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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Location: Camp at the Peak
Time: After the Battle with the Undead Wyvern
Characters: Serik, Marylka

"That's your skybeast?" Serik's answer had thrown her for a loop but it would explain why the stork drake wasn't trying to attack them at this very moment. Valkyrie looked over at them at the mention of her name with a trail of entails hanging from her beak. It was both endearing and mildly disgusting at the same time. Marylka shrugged. "This is Archimedes by the way." She said gesturing to the hippogriff behind her. "But you can call him Archie." The hippogriff let out a huff of disapproval before going back to mind it's own business.

She looked down at Serik's leg with a frown. It wasn't just a simple fracture, it was completely broken, suggesting that it had been more than an accident that had caused it. "Serik, I know you said you broke your leg trying to tame Valkyrie but how exactly did it happen?"

Serik's concern for her was palpable from his words and it caught her by surprise. "It took me awhile to tame Archie and we got caught in the swarm of fleeing skybeasts on the way back. By the time we escaped from that, everyone was already scattered. Matthias then asked me for help to create a cover. I wasn't near the battle for most of it... I'm perfectly fine." The last part was said with a hint of guilt. She looked around at everyone who had gotten injured and wondered if there was more that she could have done.

AncientBird AncientBird
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Location: Camp at the top of the mountain
Time: After the battle with the undead Wyvern
Characters: Aldaf, Zeke, Kari, Gerel

Gerel kept his peace while Aldaf talked to Ezekiel. He took out a hammer and chisel, and started working a nearby stone into an arrowhead. Jeff was a little more overt. He huffed and nickered at Azurine, dark eyes regarding the skybeast with amusement. Then he turned away, dismissing Azurine as a king would his lowly subjects. Talon did away with subtlety entirely, eyeing Stitt like her next meal. Her sharp gaze never left the small gryphon for a second, even while Stitt stood between Azurine's horns.

Aldaf trying to defend Ezekiel was something Gerel expected. Their interactions these past three days haven't completely escaped his notice, and he knew enough to see that they were fast becoming close friends. Closer, maybe. For Aldaf's sake, Gerel was ready to just stand up and let Ezekiel be. But honor demanded answers, and the gods would have their due.

So when Ezekiel called him, Gerel clicked his tongue twice, calling Talon back to his side. He sat down cross-legged and stroked the eagle's head with a thumb, letting the softness of it keep his emotions cool. Jeff folded his legs and settled down as well, looking over the whole thing with an expression of boredom.

"I understand that aside from our shared circumstances, nothing is keeping you from abandoning us," Gerel started, his voice level. "I understand that you would want to save yourself in the face of impossible odds. You've completed the Proving. You have your Skybeast. You should be celebrating down there at the Proving Camp with the others."

Gerel took a deep breath, and continued. "The rest of us could've escaped as well. We could all be celebrating right now. Gods, I was ready to pull Katja off the mountain if I had to after getting that monster bird off her back. Saving ourselves was my priority."

He paused, glancing back towards Kari who sat by the fire. "But then one of us noticed that the giant wyvern was heading for the Proving Camp, and recklessly rushed in trying to stop it. All of a sudden, my priorities changed to saving that reckless person and stopping the wyvern. I can't speak for the others, but I was willing to risk my life so that we all could still have a Proving Camp to come back to."

'So that I could save Kari.'

Gerel then chuckled. "Now that I'm saying it, I can't really fault you for what you did. We're practically strangers. You owe us nothing. And you didn't know what the wyvern wanted to do."

Finally he stood up, leaving a finished stone arrowhead on the ground. Talon screeched and flew up towards Jeff's back where she settled. The Kirin snorted at Ezekiel, before turning around and clopping towards the grassier area of the plateau. Gerel looked into Ezekiel's eyes and said, "Perhaps that's what I wanted to tell you. I will never accept what you did, but I can understand why you did it. Whatever reasons you have are your own."

