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Fandom Supernatural RP - Accepting Applications


"Oh." Sandy said quietly, feeling quite overwhelmed at this point, it was far too much for her to take in all at once. She had thought taking Solomon out for some fresh air would be a pleasant experience, but all she felt now was fear. "I think we should get you back inside." She said then, unable to look at him directly. "And tomorrow I'll see if I can get one of the Council Members to come see you." She wasn't certain if she would have any sway over them, but what ever Solomon was talking about sounded rather dire. She got up from the bench, nervously brushing her hands over her jeans before stepping behind the wheelchair again, turning him around back towards the building.


She did not at all feel relieved when Elijah told her there was nothing else she should know, part of her doubted him even still; he hadn't told her about the wolf after all, why would he give up anyone else? She knew they had every different backgrounds when it came to these things, but she had found it just a little ironic the man had questioned whether or not Franklin was trustworthy, a Nest she had been with and hunted with for over a decade would be less trustworthy of a wolf they had met just days before.

She raised her hands into her hair eyes closing tightly as she considered her next words carefully. "I swear, Eli." She said slowly, hands dropping back to her side, dark green eyes opening to glare at him, but only the slightest quirk of a smile would come to her lips. "You keep something like this from me again, you'll be starved out of Vitae if I have anything to do with it."


Emile's grin grew wolfish as he had been caught out calling Chase something other than his nickname, but he certainly was not about to give over to the younger man that easily. He said it slower, so Chase could hear it phonetically: "(M-ah. Pe-teet Ch-wa) Ma p'tit choit." He continued to grin as he watched Chase. "You can ask anyone you meet tomorrow, see if they give you the answer." He already knew the reaction his pack would give Chase, and he couldn't wait to see it.

He slowly stood and stretched. "You sleep here, tonight." He pointed towards the ladder that lead to the loft. "Until we find something for you. Roof, walls, bed. Human things." He gave the younger man a wink. There was a list of things Chase was to learn about the pack, but that was for tomorrow. He glanced towards the empty bottles and dishes in the kitchen but decided he'd leave them to clean later.

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Solomon gave a solemn smile as he was being wheeled back into the Clinic. Solomon sighed, " I'm sorry about that. I've never been one for small talk. I didn't mean to cause you to worry. I hope that I haven't scared you off." Solomon said realizing that in all actually it was probably what he had already accomplished. For some reason he was almost incapable of enjoying a moment. Always thinking about the next battle, the next war. Was this something that every one of his descendants felt? Or was this just his own worrying?
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Elijah watched Mackenzie carefully as she opened her eyes and delivered her warning. He quickly accepted the offered olive branch... such as it was. "I'll hold you to that," he said quietly, leaning back into his bed slightly. He knew it would take a long time for Mac to truly forgive him for his inadvertent deception, much less repair their trust.

"Is there anything else the two of you came to tell me?" His eyes flicked to the doorway, but Will was still gone and Elijah didn't so much as hear his voice. He looked back at Mackenzie. "What about Joe: does he know about this little mission? I can't imagine he's thrilled about it."


Chase frowned at Emile's answer, he could tell this was a game to the Alpha by the look on the other mans face. And now he could only imagine what it meant, "Does everyone in the pack speak French?" He asked rather puzzled, if there were those from Borseti he could only imagine that they didn't. Unless they'd learned after joining or something along those lines. A part of him wanted to give up, not give Emile the satisfaction, but Chase knew he couldn't do that because now he needed to know.

