop you. The council barely even has control of Vitae and it's people, they couldn't prevent people from leaving even if they wanted to." The last part might have been a stretch but from what Chase had seen in his little time there it felt like the truth. When Emile mentioned the dead ones Chase couldn't help but wonder if he somehow knew about Franklin already.
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William slowly nodded his understanding to Mac, not looking up from his task. It wasn't his safety he was worried about, but there was nothing to be gained by him being ambushed by Franklin after not heeding Mackenzie's warning.

Will would never consider turning away the help of Northerna for his own sake; at the end of the day Will did genuinely believe that they shared a common enemy in the Pack. What that meant for himself in the grand scheme of things was harder to say, though he was anxious that Mac -- previously so confident in Franklin's relative sincerity -- was now visibly shaken and suspected the Den Master of less-than-benevolent ulterior motives.

For his part, it did little to change his view on the situation. He'd been honest with Brendan when announcing his intentions to keep a close eye on the vamps; this only reinforced the decision in his mind. Another reason to make the call he's already planned before dropping off Chase.

"I'll be careful," Will said finally, giving Mac a reassuring smile. "Northerna's help is more important than whatever Franklin may have planned." He leaned out of the Mainline, standing up. "I'll be right back. Don't work too hard," he said with a smirk before reaching for his cellphone and walking toward the house, stopping just short of the porch but far enough from Mac to have a private conversation.

Flipping through his contact list, he found the name he was looking for and dialed:

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Despite William's reassurance she didn't believe Will would be as cautious as he should have been. She doubted greatly that Franklin would do anything to her; but she certainly did believe he would injure or eve kill Will and blame it on the pack. No doubt with the hope that she would then return to the Nest. It would be up to her to make sure Will was alright, and Ashley-May, if the Nest suspected either of them while they were here she couldn't account for what they might do.

She pressed on in her work, there as much more to do, beyond just repairing the Beast. There were things that they could continue to do to build up the defense's around the colony. She had the items still from the trap she was going to make to capture a wolf, it could be modified into something deadlier. She would need to look around the junk yard again for more bits that could be used for other means: she didn't like the idea of going out again.


Emile smirked as Chase continued to proclaim the wants of Vitae, of it's people. Satisfied with the meals he had created he returned the ingredients back to the fridge before bringing the plates to the table, one set before Chase, he'd sit opposite the table from him to eat his own. "They told you this? The people in Vitae told you, Chase, they do not want to be in my pack?" He'd take a bite from the deli meat sandwich as he contemplated this. It was clear Chase was still not entirely sold on the pack, just by how he spoke and acted. He was still defiant, but it made him all the more interesting. Too many of the pack were simply sub servant to him: which was common for Pack Members, but the reason he had those in positions of power within his pack, like Malcolm, was because they would question him, his choices, his tactics and even tell him when he was wrong.

He knew Chase was like them in that sense, viewing the world from a far different vantage point that what Emile had witnessed. "The one that told you to leave the colony, that spared you. He was the faux Alpha, he was nice to let you live. You come here to see how to be a wolf." Emile wasn't a fool, he had little doubt Chase was here on behalf of the colony, but it wasn't a threat to him or his pack. Events would move forward not matter the information Chase may or may not relay to them. "Tomorrow we will show you that and we talk more of Vitae. Tonight we drink, and laugh and be friends, Oui?"

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Crono Crono

Chase could see where this talk was going, "No, I never flat out asked anyone do you want to join the pack planning to attack the colony." Chase left the sandwich be for a moment before deciding to take a bite, he wasn't the hungriest but it would have been rude to blatantly ignore the food set in front of him. Once he swallowed and took a sip of his drink he continued, "But nobody is being kept inside Vitae against their will. I mean if you are looking for a following the last thing you should do is threaten to attack them." Chase shrugged, the way Emile looked at this like he was saving the colony was lost on him.

