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Dice Rifts Adventure OOC

Here's my take on it. Zeph is a dragon. Snowfall is a spirit, not an animal. His fox form is only a body. Snowfall can definitely speak with Zeph unless you say otherwise. Per Mystic China (page 54), I summarize the following: "Fox Form: Chi is concealed while in this form. +3 to Dodge. Cannot speak human tongues but can see and talk with any ghosts, demons, dragons, spirits, or other entities of Pure Chi."
Well, since the description specifically mentions dragons, I stand corrected. You can communicate with Zephiron in these forms.
No, no, no. Not were-jaguar. Were-fox, if you will. A blending of human and fox traits (plus the cute). Basically this! =)
A were-fox? Is this going to be a form that you have had for a while, but only now you are revealing it, or would you wish to have the shapeshifting powers of the were-jaguars activate this power in you?
Well, since the description specifically mentions dragons, I stand corrected. You can communicate with Zephiron in these forms.

Thank you! Even if the description didn't, I want you to be happy with your game. Even Kevin Siembieda uses his own house rules (at least as of the Into The Rifts videos back in 2012). =)

A were-fox? Is this going to be a form that you have had for a while, but only now you are revealing it, or would you wish to have the shapeshifting powers of the were-jaguars activate this power in you?

Oh wow. Hmm!

The idea of having it retroactively is something that never crossed my mind. I think I like your latter idea. I would like to earn it somehow (I don't mind freebies, but a gift earned feels better to a guy like me). Either a gift granted by Jorge's Tribe to help us fight the vampires or a reward after having done so (assuming we and they survive and we have the opportunity)? What do you think?
The idea of having it retroactively is something that never crossed my mind. I think I like your latter idea. I would like to earn it somehow (I don't mind freebies, but a gift earned feels better to a guy like me). Either a gift granted by Jorge's Tribe to help us fight the vampires or a reward after having done so (assuming we and they survive and we have the opportunity)? What do you think?
I can see you getting some kind of 'spiritual boost' in being able to do so from the were-tribe. Its not exactly in the rules, but the rules also say to have fun, and I like this idea.
Yes. I have been incredibly distracted as of late. Let me put something up. =)
Oh no. Not happening! I've had enough death recently to last me quite a long time, thank you. =)
Ignore that but about the environment suit. I lied. It's just urban body armor. I don't think that applies.
Sherwood Sherwood Jorge didn't reply to Snowfall's question concerning getting a new form? I don't want us to fly off and leave him if he's the one Snowfall has to talk to to get this done?
Sherwood Sherwood Jorge didn't reply to Snowfall's question concerning getting a new form? I don't want us to fly off and leave him if he's the one Snowfall has to talk to to get this done?
Sorry, I've been procrastinating. Give me a few and I'll have the IC thread moving again.
There's a pun in that procrastination statement somewhere. =)

"If good things comes to those who wait, is procrastination a virtue?" =)
I'm currently discussing the options of Silanon switching to a new character, since Shaona is feeling a bit worn out and he's looking for a change.
Cool! Silanon Silanon Go where the fun is, buddy! If you're not excited about your character, it's no good! I am genuinely excited to play Snowfall! He's a blast! But I only got there by finding out what I found exciting and fun at the time (in this case, I had recently watched Big Trouble in Little China) and that influenced me. Maybe watch some movies, read some favorite books, listen to music that delights you, and check out some inspiring art to find what clocks your throttle? =)

Sherwood Sherwood Speaking of things I'm excited about, would you like me to write up a basic set of statistics for Snowfall's werefox form for your inspection? And then we can go from there?
Silanon has asked for a few suggestions for a new character, and I'm trying to offer up a few ideas from the massive plethora of books out there. Anyone have a cool character class/race idea that you might wish to share?
My first question would be, what are you looking to do? Be a front line fighter, or a support character? Human, or a DBee of some sort? I have some ideas, depending on what direction you want to go.
Ohhhh my. The list is strong. All I've got to go on is Sil's desire to play something besides Shaona. So... knowing Sil, let me brainstorm a little here. Just thinking out loud.

SIl seems to enjoy playing Good-aligned characters.
SIl is clearly comfortable playing support characters, but is looking for a change of pace. But how much?
Sil is somewhat new to Rifts and Palladium, so let's not set the diving board too high here.
Sil seemed kind of bored with Shaona.

Yeah, what Psychie said!
I am going to enforce the rule of a good-aligned character. That is my only restriction for a new submission. Other than that, the field is wide open.
Sil likes the martial arts and is new to it, so perhaps a character skilled in that direction?

I am going to enforce the rule of a good-aligned character. That is my only restriction for a new submission. Other than that, the field is wide open.

Ha ha! Hear hear, Sherwood! I can't imagine why! Go you, learning from my "mistakes"! =)
Sherwood, this information is from my character sheet. The Kitsune form is listed after the break. Tell me what you think? =)

Fox Spirit Natural Abilities (Page 54 in Mystic China)
All Fox Spirits can magically transform themselves, instantly, from fox to human, or to an entity of Pure Positive Chi. Each transformation costs a single point of Chi. While this is normally not a problem, a Fox Spirit drained of all Chi, or infected with Negative Chi, will be unable to transform.
Fox Form: Chi is concealed while in this form. +3 to Dodge. Cannot speak human tongues but can see and talk with any ghosts, demons, dragons, spirits, or other entities of Pure Chi.
Human Form: Very good-looking. Short, wiry, and stout. Can change the age of the form but not while in the form from teenager to centenarian or anything in between.
Pure Positive Chi Form: Intangible, invisible, but vulnerable to Chi-based attacks. Detectable by the Chi-sensitive, psychics, dog boys, dragons, Shifters, and the like.

In all forms, the Fox Spirit always has supernatural senses and is able to automatically detect Chi and Magic. Negative Chi can be sensed from 100 feet. Magic at 200 feet, basically the same as the spell or psychic ability (RUE, page 199. Sense Magic. Works like a Geiger counter. Can tell if a person or object is enchanted or under a magic spell, is in the process of invoking magic, or if magic is being used in the range area.)

* * *​

Kitsune Form (Werefox): A combination of Fox Form and Human forms. Able to use most tools and weapons that he could in his 5-foot tall human form. Possesses most of his fox senses (especially smell and hearing). Displays some foxlike agility. +1 to Perception and Dodge. Can speak with people and animals. Has "low light" vision (can see twice as far in low light, but not darkness). About 3 feet tall, white fur, with 9 bushy tails. A little hobbit-like in stature. Oh, and cute. =)

This, but with white fur.
Cute Kitsune by Zozoark at Fur Affinity dot com.png
(Image credit: Zozoark at FurAffinity.com!)

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