• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Location: Clock tower
Interactions: ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles

"There is no way to get her back. Don't you get it. The world has taken her from me. If I ever so much as attempt to get her back now. Ill be deemed a criminal, a villain for the world to hunt down and kill." Samantha whimpered quietly to Annabelle. Nuzzling deeper into her lap as she sniffled. "Your kind words are the first i have received in a long long time." She said quietly to her as she slowly sat up. Sniffling and whipping the tears from her eyes as she looked to Annabelle with a loving thankful smile.
Location: Shopping district
Interaction: Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne

Viara Smiles a little at the woman when she asked where she could get one. "Well if you don't mind sticking around with me for a little I can take you to him." She said softly to Zaph. The longer she hung around this woman the more she wanted to help in any way she could. It was an interesting feeling that puzzled her to no end, but it also brought a small smile through her cold calculating look. Figuring Introductions where in order Viara Thought for a moment before looking to Zaph. "My names Sirius." She said softly, figuring she would giver the woman her little code name for now.​

Through all of his weeping, he had heard Shade's words. He was listening to the man, and he was just saying everything Xasura already knew. Of course he was just heading off to his death, even if the angry beast within him didn't want to admit it. It felt wrong that one life could tilt the scales of balance so far off that it threatened to break the plates holding such a heavy weight. That one life - the one that was snuffed by the heroes gathered so far below them -- it should have never been allowed to erase so many lives and continue on until just mere moments ago. Divine retribution should have come far earlier. SoulFlare, or a vessel for a Spirit of Vengeance should have dealt with such an atrocity so much sooner than now, and yet it was ten years later when the man was -- in a twisted moment of morbid thought -- rightly robbed of Judgement before the Lord. With the thoughts that continued to rampage around his mind, Xasura could only sniffle and continue to rub uselessly at his eyes for a few minutes more before he had the emotional and mental fortitude to respond to Shade.

"I-I know I could've been killed," he started, his voice somewhat hoarse from the weight of regret that it had to carry forth. "But.... But he lived so long after he and all of his... all of them took so many innocent people away from their loved ones. It was like I couldn't just... not do anything. It's like everything else disappeared and I was rocketing to my death with all the righteous fury of the Archangels behind me, and I couldn't make it stop."

Staring at the boy, one could have sworn that his tiny frame had deflated as his mind stuck itself on repeat with everything that had happened up until now. He left poor Ms. Jenny and their daughter behind to run off and... what? Die? Or what if, on the literal impossible chance, he pulled it off and killed the man? The image of blood on his claws and paws flashed before his eyes, and Xasura's shoulders visibly flinched at the sight before he mindlessly wiped them, clean as the day he was born, off on the tights of his outfit. Again, he tried to breathe, but his form simply didn't want to draw itself to full height. Guilt weighed upon his frame for his thoughtless actions... But they had to get back to Jenny.

So, after he had been handed his mask, Xasura tugged it back on and picked at it until it fit his ruffled maw and fur, then paced to the opposite ledge of the building, but didn't move.

"Shade...?" came his voice after a moment of silence, like the tinkling of fractured porcelain. "If.. If I ever get bad like the OA, would you... Deal with me? I'm scared that if I let myself get mad, and I let it happen too often, I'll end up like a lot of people who let their anger rule them. I don't want to be that kind of person, and...

"Well, there's a saying in comics," he continued. Another breath in, a forcing of his body to straighten, and a planting of his feet set himself to face the rest of the world as if nothing had gone awry. "You either die the hero, or you live long enough to watch yourself become the villain. Don't let me live that long if I forsake those who trust me with their safety. Like them -- the Occard Alliance. My soul is worth more than any amount of power they could ever desire, and I don't want to lose it to something so heinous.

"With that out of the way, let's go. I've already set us way too far behind, and I want to fix whatever problem my actions have caused."