Chase continued with another bite of his food whilst Emile spoke about Will, then continued to speak on tomorrows plans. Despite that the man seemed rather excited when he spoke of some merriment, and that wasn't what Chase expected when he left Vitae. He expected to either not live, go through some crazy hoops or process to get into the pack. Chase smiled awkwardly in return and raised his bottle for Emile to do the same, "To new friends." Honestly after today he wouldn't mind getting flat out drunk, but the prospect of being that way around a pack of wolves was less inviting. Maybe the alcohol would serve to relax him.​
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The phone rang only twice before the line connected. "William?"

Will couldn't help but smile at the friendly voice on the other end. "Hey, Addy."

"I was hoping I'd hear from you. How are things in Vitae? Things sound rough from what Elijah's texted me and what's flowed down the grapevine."

William wasn't surprised Adelaide had heard about the Colony through other sources; her "network" was wide-reaching when it came to certain affairs. "You heard right. A lot has happened in the last few days. It's a long story, but... me and Eli are a part of it now. The Colony's in trouble and we're going to do everything we can to help. But..."

"...But you require my services." Will could practically see the teasing smirk already.

"You got it. I'm sorry to drop this on you on short notice, Addy. If you can't make it -- or even if you don't want any part of this -- I'll understand. I won't lie to you: it's not going to be safe," Will said, aware that he was dangerously close to rambling.

"Will, stop. I haven't been 'safe' in years you know I wouldn't have it any other way. I'll leave as soon as I can."

William sighed in relief. "Thank you. I'll fill you in on everything when you get here, but there's a stop I need you to make on the way for certain... supplies. I'll text you the details. When you make it to the front gate, ask for Councilor Hendrix."

"'Councilor'?" Adelaide's voice was almost incredulous. "Look who's moving up in the world."

Will chuckled. "It sort of... fell into my lap."

"Uh-huh. I'll see you soon, Sarge. Take care, and give Elijah my love."

"Will do. Be careful, Addy. Bye." Will hung up with a deep sigh, hoping that he wasn't inviting Adelaide in over her head. Heading back over towards Mac, he stopped just behind her and looked over her work inside the Beast. "I made the call. She'll be here as soon as she can. Once we finish up here, I was thinking about dropping in on Eli. You want to come along?"

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Mackenzie had just about enough of cleaning by the time Will came back. She tossed aside the soiled rag looking over what remained. There certainly wasn't much, but she decided it would wait until the morning. Hearing Will approach she turned to face him, sitting on the pavement with her back against the car, see peered up at him curiously. "She?" There was a moment of confusion before she nodded. "Right, reinforcements. I hope you let her know this is not going to be easy." Though she doubted that Will would every drag someone into a fight without letting them know the odds first. She smiled then at his offer to see Eli. "I should go talk to him," She gave a little sigh before pushing herself up to her feet. "I kind of panicked and out on him earlier."

She did not look in the lease apologetic for it as she continued. "He decided it would be smart to let me know how many women you've been with over the years." She said over her shoulder as she was stepping aside to close the door to the car.


Emile smiled hearing Chase's cheers, despite the fact that the younger wolf was resistant to the pack idea he was content enough to see he would at least attempt at relaxing for the evening. He continued to eat hiS meal in silence and when done he leaned back in his chair and sipped at his beer, regarding Chase carefully. He was a curious thing, to Emile at least, he'd never met a wolf that was a hunter. At least not a hunter born a wolf. This evening was to be about them learning about each other, and so Emile thought it appropriate to start it off.

"How did you come to be un chasseur? Um. A hunter? Your famille sont wolf, yes?" Perhaps this was a typical thing for the south? Where Supernatural beings like wolves and vampires hunted those of their own kind. If Chase were to stay with the pack long enough he may very well be shocked at what passed for hunters in the north.

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Will frowned as Mackenzie mentioned that she had run out on Elijah earlier. He couldn't even fathom what had happened which would encourage that kind of reaction from her, or what Elijah could have said or done--

"He decided it would be smart to let me know how many women you've been with over the years."