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SilverFlight SilverFlight kase9187 kase9187 SleepyCreamy SleepyCreamy
Location: Camp at the Peak
Time: After the Battle with the Undead Wyvern
Characters: Serik, Marylka

“I didn’t realize that fate had chosen Valkyrie as my companion... Heck, I didn’t even know that stork drake is capable of being a skybeast. She charged me by surprise and in our struggle, she threw me into the air and the landing damaged my leg. Valkyrie was accidentally strangled by the rope I put on her and in the moment I rescued her from her death, the amulet told me that we belong to eachother...”

Serik told Marylka of what happened at his proving.

“It only after the monsters were gone that she allowed me to return... I’m so sorry that my carelessness led me to my injury. If I hadn’t broken my leg I could have helped everyone in the fight before...” Serik said with guilt in his tone. He then looked up at Marylka.

“But it’s all over anyway and all of us are alive and well... I am happy to hear that you slipped away unharmed.”

Serik then turned toward Marylka’s beast. “Greeting Archimedes, aren’t you a marvelous creature? Is he some kind of gryphon?”

Serik said and asked Marylka about her beast. He reached his hand out but still a bit careful for he knew many skybeasts don’t allow anyone else other than rider to touch them.

Featuring: Saturn_moon Saturn_moon
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Location: Camp at the top of the mountain
Time: After the battle with the undead Wyvern
Characters: Alaf, Zeke, Kari, Gerel

Kari finished with the bandages as she listened. Gerel had said everything she felt, He mentioned the "reckless person".
"I'm standing right here." Kari said with a raised eyebrow and half a smile. "I'll own up to what I did."
The confrontation didn't come to blows, and Kari felt that Zeke didn't exactly feel proud of what he did. He was still battling with a lot.
Kari left then for a moment and returned with two bowls of the vegetable stew she had cooked. Zephyr was in tow, wondering if there was anymore fish to be had.
She handed one to Aldaf and held the other out to Zeke.
"Here, those sandwiches are days old, they can't be much good by now."
Accepted or not, Kari wasn't about to let Zeke's skybeast go without. Once the stew was out of her hands she went to the sack of smoked fish she had tied to her belt, pushing Zephyr's greedy beak away.
Kari set some beside Zeke's beast, and tore a small piece off for Stitt.
Zephyr shifted focus, going to sniff the tiny creature with a curious air.

SleepyCreamy SleepyCreamy kase9187 kase9187 YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro

Location: Camp at the Peak
Time: After the Battle with the Undead Wyvern
Characters: Serik, Marylka

Archimedes stepped foward and eyed Serik's hand suspiciously. "Archie," Marylka said sternly. "If you so much as nip his finger, so help me..." The hippogriff cocked it's head curiously and stared innocently at her for a moment before lowering its head and pressing it gently into Serik's hand. "He's a hippogriff." She answered. "They're incredibly intelligent and not very aggressive but can be extremely proud and a little vain." Archimedes turned and nudged her affectionately. She smiled and gave him a scratch under his beak. "Think it goes to show you never really know what kind of skybeast you're going to get."

"She's quite magnificent."
Marylka continued, nodding towards Valkyrie. "I suppose she was only looking out for you when she did what she did." She looked over at Serik, fully understanding the guilt he felt. "I don't really believe in the gods but I do believe that there's a time and place for all of us to be. Perhaps, despite what we wanted or hoped to do, that battle just wasn't our time and place. We've only known each other for two days but you've proven yourself to be a trustworthy friend and ally. As long as your intentions are genuine and good, nobody is going to hold it against you for not being there." She gave a small smile before standing up.

"I should let you rest. Let me know if you need anything?"

AncientBird AncientBird
Location: Mountaintop Camp
Time: Recovering after Wyvern battle
Characters: Kari, Gerel, Zeke, Aldaf

Aldaf took the bowl of soup thankfully. "Thank you." Aldaf's voice was rough and gravelly. He ate the soup, pulling out a small cube from a bag in his pack.
"Salt." He explained. Aldaf sat down back on his mat cross-legged. Spica landed nearby and walked into the camp, curling around Aldaf's mat. She sniffed and laid her head down.
Aldaf pat the ground next to him. "All of you... sit with me?" He spoke quietly, but his voice carried just far enough.

YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro SilverFlight SilverFlight SleepyCreamy SleepyCreamy
Text: 079334
Location: Camp at the top of the mountain
Time: After the battle with the undead Wyvern
Characters: Alaf, Zeke, Kari, Gerel

Gerel heard Kari's cheeky words and the heaviness around him lifted. Strange how she had that effect not just on him, but everyone else. Maybe what he felt earlier was a fluke. Maybe it meant nothing. His stomach grumbling certainly meant something, and Jeff's stomach followed suit. Talon was far up in the sky looking for other prey to hunt, but if she was near enough they'd probably hear her stomach grumbling too.

The Kirin was too smart for his own good. Seeing Kari give some food to the other beasts, Jeff approached her and snorted softly, expecting her to give him treats as well. Gerel patted the horse's side and smiled at Kari. "If you're going to own up to what you did, you better hope your stew is as good as it smells," he said. Then with a glance at Ezekiel he sat down next to Aldaf. Sensing dinner, Talon flew down and landed in front of Gerel, cooing and pecking his pants, obviously waiting for something. Gerel reached into his food sack and threw a piece of goat jerky in the air. Talon caught it with her beak and chewed on it with a grateful chirp.

"Food does bring people together, doesn't it?" Gerel said to no one in particular.

SleepyCreamy SleepyCreamy kase9187 kase9187 SilverFlight SilverFlight

Location: Camp at the Peak
Time: After the Battle with the Undead Wyvern
Characters: Serik, Marylka

Serik patted the hippogriff in the head. Archimedes had such a soft and pleasant to touch feathers that was significantly different than the coarse and stiff coat of Valkyrie.

“He is such a beauty...” Serik said, amused by the hippogriff’s touch and manner.

Valkyrie overheard Serik and protested with an ear-piercing screech from her spot next to the carrion.

“Hey, I can greet anyone I wish to, be it another skybeast or not!” Serik shouted back at the stork drake! “Why don’t you come over and greet my friend Marylka right here?” He added.

Valkyrie watched silently and turned back to her meal and resumed her feast. The vultures were gathering in numbers and she didn’t seem to wish to let them have their turn just yet.

"She's quite magnificent." Marylka mentioned. “She sure is... But so far she has been a bit troublesome...” Serik said. “I wonder if she was also as confused as I was when she got me as her rider.”

So far Marylka understood the feeling that Serik had during the fight with the monster and she didn’t mind about his absence.

"I should let you rest. Let me know if you need anything?" Marylka spoke as she was about to leave.

“Thank you so much for checking on me.” Serik said and smiled back at her. “Sorry for pulling you here for so long despite knowing that you are probably quite busy around See you later.”

Serik then rested his back down. Again, Marylka didn’t fail to lightened him up after the long unfortunate day. Serik couldn‘t stop smiling... His heart swelled with joy.

Featuring: Saturn_moon Saturn_moon
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Location: Near Plateau Hole
Time: After Undead Monster Fight
Characters: Leandra, Caliban

Leandra slowly pulled the leather glove back over her left hand, mindfully adjusting the pinky part back into its place. As she did so, she listened to Caliban. She feared the permanence of what had happened to her hand, even more so now that it was affecting her ability to fight and defend herself.

Nodding at Caliban’s words, Leandra quietly replied, “Yeah, we’ll go see them as soon as possible. We surely won’t be here that much longer. I mean, I guess we’ll have some kind of celebration down there.”

Pausing, Leandra pushed her lemur’s ears down and began petting him, as he chirped and pushed his head into Leandra’s left hand. It was so weird to finally realize why the outside of her hand had felt so...different as of late.

Still looking down at her lemur, Leandra added, “I won’t keep any more secrets, I promise, Cal. I was just...scared. I don’t think I wanted to face the truth of what was wrong with my hand. And the flashing memories are so...painful.”

Naberius Naberius

Location: In the river
Time: After making camp, the day before
Characters: Matthias, Marylka

Matthias nodded. He was not a talker, but he could tell her about his homeland. Then she was working on his wet clothes. Matthias confessed himself impressed. Had she truly never been trained? Was she simply naturally gifted? Perhaps.

”Thank you... No.”