With that, and a snap of his hand, Xasura slung himself back out into the air and make his way back to Jenny. By now, she should've been near the Cathedral under Father Anderson's protection -- or at least into the Orphanage, and he wasn't going to wait for Shade to answer him, either. He didn't need to, considering it was just ruminations that were too big for a child like himself, but he would rather say it than to keep quiet. No one should let themselves fall so deep into the abyss that it claims them; corrupts them like the Occard Alliance. Even Shade, a being of eldritch darkness, had a ray of light and good within him, and it was apparent the moment the two of them met on the Queen Mary. Knowing that, no one had any excuse to fall so low, even himself regardless of how angry he may become, so he had to be someone worthy enough to be a hero like Spiderman. He had to be worthy of the Wolfspider that Xasura had envisioned when he became aware of his powers. Xasura had to earn the mantle of his lineage:

A True Hero.

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Caesar Aphera; AKA: Lord Caesar

Location: Aphera Household

Hayato had not been having a good time of things, and even with the bit of positive attitude he was showing about his license, he could tell that it was going to take a bit more than a minute for his kid to move on from him being dead to being here in the flesh. Hell, if the script was flipped, he would be in the same boat. Hayato dead for ten years was a daunting thought alone - and that was just the microsecond where the sentence occurred in his mind, let alone the actual issue that it would cause. Well... Issues, he should say. Losing someone out of the blue like that would make anyone feel like they were haunted and it showed on everyone.

He wasn't going to kill the kid's first push to steamrolling into a hell of a good mood, though.

"Ten years and you ain't taken your test?!" Caesar balked, his head jerking back in disbelief. "Shit, kiddo, first thing we're doing is getting your ass to the office so they can bump you up! Ten years of work - and good, consistent success as well - should at least bump you to A-Class. Hell, if Metallik can do it, you can too, you know."

And that was that. The moment he was done talking, Caesar had a hand on Hayato's shoulder and was guiding him down the stairs, keys in hand, to drive his boy to the office for a day of work. It felt good having his partner in definitely-not-crime by his side again, and as he would guide them on the way to the parking garage to get back into his ride, he swore he almost felt that sense of paternal pride quiver in him. Hayato had been trusted to him by Weiss to take care of, and after a while, decided to take the kid in as his own. He had the Aphera complex, a fortune he earned on his own, technically his own place at the time, and was more than financially equipped enough more than ten years ago to take care of a kid, but now that he's been around a tombstone or two, he was learning that it took more than money and confidence to take care of someone. His own death broke Hayato, and it was going to take a hell of an effort to help him piece himself back together. That's when it took things that he didn't think he had before, let alone things he had to pick up on now before he could really help his kid.

"Anyway, who've you been rolling with the most since I've been out for milk and eggs, by the way?" He asked, looking down at Hayato with a raised brow.

Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne

(Something small to just get things started up again. Sorry for the brevity.)
Aia18 (2).jpg
Location: Hospital cafeteria
Interaction: Deathkitten Deathkitten

Aia’s eyes lit up in excitement when he offered the man money. She knew that’s how people got food because she had watched her mom do it. It was only the gentle tug on her arm by the child that brought her eyes off the food. Looking to him as they stepped to the side. She stared him down curiously as he spoke to her and jumped up and down. The repeated words he spoke gave her a slight inclination that he wanted her to repeat after him and so she tried to follow suit. “Mo-moooooooooo.....Mmmmm-m-m-ma.” She stumbled and tried to move her lips like he had done all while staring him down curiously.

She enjoyed the child’s company a lot despite whatever he was saying and smiled as she walked around him a few times. Her tail gently curling around him before she sat down, hugging him from behind with a happy little hiss of joy As his lower half was fully cooked in her tail. A protective and gentle warm hold.​
Anabella Bonner née Levi

She shook her head, giving a small sigh. "Miss Samantha, I think you're the one who doesn't get it. The only thing stopping you is yourself. If you were to improve upon yourself, remedy the cause of this, and to appeal...you can still fight for her. Don't let your own pessimism keep you separated from your child." A small smile graced her lips at the statement from Sam, a gentle pat on her head. "I was taught to give kindness unless it is no longer deserved...With that said, I'm afraid you must leave, as must I. I can't visit any longer. Do try to turn yourself around, and purpose we'll meet again some time." Gently shifting the woman's head off her lap she stood up, turning her attention towards the emptiness of the clock tower and starting forward, hands folding behind her back. Just wait until she left, no need to scare her. "Go ahead on out, I'll be leaving shortly as well." Despite this, her form shimmered for a moment, like a mirage would if you grew too close. She needed to feed, desperately. But if she poofed on the spot, she'd give the poor woman fright.
Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