William froze, unblinking. Quickly regaining his composure, he offered his hand to Mac so that they could begin walking toward the Clinic. "Is that right?" he asked cautiously. "And what exactly did he say?" Will had only been with one woman the entire time Elijah had known him. Did Mac know about that? And if so, what about it caused her to flee after learning about it? The last thing Will wanted to do was hide anything from her; his former "love life" -- such as it was -- was an open book to her as far as he was concerned.


Chase finished the sandwich and most of the beer, Emile was watching him and it was like having a spotlight on him. With his arms propped on the back of the chair which was still in front of him he tiled his head at the silence and thus other man spoke. Emile was digging, and despite the genuine appearance Chase knew the Alpha was trying to figure out how he ticked. This wasn't the direction he'd particularly wanted the conversation to go, but he decided to humor the Alpha. Despite the french filled sentence he got the gist of what Emile was asking and nodded.

"My parents were both hunters, and I chose to do the same. Both humans mind you." Chase knew this would confuse Emile, as someone born a wolf with human parents wasn't possible. "The man I call Father, the one who raised me. He's not my actual father." Chase skirted around the word biological for both Emile's sake and his own for possibly needing to explain the word. Chase would sigh before pausing to lean back some and stretching his arms before placing them back once more on the chair and leaning forwards. "I'm the bastard child of a rapist Werewolf." There really wasn't any easy way to say it, and if Chase was going to say it he wanted the words to be simple, it was a part of who he was and Chase had accepted that long ago.

He did however blame the alcohol for answering fully however, despite the fact that he was only buzzed. It had done the trick to relax him even if only a bit. "Maybe that can give you some insight on my reservations with other Werewolves." He swallowed roughly before reaching for his bottle and tipping to get what was left.

"My turn." Chase spoke, not thinking on what question he was curious about. "French is your first language so clearly you aren't from around here. What brought you all the way to America?"
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Mackenzie smiled seeing Will’s slightly cautious look and out stretched hand. She accepted it, though not in the manner she was sure he intended she stepped closer to him; bring him hand over her shoulder whilst slipping her arm around his waist, allowing her to lean against his side as they walked towards the Clinic. “Dozens.” She teased, looking up at him with a smirk, she waited a few seconds before continuing. “Actually none.”

“He said he tried countless times sending the prettiest girls after you, like a good wingman, and you took the bait on none of them.” She glanced away, feeling the return of the same panic earlier rise. “That’s what made me run: that I made you act differently, made you change. I didn’t think it was a good thing, didn’t think it was right, that I should do that to you, until we spoke after Franklin left.” She smiled to him reassuringly. “I’ve never felt like this about anyone, and I know I sound like a horribly romance novel but it’s the truth. I wasn’t alive until I met you. Before I was doing what I thought I should be, hunting and killing supernatural things: robotic, automated. It didn’t matter if I died doing what I do, but I care now, about living, about a future.”

Emile was glad to hear that Chase was willing to talk about himself; he had been momentarily concerned the younger man would not be willing to speak at all. He wanted to make it clear to the would-be pack member that this was a mutual relationship, between himself and the Alpha, himself and the pack. This was a family, a large one, not a job, not a duty. He was welcomed here if he wanted to be here, otherwise he was free to do as he pleased. Emile tilted his head askew in confusion when Chase mentioned both his parents were human. He knew this couldn’t be true, given Chase was Pure Bred werewolf, but he was thankful he clarified how this had happened, though he did not like what he heard.

He stood from his chair and collected Chase’s empty as he made his way to the fridge to get the man another. “Criss. I hope your father hunted that dog down and skinned him alive.” Voice was a growl; Emile had no tolerance for that sort of behavior. Wolves, particularly Pure Bred, were once among the nobles races that traversed this planet. Respected and revered by primitive humans, they were worshiped by them, or so the legends of the pack were told. To hear that a pure bred, or anyone would commit such an act was disgusting. He opened another bottle for Chase and placed it on the table before him, returning to his seat.