He assessed the bundle of his clothes. They were moments ago sopping wet. He felt along their edges. Bone dry. Most impressive. Matthias denied having magic. A lie. But one that he told to deter further conversation.

”I am finished here. I will return to camp.”

He said, and was already trudging back, following the river to where the rest of their party gathered.

Saturn_moon Saturn_moon
Location: Mountaintop Campsite
Time: After Undead Monster Attack
Characters: Leandra, Kari

Leandra grinned at Kari's response about Caliban. His impulsiveness was a very obvious trait and probably would be his downfall one day. At that thought, Leandra's smiled faded. Caliban had actually been very close to dying today. He had gotten lucky that Ferro and Emerald dove in to save them, even though Leandra had essentially taken a fall for him after that. She had taken a number of falls for him throughout the years, though it was always worth it when he came to her side and comforted her afterwards.
Kari mentioned Leandra's obvious expression and sentiment. She nodded in response, suddenly unsure of what to say. Hearing that Kari could understand it, though, hinted to Leandra that she had her own brother back home. This caused Leandra to perk up again, her curiosity piqued.
Tilting her head to the side, Leandra asked, "Do you have a brother as well? You sound like you more than understand how I feel about Caliban."

Leandra rubbed the back of her own head at the mention of the pounding and sighed.
"Yeah, I've got a bit of a headache myself. I'm very surprised either of us are walking after taking any kind of fall from the backs of our Skybeasts. I probably should've broken a bone or two from the impact alone."
Hearing the healing was not affecting the unproven boy, Leandra blinked.
"That...is very strange. I don't understand why we're healing the way we are, but I suppose we should be grateful for it. I think Aldalf would already be dead from the injury he sustained if it weren't for this supernatural healing we all share.And Gerel like you said. I can only guess it has something to do with our missing year. I mean, we woke up together, so we must've been together for the past year. But I have no idea why we would've been together. I was still preparing for this ceremony before my memory just blanks out."

At Kari's inquiry about her own injuries, Leandra glanced down at her right arm, which was wrapped in fresh bandages and had only a few patches where some blood had partially soaked through.
"I'm way better off than I would've expected if I'm being honest. I just got a nasty, well, rock and dirt burn along my arm. But with out healing capabilities, I suspect I'll be good to go in the morning and just be sporting some new battle scars along my arm. At least I'll be able to say it looks worse than it really was."
Leandra looked back up and then remembered Falarion. She turned around to see him still lounging by the fire nearby. Gesturing at Kari to follow her, Leandra moved back over near Falarion and pulled out the jerky that Kari had given her. The smell hit Falarion's nostrils almost immediately and he quickly sat up on his side, looking intently at Leandra. She grinned and tossed the jerky to him, as he deftly caught it in the air and gulped it down.
Kneeling down briefly to scratch him behind the ears, Leandra then stood back up and said to Kari, "This here is Falarion, my Skybeast. He got hit pretty hard by an undead hippogryph. Then when we were trying to get out of the big guy's rib cage, Falarion got hit again in the same spot before he also hit it again with the crash landing. He had to get stitches for it and even then, it doesn't look like it'll be healing overnight, unless our weird healing works for our Skybeasts as well. I have a feeling it won't."
Leandra paused and furrowed her brows, concern etched all over her face. She wished she could do more for Falarion, but she felt rather helpless in this situation. She tried to change the subject then, looking around Falarion's head to see her sleeping lemur.
"And my lemur is sleeping against his belly right now. This blasted memory, I still can't remember what the lemur's name is or where I even got him from."

SilverFlight SilverFlight
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Location: Mountain’s Crest
Time: Post-Bonding
Characters: Leandra, Katja

Leandra was delighted when Barran flew up to join her and Falarion.
Seeing Katja clinging for dear life, Leandra shouted, "Hey, the view is incredible, come on, Katja, look around!"

Though, even as she shouted this, Leandra made the mistake of looking down and vertigo washed over her. She immediately leaned forward and clung to Falarion's neck for a few seconds as she caught her breath and then slowly tried to sit upright again. For now, they seemed to be gliding over the mountaintop.