"Wolfspider, sometimes the best thing a hero can do, is nothing. Righteous fury or not, sometimes there are jobs you just can't go after. That's a fact every hero either comes to terms with, or dies fighting the fact." The boy had lost all that spunk and joy he'd originally seen from him, he was just a shell right now. It honestly hurt to look at. The question gave him an uncomfortable chill...if Xasura turned into something like the OA, could he kill the boy? His one law was he'd never harm a child, that was the one rule he never broke...but in that case, could he do it? Could he break his one oath?...He wasn't sure. Luckily, he didn't have to give an answer. Not to mention his food for thought...die a hero or live long enough to be a villain. What was he, in everyone's eyes? A villain to many, he was sure. To some, perhaps a twisted idol. He had at least two fan clubs in this damn city as far as he knew of, and that was an uncomfortable thought. He saw Tee-shirts of himself as some sort of local legend...that was weird. After a few moments he came to a conclusion. He wasn't a villain, he only did what no one else would do. And until the city and the world could see that and the fact that sometimes there was no remedy but death, he'd just be viewed as a monster. He could live with that.

Watching WolfSpider rocket off the building, he spread his arms spread eagle before simply falling forward off the building in some terrifying fall of faith. And as one should expect by now, instead of an ugly splat on the ground, he simply fell through the ground, a disappearing splotch of black as he shot off. Angela...Daddy's coming. Jenny, I'm coming. He just had to focus, he could probably pull Angela out from that reality wound whenever, so long as he surfaced. But as terrible as it was, they saved time if he did it when he got to the alley again. God please, don't let anything have happened to Jenny.

Osuka Osuka Deathkitten Deathkitten
Zaphkiel - Streets

Sirius. A blue star, immense and scathingly warm. Not inaccurate a nickname, I found, for the warmth I felt within her was restrained at best, and far from its potential peak at worst. Yet I also felt a measure of softness in her, in the way she was interacting with me. Kindness, it felt like, for she had no reason to even pay attention to me; even then, she offered me guidance towards what I was seeking. I would not deny her, not when she was the best chance I had - maybe the only one I'd get - to reach it. "Sirius... You do have the glow of that star. Is it why you chose its name ?"

Humans, I thought, were always a little hard to understand. Complex in ways angels were not and simpler in others - and she was an even more peculiar one among them. A consequence of her powers, I suspected. A human born without powers would not, for all intents and purposes, have the looks of a brazier. Whatever were her circumstances, her paleness of hair and skin, and the brightness of her eyes were a mark of power. For that, and for her kindness, respect was a given, and politeness returned in kind. "My name is Zaphkiel. An old name, without much meaning nowadays."

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Athra - Ivah

A smirk made Ivah's lips quirk, slightly. It wasn't contemptuous or scornful, simply amused. Lost he was not, for live or dead he had found purpose for himself, that of a pathfinder - and as a maker of ways, lest there were no places to go he would never be lost.

"Some are, even ever so slightly, great and small alike. I, however, cannot err. A pathfinder's duties I bear, clearing trails for all to tread, never once lost nor turned back."

"As for your inquiry, milady... I am here because I reside nearby, and my feet carried me here."

Another smile came up, slightly rueful.

"I never was a true child of the dragonblood, sadly. Most of my kin would balk at muddling the blood, but my line always saw opportunity to gain power where power was to be found, lesser gains for lesser costs, prices that wane with time while the benefits remain. It has been over a millennium, I think, since my family last united with dragons. Ah... But you probably are not really interested in that, apologies."

His gaze turned wandery, even though the voice remained light and the gesture airy.

"I am stranger to all, yet unknown to none, milady. All those who go somewhere are kin to a pathfinder. Distantly so, but the tie remains. Some need guidance simply for being where they are, which I suspect is your case. Rubies do not grow on the pavements of streets after all. Yet you do not seem distressed. Awaiting someone maybe ? I would suggest heading inside, then. Hallowed grounds are as meager a protection I can provide, since they are not of my faith, but even paper can have the semblance of steel. I hear cries and distress in the far, and even as mere precaution I would not stay in the streets."

