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Fandom Queens Hero High! [Boku no Hero RP] - Currently Full!



Harvey thought to himself, unable to hear Fudo until then passing out from the pain, his foot started returning to normal completely but, as for Harvey himself...this was it...this...was the end of the line in the Entrance Exam for Harvey Brooklyn...whether he did well on the scores or not...he gave it his best shot and that's all that mattered...but...what would Harvey think upon waking up? did he really give it his all? all that remained were the Exam results and what would happen to Harvey after that...

Webs Elk Webs Elk Its_Just_E Its_Just_E
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Eli awoke only slightly. He wasn't sure where he was entirely but he did notice he was on something soft and...sticky? Oh well, he honestly didn't care. He couldn't move at all. He could barely keep his eyes open. Eli had tons of small burn marks all over his body from the amount of electricity he just put out to stop the robot. Normally, he would take some power from his taser to heal himself up a bit but he burned out the battery charging himself up. "I guess this is the end of the examines for me. I can't move at all. My body hurts. Hey, at least I got it though right. Should be worth alot of points so I think I am safe to move on in the test. I guess we will find out later, right now though, I am going back to sleep." With that, Eli drifted back off, exhausted from the day he has had.

Webs Elk Webs Elk
B Storm

As Minori pressed the buttons, the screen lighted up, but emitted no sound:
5 6 7 8
"Alright, this pattern seems pretty simple." B said. He created a copy of his hand and sent it to the screen, using the same logic from last time to write the correct code. and the screen beeped, stopping both rows of buzzsaws and clearing the way to the third one. "We should try to end this quickly so we can save smoke girl later." If I got the pattern right, the next one should be... B moved his hands to the next screen and typed:

9 0 2 1

The answer was an angry beep; as the buzzsaws returned once again, a steel wall dropped behind B and Minori and started to slowly push the two towards the trap. The pattern changed? No, there has to be something I don't get here... And we better find it out fast.
"Any ideas, Minori?"

Kimona Kimona
Beatrice Oogami

The young boy spoke and pointed that Ayumu has somehow fainted. "Huh? Ayumu? Are you alright?" Beatrice asked as she begins to shake the boy up, but to no avail. "Oh no, we need to do something!" The wolf girl panicked, how could she not noticed? Beatrice decides to carry Ayumu against her shoulder and say "Looks like we'll have to deal with this situation later, considering we are now near the roof. Come on!" She then proceeds to continue oneward. Zhuang would do the same as well, but what about Heims?

Kimona Kimona RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan
Minori just shrugged, "Maybe there isn't a pattern." she states simply before quickly trying another set of numbers on the dial. "I mean if I was a bad guy I would never use a pattern. it's so easy to lose that way!" she huffs. after all all they had to do was figure out the pattern and your dead in the water!

1 4 8 2

Ayumu ended up slung over the girl's shoulder. He was extremely light. He remained flopped there for a bit, his pillow still slung over him. Soon enough though his body was trying to float upward on autopilot as to get out of her way. after all she couldn't fight as well with her holding him as far as he was concerned. He was still sleeping of course. But his body kept trying to float up regardless.

CapRock CapRock Zamasu Zamasu RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan
Gakuon Tensai, Christina Halbertz, & Fudo Kukku

Its_Just_E Its_Just_E - Eli
I Iamkingdomhearts1000 - Harvey
FudoFudo watched as Harvey passed out, his leg no longer spazzing out. Sighing, he picked him up and carried him to the bubble gum pad he made for Eli, who Fudo noted was also passed out, and laid him down. As he stood back up, he spotted the cog from the robot boss laying right next to the gum bed, and he grinned. Picking up the cog, he quickly ran over to the machine in the wall and placed it. As he did so, the laser shooting up towards the ceiling, suddenly stopped.

Fudo grinned, but not before looking around. Fortunately, no more robot bosses popped back up, causing Fudo to sigh in relief, Now to tell Gaku! Maybe he'll give me a present ...

Fudo created another bubblegum bed and placed Harvey and Eli on it. Then he sat on it himself, and started flying at high speeds down the floor levels. As he went lower in the tower, he looked at all the robots and applicants on the ground, Not everyone was as lucky as me it seems ...
  • Kagamine.Len.full.74018.jpg
Metal Jacket almost choked when he heard Hishiko talk.
"You H-husband, huh...?" He couldn't be more relieved when Geyser changed the subject. "You really don't have to worry about the brats. Thanks to Dr. Kilter, we haven't had a single casualty on the admission test for the last 3 years!" He boasted.

