Other Random question of the day


It was the second half of 6th grade. Myself, my stepbrother and stepsister were evacuated from Turkey when they had a military coup. This landed us in lower Alabama. In those days the schools had just been desegregated. Let’s just say that the locals weren’t taking it well. Worse, the discrimination went both ways.

My geography teacher held a hatred for me. I suspect it had something to do with my stepfamily. But it didn’t help that I had been studying from a different book focused on the other side of the planet. Not being familiar with what she was teaching at first, pissed her off. Surpassing her whole class in a couple weeks even more so.

I made a single friend. Yes, a PoC. This left me ostracized by both sides of the community, my family and even church. I was hidden away on our grandparents’ farm on weekends where there was no TV and nothing to do.
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Random question of the day:

Not counting the years spent in the COVID-19 pandemic, what has been the worst year of your life so far?
Honestly the covid pandemic was a fucking godsend. People stopped visiting, we got stimmy checks, nature got a break from people's damage. I finally got a legit excuse to give people when they wanted to hang out or have me over... I mean, I was already social distancing. The covid thing just got everyone else on board.

Worst years though, had to be the ones following my split up with my ex-husband. I was a total mess. Always drinking to the point where i'd wake up not knowing who's house i was in (if I was even in a house), driving like a maniac (sober) because I just didn't give a fuck. I was homeless for a stint. Went to jail like 3 or 4 times... and well, other illegal and explicit things I won't talk openly about. This was in my early twenties... which would make it like somewhere around 2005? 2006?... something like that. It's all kind of a blur to remember, tbh.
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2018. I got very ill and had to go to a hospital to get surgery during Christmas holidays. Which basically ruined my holidays and a few months after while I was recovering.
2016 is a close contender though but I'd rather not say what happened. It is possible that my illness in 2018 was triggered by 2016 so they're about the same level of bad.
Random question of the day:

Not counting the years spent in the COVID-19 pandemic, what has been the worst year of your life so far?
Moved across country to escape an abusive living environment, we were isolated and lonely without any of our friends or relatives nearby. Starting over was so difficult, and then the death of our youngest child. Still recovering all these years later.

Honestly, 2022 has been just as bad or at least a close second. Three familial deaths in the span of 4 months, the realization of my own health problems, and two more elderly family members who are ill that need my almost constant care. It’s been… heavy.
Not sure if I asked this one before, but...

Random question of the day:

The Sims or Animal Crossing?
I've played mutliple versions of both. I have multiple versions of both. The Sims, hands down. Though, i gotta say the ONLY reason I like the Sims is because I get to create characters. The lack of action/adventure in the game gets me boared of the actual gameplay real quick. As far as animal crossing, I only got it to play with a friend some time ago. And previous iterations i had on much older systems.

All in all, niether are games I would put at the top of my lists. But I can at least waste some hours making characters in the Sims. I very, VERY much recommend getting mods for it though. Makes the game worlds better

On a side note: I remember when Maxis first came out with Sim City when I was in middle school. I later got Sim Ant and Sim Life on my desktop at home. The Sims didnt come out until much much later. ;-)
I have played both, but I have about 50-70 hours in Animal Crossing: New Leaf (and far less in New Horizons), whereas I have WAY over 1000 hours in Sims 3 and 4. I was glued to Sims 3 as a kid, firstly spending hours watching my grandparents' neighbours play (they made me in the game!) when I was very young (6-7?), then watching my sister play when I was a bit older, and having a laptop and the game disc handed down to me when I was about 10.
general consensus: Sims franchise kicks the crap out of Animal Crossing franchise. lol
Neither tbh. I played Sims 2 and 3, didn't even get 4. Played Animal Crossing New Horizons for 2 months. Got bored. Not enough action, everything is very tedious to do.
Not sure if I asked this one before, but...

Random question of the day:

What's the most satisfying character death in a movie/TV show/video game (In your opinion)?

(Please put your answer in spoilers.)
King Joffrey Baratheon - Game of Thrones

OCP Senior President Dick Jones - Robocop (1987)

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In my experience, one of two things usually happens:

1. The author's self-insert/pet character becomes their mouth piece for their own personal beliefs to the point it becomes vary jarring [Even if you have similar views] and the world will noticeably bend, even when it shouldn't, to match their narrative. This makes the story telling feel extremely clunky, preachy and tends to make you not like the character on principle. [Chris Avellone does this a lot with characters like Kreia (Kotor 2) and Ulysses (Fallout New Vegas)]

2. The character tends to have noticeably more plot armor and tend to be a bit Mary Sueish.

Often both happen together.
In my experience, one of two things usually happens:

1. The author's self-insert/pet character becomes their mouth piece for their own personal beliefs to the point it becomes vary jarring [Even if you have similar views] and the world will noticeably bend, even when it shouldn't, to match their narrative. This makes the story telling feel extremely clunky, preachy and tends to make you not like the character on principle. [Chris Avellone does this a lot with characters like Kreia (Kotor 2) and Ulysses (Fallout New Vegas)]

2. The character tends to have noticeably more plot armor and tend to be a bit Mary Sueish.

Often both happen together.
I couldn't put it any better.

I once ran a Timelords EABA (End All Be All) game that started with a bunch of my friends in the basement of my parents home. I had been staying there for awhile while starting up college after leaving the military. The premise was that they would run themselves as characters. The game started by transporting a 3 meter radius sphere in a castling teleport across time and space.

They ended up with a chunk of our basement, [art of the lower garage, and part of my bedroom. In the garage had been an 80 cu ft floor freezer. In my bedroom was a collection of books that would explain how to rebuild technology from the Stone Age to the early 1990s. The one thing they did NOT have was me. And the only armor they had was my SCA armor (medieval), along with some very real swords and knives.

No Me and no plot armor. Worked great.
Not sure if I asked this one before, but...

Random question of the day:

Why do drama focused plotlines in fiction ordered by the fiction's higher ups often tend to backfire on them?

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