• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
SilverFlight SilverFlight

I've been doing good, thanks for asking, I finally got my own place and can now dedicate my free time to what I want to do. Which is currently writing.

As for my character Phillip Myers I can only see him playing a limited combat roll within the group. He's not a warrior or a soldier. He'd play more of a support role I think. As for his ability to kill demons or lesser gods I envision it kind of like the movie Ghost Rider with Nick Cage. Meaning, he needs to look into these characters eyes, and them him, in order to kill their soul.

Phillip also has a silver chain which he can grab, utter an incantation, and send out death in different forms to people. This wouldn't have immediate results, an enemy wouldn't instantly die. Instead it'd be like Phillip gave this monster an early stage of cancer, or a bum knee, or some disease.

I hope that makes sense and I can clarify if need be. In short though, Phillip won't fight, his task is simply to keep the heroes of the story alive and well, at great cost to his own being.
SilverFlight SilverFlight

I've been doing good, thanks for asking, I finally got my own place and can now dedicate my free time to what I want to do. Which is currently writing.

As for my character Phillip Myers I can only see him playing a limited combat roll within the group. He's not a warrior or a soldier. He'd play more of a support role I think. As for his ability to kill demons or lesser gods I envision it kind of like the movie Ghost Rider with Nick Cage. Meaning, he needs to look into these characters eyes, and them him, in order to kill their soul.

Phillip also has a silver chain which he can grab, utter an incantation, and send out death in different forms to people. This wouldn't have immediate results, an enemy wouldn't instantly die. Instead it'd be like Phillip gave this monster an early stage of cancer, or a bum knee, or some disease.

I hope that makes sense and I can clarify if need be. In short though, Phillip won't fight, his task is simply to keep the heroes of the story alive and well, at great cost to his own being.
Very interesting. Well, I know how you write, let's give him a shot. XD

I look forward to roleplaying with you once again. When I go to lunch I'll read through the other CS.
1. Do you want to build a snowman (Yes I know how original xD)
2. Let it go (I can't think of any that would be funny)
3. Blind Eyed by Anna Blue

Hayle's character challenge
SilverFlight SilverFlight
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1.Basically anything by Tenacious D
2. Barbie Girl - Aqua
3. Remember Everything - 5 Finger Death Punch

Song challange for Gabriel!
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Harian's karaoke song would probably reflect the image she wants everyone to see, so I chose this one:

For her guilty pleasure song, I'm pretty sure Harian is secretly a huge fan of One Direction (she even dresses like them), and most K-pop groups.
I chose this, but it could easily have been anything by BTS as well.

The last one I actually found first, and it fit so perfectly to how Harian feels about being trapped on earth. I can imagine her singing this with as much passion as she can, alone when no one can hear her.
InsanEleven InsanEleven Character accepted.

Our characters are in a bit of a spot at the moment. You get to choose which team you join:

They are both in Moscaow, one if in an art gallery fighting a very unique form of flesh-eating ghoul, that hides in the paintings. Our characters have just flushed it out into the open so it can be attacked openly.

The second team went to see an old Russian seer woman called Polinka, they were attacked by three very powerful demons and three out of the four are severely injured.
Two of them are demons (Harian and Hayle) and one is a god (Hino). The last God has not been hit so hard (yet). They are in an old antique-filled house down a small alleyway. The door is pretty much in ruins, but they are currently trying to escape through their portal key and the door to a broom closet. The home base and its magic doors are explained in the lore. If you want to join this team just let me post once more, and your character can arrive on the scene to help them recover.

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