B Storm

As the wall pushed them closer and closer to the buzzsaw trap, Minori typed a random code into the dial:
1 4 8 2
After the screen beeped, the wall behind them started to move faster; they had at best a few seconds before the walls pushed them into the gruesome fate awaiting them; still, B did his best to keep his calm. Wait... I think I've got it! "You're half right, Minori. The number order is random, but the numbers themselves aren't." He reached with his cloned hands for the screen and wrote:
3 4 1 2
The buzzsaws up to the third row stopped as they solved the challenge, but the wall kept pushing them forward. But it didn't matter; they had the pattern now. B rushed himself to the fourth and second to the last computer to type, quickly correcting his mistake:
7 8 6 5
7 6 8 5

This left them with the very last screen standing between them and victory. There's something wrong; it should be an even number of computers. But I guess I have no choice but try it out... He went himself to the screen and typed what he assumed to be the right code:
1 4 3 2
"Wait, what!?" B barely managed to duck as a couple of flamethrowers targeted him at the sides. The floor below him collapsed and the giant vacuum was trying to suck B into the darkness; he only barely held on using a chain of arms to hold onto the ledge, which was a few feet away from him. At the position he was, all he could do was hold on for dear life, and not for long; thankfully, Minori might still have a shot at the screen before the huge trap the room beat them. Think, B! How could you have guessed only the first and third numbers? There has to be some kind of logic... Something clicked on B's head as he said:
"Minori! Try the first number in each computer!"

Kimona Kimona
Minori became concerned when B fell, at instantly went to try more numbers, but stopped when he yelled up, her tail flicking behind her. She took his advice and began punching in those numbers. That is if she remembered the correctly. after all she didn't know she was supposed to remembering them.

1 5 3 7
CapRock CapRock

"...Hmm...i hope that you are right Metal Jacket..."

said Geyser, still worried about the applicants of the Exam before then deciding to change the subject to ease his concerns a little since there was nothing he could do at the moment.

"...At any rate, what i wanted to talk to you about, i'm inviting you and all the other pros and retired heroes to a party to celebrate my wedding anniversary with my husband, that's the official business i wanted to talk to you about, knowing you, you must of thought it was something serious..."sigh"..."

said Geyser, plain and clear for Metal Jacket to hear everything.

CapRock CapRock
B Storm

B sighted a breath of relief as the screen emitted a happy beep and all the deadly traps went away at once; Dhalia didn't make it back, however. He climbed back up to the ground level, nodded to Minori in gratitude and made way for the Archive. There were four large drawers on it; B created an extra pair of hands to pull all four of them at once.
"Alright, let's see what all this trouble was for." B said as he pulled the drawers. "What on Earth...?"
There were actually four persons inside the archives; one of them held a CD on his hand and the other one had a large cog. They all smiled and laughed at B's reaction, clearly amused by our heroes' shock.

Kimona Kimona
Minori may or may not have been initially surprised, this point was unknown as if she was she immediately switched to freaking out (in a good way) about how cool it was or whatever. "OMG look at them!!! Their so tiny and cute!!!" she exclaims with a grin. she tried to reach out and pick one up because of her nature to be hands- on when it make to her obsessive and fanatic(al) nature.

CapRock CapRock
Minori may or may not have been initially surprised, this point was unknown as if she was she immediately switched to freaking out (in a good way) about how cool it was or whatever. "OMG look at them!!! Their so tiny and cute!!!" she exclaims with a grin. she tried to reach out and pick one up because of her nature to be hands- on when it make to her obsessive and fanatic(al) nature.

CapRock CapRock
"So here, here's a letter with all my love behind it to both the pro heroes and the retired heroes."

said Geyser Falls, offering a heart shaped stamped letter towards Metal Jacket, giving him the invite to both Geyser and his husband's wedding anniversary party.