He found it mildly amusing that the younger man thought this was a tit for tat situation and he momentarily considered not answering him, but decided against it. He wanted Chase to trust him, feel comfortable. “Impatient jeune loupe perdu.” He mumbled quietly, but continued. “The apocalypse. End of days. The Seers have been telling us for centuries it comes, and it comes soon. We survive by getting stronger, together, or we all die.” This was more of a discussion for tomorrow but it he knew Chase well enough in their short time together that he would not accept or continue this conversation if he didn’t receive an answer. “Mon tour. The scent, the human, in your car. Is he ton amoureux? Erm. Ton boyfriend? Lover?” He was aware the other scent was male, and made the assumption to his lover given Chase carried this man’s scent, on him and the clothing in his bag.

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Now William understood why Mackenzie had run out on Elijah, why that subject of all of them had brought it about. He stopped abruptly, turning toward Mac without breaking their connection. "Hey," he said, softly. His free hand tilted her chin up so that her emerald-green eyes could meet his gray ones. "Yes, you've changed me, Mac -- you've made me better. You've seen a side of me no one else has. I know what you mean; I never really considered a 'real' life, never imagined sharing it with anyone. Especially not after I started Hunting: I got to stop monsters, save people. I was okay with that being my life, even if it meant I never got to fall in love, or have a real home." He smiled, his tone still barely above a whisper. "But you make me want to try... for the first time in as long as I can remember."

Will leaned down to place a light kiss on her lips before drawing back. "I guess that makes two of us who sound like cheap romance novels," he said with a light chuckle.


If only. Chase had thought when Emile mentioned Joe hunting down his biological father and ending the wolf. When the second bottle came his way the man looked at it intently for a moment wondering if it was really the best idea before giving in. When Emile mentioned he was impatient Chase simply huffed, how was he supposed to know the answer would be a part of the topic that was off-limits for the night. Still the Alpha decided to answer the question, something about seers and the apocalypse. Still didn't explain why he came to America though, but Chase wasn't in the mood to argue.

Chase stiffened slightly when the older man mentioned Joe's scent, so they did have his scent and knew there was some sort of tie between the two. However the Alpha assumed a significant other causing Chase to give a light snort before chuckling, another side-effect of the alcohol. Momentarily he placed his forehead on his forearm and stared at the seat below wondering if it was that obvious he was attracted to men or Emile was shooting in the dark, "A bit presumptuous but you're not wrong in one department." With his head raised back up he ran a hand through his hair, "That'd be my father, he was my hunting partner and currently still at Vitae." Chase watched Emile carefully for his reaction and continued, "Part of the reason I came here is because when the pack attacks I don't want him in the crossfire. He won't be willing to join the pack, and he wouldn't approve of me being a part of one either." Though considering his fathers past Chase guessed Emile wouldn't be surprised, "I was waiting until tomorrow to tell you all of this. But if you want my loyalty I need to know he won't come to any harm." Chase knew he'd just given a sort of ultimatum to the Alpha, a man whose word is law and could very likely not react well to it but this was his best shot. If it went wrong then he had to trust in Will and Mac's plan to keep Joe safe from the wolves.
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Mackenzie paused in surprise when William stopped, but her smile grew as he spoke, a warm feeling filling her heart, soothing her fears. It always amazed her that he could have this effect on her, make her feel safe when she knew what waited for them. She stepped in towards him, enough that she could lean against his body, chin resting on his chest as she peered up at him. Her smile soon turned into a rather devilish smirk as she spoke. "Will you do me a favor?" She bit her lip as she grinned. "Will you go in and tell Eli I ran? I took off?" again, though she omitted this.

