Newsletter RpNation Newsletter: August 2023

a nation of creation |
august 2023 newsletter



Energy is a powerful force that drives all life forms and fuels actions and movements.

In the realm of physics, Newton's law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. For example, the Earth receives energy from the Sun, windmill blades harness energy from the wind, and objects like an apple on a table possess potential energy that can lead to kinetic energy, causing them to roll off the table.

However, energy goes beyond the physical realm. It encompasses the metaphysical realm, including thoughts, vibes, emotions, and ideas. Our imaginations and feelings play a significant role in shaping our decisions and ourselves.

Through roleplaying, energy takes on a mysterious allure, particularly when magic is part of the story. This connection of energy with storytelling enriches the roleplaying experience, influencing our characters' emotions, ideas, decisions, and the adventures they embark upon.

For this month's newsletter question, how do you personally channel your energy into creating compelling roleplaying experiences? What about your characters? Or perhaps, even the roleplay itself?

guideline highlight
⚑ Bump Spam
Bumping is allowed within reason. Excessive bumping may result in content removal and infractions. Follow the Bump Etiquette:​
β€’ Do not bump multiple threads in the same section at the same time.​
β€’ Only bump a thread once per 24 hours.​
β€’ Deleting previous bumps to falsify a 24-hour waiting period is not permitted.​
β€’ Only the GM/Co-GMs or the OP of the recruitment can bump the interest check and/or part​

πŸ’‘ Update: RpNation's Community Guidelines completed their updates and reformatting of the Community Guidelines for easier navigation and access to rule-specific content. Whether you're a newer or older user, click here to refresh what we allow and don't allow in the community! To see the specific updates, check out our Patch Notes for more details.​

πŸ’« CRISIS AVERTED - Computer Issues
An alarming hiccup that threatened the great site of RPNation that our great Ghan prevailed over. Read the story here.​

πŸ”‹ iOS Push Notifications
As our wonderful Dark Wizard has put it, "The time has finally come, for us iPhone users who use the site to get something we've never had on our phones, and that's Push Notifications."

πŸ”Œ Real TIME Update
Need I say more? We've had a real TIME update. That's right now you can stalk wait in real time for a reply!​

πŸ”† Official RPN Merchandise
Be sure to head on over and see what available products we have for our users!​

roleplay of the month

What are some themes and ideas that inspired you to create ❛Rosemary Beach [[OPEN]]❜ ?
I read this book series when I was younger, and the series follows a bunch of different character story lines within the same town so I've always thought it would be a fun idea to run an RP that kind of has the same concept.​

What is the driving motivator of the plot currently?
Right now the skip we're currently on is circled around a mild hurricane, but we do have a whole timeline for the characters that are full of events such as festivals, birthdays, holidays, and then we have a few free days where the characters can do whatever they want without the worry of events. We do a new skip every five weeks and sometimes extend a skip if everyone gets too busy, so sometimes that helps them feel motivated with past, current, and future plots.​

How do you garner interest for your roleplays?
I'm not really sure how I garnered interest for the RP or any RP I've made but for Rosemary Beach, I just kind of posted it one day and a few of my friends that I already met here joined as well as some new friends. I love them all so much.​

How do you maintain stability and comfort between roleplayers that have been in the roleplay since the beginning and new roleplayers that just joined the group? Is there ever a time that someone feels left out? If so, how do you handle it?
It's been a learning curve on how to keep everyone interested and keep the group flowing. But I do my best to check in with everyone to make sure how they're feeling about how it's currently going. And for new people all of us are pretty open to making new characters to help include them. Our group is pretty small and we all get along well, so despite some bumps and hiccups like most RP's have, we've always found a way to work through them. We all kind of work together as a team as well, so it's not just me helping them all work through things but they're an awesome group of people who help each other as well.​

With the various events happening in Rosemary Beach, from a natural disaster to celebrations, do you have a favorite moment so far in the story?
So far my favorite moment has been the first skip we did, the Debutante Ball, because not only was there drama between my character and her friends and boyfriend but it was the first to kick off the RP to where it is now. The first skip for sure though was my favorite, the current skip with the hurricane is a close second though because of the intimate moments between friends and partners.​

How did you start roleplaying?
I started roleplaying on Chatzy when I was like, 14. I remember it was a Hunger Games one and my first character ever was based off of Fox Face from the first movie/book.​

