Other Random question of the day

It would depend yeah, though the reasons can vary a lot more as well, I would imagine. From contract stipulations to reputation concerns, to making sure they can still be hired in the future by big companies or big name casting directors / producers, other kinds of coercion etc....

And of course, no one reason must be exclusive. Someone could simultaneously be motivated by genuine passion/commitment/investment in a production and by reasons such as contractual obligations.
Random question of the day:

What's your favorite videogame superboss (Aka a boss stronger than the final boss)?
to be perfectly honest, it's really, REALLY rare that I actually ever finish a video game all the way to the final boss. So, nothing really comes to mind.
Random question of the day:

What's your favorite videogame superboss (Aka a boss stronger than the final boss)?
Final Fantasy XV’s Nalfgar he was more of a challenge my team as at the 120 level cap. Yet, I lost half my half potions with that battle.
Wife and no kids would be my answer, though honestly if it was between one kid and a husband/wife, I’d probably pick having the kid. I think I’m just more drawn to the idea of being a father than that of romance.
Worried and ashamed most likely. Ashamed because it'd most likely be something embarrassing. Worried because fame can get people to look into you which can put privacy in jeopardy.
none tbh. Maybe The Voice, if I have to pick one.
Not sure if I asked this one before, but...

Random question of the day:

What's one reality show competition you would love to be on yourself in the future?
I despise reality TV, tbh
The only reason I'd ever "love" to be on one would be to make a mockery of it. But then, my shenanigans would only contribute to their ratings. So that's a pass for me.
Random question of the day:

Just like there is a thing as being too optimistic, is there a thing as being too pessimistic?
lol. That'd be me, sometimes. When I'm in a shit mood, or just really frustrated or fed up... I can see the downside in just about anything and everything.
Naturally. Anything in excess is a bad thing. In the case of pessimism vs optimism specifically, I hear research actually points to an optimistic outlook being generally preferable to the point of having been one human beings evolved to have a tendency towards.

Pessimism affects your ability to act and your ability to appreciate the good things you achieve or that happen to you. Too much pessimism and you will feel as though what you do is pointless and/or fear the results of action too much to the extent where choices become paralyzing or you retreat to defaults to at least avoid being responsible for the negative consequences. Planning ahead may also be affected, as focusing on solution to problems when those problems occur or might occur implies the belief in one's ability to deal with or avoid those issues. Too much pessimism means one will focus on what did go wrong with the past or what might go wrong in the future, thinking excessively about how bad it will be rather than how those issues or its consequences might be addressed.

Excessive pessimism can also affect one's sense of self-worth, not only failing to have good expectations on our ability to succeed but indeed failing to even recognize what we did achieve as a product of our own effort, making us more likely to attribute it to external forces. Our failures, on the other hand, also become attributed excessively to ourselves and less to external circumstances (and naturally excessive optimism does the opposite of these things, giving us too much credit for success and too little for failures). It can even reach to how we see others and they see us. We might be inclined to suspect more or worse ulterior motives from others, inhibiting trust and thus the ability to cooperate or seek help, but conversely we might also attribute the kind of judgement we impose on ourselves by focusing on the negatives to others, blaming them more than necessary for failures or undervaluing them.

Honestly one could probably go on and on about all the issues of excessive pessimism - and likewise of excessive optimism, and even of flaws of excessively trying to strike a balance. I don't think there is really a way to escape having these kinds of biases, in whatever direction they come in, though. The least realistic, I would suggest, are those who label themselves 'realists', as that is not a mark of objectivity but of lack of self-awareness. Rather, I would say the best way to address these biases we have is to be open to and encouraging of feedback, as well as trying to remain aware of what kind of biases we have so that we are receptive to the need to correct them when individual circumstances call for it.
I didn't think of Tetris that way but seems accurate

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