She could only imagine the panic the man would feel, sweet revenge in her books, but she paused and shook her head. "No, I can't. That would be too mean to do to the invalid." She didn't want him trying something stupid; like getting out of bed. "I suppose he was trying to be helpful, in the end." She gave a small laugh. "So it is true? There are no skeletons in your closet I need to worry about? No former wolf lovers, or wanna be lovers coming to save us?" Of course she knew between the two of them, it would only be herself in that category. He had met the oddest part of her history, so far as she was concerned, and still cared enough for her to see past it.


Emile's eyebrows raised at Chase's response. That he'd been right about one thing, it simply was not what he had expected to be correct about. "Ah." He finally said as he came to grasp Chase's full meaning. "I did not mean to anger." He paused, "No, offend." He corrected himself before continuing. "When you talk of your parents I thought they had passed and believed the one you were with was a lover." He gave a slight chuckle, if he had been wrong in the other part he was certain Chase's attitude towards him would have been far different.

He brought his bottle up and took a long drink, considering the loner wolf's terms. It was a far clearer picture as to what brought Chase here. Run out of the colony was one thing, but to come here instead of simply leaving, it made sense now. Emile had assumed he had been caught for what he was and then abandoned by his lover, came here for safety, or even revenge come the night they would descend on the colony. That it was his father made far more sense, but something bothered him still about it. "No harm will come to him, as long as he doesn't harm any of the pack." Though Chase didn't know this was true for anyone inside the colony on the night of their planned invasion. "Shame he will not join us, human or not, but you do not need to be here if you don't want to."

He slowly shook his head, beer now empty he was once more rising and stepping into the small kitchen to set down the empty bottle and get another for himself. One his way back to the table he spoke again. "I do not want any in my pack that aren't fidèle, erm. Loyal?" He nodded as he took his seat once more. "I do not hold you here. After we are done with Vitae, you and your father may leave or stay."

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William had enfolded Mac in his arms as she stepped up to him, raising his eyebrows at her suggestion that he toy with Elijah by making him think that she had fled Vitae a second time. As admittedly amusing as that might have been under other circumstances, he couldn't bring himself to do it in Elijah's current state. He had been preparing to tell her as much when she thankfully thought better of it.

As the conversation moved on, Will chuckled at the mention of former wolf lovers, but the direction in which Mackenzie was headed required a serious response. Elijah hadn't been totally truthful with her, apparently. Whether it was deliberate or not on his part didn't matter. William hesitated, considering how best to begin the conversation. The last thing he wanted to do was try and hide this from Mac.

"Eli didn't tell you everything," he said evenly. "I wasn't sure how to tell you this before, but the woman I called? Her name is Adelaide Moreau. She's a good friend of me and Elijah, we met her in New Orleans a few months after we partnered up. White witch, psychic. Good at what she does." He took a deep breath. "The two of us... we used to be 'together'. For a little while." He was silent for a moment before adding, "It was about a year ago, it didn't last long. We both made the decision to end it. We still work together, but we're just friends."

Will sighed, his tone taking a somber turn. "I wanted you to know, for everything to be out in the open before she got here. I hope it doesn't change things between us or my decision to invite her here."


Chase couldn't say he was completely satisfied with Emile's answer, but he knew it was as good as it was going to get. The downside was he couldn't say Joe wouldn't shoot any Wolf that wasn't Chase that he got eyes on, but it was enough. "I can agree to that." He started drinking some more of his beer, "He doesn't care for Werewolves much after what happened with my mother. The man tries not to show it when I'm around. Pretty sure he doesn't see me as one despite the fact that I am." Chase shrugged, it was weird speaking to someone about it. That was something he never really had the chance to do before, similar subject sure but never with the added werewolf subject. It was oddly satisfying, despite the person he was speaking to was an alpha werewolf hellbent on attacking colonies.

Chase watched Emile leaving for a second bottle, when he returned the older man said that Chase and Joe would be free to leave after Vitae was taken. It was a surprise but Chase simply shook his head, "He won't stick around but I will, most likely." He didn't want to sound like he was gungho to stay so soon, especially considering the joining wasn't even until tomorrow and all kinds of things could go wrong between now and then.