Oh no! Staff-chan dropped you off in another world! What world would it be and why?
If I was taken to another world I would pray it be Velaris from A Court of Mist and Fury! Sarah J Maas described the city so beautifully, it would probably feel so nostalgic.​

If you created a character based on a colour, what colour would it be and why?
Well my favorite color is green, so probably green! I think it would be fun cause there's so many different ways you could take it. Like that comic book, Snot Girl? She's all green. Or could make an Earth or plants based character. I don't know but green is a calling haha​

For upcoming GMs and newsletter readers, what roleplaying advice will you give to them?
Honestly, harmony is the way to go. Figure out your partners triggers, what makes them happy, and if something bad happens then work with everyone to make it better. We tried going the route of GM's are the rule makers but in all honesty, even GM's make mistakes. It takes a team to make a roleplay successful so don't be afraid to work with everyone involved.​

Would you like to give a shout-out to your players, partners, and/or friends? If so, please feel free to tag them here for us!
I absolutely would not be doing so well on RP Nation without these lovely people; geminiy geminiy , @vixe , @r e i , @fieldofclover , @PenguinFox , Wolfiee Wolfiee , @stellamaris , @Syrok18 , @angiebb , @Wei Wuxian , and @Lizy

But of course the two who cheer me on from the side that I met here even though they don't partake much anymore; @Wonder Woman and @OdinsTwoWolves <3 I adore all these people so much and I don't know where my stance on RP would be without them.​

member of the month

How did you come up with the username, FoxyGrandpa?
So, my original RPN name was actually "Caughtin4k," but I realized that it didn't lend itself to any nicknames so I had to think of something new. And as with all things on the Internet, my search led me back to Spongebob:


In retrospect, I should have chosen something more unique given the not significant amount of users with "Fox" in their name, but I've grown too fond of it to let go.​

How would you describe yourself in three words?
Well I consider myself pretty clever, so foxy. I'm also an old person so grandpa. As for the third…easygoing. I have my limits, but I take most events in stride and prefer not taking life too seriously.​

What’s an interesting fact about yourself? Or perhaps there’s more of an interesting moment about you that comes to mind easier?
I collect cursed images and change my Discord pfp whenever I find something new so if you're reading this, DM me with your worst.​

How did you discover roleplaying?
I used to play GaiaOnline and needed a way to make coins and buy clothes on the marketplace. Of the mini games that they had, fishing went by the quickest (I think each session only lasted about 15 minutes?) so I would usually start or join a random room. Since these rooms had a chat function, it wasn't uncommon that people would make a roleplay within them (which used asterisks for actions, natch).

I started joining those as a way of passing the time while fishing (specifically Naruto roleplays because that was my favorite anime at the time), but eventually me and a few others had a really good session and one of the players decided to start a formal thread in the roleplay subforum. After that, roleplay became a large part of my life.​

What’s a fond memory you have of roleplaying?
I can't say I have a fond memory of roleplaying specifically, but a pivotal moment in this hobby for me was getting added into a Skype chat for everyone for a certain roleplay. I say this because I typically never spoke to people off forum (compared to now where my Discord side bar is clogged with random servers) and because these people would go on to be my roleplay friends for several years.​

What other hobbies do you partake in aside from roleplaying?
It's probably cliche, but video games. I used to play a ton of League of Legends, but now I play more Valorant and Overwatch because I can't get enough of player toxicity.

I also do fish keeping, though I consider it a very minor hobby.​

What are some of your favorite genres to roleplay in?
My tastes have fluctuated over the years, but currently I'm digging mystery roleplays. I love playing detective and doing so in the shoes of another character is a plus!​

Where do you draw inspiration for some of your characters and/or posts?
Books, movies, video games, really any type of media. When I see something cool like a quote, scene, or song, I note it down in case I find a use for it later. During the actual writing process I'll look for a song that fits the mood and go from there.​

Is there a favorite piece of literature you have? Or maybe TV show? Video Game? Was there any particular story from any type of media that has stuck with you through the years?
God, I'm trying to think of something I can talk about without spoiling anything. I guess a book that has stuck with me for years is House of Leaves due to the reading experience, especially if you get the edition with the Whalestoe Letters. I know it's Postmodern 101, but it encouraged me to explore genres that I wouldn't normally choose books from (namely ergodic lit).​

How did you discover RPNation?
I've heard a few people offhandedly mention the website as an alternative to where I used to roleplay (as that website was/is very unreliable).​

Are there any particular memories you have from all the time you’ve been on RPNation?
My second favorite memory was finding out about the work shop because the entire time I was using post macros to test out codes.