CapRock CapRock
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B Storm

One of the hostages climbed upon Minori's floating hand while the others jumped from the Archives. The one that seemed to be the leader handed over the cog to B and said:
"Congratulations on rescuing us! Let me introduce ourselvers: We're Split, assitant hero for hiring." Then, each of the four tiny persons ran into each other and formed one regular-sized man. "Don't worry, you'll still get 4 hostage rescues out of us."
"Uh... Ok?" B asked. He glanced at the cog in his hands, then back at Split. "So what's this cog for?"
"Place it in the wall over there." Split answered. "It seems that your friends have finished their parts of the job already, so when you do that it'll stop the beacon."
B nodded, followed to the hole in the wall and placed the cog into the spot. He heard some eletronic noise, followed by a huge blast coming from somewhere way above him. Split gave a proud nod to B and Minori and made way for the exit.
"Oh and watch out for the hidden guards." He said before living.
Before B could even answer, yet another batch of alien guards rushed in from hidden entrances at the wall and surrounded our heroes in an instant, holding them at gunpoint. There were too many of them to fight and, besides, B had been using his quirk far too long and was running low on stamina. No matter how he looked at the situation, there was no way they'd get out of it alive.
"I think this is it." B said as he tried his best to protect Minori with his actual body. His voice and his self-control were starting to break down. "Minori, I just want you to know that i think you're way cooler than I am because you don't hide what you feel!"
B closed his eyes and awaited for his demise. What he got instead was the same sirens that started the test. When he opened his eyes again, the robots had all dropped down; the test was finally over.

Zamasu Zamasu Webs Elk Webs Elk I Iamkingdomhearts1000 Its_Just_E Its_Just_E RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan Kimona Kimona

Metal Jacket looked over at Geyser falls in utter disbelief. "I... Uh... So when is it again? I think I have something for that day..." He started to grumble, unable to form a discernible answer. He seemed about to have a mental breakdown when the alarms soared; Harrison couldn't be more relieved. He recomposed himself and said:
"I'll see to that later, Geyser Falls; right now I have a speech to do."
While Dr. Kilter mobilized the medic team to rescue all injured applicants, Harrison stepped up the soapbox once again and began to speak:
"Attention all applicants! The test is over. You should be getting your complete results on your phone at any moment now."
Meanwhile, inside the building, B checked his phone. He received an e-mail with the following text:
PASSED (12th out of 12)

B sighted in relief, then turned to Minori: "So... Did you pass?"
"Oh poopie! hmm?"

said Geyser Falls, as he then listened on to Metal Jacket's speech over the speakers and had looked at the applicant screens, seeing the medical teams slowly rushing in to help all applicants on all floors both injured and still standing...

CapRock CapRock
Beatrice Oogami

The wolf girl and her team were one step away from the roof, but once they get in, an announcement was heard. The test is over, and Beatrice could not believe this. "What?!" She was surprised by this, and then she felt her phone vibrate. She digs her hand in between her breasts and pulls out her phone to see a message. She would begin to read it.

Kimona Kimona RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan CapRock CapRock
Minutes before the test

Katja had not left her home early in fact she had not yet actually committed to arriving at the upcoming hero test as she didn't need to worry about time constraints, her rifts would allow her to arrive in and instant. She had thus decided to get a pre test meal at what could be called her favorite cafe, though that would mean she actually felt attachment to it when she did not, she simply came here because it had better deals. Without having to concern herself with distance Katja tended to only go to places that were cheaper but had decent quality as while she didn't care about brands or fashion or anything else she did understand quality and the need for it. Katja had nearly 10 minutes go before the test and she was just about to finish her meal, pay then open a rift as was normal for her when her plans were interrupted. Outside screams were heard as what seemed like explosions rocked the building, though that could easily be cars crashing and people running.

Katja saw this and while not a hero she was planning to become one, thus she should be able to take whatever was coming, and if not then she could buy time for them. When Katja got out the crowd almost swept her away but she managed to resist and soon saw the cause of the issues, a man, and what looked like a zoo's worth of mutated animals he even rode upon a giant beetle the size of a garbage truck. Looking up and around Katja saw no heroes coming perhaps they were all at the tests, and as she looked Katja saw what looked like a swollen frog sail by and land on the side walk near some people. The frog started to grow and expand and in seconds it exploded sending people, and pavement flying. She also saw some people straggling behind a normal looking boy ad his dog for one. As Katja thought about what to do the mastermind of this army drew toward the boy.