When Emile pointed Chase's eyes followed to what he'd already noticed was the loft area of the cabin, eyes returning to Emile in surprise. By the distinct lack of anybody else's scent inside it just seemed clear to Chase that it was Emile's bed. "No that's fine. I can take the uh, the couch, no problem. I don't want to put you out of your own bed." The couch looked more comfortable than most motel beds anyways, he'd slept on far worse. Though he was admittedly glad to find that Emile wasn't going to hand over a simple tent for him, which was what he'd expected. No, the alpha seemed to have a plan to set him up a place to stay.​
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Sandy felt guilt for calling Solomon's time out of the Clinic short, but she reached forward and patted him on the shoulder as they approached the doors once more. "It's fine." She said quietly, stepping around to face him with a smile. "I will get the council to see you tomorrow, they have a meeting in the morning I can take you there. It's my day off, so I'll come in the morning and take you to the Mess Hall for breakfast?" She offered, "Then we can see the council afterwards."

She didn't want Solomon to think she had been scared off, she certainly didn't like what he had told her; that fear and knowledge of your own doom was part of the reason why she had never become and hunter herself.


"Joe knows." Mackenzie started to relax a little more in her seat, she leaned back and continued. "He was not pleased, and I doubt he's going to be alright with Will or myself any time soon. But Will made a call today, to someone named Adelaide?" She shrugged. "He thought she could help with everything that's been going on here, reinforcements." As much as she wanted to pry from Eli more information about this woman, she knew better than to attempt fate now.


He nodded slowly, "Most of the pack speaks French, or enough to tell you what you need." Emile paused as Chase stated he would sleep on the couch, he would give the other man a shrug. "As you wish, I sleep outside tonight." He had no intentions on remaining in the cabin on a beautiful night like this. He, like most of his pack, slept outdoors whenever they could in nice weather. It was common for them to spent most of their summers as wolves enjoying what they could before the weather grew cold and snow returned. Having been this far south for the first time, he could see why wolves enjoyed hunting in America, the weather was often nice.

He continued to the door he had come in from early, at the back. "Bonne nuit."

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Elijah nodded at the information about Joe; it was to be expected. He paused at the mention of Adelaide, doing his best to keep a straight face. "He did, did he? Ah, good. She's a good friend. You'll like her," he said in what he hoped was an impassive tone.

Probably not. A voice echoed in the back of his head as he searched Mac's features for any indication that she was aware of Will and Adelaide's "history". Judging by her relaxed posture, she either didn't know or didn't care. Eli certainly wouldn't be the one to bring it up.

"Out of curiosity, when do you plan on telling Ashley-May about your idea for the night of the attack? I'd like to know, so I can brace myself and really sell the helpless patient bit," he said a bit dryly, still none too thrilled about the idea even if he was willing to go along with it.


Solomon offered a smile, " I would enjoy that thank you.... in fact I want you to keep an eye on this for me." Solomon said producing his sheathed knife and offering it to her. " It's been a good luck charm in my family for generations. I want you to hold onto it. Maybe it'll help you when you need it." Solomon said his smile becoming a little brighter. Despite his somber talk he enjoyed spending time with Sandy and wanted to make sure she was going to be okay while he was indisposed. After all what sort of a man was he if he didn't repay her kindness? " I look forward to our breakfast in the morning Sandy."
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Shafaqat sighs, looking toward where she can see the colony in the distance. It won't be too long a walk, just a couple miles, but she knows it's going to be a journey she'll question every step of. She just has to see what these people are like… she has to understand.

Humans are an anomaly to her. She has encountered very few in her lifetime, but her parents and siblings used to give her dreams of what they saw. She knows they have the capacity for kindness, and can be understanding, but she knows hunters to be ruthless, cold blooded killers.

Perhaps if she can convince them that she means no harm… but she doesn't know how to do that. Still, her chances with them are better than those of surviving on her own out here. And djinni are social by nature, being alone for all these years has been hard on her mind.

She sighs, and keeps walking, making sure her hands are covered by her fingerless gloves, hiding her markings. On the bright side, this might just work.

The mans gaze would follow Emile's path to the door, surprised he'd be sleeping outside but he supposed it was natural. The man spoke something in French and Chase was at a loss and raised an eyebrow, "Goodnight?" He'd both tell Emile and awkwardly guess as to what the translation was.