My first will be when post macros come back πŸ˜€

Do you have any future projects planned, whether it’s for RPNation or outside of it?
I have a few concepts in my workshop, but no solid timeline on when I'll release them.​

What advice do you have for our readers?
Apply "quality over quantity" to all parts of your life. Food, clothing, writing, friends...everything. Anything in excess will only waste time and energy, even if it is "a good deal." This is not an invitation to start another thread about what constitutes purple prose. Please god let it and all people's exaggerated examples die.

Any shoutouts you’d like to include into the Newsletter?
Ah this is the part where I'll jumped if I forget to include someone.

Shout out to Uniko Uniko and tyranna tyranna who are a package deal. @weldherwings for her pretty codes, guidance, and creating the actual second roleplay I joined on this website. a z u l a a z u l a because you make the funnest characters! Dicentra Dicentra for being a sweetie pie. @fluticasone for working so patiently with me to fix a code issue I was having.


And I guess you can have one too Kovacs Kovacs


August Donation Badge by Meredith Meredith

Steve Jobs Steve Jobs You did good gramps, you did good, saving best for last. Fr though, congrats B)
Last edited:
Glad to see other GaiaOnline veterans! Makes me feel old! Lmao awesome read.
so proud of travelbypages travelbypages ! she’s the heart and soul of Rosemary Beach and I’m forever grateful to be a part of such a phenomenal group ❀️
Steve Jobs Steve Jobs I’ve seen you around the forums haven’t met you personally. I loved that SpongeBob episode where your username comes from. the old episodes are golden imo. A Gaia user? Love it too. Congrats for making member of the month.
Always a blast to read these perspectives.

Also, to the question of how my energy gets utilized. Music is great for determining the direction. Focusing on a specific scene from history or even fiction can help determine tone. If I want an epic scene or a battle of the ages, rock music gives me a direction to take. Recalling a scene of history or fiction can help determine the tone of just how I want such a scene, or even story, to play out.
Foxy! Foxy! Foxy! If you’re old I’m prehistoric. Good to see someone I know recognized, congrats πŸ’•
FOXYYYY I LOVEEEE YOUUU!!! AHHHH!! I feel like a fangirl seeing her fav celebrity mention her. Congrats on being member of the month! You definitely deserve it!!
You're an absolutely gem Foxy, never stop being you ❀️
Thank you for being such a loyal, and CONSISTENT role player, especially in mine! I greatly appreciate you and the effort you put into being apart of these spaces. 🩷

a nation of creation |
august 2023 newsletter



Energy is a powerful force that drives all life forms and fuels actions and movements.

In the realm of physics, Newton's law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. For example, the Earth receives energy from the Sun, windmill blades harness energy from the wind, and objects like an apple on a table possess potential energy that can lead to kinetic energy, causing them to roll off the table.

However, energy goes beyond the physical realm. It encompasses the metaphysical realm, including thoughts, vibes, emotions, and ideas. Our imaginations and feelings play a significant role in shaping our decisions and ourselves.

Through roleplaying, energy takes on a mysterious allure, particularly when magic is part of the story. This connection of energy with storytelling enriches the roleplaying experience, influencing our characters' emotions, ideas, decisions, and the adventures they embark upon.

For this month's newsletter question, how do you personally channel your energy into creating compelling roleplaying experiences? What about your characters? Or perhaps, even the roleplay itself?

guideline highlight
⚑ Bump Spam
Bumping is allowed within reason. Excessive bumping may result in content removal and infractions. Follow the Bump Etiquette:​
β€’ Do not bump multiple threads in the same section at the same time.​

β€’ Only bump a thread once per 24 hours.​

β€’ Deleting previous bumps to falsify a 24-hour waiting period is not permitted.​

β€’ Only the GM/Co-GMs or the OP of the recruitment can bump the interest check and/or part​

πŸ’‘ Update: RpNation's Community Guidelines completed their updates and reformatting of the Community Guidelines for easier navigation and access to rule-specific content. Whether you're a newer or older user, click here to refresh what we allow and don't allow in the community! To see the specific updates, check out our Patch Notes for more details.​

πŸ’« CRISIS AVERTED - Computer Issues
An alarming hiccup that threatened the great site of RPNation that our great Ghan prevailed over. Read the story here.​

πŸ”‹ iOS Push Notifications
As our wonderful Dark Wizard has put it, "The time has finally come, for us iPhone users who use the site to get something we've never had on our phones, and that's Push Notifications."