"I haven't had many conversations with other wolves, the few I did ended with them having to be dealt with or a fight." Chase belched lightly into his fist, "But you aren't so bad." The effects of the alcohol were starting to seep in and Chase decided he needed to pace himself and slow down. "So what's it like leading a pack? Stressful I can imagine." It wasn't a topic on Vitae so as far as he was concerned it was fair game, whether Emile thought the same was a different situation.
NanLia NanLia

Mackenzie had paused as William admitted that Elijah hadn't been entirely truthful with his statement of none. Her smiled slipped slightly as he described that he had, in fact, had a relationship with someone in his recent history, and that someone was whom he had called as 'reinforcements'. She did her best to maintain her smile, play through as though nothing were a miss. "So she's a witch and a physic." She stated, giving him a playful smile. "I'm kinda seeing a trend here, a lot like the other I noticed before. Hero complex and into supernatural girls." Witch-Pshyic now Oracle. As much as Mackenzie wanted to be the person that wouldn't get jealous, or feel threatened, there was just no avoiding it. What she had to be jealous of? She would no doubt work on Eli to find out exactly what 'together' had meant for Will and this mystery woman.

"We should get to the Clinic before they lock up for the night." Change of topic really, but it was growing late and she knew the night nurse, the one she affectionately called Nurse Ratchet, would not let them disturb Eli's sleep for long.


Emile could understand Chase's father not wanting to be near, or accepting wolves after what had happened; he doubted he would feel any different if the same thing had occurred to himself. He was disappointed to learn that his father had displayed his dislike of wolves enough that Chase had known of it growing up, that it had been part of his life. He knew all to well what it was to be a disappointment to your own father, though for far different reasons. He gave a slight chuckle as Chase mentioned that he wasn't so bad. He raised his bottle to Chase. "Merci." Before taking another long sip.

Chase questioned what it was like to be a Pack Alpha and he nodded slowly. "Stressful." He exhaled. "Is just us petite partie de l'emploi. Uhm. Small part." He knew he missed part of the translation but it wouldn't matter. "Some days are great fun. Other days... Other days I want to leave. Be left alone." He shrugged, there was no point in glossing over the truth. He liked Chase, trusted him enough, and honestly didn't care if Chase did go running to the pack with this knowledge, it certainly wasn't ever hidden from them. "It is hard to do. Difficult to want to do, but then I think about all my famille and get out of bed." He chuckled some. "There are times I am, how you say, envieux?" He paused thinking of other English words close to it. "Envy? I am envy of wolves like you. You do what you want, no one cares."

Safton Safton
Crono Crono

It wasn't surprising to hear that some days Emile wanted to get away. To hear he was envious of Chase and those like him was more-so. He never really felt free to do as he pleased, sure he had freedom as a human but little as a Wolf. Always having to cover his tracks, relying on himself. Chase couldn't say he never saw the reason Werewolves formed packs, they had pro's and con's. "The grass is always greener on the other side right?" Chase's lip curled into a small smirk as he stared at his bottle. It disappeared soon after and he couldn't help but wonder if that was a saying that would be lost on the Alpha or at least lost in translation.

Chase looked back at the older man as he re-positioned himself in the chair to a more comfortable state. "I could only ever be myself completely around one person. And when I screwed up people could get hurt." He shook his head lazily before backtracking to one of Emile's comments. "What family do you have here? Kids er...pups?" Chase wouldn't have blamed the man for failing to answer, if he saw Chase as a possible threat in any shape or form then he might think Chase wanted this information to use against him or target the Alpha's kin. However Chase wouldn't sink as low as going after someones family.
NanLia NanLia
William watched Mackenzie's face closely after he told her about his past relationship, searching for any indication of how she felt. The smile never disappeared, but Will though he could see a flash of something -- uncertainty? anger? -- in her emerald-green eyes before she spoke up jokingly.