As Ivah spoke, Athra watched. The unblinking stare of a surgeon directed at a rosebush's flower, the prying gaze of a master of death recording the essence of this flower of a soul.

Pink and red, blossoming like petals in circles beyond number, a rose like an eye gazing at unseen horizons, a scent of home and unprickly thorns, woven and weaving around a desire of peace - and yet it was marred, this beautiful bloom pierced in its center by a spike of darkness, a revolving infinity of numbers made madness, sense shattered and reason forgotten - and yet it was an anchor, a spinning top that'd never tip over, keeping this soul up in its wake.

He turned his gaze away, and he studied what he had seen. There were few, he was sure of that, who could work with such aberrant materials and yet create that fine a working. Stuff for later reflexions, he thought. Well. Better keep silent for now; his word would be unneeded, and he had no interest in speaking.

Deathkitten Deathkitten ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
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little boy.pngLouie and Vera
Louie was so excited for Aia and clapped and hugged her tail that was around him, "Yeah! Like that! Momma momma momma! She'll love it. You'll make your momma happy to say it!"

After a short bit, the food was done. It was not exactly healthy, but it was exactly what a small boy would go nuts for; a huge bag full of chicken nuggets. He handed it to Aia and pulled on her free hand to walk back to the room with his mom, "We gotta go back to the room. We can eat there, okay? I dun want my momma to get worried about me.

Vera gave Anne a soft smile, one of depression behind a thin veneer as she touched her other hand to Anne's, "I can't. God, I can't. That's in Portland. He needs to stay in LA with me. I can't lose him. Besides, it's for high schoolers. There are lots of powered schools in LA... maybe I can get him into a kindergarten for one of them. His father would have wanted Louie to be a hero. He... he'll need to change schools... get tutors..."

She brought her hand away and cupped her mouth, brows knit in such a tight ball, "You're a hero... do... do you have any connections? Maybe a reference for someone I can have him tested with?"

Louie walked back into the room moments later.

"DUN DUN DUN DUHHHHH! We have returned triumpants! We have nuggets!" he shouted loud enough to wake the dead as he motioned to Aia, "And I taught my new friend something super cool! Snake lady snake lady! Go! Go show it and we can eat all the nuggets!" He scrambled behind Aia and pushed her towards Anne, not very strong at all but very persistent with his tiny stature.

Kyrenka Kyrenka Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

She kept silent for the rest of the drive to Santa Monica. There were, after all, no words to be had now and until we arrived, I suspected. For me at least. Orders had been given, remarks made, so all that remain was in fact to carry out the mission. My fingers were twitching on the wheel as I drove, anticipation most of all though with a sharp tinge of irritation. Directed at whom or what remained unknown to me, but should it find a target it would not be a pretty sight. Probably the delay, I mused, almost scoffing at my own thoughts. How hypocritical to blame the passing of time, when a different choice would have yielded a significantly better result. For a certain measure of better, of course. The kid would have died, as well as the two others probably, and I'd be the last left to Santa Monica, and not in fighting shape as I'd have to be.

In the end, it doesn't even matter. All in all, I hadn't tried very hard to kill her, which had only gotten us so far. I let my thoughts spin, aiming for no idea in particular, but the thought itself; maybe I'd find some insight in this maddened whirpool of mine. Smoke and mirrors, harp and bone and candle and rope and iron. An illusion woven of verse into the skeleton of a fae, tied to flickering light. Whatever the fuck could that mean, I had no idea. It had been a long while since "common sense" had last been among the qualities of my mind. Now, there was pain - of course, hard-handed brutality, cold callousness, desperation for survival, and a nice bedrock foundation of righteousness. I had, after all, no idea of how I was even still alive. With a brain like that, there was only flight or fall to be had in most situations.

Which, given I always picked flight, made me wonder how the hells I had not gotten myself killed up to now. For a certain measure of death. Arguably, I was already dead, an existence erased from thought, a mere misshapen husk filled with fragments of a bygone being and sculpted into its own likeness by the artisan of its very own destruction. Who was I, after all ? I had no definition of myself by myself, only a mere sum of considerations gathered from comrades, superiors and external sources. I was myself, true, but that word rang hollow when "myself" was no one. Perhaps it was what he had intended.