Once alone in the cabin Chase's eyes would settle on the couch ahead of him before standing and deciding to head back to the kitchen instead. He'd seen Emile consider cleaning the mess in the kitchen minutes ago, and Chase decided he'd do it if nothing else than a thankyou for not killing me when you had the chance. The man grabbed the bottles left on the table and emptied what was left into the sink before tossing them into the trash before proceeding to grab the dirty plates. Whilst his body went on auto-pilot his mind was elsewhere. Emile annoyed Chase, he came out here half-expecting a tyrant leader. But the Alpha was rational, understanding, and relate-able on multiple levels so it was difficult to dislike him.

If not for the fact that Emile was a Werewolf and threatening Vitae the man wouldn't be so bad, to be fair he was the most decent Werewolf Chase had met. But currently Chase had too many unanswered questions about this impending Apocalypse and Emile's intent. Sleep was questionable for tonight, after today's events he was tired but considering his current location among wolves it wouldn't be the most comfortable sleep. There hadn't been much to wash, so once he'd finished he set them into the drainer and dried off his hands and headed for the couch. He'd plopped down flat rather than laying head on the armrest, and put his right arm over his face to cover his eyes.​
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Sandy smiled appreciatively at Solomon's offer, but she slowly shook her head. "Thank you, Mr. David, but I can't accept that." She appreciated the gesture behind it, that he was a sort of apology for frightening her with the sorted news he had delivered, but she had only just met the man. She would not be taking anyone heirlooms in the near future. She was happy to hear that he would go to breakfast with her. She pulled open the Clinic's door and once more backed into the building with Solomon in tow.

Shortly there after she had him safely back within his room, parking the wheelchair next to his bed and coming around front to help him get back into bed. "I'll leave the wheel chair in here for you, in case you need to get up in the night. Your clothing is just underneath, but if you need help getting dressed before I get here tomorrow just ask the morning nurse, she'll help you."


"Sooner rather than later." Mackenzie replied regarding Elijah once more. There had been a moment when she had reconsidered her initial plan, to send Ash out with Eli the night of, but there were no other options Mac could see around the issue. If Will continued to trust the man then she had no choice but to trust him too. "I would do it tonight, but she'd already in bed. Said she has to work early in the morning, I assume it would be taking care of your ass." She shifted in her seat, crossing her legs and leaning back to glance out the door way as someone walked by.

"So tomorrow when she's done work. Oh." She turned back to look at him. "I'll still bring you food, even though you're not my favorite person right now."


Emile nodded to Chase's good night and the only reply he would receive for a translation from the Alpha. Once outside the cabin inhaled the fresh air deeply, though being this close to the campsite always brought the sour scent of technology: car fumes, cologne and an assortment of chemicals humans found necessary to use everywhere. He went down the steps onto the grass and started to strip, leaving his clothing where he typically did: hanging over the railing behind the house.

Normally he would be out deep in the woods for the night, part of his pack with him, but tonight he wanted to stay near, needed to stay close. He had had it out with Brody earlier, made it clear the Guardian had over reached his position, and that Emile was not fool enough to believe he had been 'uncertain' or 'protecting' the pack. The Guardian had seen an opportunity to kill the loner before he was accepted and he took it.


Now changed he was soon joined by his niece, her injury mostly healed, he watched her pad into the small clearing behind the cabin and pause. He huffed at her, clearly she believed she was still in trouble for nipping Chase whilst the pack had been herding him, but Emile had never actually been upset with here for this. He had only displayed his displeasure as an act for the pack; she certainly could not go unpunished for doing what she had.

Hearing her uncles huff, seeing he had not given any signs of anger, she immediately felt relieved. She had feared her interference with Brody would have had her into more trouble today, but clearly this was not the case. In fact Emile seemed to be in a far better mood than she'd seen him ... ever! Tongue lolled out, she panted happily and bounded the rest of the distance between them, playfully crashing into Emile's side.