" THE TIME OF MAN IS DONE" He shouted as he jumped off the beetle " NOW THE WORLD WILL BELONG TO DR EVO THE MASTER OF MUTATION" She yelled as he placed a hand on the dog which almost bit him. It was then that Katja saw what his quirk was and the previously normal and loyal dog started to mutate it grew massive, spikes jutting up from its back and its teeth growing, it looked painful. As Katja watched she was unmoved by the fear of the boy, and she felt no horror she could easily leave this man was no major threat an experienced hero could take him. Still when the dog turned on the boy and looked like he was going to kill his former owner Katja couldn't remain still, she had to act something deep inside her pushed her.

As the mutated dog was about to bite down on the unmoving scared boy a bright white disk appeared around its neck, then a second latter it vanished along with that thin slice of neck killing the dog in an instant, the head of the creature falling away from the neck followed shortly by the rest of the its body. " WHAT WHO DARES KILL ONE OF MY CHILDREN" the villain shouted looked around and realizing it was just three of them " YOU!!" He shouted pointing at Katja " YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS" he screamed in fury as the creatures, namely wolves charged Katja 5 them each sporting the spikes and massive steel crushing jaws along with nails the gouged deep groves with every step.

Katja let them get close before opening up a rift then a second so that the first ending up charging back into his allies "Oberon" Katja said her tone lacking any feeling even in the fight and a third portal opened. before Oberon could even step out a wolf that had not been knocked down charged it only to be cut in half by the blades that emerged with the figure painting the white uniform red. The wolves meanwhile had gamed to get up 2 going for Katja and 2 for Oberon. The wolves on Katja's side charged her only for her to open two portals again though this made the wolves switch sides and she closed. That was a neat fact Katja had just learned she had expected them to vanish as humans did , maybe the realm didn't do animals or maybe their mutation saved them. Katja didn't have time to ponder as she closed the rifts before they came fully out cutting off their hind legs. Oberon meanwhile made short work of his two with his twin blade quickly moving to finish off the two still going after Katja.

The villain let out an enraged screech, or scream but it was clear he was angry and pointed at her again. This time the beetle changed it was so large and powerful that it pushed cars and trucks out of the road with ease as it charged. Oberon quickly picked Katja up carrying her in a bridal style as below them a rift opened only for a second to show up right above the spot a few second latter where the beetle now stood. only Oberon fell through landing with a powerful kick down on the beetle pushing it down some before cracking the shell some, but it was alive. In reaction to this the monstrous black beetle tried to throw Oberon off thrashing seemingly trying to take flight. though it soon found it couldn't as Oberon had to maintain a grip thrust his sword through the shell and pinned a wing down. That wasn't planned but it was luck and only then did Katja return a few feet away from the beetle and while it scrambled to try she created a new rift where its shell and sign connected to the body cutting them off. Oberon left his blade in and jumped to the now exposed and soft under flesh and tore in cutting through organs again killing the beast.

Still there was no time to celebrate as the Villain had not been idle and had called forth new creatures, they looked like the bodies of crocodiles with heads made of a ball of tentacles around a ton of teeth and one on them had used its tentacles to grab Katja by her ankle and pull her towards it. Katja didn't have time to react and actually would have been drawn into the creatures jaws if not for Oberon tossing his remaining blade into its mouth from the distance stopping it. This however, was what the villain wanted as at that moment a huge wasp with a sword sided stinger swooped down and impaled Oberon in the torso. If Oberon had been a man he would be doomed, but as a thick black fluid leaked from his chest proved he was no man anymore and this would while grievous was not life threatening. Oberon grabbed the wasps head and pulled it off before pulling the stinger and body out of his own. This shocked the villain and allowed Katyja to escape.

Minutes after the test
The battle was over the animals slain and Dr Evo was on his back on the ground missing a hand as Oberon with a hole in his chest held a blade to the man's throat pushing it in slightly waiting for the silent command that would not come. Katja was close to killing him, very close she had almost issued the command when the boy who had been the start of her heroics tugged on her blood and gore covered clothes stopping Katja from thinking of what to do with the villain. This oddly again stired something deep inside the unfeeling being Katja was a long lost connection that she no longer believed she possessed and could not name. She had planned to go become a hero because she could not be with normal people, but perhaps there was another reason, just maybe.