I steered, resurfacing from introspection. Not this time, then. There would be another, a dozen, a hundred or a thousand maybe; one day though, one day I would succeed at dredging back this wreck of me from the depths of my own shattered soul.

Silence still from me, even though they were talking behind. I chose not to interrupt. There were, after all, no words for me to be had.

chaieftainoftheeye chaieftainoftheeye Deathkitten Deathkitten ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles

Shooting through the ground of LA, he forced his being to move as fast as it could towards the alley they had left. He had to get to Jenny and Angela's location. His wife could be in danger given her current state if anyone found her...and what could happen to her when she couldn't even speak up for herself. The shot of rage that flooded his mind at the terrible situations she could wind up in forced him forward as fast as he could will himself. As he neared the end of his destination, he noticed that there was someone in the alley with her...no...no no no no. That was bad, she couldn't be alone! As much as he wanted to pull Angela free from that nothingness, that wound of everything that shone no light, he had to make sure Jenny was safe. As horrible as it was, Angela was in no direct danger. Shooting out of the ground beside his wife in plain clothes attire and head of shadows, a hand moved to her shoulder, gently trying to coax her away. "Who are you?" His voice was the same tone he'd kept it around his girls, but there was the underlying venom hidden there, it was how he said it. It was less of a request for identity, and more so a demand. He glanced upwards, trying to spot WolfSpider...but of course, the poor kid was probably exhausted by now. He had noticed his heavy breathing when he caught up to him, he'd made that boy do more gymnastics than an Olympian in the span of a few minutes. Well..if things got violent, at least he didn't have to worry about Xasura stopping him.

Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne Osuka Osuka Deathkitten Deathkitten

Kali happily jumped up to the higher part of the building only to for her eyes to widen. Her instinct were yelling dodge, and as she saw the flash begin to emanate from the weapon in the dolls finger her smile looked like that of an innocent maiden. 'Such a good girl. even when scared she listens' her smile immediately went crazy as she made her robotic arms strike herself in the back. grabbing her shoulders pulling her back. She had intentionally just snapped her own spine and pulled herself 90 degrees backward to limbo under the blast. Only for the arms to raise her back up once the blast was over. her suit hardening around where the spine would be to keep her standing. She begun walking to the doll as blood leaked out from between her teeth. raising one of her normal arms up she gently wiped up the blood with her pinky only to apply it like lipstick to her lips. she gently tilted her head hearing the dolls almost plead like offer. "oh darling, if thats all you wanted." she began to speak as her two lower robotic arms stabbed their swords into the dolls hands. Raising her up in to air. "then you should have said so from the start, or maybe you did. I honestly wasn't listening" she effortlessly pierced her right hands katana through the dolls stomach. right where the energy beam weapon was. "Don't worry, ill show you a great time." she stabbed her left hands katana into the chest, avoiding the lungs and arteries. "6" she let go of her katanas and gently caressed the dolls head before wrapping he hands around the slender neck. Gradually she began to tighten her grip. "And go to sleep" she finally stated as her thumbs pressed right into the dolls windpipe. not crushing it. But just enough to stop the oxygen flow. As dolls vision faded, this was the last sight she saw upon Kalis face.

Deathkitten Deathkitten
alexander wife.pngJenny
If she wasn't so used to Alexander popping up from the ground like that, she would have been rather startled by his sudden appearance. She had nothing to add to Ivah's conversation with her, only a small smile. He was extremely well-spoken and sounded like a proper gentleman. She may not know him, but that alone put her at ease. Plus, she could speak to him easily.

"I'm fine, my love," Jenny said softly, touching Alexander's arm with a gentle hand of reassurance, "He's like Xasura. I think he deals with spirits as well. He was actually just saying that I should head inside before you appeared. I'm lucky he showed up... Angela disappeared, I don't know where she went, so I was lost in the fog once again. If he hadn't shown up I feel like I might have been in danger."

"I didn't catch his name, however. I'm Jenny. This is my husband. He's the one I was supposed to wait for,"
she explained, though the last part was rather obvious now, "Is Xasura on his way back too?"