After a short welcoming they were off, scouting through the immediate area searching for Brody's scent. Emile had warned the Guardian off, he was to keep his distance from Chase until Emile said otherwise, but he certainly doubted Brody would listen. They circled the cabin and when they returned to where they had been previously, satisfied there was no indication the wolf was returning, they parted ways. Emile circled around the front of the cabin and climbed the steps to the porch. He found himself stretching and laying down in front of the door, head resting on his paws as he looked out over the encampment.

Morgan had not been asked to stay, she was free to find the remainder of the pack and sleep in the woods with them, but she understood the importance of Chase's presence, and found it curious how Emile was so taken with the newest pack member. She remained behind the cabin after Emile had gone, choosing to wiggle her much smaller body beneath the back step to sleep there for the night.

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Elijah cocked his head. "I appreciate that Mac, but Ashley-May isn't going to be with me tomorrow. She told me she had a mission: extraction in New Jersey. I thought you already knew." He couldn't fathom why Ash would keep that sort of thing hidden from Mackenzie, unless perhaps she wanted to keep her from worrying.


William had spoken to the head nurse at length about Elijah's condition. He had been careful to talk around any suggestion of moving him outside the Clinic, knowing that the mere idea of it would no doubt spark an argument and they hardly had the time to convince her of the necessity of it. There was no infection and the bleeding -- external and internal -- had long since stopped, meaning it was simply a matter of rest until his body healed on its own. Will trusted Ashley-May to keep Elijah grounded during their trip.

Will made his way back to Elijah's room, stepping inside. There was less tension in the air than when he left, which he was grateful for, though Elijah was staring at Mac quizzically. "What's the matter?" he asked.

Chase woke at some point, unsure of when he'd fallen asleep. He remembered lying on the couch restlessly listening to what he could hear of the pack outside. The man sat up with a light groan, hanging his legs off the couch and looked around the empty cabin. His mouth and throat were dry and Chase wished he'd hydrated a little before trying to sleep. The man stood with a stretch before making his way into the kitchen and grabbing an empty glass from one of the cabinets and filling it with water. The liquid would be chugged rather quickly before he placed the empty glass on the counter near the sink, leaving it to be cleaned for the morning.

Turning back to the rest of the cabin he glanced from the couch to the ladder, momentarily humoring the fact that he wouldn't mind a softer location to sleep. Emile had offered it and he'd clearly decided to sleep outside like the alpha planned. So Chase climbed the ladder into the rather simple loft and laid on top of the bed on his back, not really disturbing it. The loft smelled like Emile and Chase was too tired to pretend that it bothered him before drifting back off to sleep.​

Though she rejected his gift at least she didn't seem scared of him. It was a small victory though one Solomon would gladly take. " Thank you for leaving it with me. I'll make sure not to roam around too much at night. I wouldn't want to put my favorite nurse in jeopardy." Solomon said with a smile as he settled back into his hospital bed. With nothing really left to do Solomon said good night to Sandy and settled for bed, putting his knife on his bedside table.
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Thor took a seat on a bench in central Vitae, everything was still and actually rather serene. He much prefered smaller settlements to the bustling cities that so many of the humans lived in today, maybe it was because they served as a reminder that the world had changed, he wasn't sure. Mulling over the day and the somewhat heated exchange of words between him and the human, Brendan, Thor clenched his jaws togheter. When the first humans sat huddled around fires, back when species was barely out of it's diapers, he had helped to keep the darkness at bay, when the days had grew colder and the nights longer, when the frost giants, an ancient race of demigods, had attempted to engulf the world in ice. He had been there to stop them, and drove them back to their own realm. He had been staunch and relentless in protecting humanity, yet today he was nearly forgotten, if not for his hammer and that blond atrocity that could be found in a few equally atrocious movies, he doubted that many would know of his name.