Falarion, however, looked to the side in time to see Barran's expression and he chuffed at her, as if accepting the unspoken challenge. Leandra could feel adrenaline spiking between herself and Falarion and leaned forward again to hug Falarion's neck. She could anticipate something was about to start and she had a feeling that this meant the race was about to begin.

Sure enough, another moment passed and Leandra started to shout, "Katja, hold on-" before Falarion leaned forward and the wind stole her breath away from her. Falarion started the race off with a deadly dive and folding his wings against his sides, heading back down to the plateau where everyone was slowly starting to gather on the beginning ledge.
explosiveKitten explosiveKitten

“Oh... ohhhhhHHhHh.... gods above, this is high.” Katja squeaked. She was clinging to Barran like a leech, trying not to strangle her poor owl friend.

“Wait, what? WhaT DO I hold ON TO?!”

Barran shrieked her challenge and dove after Falarion, blinking her second eyelid into place as she hurtled through the air, with Katja screaming the entire time.


Barran flapped her powerful wings and dipped down to start weaving through the air, slalom style, going completely vertical several times (“OH MY GODS! AAAHHH! WHAT DO- AAHHH!”) before she straightened out and flew around the inner edge of the caldera, her head spinning around to look at Falarion, clacking her beak mockingly.

Lioness075 Lioness075
Location: Mountain’s Crest
Time: Post-Bonding
Characters: Leandra, Katja

As Falarion dove down, there was a sudden wind clap as he spread his wings and slowed their descent. He shifted back into a glide briefly, as Leandra glanced up to see if Barran was following them. She burst out laughing when she heard Katja's screaming start up again.
Watching Barran's impressive aerial acrobatics had Leandra awestruck. She forgot to urge Falarion on with the race until after Barran looked back with the challenge.
Grinning, Leandra leaned forward and said to Falarion, "Come on, it's our turn now!"
Letting out a roar, Falarion began picking up speed across the plateau and dove down again, this time darting in and out of Skybeasts grazing and lounging about in the area. The flew low over a herd of hippogryphs, one looking up at them curiously. Then they were flying through dragons, some so tall that they could fly through their necks as they were eating their latest meals. Dragons of all colors and sizes surrounded them and Leandra squealed in surprise when one abruptly stood up and got in their flight path. A red dragon looked at them menacingly and snarled just as Falarion banked right and coasted over a pond. He let his paws hang loose, his claws skimming the pond's surface, while Leandra leaned over the side and touched the surface with her fingers. She laughed in delight, eyes shining as she watched the ripples they were now creating.
Gaining altitude once more, Falarion soared up towards Barran, aiming to fly just over the large owl and Katja. As they neared, Falarion's muscles tensed and Leandra clung tightly to him as he executed a barrel roll in the air, gliding over Katja and Barran before he evened himself out and then resumed gliding beside the pair.
Leandra sat up and shouted, "That was amazing! Oh my gods, Katja, aren't you having so much fun with this?"

explosiveKitten explosiveKitten
Location: Mountain’s Crest
Time: Post-Bonding
Characters: Leandra, Katja

Barran looked less than impressed, and if she could roll her eyes, she would have.

“IS THIS FUN TO YOU? I FIND THAT HIGHLY SUSPECT!” Katja shouted at Leandra, somehow clinging to Barran still. “I don’t see how you think this is fun!”

Barran turned her head up and started to flap up into the sky, which Katja was less than happy with as Barran took off, higher, higher, higher, until Katja felt like she could reach out and touch the sun itself. The air was thin, and slowly Katja seemed to relax.

“Well... this is... almost okay... I could deal with this. If I could breathe better.”

Barran waited for Falarion to catch up, making eye contact with him and letting them take in the sights, before suddenly she stopped flapping her wings , letting her and Katja drift there on the wind for a moment, before, much to Katja’s horror, the skybeast and rider began to plummet back down into the proving grounds.

The sound of Katja’s screams echoed around the caldera.

Lioness075 Lioness075
Location: Near Plateau Hole
Time: After Undead Monster Fight
Characters: Leandra, Caliban

"Of course. We'll go see them when this is done, and find the answers we need."

He stood, picking Mushu up as he did, and sat down beside Lea, wrapping a protective arm around her shoulder as they sat.