πŸ”Œ Real TIME Update
Need I say more? We've had a real TIME update. That's right now you can stalk wait in real time for a reply!​

πŸ”† Official RPN Merchandise
Be sure to head on over and see what available products we have for our users!​

roleplay of the month

What are some themes and ideas that inspired you to create ❛Rosemary Beach [[OPEN]]❜ ?
I read this book series when I was younger, and the series follows a bunch of different character story lines within the same town so I've always thought it would be a fun idea to run an RP that kind of has the same concept.​

What is the driving motivator of the plot currently?
Right now the skip we're currently on is circled around a mild hurricane, but we do have a whole timeline for the characters that are full of events such as festivals, birthdays, holidays, and then we have a few free days where the characters can do whatever they want without the worry of events. We do a new skip every five weeks and sometimes extend a skip if everyone gets too busy, so sometimes that helps them feel motivated with past, current, and future plots.​

How do you garner interest for your roleplays?
I'm not really sure how I garnered interest for the RP or any RP I've made but for Rosemary Beach, I just kind of posted it one day and a few of my friends that I already met here joined as well as some new friends. I love them all so much.​

How do you maintain stability and comfort between roleplayers that have been in the roleplay since the beginning and new roleplayers that just joined the group? Is there ever a time that someone feels left out? If so, how do you handle it?
It's been a learning curve on how to keep everyone interested and keep the group flowing. But I do my best to check in with everyone to make sure how they're feeling about how it's currently going. And for new people all of us are pretty open to making new characters to help include them. Our group is pretty small and we all get along well, so despite some bumps and hiccups like most RP's have, we've always found a way to work through them. We all kind of work together as a team as well, so it's not just me helping them all work through things but they're an awesome group of people who help each other as well.​

With the various events happening in Rosemary Beach, from a natural disaster to celebrations, do you have a favorite moment so far in the story?
So far my favorite moment has been the first skip we did, the Debutante Ball, because not only was there drama between my character and her friends and boyfriend but it was the first to kick off the RP to where it is now. The first skip for sure though was my favorite, the current skip with the hurricane is a close second though because of the intimate moments between friends and partners.​

How did you start roleplaying?
I started roleplaying on Chatzy when I was like, 14. I remember it was a Hunger Games one and my first character ever was based off of Fox Face from the first movie/book.​

Oh no! Staff-chan dropped you off in another world! What world would it be and why?
If I was taken to another world I would pray it be Velaris from A Court of Mist and Fury! Sarah J Maas described the city so beautifully, it would probably feel so nostalgic.​

If you created a character based on a colour, what colour would it be and why?
Well my favorite color is green, so probably green! I think it would be fun cause there's so many different ways you could take it. Like that comic book, Snot Girl? She's all green. Or could make an Earth or plants based character. I don't know but green is a calling haha​

For upcoming GMs and newsletter readers, what roleplaying advice will you give to them?
Honestly, harmony is the way to go. Figure out your partners triggers, what makes them happy, and if something bad happens then work with everyone to make it better. We tried going the route of GM's are the rule makers but in all honesty, even GM's make mistakes. It takes a team to make a roleplay successful so don't be afraid to work with everyone involved.​

Would you like to give a shout-out to your players, partners, and/or friends? If so, please feel free to tag them here for us!
I absolutely would not be doing so well on RP Nation without these lovely people; geminiy geminiy , @vixe , @r e i , @fieldofclover , @PenguinFox , Wolfiee Wolfiee , @stellamaris , @Syrok18 , @angiebb , @Wei Wuxian , and @Lizy
But of course the two who cheer me on from the side that I met here even though they don't partake much anymore; @Wonder Woman and @OdinsTwoWolves <3 I adore all these people so much and I don't know where my stance on RP would be without them.​

member of the month

How did you come up with the username, FoxyGrandpa?
So, my original RPN name was actually "Caughtin4k," but I realized that it didn't lend itself to any nicknames so I had to think of something new. And as with all things on the Internet, my search led me back to Spongebob:​
In retrospect, I should have chosen something more unique given the not significant amount of users with "Fox" in their name, but I've grown too fond of it to let go.​