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne Osuka Osuka
Athra - Ivah

Unmoving, the drow's glance turned to Shade. Cold red eyes shone with absence of intent, the vertical pupils staring at the thing of darkness.

"My employer asks if you have the materials he asked you collect; namely, a demon's brain and eyes, and blood if possible. Of him you know already, Thing of Shade."

There was no change in the voice, no sign of fear nor wariness. Ivah was a pathfinder, and on the hidden trails that he had made his duty to uncover, strange beasts were legion and none had ever bested him - only the once, and he was now in its service. That shade was... Well, an interesting sight, but no cause of worry for the drow. The old power dwelling inside him stirred as he spoke his name, for such a thing was hallowed in his line, and speaking one's name was an act of defiance and devotion both.

"I am Ivah'Aisil'Losara'Jindrich. My name might not tell you anything, and my deed is a secret seldom unveiled. I have walked many ways and seen many things. Would you seek to frighten me, Thing of Shade, you would find my mettle great and strong. Yet know that I bear no ill-will, for a pathfinder's duty is to guide those who are bereft of guidance, and you have left your wife in such a situation."

It was no incrimination, simply a statement. The shade had been careless - carefree maybe - and it had left someone defenceless and alone. Well, there might have been a hint of scorn in the words, though it soon faded.

"But now that you are here, I have no reason to linger. I shall simply retrieve the materials and deliver them to my employer. The only question that remains is, do you have them ?"

Deathkitten Deathkitten Osuka Osuka ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
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Serenity Selene Black.pngSerenity/Selene
Abilities? Oh... huh... I guess her father wouldn't know about her abilities, would he? She got them when she was like six or so, so she already didn't know him. Serenity frowned a little pausing from her game of 20 questions - which was actually working to distract her. She brought her tail around to her front and hugged it as she thought of how best to answer.

"Mm..." she started, "Well... I know my mom is a kitsune, so I have that stuff going on, which means stuff like foxfire and whatnot, but I've not really gotten taught about that much. I've just searched some stuff up on the internet, but... I dunno. I'm not good at it. On top of that, I'm powered, but my abilities are kinda weird. Like... I can mimic stuff. I can mimic the abilities that I've seen. They aren't really accurate though, it's like twisted like it was a dream. I have to think about the ability I saw and then make it happen. Since I dunno how the abilities work, I think that's why they're weird and weaker than the original. Like... wings that you saw earlier. I don't really know how to fly, but I know flying happens with wings, so I fly. But also, wings are supposed to be white, but mine ended up purple. My costume is mimicking one of my best friends - though I won't say who cuz I don't want them to get in trouble. They don't know I know."

"So... yeah. Those are my abilities. It's really cool and stuff, but it's not like the church can afford to send us to some fancy powered school. Where I go right now just teaches basics. It doesn't teach much application of stuff, cuz most people aren't gonna be heroes or whatever. Plus liability junk. Besides. It's a catholic school, so they aren't really fond of the idea of violence. When I'm in high school I can start looking at classes for hero stuff but it's for working for the church and I don't wanna do that. I dunno what I wanna do yet. Right now I just started in 7th grade," she puffed her cheeks out as she finished, not really sure what her father would think of her abilities and school and all that.... ah crap. Would he care about her grades??

chaieftainoftheeye chaieftainoftheeye ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne
Vicente Gorzob - Chupacabra - Cypress hill

"I guess nine o'clock in the evening would be a good time", the old goblin grumbled. "Not like I'll be free anytime before that... I probably don't need to give you my address, miss; seeing as you're the smart type, you've probably found it already. Thanks for the information, anyway. I will not forget."

Calling the coin back to his palm with a flick of the finger, Chupacabra reached out with his other hand to take the briefcases. Under his hat, it seemed as if the skeleton was grinning, even though there was no motion in his skull. Oh, there was of course a flicker of malevolence, a spark of magic kindling briefly in the darkness of his eyes, but nothing else; if anything, a reminder that even though he was jovial and well-mannered, he remained evil.

Bony fingers closing on the briefcases' handles, he turned to his boss, asking in a hushed voice - out of deference for the place, discretion in this place was something of an impossibility.

"Well then. Shall we go, Boss ? Unless you wanna linger ?"

The Don swept over the scene with his eyes, before shaking his head slowly.