"I didn't mean to sound gruff or admonishing. I hope you know that. I just get a bit protective of my favorite dorky sister. There are a lot of things we still don't understand, but we'll figure things out together. Like we always do. There's no reason to be afraid. We have each other, right?"

That easy smile was there, beaming at her from its usual resting place. He always tried to do his best to cheer her up, to be there for her like she was for him. He made himself a promise long ago that he would her rock, the sturdy foundation she could stand on when she needed it. Because that was what family was all about. They had to be there for each other, because if they weren't, no one else would be. Friends may come and go, but family remains.

Lioness075 Lioness075

Location: Proving Camp
Time: During celebration
Characters: Aldaf, Zeke

Aldaf staggered over to Zeke, a bottle in his hand. He looked to be tipsy, and his face was red. He drunkenly threw his arm around Zeke's shoulder.
"Heeeeeey, Griffon-Heed. Niiice party, eh?" He giggled, a wide grin on his face.

He poked Zeke's cheek. His eyes were unfocused.
"Did enyone ever tell you somethin'? You look kind of cute." He giggled some more.
Come on, Gryphon-Head. Think I'm drunk enough that I won't remember. He thought to himself.

SleepyCreamy SleepyCreamy
Location: Proving Camp
Time: During the celebration
Characters: Aldaf, Zeke

"W-what?!" Zeke tried to roughly take Aldaf's strong arms off of Zeke's shoulders. Zeke was surprised, to say the least, and it was completely unexpected for him to be so straight-forward.

Cute? Without knowing it, Zeke's face turned into a tomato as he dwelled on the thought even further. He was so embarrassed that he tried to cover his blush. "You're drunk. You don't know what you're saying. It's the alcohol talking, not you." To this, Zeke suddenly felt sick, because he knew it was the truth.

But why? Zeke wondered as he was utterly confused at the ache his heart.

kase9187 kase9187
Text Colour: #F7DA64
Location: Proving Camp
Time: During Celebration
Characters: Zeke, Aldaf

Aldaf giggled and shook his head. "Nooooo it isn't Zeeeeeeke…" He giggled some more then showed Zeke the barely drunk bottle.
"Do I put up a gooood drunk act or what, Gryphon-Head?" He laughed as he dropped the drunken act.

"I know there's something there, Zeke. And judging from your red-cherry face, I was able to get you to talk." He leaned in a bit.

"I know you also want to know what my past relationships were like. Truth is, no one ever stuck around long enough." He chuckled and smirked.
"But who knows? I might've had something with a certain... cute Westerosian. One who gets easily flustered, maybe." Aldaf leaned on Zeke some, his voice becoming a whisper and somewhat silky.

SleepyCreamy SleepyCreamy
Text Colour: #F7DA64
Location: Around the bonfire
Time: Celebratory Party
Characters: Serik, Marylka, Anyone else around

Maybe it was the effects of the mead the Northarian boy had offered them or because she was simply caught up in the mood and looking for a distraction but when Serik came up to ask for a dance she was happy to oblige. She did, however, casually skip over the fact that he had called her a Westerian girl. What she was now exactly she wasn't sure, neither was she ready to decide at that moment. Enough big decisions had been made that day.

The band started up another lively ditty and she soon lost herself to the rhythm, twirling around the fire, pulling Serik along.

AncientBird AncientBird

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Location: Around the bonfire
Time: Celebratory Party
Characters: Serik, Marylka, Anyone else around

Marylka didn’t say anything but she eagerly took his hand. Serik smiled widened, flaring his dimples. They both rolled together into the rhyme of the song. Marylka seemed to have so much fun and did surprisingly good at the dance. Serik tried to keep up and got themselves away from other people. Countless time that he had to pull Marylka away from the grasp of other people trying to join in or dodging those that tried to take either him or her away. This was their dance and it would be theirs alone...

During the dance, she didn’t speak any single word. Marylka fully committed to enjoy the dance and so did Serik. He avoided to spill something that shouldn’t be said... Something that might probably spoiled the moment for them. He wanted to live with this moment, the moment that was just him and her... To see her face against the light of the bonfire and to followed the music that pulled their string...

