Other Random question of the day

Random question of the day:

What would the video game industry look like today if Atari and Sega were still in the console market? (If I have already asked this question, let me know and I'll ask a different one.)
I gotta say probably Sokka's sword from Avatar the Last Airbender. That's a pretty sweet one.
Everyone who's ever played Skyrim knows that there is only one correct answer to this question-

Random question of the day:

Why is Pokémon aimed at kids but has young adults as its prime audience, Call of Duty is aimed at young adults but has kids as its prime audience and My Little Pony is aimed at young girls but has middle aged men as its prime audience?
I can't speak for the other two, but Pokemon is popular with adults because they got into it as kids and then grew up.
Random question of the day:

If King Arthur was real, would he turn over in his grave from the adaptation of his legends that Sega made with Sonic and the Black Knight?
No answers yesterday. What a shame.

Random question of the day:

If Sonic the Hedgehog liked being a werewolf in Sonic Unleashed, would he like being a vampire in a future Sonic game?
I feel procrastination tends to be a sign you're struggling with something (often times ADD / ADHD, but it can also just be writer's block and the like). Sometimes you can learn to channel it to be helpful (i.e. procrastinating by working on a different project, doing chores, etc.), while sometimes it's a matter of needing to find ways to overcome it (i.e. organizing what you need to do by priority and how long it will take to make the tasks less daunting). The important thing is learning to identify when it's creating more stress for you, and finding solutions on how to manage it so it doesn't continue.
No answers yesterday. What a shame.

Random question of the day:

If Sonic the Hedgehog liked being a werewolf in Sonic Unleashed, would he like being a vampire in a future Sonic game?
Yes, absolutely! Who would not like being a vampire? (other than vampire hunters.....and family members of victims of vampires......hm my logic might be broken)
Not sure if I asked this before, but...

Random question of the day:

Who is the dumbest person you've ever encountered on the internet?
The dumbest person I ever encountered on the internet is myself at a young age. Boy did I really like some very stupid things, and honestly behaved in a really poot manner. I'm glad to have grown past that stage in my life, but I regret the childish humor I sought out and the arguments I eagerly and aggressively participated in. I'm a very different person now, happily so.
No answers yesterday either. Hm...

Random question of the day:

What are your views on procrastination?
My view on procrastination is that it is simultaneously a great sin and a delicious pleasure. Comedian John Mulaney has a bit where he says canceling plans is like doing crack cocaine, especially if you were really supposed to do the thing you cancel on. He's right, but it's terrible for our minds, our society, and for culture to reward that behavior constantly.

Yes, a little bit of procrastination is helpful and necessary sometimes, but it become problematic when taken too far, as many (including myself) sometimes do. I wish I had tips to help avoid it, but I'm still struggling with that myself unfortunately.
The one my friends are drawing. I don't usually read webcomics otherwise.

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