Other Random question of the day

Emoji movie for sure. Its very existence is unnecessary. At least Shark Tale can be partially justified in that its creator was trying to rip off the highly successful Finding Nemo.
Tough though he may be, Smaug would not be able to find and destroy all the horcruxes before Voldemort had time to do him in.
Voldemort, especially if he has the horcruxes. Smaug's powerful, but he was killed by a handful of guys with bows and arrows. Unless those outer scales reflect spells like they reflect projectiles, I should be easy to just avadacadabra him, especially with an invisibility spell to sneak up on Smaug while he's sleeping. Voldemort can also deploy the death eaters and as distraction/cannon fodder and the dementors to demoralize Smaug. He may not even have to face Smaug himself, if that doesn't disqualify him. Smaug has no minions to help him. Worst-case scenario, if Voldemort is defeated he's still immortal thanks to the horcruxes; he could resurrect and try again.
Personally, I like Les Stroud the most, but if I had to pick between those two, Bear Grylls.
I haven't watched too much of either, but I remember watching some of Bear Grylls stuff when I was a kid and thinking it was cool.
Just someone i played call of duty with back when i was still into multiplayer... that kid would get mad over every kill and try over and over the same strategy that got him killed in the first place. I was mostly cool with it except for when he was on my team and it just got annoying. After a while he would resort to name calling and just overall cyber bullying so i just left multiplayer all together and went to zombies. Which is irrelevant but you get the gist of it.
Just someone i played call of duty with back when i was still into multiplayer... that kid would get mad over every kill and try over and over the same strategy that got him killed in the first place. I was mostly cool with it except for when he was on my team and it just got annoying. After a while he would resort to name calling and just overall cyber bullying so i just left multiplayer all together and went to zombies. Which is irrelevant but you get the gist of it.
*Insert random League of Legends players*

Just like.. seriously. Take a random player and you'll find a salt mine which I don't really get. Usually I see it happen when they are losing and they lash out to blame someone else almost like a 'I must blame someone before they think to blame me!' defense mechanism.

I think one that stuck out to me was back when I was playing with an ex years ago [they got me into league], was playing top as Mordekasier [Pre-Rework, glorious buggy Mordekaiser before they removed his ult and gave it to the edgy Final Fantasy guy], was like 20 something kills and only a few deaths. Mid was a Veigar who was getting stomped by roams [I stomped top so hard that whenever JG tried to help top, I'd kill one and send the other running or kill both via the stupidly good sustain that was R+Ignite + old Morde passive], bot was just perma shoved under tower or getting mooked.

Veigar player just started to lose it, running it down, blaming everyone else, when I told him to calm down, he started trying to insult and find mistakes with me, like how his CS was better [Because, yea, the reason I had 20+ kills was because I had to keep roaming to keep us in the game, I couldn't just sit in a lane all day]. Just.. idk, it wasn't what he said but just like the entire thing. How. How can you be trying to pin the blame on the player holding everything together who has triple the kills, less deaths and is the only reason we get objectives? Just.. what kind of mental do you have to have to do gymnastics to the point that makes sense? People are... interesting.
Do you remember agar.io? And when it blew up a few years ago, only to fade into the abyss? Well there are actually a lot of very similar games of all different calibers still being made. Step 1: Punch in a nickname. Step 2: Play.

Quite a while ago, there was this one called driftin.io. I played a lot of these .io games (still do, a bit) and driftin was the one I played feverishly every day. It was a racing game, and I LOVED it.

But... I don't think I've ever seen a more toxic lobby 😂 At any time of the day you could probably witness someone losing their mind in the chat window. Completely unmoderated, completely anonymous... and the chat didn't even save anything beyond the last 5 messages or so, so no records, either. In other words, it was complete anarchy, lol. Just about every slur in the dictionary was used on a constant basis, and people got SOUR. I wouldn't call it the most pleasant place to be, but the game was fun enough that I stayed, nonetheless. That, and I toggled the chat off a lot.

Since I used to play nearly every day for years on end, I got a lot better at the game than anyone in their right mind would, so it was pretty funny to poke some fun at the ragers who thought they were far tougher than they were. I had a decent amount of practice in just about any class, including the hidden ones, so whatever challenge they wanted to put me up to, I'd usually be willing to oblige.

People'd start to target you, too. I remember that once in awhile a whole group of friends would come online just to target one or two players and shout obscenities/taunts. Sometimes the server would get flooded with bots, too, and would lag everything up. It was always... interesting.

Unfortunately this took a turn for the worse as some people started figuring out how to crash the game, and one day someone discovered how to take it down entirely. You can actually still go to Driftin.io, but you still can't get in... and since the creator has long since left it to rot, I doubt it's going to be fixed up anytime in the future.

I suppose the most toxic gamer I've met was the guy that took it down. I managed to have a chat with him just a few days before he pulled the plug. His explanation was that he'd been trying to make a knockoff Driftin game, since he thought it was the most terrible thing ever that the original creator abandoned his... small, simplistic, vector racing game, I guess. Except when the guy got farther along with his knockoff Driftin, the original creator threatened to sue... Probably because it was literally called Driftin 2, and looked exactly like Driftin in every way possible.

At least, that was his explanation for why he did it... The guy was not exactly the most trustworthy person out there, so I'm not sure I buy that, lol. Could be any number of reasons.

So not only is that the most toxic gamer I've seen, but the most toxic community. So toxic that in my opinion, it tore itself down. It's a shame... I still really miss that game.

EDIT: Because this post got me nostalgiac, I decided to check on it again. WHAT THE HECK, IT'S BACK??? It has not been around for a YEAR or two, and just barely checked last month/earlier this month. WHAT WITCHCRAFT IS THIS??
Oh, all the time. TruTV's Top 10 Dumbest [insert group of people here] and Funniest Home Videos are prime examples of my humor.
Dark humor is my middle name. I make fun of inappropriate stuff all the time, especially death. From what I've seen, that's pretty par for the course people who work around death/dying/trauma: EMS, ER and ICU nurses, military. Heck, I even know therapists with the same style of humor as me.

What did Sally do on the swings?
She fell off; Sally has no arms.

Knock, knock
Who's there?
Not Sally.
Nope. I mean, I have seen people's writing or their style that I just didn't really like or enjoy, but never a 'Why did they start writing' as in a 'Bruh, why are you even bothering, you're hot garbage.' way

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