But then again, he would prefer anonymosity to infamy, which he could thank his fellow gods for. The lesser gods especially were only a shadow of what they once were, reduced pathetic and evil creatures, who in many cases now were even equal to or surpassed by common angels. They had gone from worshipped to despised, at least by many of the humans that knew of their existence, in a matter of a few thousand years.

Shaking his head as if he could clear his head by doing so, there was no point in thinking of ancient times and what had once been, especially when they had more pressing matters at hand. Closing his eyes, he focused and reached out to the ruler of the Underword, Hades I will be leaving for New Jersey in the morning, however in the meantime, I believe it would be a good idea to inform Zeus of what is going on. If the First Sin actually escapes, he will have to rally the Greek gods. He hoped that they would be successful on restoring the seals, but he felt it would be too optimistic to seriously believe that.

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Sandy waited until Solomon was settled into bed before she wished him good night and left him in peace. She headed out to the nurses station to leave a note that he requested to speak to the Council in the morning and that she was going to take him to the meeting to speak to them directly.

Mackenzie frowned hearing Elijah explain that Ashley-May was sent out on a mission. She was surprised that her partner hadn’t told her this to begin with, earlier when they spoke but when he mentioned New Jersey she knew exactly what the mission was. Will had arrived just in time to see Mac standing rather abruptly from the chair. “Brendan’s an ass.” She answered, not that it would explain anything to either of the men. “He’s decided Ash is to go on missions without me.” She hissed, “Ones that involve gods no less.”

This day had gone from bad to worse, the only highlight had been time spent with Will and even that pleasantness was a fading memory. “She’s not going.” She told Will stiffly, “And if they try to send her they’re getting me too.” She already knew she was in the hot seat with the council, and this might throw her over the edge, but she didn’t care. Ashley-May didn’t have enough experience, in Mac’s opinion, to be sent out on a mission. Even though Mac already knew she wouldn’t truly be alone; Brendan had mentioned other hunters being assigned as well, four in total, she wasn’t about to let this happen peaceably.

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William raised an eyebrow at the remark. He didn't expect Brendan to be so bold as to send Ashley-May on a mission without so much as informing Mac. He could understand the reasoning, with Ash being the only medically-trained Hunter available now that Will was on the Council. But if Mac didn't believe Ash could handle it, she would raise hell to keep her in Vitae...

"We'll talk this over with Brendan," Will said calmly. "If they need a medic badly enough, I'll go in her place."


Elijah knitted the blanket in his hands anxiously. He had thought nothing of Ashley-May going on a mission before; she'd made it sound routine enough. But the fact that she had kept it from Will and Mackenzie alike made him think twice. All his thoughts were centered around her "condition"; he knew it was wrong to give her special consideration because of it, but he couldn't help himself.


Mackenzie was hardly placated by Will's answer, he was too calm, too smooth while she was infuriated, though part of the anger was no doubt miss placed on Brendan; she knew Ashley deserved some of it too, and Eli for lying to her, Will for withholding information about his ex and the missing angel for keeping the wolf under wraps. But Ashley-May and Alaric were not present, Elijah was injured and she had already faked being perfectly okay with Will asking his Ex-Physic Witch for help.

She inhaled slowly and bit her lip attempting to quell the ever growing anger within her. She looked from Will to Eli and back again before she spoke, only slightly calmer than she had been previously. "He's in bed, like the rest of the Council not caring what happens to their hunters." It was still a far cry from being calm, but at least she was no longer seething. "I'm going with her, or she's not going. That's it." She had decided then; if it involved gods the Oracle should have been included in the planning process after all. She pushed the chair back to where Will had taken it. "I'm going to go." The dissatisfied feeling within her only making want to check on Ashley more. "See if she's awake and talk to her."

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William watched Mackenzie cautiously as she visibly wrestled with her anger. Under normal circumstances, her unbridled passion was one of the things he adored about her. But now, in this moment, it was worrying to see her struggle to keep it under wraps. Will suspected that Brendan wasn't the only source of rage for her given the deception by both Elijah and Ash. She'd made her thoughts about Alaric exceedingly clear. And William himself... that remained to be seen.

