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Dice Rifts Adventure OOC

Heya folks! I'm still writing my character history here. There's a short version and a long version. Don't feel you have to read the long version; it's just something I'm pulling out of my head is all. =)

Aw! At least it wasn't a 1?

Sure, but where are you going to find a bow and fiddle for a 7 foot tall monstrosity? Be sure it comes with a case? Preferably mega-damage? Hah!
Well lets get one made of gold, in case he needs to challenge a boy named johnny.

Kimberly likes to garden. Even has the skill. I dig having a thing.
Thats a nice hobby, and one that can be very annoying >.<
Careful, Orikanyo! My money's on Johnny! Ha ha ha! =)
I hope to have the game started by this weekend, so everyone still has some time to work on their sheets and ask me any questions you may have.
Damn - that's a lot of posts here! Something else came up tonight, life is tough when you're proofreading someone's thesis a few days before the deadline... thus, I haven't finished my sheet yet :(
At this point, I'm missing the exact skills (most importantly, the numbers) and the rolls - I'd prefer to do those when I'm not half-asleep (it's past midnight here). Sorry for the wait, y'all, I won't let anything stop me tomorrow.

Psychie Psychie If there is knowledge to be gained, my character shall happily share her own observation - you just gotta ask when there's enough time to philosophize about the matters of magic.
Oh my God. My five year old is driving me CRAZY right now. Thank all the higher powers of the world for mood controlling drugs like Abilfy and Sertaline.
Hang in there, Sherwood!

If you need a distraction, my character sheet is approaching 7,000 words? Go go hyperkinetic disorder/ADHD! Wheeeeeeeeeee!
Hang in there, Sherwood!

If you need a distraction, my character sheet is approaching 7,000 words? Go go hyperkinetic disorder/ADHD! Wheeeeeeeeeee!
I need something, alright. A stiff drink wouldn't hurt, and I'm LDS and don't drink alcohol! Yikes!
@Psychie If there is knowledge to be gained, my character shall happily share her own observation - you just gotta ask when there's enough time to philosophize about the matters of magic.
Cool deal. Thanks. I'm sure that I'll have some spell knowledge that you don't, so we can share.
Ok, here is some backstory for all of you.

Each of you have come to the Federation of Magic for various reasons; some to get rich, others because you are a true believer of the cause of magic and want to do your part to protect the lives of those in the Magic Zone from the Coalition. Either way, you are here, and your various talents have not gone unnoticed. An elder dragon named Brazamal has recruited you with an offer of a high paying job, recovering a valuable artifact from Atlantis and several escaped prisoners and bringing them back to him. Along with the credits you are being offered, you can freely collect whatever loot you want and sell it or keep it; that part is up to you to decide. In order to get to the new continent, you'll have to travel across the sea, and he has provided you with a mix of credits and black market goods to be able to afford the cost of the transport of your vehicles. He has not given you any ultimatums about how he will know if you betray him; instead he seems to be trusting you with this bundle of goods and money, and is sending you on your way.
What a nice dragon, not being rude and putting the gun to our heads from the get go.
Not that I would ever do it, but it makes me wonder what would happen if we just took the cash and ran?
Well, you can always do it and totally derail all the hard work I'm putting into a Atlantis game and watch how hard I smack you down for it.
Sherro is a upstanding pillar of the community! He would neverr!
Off-subject question - a stake through the heart permanently kills a Rifts Vampire, yes?
Okies. Story writing is done (in My Private Workshop). Just need to edit it, double-check some details, and purchase non-magical gear (any recommendations on weapons or gear, folks?).
Off-subject question - a stake through the heart permanently kills a Rifts Vampire, yes?
Nope. A vampire can exist indefinitely with a stake in its chest, and will go from skeletal remains to fully fleshed out monster in a single melee round! If you want to make sure you kill a vamp, stake it, cut off its head, then either burn each in a separate bonfire or leave them out for the sun to bake them into ash. Another way is to submerge a vampire in running water. That acts like acid on a member of the fang gang, and a weapon as simple as a child's squirt gun can cause great harm to a vampire.
It is in the lore of the game that there is a vampire controlled city in southern Mexico that has a thousand vampires in a underground cellar with stakes in their chests, and if there is ever a serious threat to the place, someone runs down and yanks all the stakes out and a minute later, a thousand some-odd ravenous vampires come boiling out from underground to tear into whatever is foolish enough to attack the place.
thats.... certainly a shit switch...

like talk about deciding if you can't have it, nobody can.
A fun personal creation I came up with for our tabletop game was a vampire delivery system inside a missile. Remove the warhead, have the vamp turn into mist, and stick him into the empty space where the explosive used to be. Then, when facing off against a vampire thrall inside a giant mecha, they launch the vampires at you while you are busy dodging bullets and laser blasts from the mecha, you suddenly have a bunch of angry vampires running around you! Yikes!
Okies. Story writing is done (in My Private Workshop). Just need to edit it, double-check some details, and purchase non-magical gear (any recommendations on weapons or gear, folks?).
Any of the Coalition series of energy rifles are a good choice for starting firepower. The C-12 Heavy Assault rifle has both MDC and SDC settings to it, and it has a great payload of binga-banga-booma to it.

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