"No, I believe we are done here, Ramirez. Unless our guests have something to add ?"

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Kyrenka Kyrenka

I was comfortably sitting on my throne in the palace, panels of magic floating around as they displayed what was currently going on in this little dimension, and everything was fine for now. Chrysie had managed to pull herself out of her little blackness whole - which was both a display of skill and a relief as I would not have to explain to her mother why she was missing her lower half - and was traipsing along the shore of the lake.

I was about to divert my attention off her when I felt a twang in the fabric of the dimension, and a slight pulse of dread trickling through the surface of the waters. Before I could wonder what was happening, a voice rang out, and the scrying panels caught it. Deep and thundering, undertones filled with power... A Nightmare. How reckless of her, I thought. Inviting in your mind creatures that you had no contract with was, at the best of times irresponsible, and at the worst suicidal. In the current situation, Chrysie's actions were somewhere in the middle between those two. She was in no danger of death - not so soon at least - but she was definitely in a dangerous situation. The longer she was possessed, the harder it would be to remove the possesser.

Frowning, I considered my options. I would not break the play so soon by taking the field myself, but I sure as hell wasn't leaving the kid like that. Dramatic but possibly slower, or brutal and efficient ? Bah. Time for drastic measures it was. I opened my palm, and threads of power came to attach themselves to the tip of my fingers. Now, how much power was I willing to smack her with to get rid of the Nightmare ? Five threads were enough for god-killing, which would be overkill here, but only one would be underestimating the opposition. I'd go with two. I brought together my index and middle finger, the strands weaving around one another as their powers were melded into one. The three other threads cut off and fell into the dark, while the one left condensed into a small pitch-black sphere in my palm. I drew a set of glyphs onto its surface - Ahruz Kurah Yugen Negiz, the Gaunt Four-eyed Dream-Eater - and crushed it, blowing on the dust to send it away.

There was a tremor in the air, a pulse of power as the surface of the lake was suddenly covered by a layer of matter dark as sin and mat as ink, not even reflecting the light of the moons in the sky. It coalesced into a silhouette on the shore, a deformed spindly thing with four eyes and no face, claws that raked against the very air, hidden by a hood of tattered leather. It was barely as tall as Chrysie was, maybe half an inch shorter. It skulked forward, observing the girl. I called it, my voice deepened and twisted by the forlorn hallowing of this place, and my words rang out for all in this dimension to hear like an inexorable sentence.

"Akryung Thaan. Thy lord commands thee. Battle the fake, ignore the human. Hold for five minutes. Those are thine orders. Do not disappoint me, Akri."

The thing bowed to thin air, before falling into a stance, and called out to the Nightmare.


"My Lord commands, and I obey. Any last words, Nightmare, before I make you into specter ?"

Deathkitten Deathkitten
Location: Wearhouse
Interaction: Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon

Havocs lips turned into a big mischievous grin at the sight of the cutie from yesterday’s bank fun all restrained by Rita. “Good girl Rita. I’ll buy you something nice for that ok!” She cooed happily to the girl as she gently patted the top of Rita’s head. Quickly she skipping over to him and threw her arms around his neck. “Mmm I was wondering when I’d get to see this cute face again.” She cooed playfully as she looked over his face and studied it. “Wanna tell me where that gun is? Or are ya gonna let me..... explore?” She whispered the last word to him as one of her hands slid down his chest with a clear indication of where it wanted to go. It was clear she was excited to see him, weather that was good or bad for him though was up for debate as her hand continued to gently tease its way down to his stomach. “Keep him held tight Rita. But don’t kill him, I think this sexy face can be of some fun.” She giggled​

At her voice and her touch, muscles relaxed in his body, lessening the chance he'd spring forward in an attempt to do something drastic. If she could talk, if she could think, then she was fine..for now. And if no harm had befallen her, there was no concern to be had. A hand went over Jenny's, giving it a soft squeeze. "I'm sorry...I panicked. Angela is...stuck. I know where she is though. Xasura is exhausted, I'm afraid he'll be lagging behind." He wasn't guilt free of causing the boys exhaustion, but he had no real choice in that situation. His attention turned to Ivah, and for but a brief moment, those shards of light that worked as eyes narrowed, but only for a moment.