" Dr Evo i am placing you under citizens arrest" She said choosing not to kill him even as Oberon faded she heard sirens the police and heroes were here, they would see her surrounded by dead animals a small child cluching her and a wanted dangerous man on the ground at her feet, she was a hero.
Ayumu remained floating there. a phone buzzing in his pocket as he slept on his pillow. As he slept it took him a bit to remember he even owned a phone, so once her did, he slowly reached over to grab it and when he did he held it in front of his sleeping face, only briefly waking to look at he screen. It seemed he did as well as he thought. He got around what he considered would be a B or a high C, probably a B, even though he slept through most of the written test, and a pretty decent grade on the physical portion, most of his points coming from hostages, floors and Intel. He pocketed the phone as he passed out again He guessed it was time to go home. He may have gotten good grades, but that didn't mean he got into the school, so all he had to do was go home and wait. And maybe sleep. A lot of sleep. So he turned and began floating off and away from his group, waving a little as he sleep-floated down the hall and out a window.
Zamasu Zamasu RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan CapRock CapRock

Minori was ecstatic as the little guy climb on her hand. She didn't care if he was 1 part of one large guy, actually that made it cooler, quirks were cool. She was excited as heck, because he was still adorable. (cool is the correct term here, but she likes the word adorable better, so she often calls cool things adorable.), he was a cool hero in full form, but she still said the word adorable of course. She watched him place the cog and stuff. ... cool. when the guards appeared she was ready to fight them. but then B got in the way. ... Then the test ended!!
When her phone started buzzing, she checked it, but she had forgotten what everything meant, s she quickly closed it, losing interest since she didn't know what it was.
Beatrice Oogami

The wolf girl read through the result, and it appears that she have passed with most of the points going to destroying the robots. She felt very happy, or maybe TOO happy, to the point of run up the ledge and let out a celebratory howl that echoes throughout the area. "Did you heat that, Mom?!" She yelled "I've passed! I'm now accepted to Queens Hero High!!" She hopes that her mother would hear her howl. She looks back at her companions and saw Ayumu floating away. "Ayumu!" She called as she quickly catches up to him and ask "Are you just going to leave us like that?" However, she noticed that he had just passed out. "Oh...well, I think tomorrow we could meet up again so, see you tomorrow!" And with that said, she watches Ayumu float away.

With the medics coming in the building to help the injured and still standing students, it may seem that it is now time for Beatrice to depart. She cannot wait to tell her mother of the good news.

Kimona Kimona RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan
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suddenly, Harvey started to awake from a while of sleeping, he was seen laying next to Eli, as Fudo was carrying the two of them using the special abilities of his Quirk, Harvey asks Fudo a question:

"...Fudo? ...did we...win?"

said Harvey, as he tries to remember what exactly happened before he went unconscious, only bits and pieces of memory were coming to mind in haze, slowly but surely the haze started to disappear in the forms of dark clouds within his mind covering his memory fading one by one, however, just before he could continue thinking, he could suddenly feel his entire left both leg and foot aching in extreme pain, he looked at them and although they looked pretty normal on the outside, on the inside, Harvey felt like his leg and foot were all mangled up, as if they were somehow messed up by something or someone, Harvey tries for the life of him to remember...but unfortunately to no avail...

Webs Elk Webs Elk Its_Just_E Its_Just_E
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Gakuon Tensai, Christina Halbertz, & Fudo Kukku

Its_Just_E Its_Just_E - Eli
I Iamkingdomhearts1000 - Harvey
CapRock CapRock - Metal Jacket
Christina and GakuAs Chrisitna heard the sirens blare, she gently turned towards Gaku. Despite wearing hearing aids, somehow the boy slept through them. As such, she gently shook him awake.

Gaku sat up and once he heard the sirens, immediately composed himself. He looked over to a smiling Christina, "Well! We did it! We finished the test!"

Gaku smiled for a brief moment as he cleared his throat, "Good. Whatever happens, we should celebrate."

At that moment they then heard the announcement coming from Metal Jacket, "Attention all applicants! The test is over. You should be getting your complete results on your phone at any moment now."

Christina and Gaku both anxiously took out their phones, although you wouldn't be able to tell that Gaku was anxious. After a few seconds, Christina was the one to sigh in relief first. She turned to Gaku with a giant smile, "I passed!"

She then showed him her screen.
APPLICANT NAME: Christina Halbertz


PASSED (3rd {or 4th} out of 12)
Gaku smiled again, "Great! That means we can celebrate for two reasons!"

Then they heard a snippet of a song playing. Christina looked intrigued, "Hmm ... What song is that?"