Will nodded slowly, glad that the anger hadn't boiled over. He knew trying to convince Mac to stay would be doomed from the start; she needed to hash this out with Ashley-May if anything was going to be resolved. "You want me to come with you?" he asked.

Mackenzie slowly shook her head, "No, it's alright." He had come to visit with Elijah and had barely done so, besides this she didn't want him to witness another clash between herself and Ashley-May. She stepped toward him and lifted herself on her toes to kiss his lips gently before backing away and exiting the room. She didn't see why Eli couldn't witness something he had started with Ashley, and see that despite his earlier torment of her, she had managed to work out her fears.

She headed out of the Clinic by the back door, not wanting to disturb any of the nurses and headed back to the house, hoping Ashley-May was awake.

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William returned the kiss, the simple contact managing to alleviate some of the tension in his muscles and the room itself. He watched Mackenzie leave before turning toward Elijah, who lay in his bed with a small smile.

"It's about time," Elijah remarked.

Will shook his head, settling back into the chair alongside the bed. "Proud of your handiwork?"

Eli grinned. "To be fair, Ashley-May played a bigger role than I did."

Will sighed, rolling his eyes. "This thing with Chase... I understand why you did what you did. I don't agree with it and you can bet I'm pissed that you didn't tell me and Mac about him... but I understand. Mac will come around eventually, but no more of this shit in the meantime, understood? We're partners, we're supposed to be able to trust each other."

Elijah nodded slowly. "I understand, Sarge. No more secret werewolves, no more cloak-and-dagger," he said sincerely. "And where that's concerned... Mac told me you invited Adelaide here." William met his eyes cautiously but said nothing, prompting Elijah to continue. "Does she know about the two of you?"

"Yes. I told her, just before we came here," Will remarked passively.

Elijah's eyes narrowed. "And how did she take it?"

"I don't know. She seems okay with it -- or wants me to believe she is. But... I'm not sure. We haven't really had a chance to hash it out," Will said with an impotent shrug.

Elijah nodded thoughtfully. "Mackenzie's not stupid, Will. She trusts you. She'll understand why you brought Addy into the fold eventually. For what it's worth, I think you did the right thing. We can use talents like hers around here."

Will smiled. "I appreciate it. But, uh..." his jaw clenched as his eyes flicked to the floor. "Since we're being honest here, there's something I need to let you know. About the Trial."

Eli looked at him, his expression unreadable. "Go on."

"Right as you left for the woods, I was headed back into Vitae when Pan... did something to me. He changed me. Transformed me into a Wolf, an Alpha. I didn't have any control over what I was doing, only remember pieces of it. I ran with the Pack, Elijah. I hunted you. I almost killed you," Will finished, his voice pained.


Elijah smiled slowly, remembering the eyes of the Wolf that looked down at him, hesitating instead of delivering the killing bite. Steely eyes. Gray eyes. The same ones filled with regret at his bedside now.

"I know," Eli said quietly.

Will's face snapped up to face him again. "What?"

"I had my suspicions," Elijah replied with a shrug. "It's hard to explain, but after you jumped me right before the sun came up... I don't know. It makes sense now. Well, except for how or why Pan changed you in the first place. Did you-- are you--" his voice trailed off.

Will shook his head. "No. That's the first thing I checked when I got back. No sensitivity to silver, no urges, no changes in perception. I woke up this morning human again. You ever hear of anything like that?"

"Temporary lycanthropy? No, never. It's not in any of the lore... but when you're dealing with the gods, who's to say?"


Mackenzie made short work of the walk back to the house neighboring the Clinic, despite her short stature she had a long stride when she wanted to. She climbed the front steps of the house and stepped inside to be immediately disappointed by the lack of light and noise from within. She knew even before she made it to the shared bedroom that her partner was sleeping soundly. Damn her. She sighed and stepped into the room closing the door behind her. There wasn't a point of waking her to fight about it now, she would wait for the morning knowing that Ashley-May would have set an alarm that would wake them both.