How would you describe yourself in three words?
Well I consider myself pretty clever, so foxy. I'm also an old person so grandpa. As for the third…easygoing. I have my limits, but I take most events in stride and prefer not taking life too seriously.​

What’s an interesting fact about yourself? Or perhaps there’s more of an interesting moment about you that comes to mind easier?
I collect cursed images and change my Discord pfp whenever I find something new so if you're reading this, DM me with your worst.​

How did you discover roleplaying?
I used to play GaiaOnline and needed a way to make coins and buy clothes on the marketplace. Of the mini games that they had, fishing went by the quickest (I think each session only lasted about 15 minutes?) so I would usually start or join a random room. Since these rooms had a chat function, it wasn't uncommon that people would make a roleplay within them (which used asterisks for actions, natch).​
I started joining those as a way of passing the time while fishing (specifically Naruto roleplays because that was my favorite anime at the time), but eventually me and a few others had a really good session and one of the players decided to start a formal thread in the roleplay subforum. After that, roleplay became a large part of my life.​

What’s a fond memory you have of roleplaying?
I can't say I have a fond memory of roleplaying specifically, but a pivotal moment in this hobby for me was getting added into a Skype chat for everyone for a certain roleplay. I say this because I typically never spoke to people off forum (compared to now where my Discord side bar is clogged with random servers) and because these people would go on to be my roleplay friends for several years.​

What other hobbies do you partake in aside from roleplaying?
It's probably cliche, but video games. I used to play a ton of League of Legends, but now I play more Valorant and Overwatch because I can't get enough of player toxicity.​
I also do fish keeping, though I consider it a very minor hobby.​

What are some of your favorite genres to roleplay in?
My tastes have fluctuated over the years, but currently I'm digging mystery roleplays. I love playing detective and doing so in the shoes of another character is a plus!​

Where do you draw inspiration for some of your characters and/or posts?
Books, movies, video games, really any type of media. When I see something cool like a quote, scene, or song, I note it down in case I find a use for it later. During the actual writing process I'll look for a song that fits the mood and go from there.​

Is there a favorite piece of literature you have? Or maybe TV show? Video Game? Was there any particular story from any type of media that has stuck with you through the years?
God, I'm trying to think of something I can talk about without spoiling anything. I guess a book that has stuck with me for years is House of Leaves due to the reading experience, especially if you get the edition with the Whalestoe Letters. I know it's Postmodern 101, but it encouraged me to explore genres that I wouldn't normally choose books from (namely ergodic lit).​

How did you discover RPNation?
I've heard a few people offhandedly mention the website as an alternative to where I used to roleplay (as that website was/is very unreliable).​

Are there any particular memories you have from all the time you’ve been on RPNation?
My second favorite memory was finding out about the work shop because the entire time I was using post macros to test out codes.​
My first will be when post macros come back πŸ˜€

Do you have any future projects planned, whether it’s for RPNation or outside of it?
I have a few concepts in my workshop, but no solid timeline on when I'll release them.​

What advice do you have for our readers?
Apply "quality over quantity" to all parts of your life. Food, clothing, writing, friends...everything. Anything in excess will only waste time and energy, even if it is "a good deal." This is not an invitation to start another thread about what constitutes purple prose. Please god let it and all people's exaggerated examples die.

Any shoutouts you’d like to include into the Newsletter?
Ah this is the part where I'll jumped if I forget to include someone.​
Shout out to Uniko Uniko and tyranna tyranna who are a package deal. @weldherwings for her pretty codes, guidance, and creating the actual second roleplay I joined on this website. a z u l a a z u l a because you make the funnest characters! Dicentra Dicentra for being a sweetie pie. @fluticasone for working so patiently with me to fix a code issue I was having.​
And I guess you can have one too Kovacs Kovacs


August Donation Badge by Meredith Meredith
Steve Jobs Steve Jobs STOP I LOVE YOU 😭
Thank you for all the warm messages everyone! Also a big congrats to travelbypages travelbypages for getting roleplay of the month!

As for the question, my energy gets channeled through music (i.e. Listening to the appropriate songs during writing) and finding the proper aesthetics for what I'm writing. Things like pictures, layouts, and colors do as much for me as watching a movie or reading a book may do for others!

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