Gaku blushed, though he went back to his straight face. He wasn't expecting anyone to hear that, "That's my ringtone. It's a song I created."

Christina grinned, "You make music! I make music! We should make a song together!"

Gaku nodded as he opened the email.
SAT SCORE: 1000 (Perfect Score)


PASSED (1 out of 12)

Additional Notes: Congratulations on first place, Gakuon. We look forward to having you in our school! Keep in mind that we have many talented students entering alongside you, so do your best to stay on top!
As Gaku looked at the email, he was blank faced. On the inside he was internally squealing in joy! Christina, only seeing the poker face looked worried, "Did you pass ..."

Christina looked at Gaku's phone and as she read it, she began smiling even wider and wider, before she ended up squealing so loudly that Fudo would later reveal he heard it from the 9th floor, "You got 1st place! Good job, Gaku! I don't even wanna know what type of genius you must be to get a perfect on the SAT!"

Christina picked Gaku up in a hug and began spinning him around. As she sat him down, they noticed the applicants coming down from the steps, looking relatively dejected. Frowning, Christina realized, "They must not have done well enough ..."

But placing that aside, Christina started smiling again, "At least, we made it!"

Gaku looked at Christina and let a flicker of a smile show before getting on a cot and letting the medics take him away.

FudoAs Fudo came down the stairs, he heard the sirens as well. After hearing the announcement to check their phones, Fudo pulled his out and began waiting for the email, while simultaneously riding the gum down the stairs. (At some point while on the 9th floor, he also heard someone squealing very loudly). As he reached the 4th floor, the email came.


PASSED (11 out of 12)
Additional Notes: You may have gotten 11th but you have one of the, if not the, the lowest SAT score out of all of our accepted applicants. We expect you to improve it substantially over the course of your time here at QHH.
Fudo internally groaned as he read the last part. However, putting that aside, he smiled. He was going to be a hero. As he continued driving, Harvey woke up, asking, "...Fudo? ...did we...win?"

Fudo grinned, "Of course! They're sending emails with the results of the test, as well as whether or not you scored high enough to be accepted into the school. BTW, I made it in!"

As he finally reached the bottom, he saw Gaku getting on a cot, whilst standing next to a girl he's never met. Grinning he rushed over before the medics left, "Hey Gaku! I made it in! What'd you get?"

Gaku waved at Fudo before pointing at Christina and letting the medics take him away. As Fudo looked confused for a second, he let more medics take Harvey and Eli, I'll have to ask them later.

Then Christina stepped in front of Fudo, "I'm guessing you're a friend of Gaku's"

Fudo nodded, "Yep! I'm Fudo Kukku!"

Christina smiled, "I'm Christina Halbertz! I'm assuming Gaku wanted me to tell you this since he pointed towards me, but I got 3rd (or 4th) place and he got first!"

Fudo grinned widely. That means they all were going to Queens together, "That's awesome! We should celebrate!"

Christina nodded, as she smiled, "I agree. But first, we need to follow Gaku and make sure he's okay. I mean, he got hit with a metal desk during the exam."

As Christina started walking away, Fudo's eyes widened, "WAIT!!! WHAT?!?!!??!"

He then chased after her.

The pain started to swell down more or less, as Harvey could hear Metal Jacket's voice over the speakers before Fudo then told Harvey of the former's results.


Harvey smiled for his new friend's achievement before then resuming checking on the pain within his left leg and foot, trying to ease it if he could, it was then that Harvey met one of Fudo's own friends, a young man named Gaku, of whom was standing alongside a young woman who immediately caught Harvey's eyes...

"...Huh? who...is she?"