And to memorize the moment that might never happen again for the second time...

Featuring: Saturn_moon Saturn_moon
Location: Around the bonfire
Time: Celebratory Party
Characters: Serik, Marylka, Anyone else around

By the time the song ended, Marylka was so warm from all the dancing and the heat from the bonfire that tiny beads of sweat were glistening off her forehead. Everyone gave the musicians a round of applause before they moved on to their next piece. "That's probably enough dancing for now." She said while laughing and trying to catch her breath at the same time. Serik, on the other hand, seemed to be lost in thought. He held a smile to his face but his eye conveyed something sadder.

"Hey, Is everything okay?" She asked. "You've been awfully quiet."

AncientBird AncientBird

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Location: Around the bonfire
Time: Celebratory Party
Characters: Serik, Marylka, Anyone else around

As the dance changed the song, both of Marylka and Serik couldn’t do any more of it so they stopped. Serik led Marylka abit further from the crowd so both of them could get some breath.

Suddenly, Marylka asked about Serik being quite silent for the entire time. She was starting conversations, so perhaps he could speak something now?

“Well, to be honest... Yes, there is a lot of thought in my mind right now.” Serik began to speak.

“Did you see the vision just as me and everyone? The vision that showed us all together in Westeros...”

Serik paused a while and then continued. “I have been thinking about it since. I am curious what we were doing there... Who the man was in our vision. I am so tired of not knowing what happened during that one year memory lost... I want to find it out. Some of us have been talking about going there to seek the answer. I want to go with them... But the other part of me want to go home. I promised my family I would be back as soon as I got my skybeast. Now I did and I should keep my promise.”

Serik’s face saddened and he continued.

“I don’t know what to do now... Choosing to find out about myself and disappointing my family, or go home and never get to figure out about the mystery again... Then there is this thing...”

Serik spoke and focused, trying to channel magic through his hand, but nothing happened. “It never come out again since the time I told you about it...” Serik spoke and closed his eyes in disappointment.

Featuring: Saturn_moon Saturn_moon

Location: Around the bonfire
Time: Celebratory Party
Characters: Serik, Marylka, Anyone else around

Marylka listened intently as Serik poured his troubles out to her. She wasn't sure what she had done to earn his trust in such a short span of time but was grateful he saw her as a confidant. In some ways, it made her feel like a big sister again.

"Serik, in the past three days you've helped fight off a pack of stonevargs, tamed a stork drake for your skybeast, and survived a battle against a giant undead wyvern. I can't tell you what you should do or if there even is a right answer to your question, heck, I'm still figuring that one out myself, but I'm pretty sure you would have to do something quite horrible to disappoint your family."

When he brought up his magic, Marylka said, "Seeds don't turn into trees overnight. It needs soil, and sunlight, and water. Occasionally, you may even need to trim some weeds." She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "You're just missing some important elements that's all."

AncientBird AncientBird

Location: Around the bonfire
Time: Celebratory Party
Characters: Serik, Marylka, Anyone else around

Serik looked back at Marylka. She didn’t say much and probably was not in the place to advice him either, but it’s always nice to have someone to listen to the problem in his mind, although it wasn’t all the problem he has, something else had to be left alone for now.

Serik looked back at Marylka. After hearing his problems, she seemed to have her own in her mind. It shone right through her eyes...

“What about you, how are you holding up?” He asked the girl.

Featuring: Saturn_moon Saturn_moon
Location: At the tables
Time: Celebratory Party
Characters: Caliban, Marylka

When Marylka returned, she found Caliban alone at the table absent-mindlessly eating a fried apple skewer while watching something in the distance with contemplation. It was the first time she’d seen the boy so… settled, and it was mildly disconcerting. He still had a smile on his face of course, but it wasn’t quite as bright as it usually was. It felt like she had walked in on a private moment, one that she should have excused herself from, but something in her forced her forward.

She quietly took the seat a couple of spaces away from him and after a moment said, “If I was being honest, you were the last person I’d expect to find sitting alone at a party.” She looked over and offered a teasing smile. “That’s usually my job.”

Naberius Naberius


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