"Unfortunately, things were outside of my control. A child ran to his death, I wasn't intending to let him have it, pathfinder. I did not leave her alone...though there is more going on at the moment than you understand, nor likely care about. As for his payment..." A hand raised up to face Ivah before his arm stretched out like made of rubber, the palm now facing downward and behind the drow to unceremoniously deposit the demons head and blood gem behind him, arm retracting back quickly. "You'll understand why I'd prefer that not be near my wife, or my daughter." Reaching into himself, he paused for a moment before a his 'hand' found Angela's inside that Void, gently coaxing her back into reality and pulling her out, through himself. "Angela...Angela, dear, can you hear me?"
Deathkitten Deathkitten Osuka Osuka Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne

20 questions was going alright, all things considered so far. Serenity or..Selene? seemed distracted enough thanks to the game, though Mazok spoke up to draw attention to himself. Thomas relaxed back into the car seat, head rolling back against the headrest as he listened to his daughter speak. "Interesting..." was all he really murmured in response to her description of her powers. Though once she started started to discuss school he took slightly more interest, much like a father would. Lifting his head upright to look at her, his eyes landed on her, silent for a few moments. "I'm sure you can be whatever you put your mind too. Are you doing well in shool? I can't...help you, right now. But if you're struggling somewhere, I'd help you once I could." Attention shifted back to Amber, silence ringing in his ears. She hadn't said anything, not a word. But he had to try to say something, keep some sort of teamwork going. "Do you know how far out we are?"
chaieftainoftheeye chaieftainoftheeye Deathkitten Deathkitten Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne
oracle posessed.jpgPossessed Oracle
"Akryung... Sounds fun. Five minutes not enough for likes like you though... heh... you're not the one I want to taste," the beast purred, "How silly you think I to be a nightmare. A silly beast of dreams. I am a beast of time, shade that you are. You are barely worth time. Barely worth at all. I want god flesh again... Bound, oh so bound in there. Little girl didn't know! Heheheh. She didn't know. Little little girl. Silly. Powerful but little learning. This good lesson for her. Yes? I eat her uncle's flesh then leave once I have my fill. Yes?"

It rolled its fingers along her rings, "I can use this. Yes... good start." It gripped one with both hands and tore it apart into a line, a spear of sorts. The snapping of the ring sounded like bells screaming, reality tearing ever so slightly. In a flash, the situation was more serious. It teleported instead of walked, giggled like a maniac as it tore its self-made spear into the enemy in front of it. Even if it didn't hit its mark, the beast was excited.

"Has been so many years since I tasted god flesh. I want tastes. I'll taste first you, then your master. You are no god."

Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne
alexander daughter.pngAngela and Jenny
It wasn't cold. It wasn't hot. It was nothing. She felt like there was a dull hum of sensation like her mind was trying to figure out what was around her but to no avail. When her dad was with them, this space, this void, it didn't scare her. Why was it so different all alone? She was curled up against herself until her Father's hand found her, and she grasped onto it for dear life.

She hit the ground on her feet, but almost immediately dropped to her knees, coughing as her lungs filled with air again. Panic filled her again as well as pain, her form distorting with shadows at the side, pulling at her edges. She gripped at her stomach, hugging herself as if she was trying to stop herself from getting torn apart. She screamed, partly from pain and partly from fear.

Jenny was frozen. She didn't understand what was happening, much less what to do about it. This was her husband's domain. She didn't even have powers, not really. Not anything useful. She gave Alexander a desperate look, wanting nothing more than to help her child.

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne Osuka Osuka

A cold terror gripped at his heart, the kind one could only feel for their daughter in danger. Kneeling down in front of her he rested his hands on her shoulders, gripping her gently. "Angela...angela, it's okay. Breath deep, focus." She was screaming, he had to calm her down. But he didn't dare raise his voice, that certainly wouldn't help. She had every right to scream, she had slipped into nothingness on her own, and hadn't been able to leave. "Angela, you're not going to slip away again. You have to take deep breaths, and focus. We'll figure this out, I promise. So long as I have a hold of you, you won't go anywhere. But you have to relax, okay? Look at me, please. If you relax, you'll be fine."
Deathkitten Deathkitten

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