She changed into sleepwear before shuffling to the bed, odd that Ash had fallen asleep with a series of books and her laptop open, it wasn't common for her, but Mac guessed that she was doing research for her would-be mission the following day. She cleared the bed before climbing in beneath the sheets beside her partner, and soon fell asleep.
Shafaqat sighs, looking up at the walls that surround Vitae. She won't be able to get in, at least not without seeming like an attacker. Besides, she's still trying to convince herself that this is a terrible idea, and that she should just turn and run.

She watches for any kind of movement, knowing that there will likely be guards of some kind, and wondering if they will see the teen standing there in the night. She always did prefer the night, it gives her an advantage. It makes her feel safe. She's taken to an almost nocturnal lifestyle over the past few years, in the hopes that she won't be found.

And yet, here she is, standing outside of a hunter colony, literally waiting to see if they find her. I am officially insane. No question left. This is a stupid idea.
William glanced toward the bag he had packed for Elijah. "I hope I packed enough for you."

Eli, following his gaze, nodded. "Oh, right. Thanks for that. It's kept me--" he paused to yawn. "--busy."

Will chuckled, standing up and shifting the chair back to its original position. "I think I'll let you get some rest. I think I'm well past visiting hours as it is and I don't want the nurses here to have me on their shit list."

Elijah grinned. "I can't blame you there. They can be an authoritarian bunch when they want to. Goodnight."

"'Night," Will remarked, giving Eli a nod before stepping out into the hallway. Elijah watched him go before sighing deeply, shutting his eyes. It had been difficult not to share Ashley-May's secret with his partner in their moment of honest confessions... but it wasn't his secret to confess. It never would be. He would honor the woman's wishes until she felt the time was right to tell the others.

Resignedly, he sank back into the covers of the bed.


The head nurse had eyed Will warily as he left and the former Soldier tactfully avoided that contact as he stepped out of the Clinic, making his way back to the house. Telling Elijah about his part in the Trial had been eating away at him for hours; it was a relief having it off his chest. He was amazed that Elijah had managed to identify the Alpha as him, but it had made things... easier, in a way.

That still left no shortage of problems to be resolved, however. Repairing he and Mac's trust with Elijah. Dealing with Ashley-May's mystery mission. Franklin's assistance, due to arrive in the coming days. And of course, the Pack looming on the horizon. Adelaide being here would be a help and a comfort to him... but he wasn't blind enough to think it might not cause issues with Mac now that she knew the truth.

Cross that bridge when we come to it.

Will quietly ascended the porch steps, entering the house. He guessed from the lack of lights and noise that Ash had already been asleep by the time Mackenzie arrived. He knew any argument they'd had would still be raging in the time it took him to get here from the Clinic. Making his way back to the now-empty room he shared with Elijah, he stripped out of his clothing before bending down to remove the prosthesis, setting it aside before putting on his sleepwear and climbing into the bed.

He expected to lay awake for some time, lost in thoughts, but sleep came mercifully soon after he shut his eyes.
Ashley-May’s alarm went off early, waking her and startling Mackenzie. She reached for the nightstand and silenced the noise before attempting to untangle herself from Mac; however the other woman’s grip tightened around her, pulling her back into the bed as she attempted to flee. “I gotta go Mac.” She whispered in the darkness, it was still early, but Mac didn’t budge. “Mac, common.” Once more she was attempting to pry the smaller woman’s arms from around her when she heard Mackenzie’s mumbled protest.

“You’re not going to New Jersey.” Ashley paused and glanced down to the form next to her, confused but not surprised Mac had found out about the mission. She reached down and pushed Mac’s hair away from her face, but she still had her eyes closed in protest.