"Hero complex and into supernatural girls."

Will returned the smile as they began walking toward the Clinic again. "Trust me: you, Miss Canonach, had my full attention long before the Oracle thing entered the picture," he remarked coyly, leaning in to give her a peck on the cheek. He didn't want to push her by discussing Adelaide any further at the moment; if she was angry she didn't show any outward sign of it. Still, he wouldn't blame her. He hadn't volunteered the information earlier and was now inviting the woman he'd shared so much with into the Colony. Despite his intentions, he could understand how it might look.


Emile smirked hearing Chase's saying, "L'herbe est toujour plus verte chez le voisin." Though Emile doubted greatly Chase would understand he'd merely said the same saying in his mother tongue. He brought his bottle back up to take a drink and nearly choked on it's contents whilst laughing at Chase's last question. "Pups?" It wasn't a question of him understanding the word, he was aware of what Chase was asking, but the use of a very wolf term had caught him off guard.

"No." He said after clearing the liquid from his throat with a cough. "No ... pups." The word made him chuckle once more. "No parents. No brothers. No sisters." He shook his head. "Only Morgan, my sister's daughter. Niece?" He could only hope he had that word correct. "Mama passed away when I was très jeune." He held his hand out to indicate a height, not more than three feet from the floor next to him. "My father when I was twenty six. Ma soeur when Morgan was born." He finished his beer and slowly rose, finding the alcohol working at his balance. "As for pups. Ah. Well those that I find attractive as mates ... well they would never bare pups no matter how hard I try." He'd give Chase a wink before moving back to the fridge to collect more beer for the both of them.


Mackenzie smiled and leaned against Will as they headed into the Clinic, via the front door no less. She appreciated his addition that he had been interest in her prior to her becoming and Oracle, though despite this she had lost what confidence she had felt previously. She could not deny that they needed any and all the help they could get with what was coming, she felt a little put off by the fact he had not mentioned whom he was requesting the help of previously. As thought it were a secretive thing. It made her wonder if she had not asked, or mentioned what Elijah had said to her if he would have told her who his reinforcements were at all.

Passing through into the clinic she gave the nurse a quick smile, receiving only a dark scowl in return before walking with Will into the back and to Elijah's room. She knocked quietly as a warning before opening the door slowly, "Eli?" She called, wanting to be certain they weren't waking the healing man up.

Safton Safton
Crono Crono
Solomon woke with a start as his dream came to a conclusion. Once again he couldn't remember the dream and once again it felt as if he was just on the cusp of understanding some great secret. Considering he practically had the room to himself Solomon lowered his head and offered a prayer to God to watch over the hunters of the colony and to help him gain the knowledge of his ancestor. Solomon could practically taste the divine knowledge he had almost remembered he his memory was hazy at best. While there was nothing he could do about he figured he might as well get some exercise in. Clearing his head was his excuse, but he also had to urinate and he didn't see a catheter. Rather than risking it again Solomon pressed the call nurse button and waited patiently.
NanLia NanLia

Sandy had been at the nursing station the light indicator for Solomon's room came on and blinked, the other nurse on duty started to rise, but she shook her head. "No, I'll get it." She smiled pleasantly. It was a convenient time for her: firstly the other nurse was droning on and on about her grand-kids, to the point where Sandy had almost felt like being less than pleasant to end the conversation, and secondly she liked talking with Mr. David. He was unlike the other hunters within the colony; and she had met plenty, at first she had thought he wasn't a hunter at all but when he woke up and asked for his knife, well she knew then for sure.

She made her way down the hall towards his room briskly, any reason to use the call button could mean he needed serious assistance. "Mr. David?" She called, opening his door. "Is everything alright?" She was quick to glance at the monitors behind him; there didn't seem to be anything amiss.

St. Boethius St. Boethius

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