“They need a medic-“She started but was but off by Mac’s growl. She watched as the sleepy woman slowly pulled herself out the other side of the bed, shuffling to her duffle to start changing. “What are you doing?”

“You’re not going alone.” Mac continued to dress, missing her pant leg three consecutive times before finally successfully pulling the jeans up over her waist. “Brendan is an ass if he thinks he can send you wherever he pleases. That wasn’t the deal and you know it.” Mac was less than impressed that Brendan had the gall to attempting and that Ash had gone along with it.

They dressed in silence, and Mac appreciated it; she didn’t want to wake Will with fighting with Ashley, and she wanted to save her angered words to Brendan himself. She had little doubt that the man would be there to send off the team.

Emile woke with the sun: hard not to when you slept out of doors. He stretched with a yowling yawn before heading down the steps of the front porch. Already the encampment that housed the pack was active, all early risers –for the most part. There were those that were still asleep were often those that patrolled over nights to keep the pack safe while they slumbered. It would take a creature of great stealth to sneak up on a sleeping werewolf, but it had happened in the past.

He slowly made his way into the woods, to do his typical morning routine; though this morning would have additional area’s to check. A quick lap around the campsite brought no new scents, the local packs had finally understood he was serious when he told them he intended to leave them out of the night at Vitae, and they had already proven they weren’t trustworthy, first at Alliance then when confronting Chase. Once he was back at his cabin he took a quick tour around the woods there to make sure Brody hadn’t been by. Once more he was satisfied all was well. Returning to the back of the house he was delightfully surprised to find Morgan asleep under the back steps, the girl had good instincts. He wouldn’t wake her yet, instead he shifted and dressed before stepping quietly back into the cabin.

He was momentarily surprised to see Chase was not on the couch; he knew the newest pack member had not fled in the night, he or Morgan would have seen it, but his scent was still strong within the small building. A slow smile crept to his features as he came to understand just where the man was. Defiant as he was, Emile was certainly going to teach him which battles were worth fighting. He made his way into the kitchen to be surprised a second time that Chase had cleaned the dishes from the night before, he chuckled to himself as he started getting breakfast prepared.

As promised Sandy was up early and headed for the Clinic to take Solomon to the Mess Hall before breakfast. She knew the council would be meeting early in the morning as she had already sent an email to the Clinic’s representative, Angela Spatafora, requesting an audience for Solomon. As she was heading in the front doors of the Clinic her phone chirped and she glanced at the screen, seeing a reply and confirmation from her Rep that Solomon would be spoken to.

Sandy smiled, though the news the man was going to deliver was far from good, she knew she never bothered Angela for anything that wasn’t a priority. She gave a pleasant nod to the nurses at the station before slipping into the back and for Solomon’s room. “Mr. David?” She called quietly, if he were still asleep she would wait, they had plenty of time before they would be seen and there wasn’t a reason to hurry. She glanced down to the books she had brought in from her family home, they were her parents research books on demon, she doubted the would provide Solomon with any information he didn’t already have, but she knew well enough that hunters preferred to read and re-read old research over the four or five year old magazines the Clinic had in its pitiful library.

Safton Safton
Crono Crono
St. Boethius St. Boethius
The smell and sound of Breakfast being cooked in the kitchen below had Chase waking, he sat up on the edge of the bed where he'd slept and sat there a moment to get his bearings before moving. The man rubbed at his eyes before rubbing his hands up and down his face, then started making his way down out of the loft.

"Dinner and Breakfast huh? This must be how you recruit for your pack, keep feeding them until they're too content to leave." His greeting was sarcastic and meant to humor, following the smell towards the kitchen area curiously. To be honest he wouldn't have been surprised to see the portions of food for Emile only, he was simply assuming he'd be eating as well. Chase moved for the sink, grabbing his glass from last night he gave it a quick rinse before filling it halfway with water once again and downing it. Afterwards he'd move out of Emile's way and off to one of the windows to the cabin to look outside briefly.​
NanLia NanLia

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