said Harvey, suddenly curiosity swelled up inside of him, as he looked on at the young woman, just before anything else, he was then brought back to reality after daydreaming from looking at the young woman by the medics, who proceeded to lastly take Harvey himself and Eli away to the medical quarters to be treated for any and all injuries sustained during the Exam, Harvey turned around, as he gave one last look at the young woman's face before being taken away to be treated...​
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Hiems stopped at the spot as the school announced the end of the exam. He turned to the other students he walked into-who he never got to really socialize with(like he would talk to them first)- and saw them check their phones. As one of them continued floating away after checking their score, Hiems dug a hand into his pants pocket and pulled out his own phone. He scrolled down the results, eyeing every part of it-SAT(he had to hold the urge to throw the papers away and go to sleep), the exam(lots of robot wrecking), more exam stuff, and more. As a result, it was a pass for him.
“Ooh, goodie.”
Hiems muttered and shoved the phone back to his pants pocket. He stuffed his hands into the training suit pockets and turned around, looking for a way down and out of the exam area. Now that the hard work was over, he could use some real good nap.
Zamasu Zamasu Kimona Kimona
Minutes before the exam
Sol was going to be late, she was running as fats as she could and still she would be late to the test, today of all days her mom's car had to break down. There were faster ways to get there but she had to save up her energy for the exam as the schools always went all out and Sol wanted to stand out she was going to number one of course at least when it came to practical hero stuff as the idea of a hero test on paper was silly. Heroes were meant to be out fighting crime and being cool not behind a desk pushing papers they were icons and she would show that she was going to be the best. Still as Sol was running forward she noticed a lot of people running in the opposite direction, then she heard it sirens there was crime afoot. Now the correct thing to do would be to stay out of it and let police and heroes handle it but Sol wasn't about to do that she wanted to be a hero so she might as well start off right now. She might miss the test, but well saving people came first to tests, heroes were the ones that protected the people and thus she would prioritize people over tests right now.

"Bayonetta" Sol called out as the saw the police had sectioned off the street with their cars meaning the bad guys were right on the others side and Sol was beyond excited to stop her first bad guy.

The cops that were focused on the gang of criminals almost jumped when a large black panther jumped over their cars leaving a trail of flower petals behind it. They were even more surprised when said big cat turned into a girl mid air and she started blasting away with guns not only in her hands but on her feet. Sol meanwhile was loving it as she took half aim at the members as she flew the bullets would be none lethal that much she knew so shooting with this style wouldn't really hurt anyone. The gang members were struck by the hail of bullets and were just as stunned as the cops as this was not what one expected to happen even in a world of heroes. They were all struck but they would notice the bullets hurt but they didn't even leave hole sin their clothes. " Get her" The leader called out who looked to be nearly 10 or 12 feet all and way over muscled even as Sol landed.

Sol heard the command but didn't run as she landed instead she surprisingly started to sing almost to herself "Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars" she started even was a man with what looked like barbed tentacles ran at her lashing out. Sol quickly with super human reflexes moved back at the last second and then the world slowed down for her. She quickly moved in and started to punch the nearly frozen man as witch time lasted only seconds she would finish him with an uppercut, or well a wicked weave uppercut meaning a huge demon hand came up from the ground and sent the man flying. The gang members blinked as all they saw was the one guy go for her then she was at him and sending him flying with a demon hand. A second gang member shouted and started throwing fire balls at Sol and she did dodge but not late enough and she started shooting though the bullets didn't seem to do damage aside from pain, the man's clothes soon were blasted off seemingly at random they just came off down to his underwear. That wasn't the strangest thing as seconds latter a huge foot in a high heel came down from above him and crushed the man not killing but knocking him out.

" What the fuck " The leader said with his two remaining minions while Sol continued her song clearly enjoying this so very much. " Rush her" He commanded and all three came at her. One of them seemed to be made of bricks and likely was as hard as one while the other minion Sol couldn't tell what his power was maybe he had no quirk. It was only a second latter that she learned he apparently could share a quirk with another picking his boss he grew taller and put on a ton of muscle. Well no problem as even as all three punched at her she turned into butterflies and appeared behind them and now she had a pair of swords, though when her slashed hit them they hurt but again seemed to do no damage. The gangsters soon recovered and turned trying to hit her only for her to vanish and appeared a few steps back once more with the guns shooting the brick member of their group. They tried to to get close and hit Sol but she kept moving , and dodging out of the way making them more and more angry as she focused on the weaker member. The brick guy would finally be dispatched by the swords blowing his clothes off and knocking him out.

Sol jumped back she was done this was't that great of a fight so she would finish it now, the two had to be on low so she could do something flashy. "Avavago" She called out stopping her song as she spun and struck an odd pose her legs spread her hand behind her her head as her hair flew up far higher than it should then vanished into what looked like a portal. Another portal opened between her and the two muscle bound criminals and from it emerged the head and neck of what looked like a dragon bound by silver hair which roared out and oddly elephant like roar before reeling back and grabbing the two stunned men and started to chomp down. Normally this should killed them but after a few chomps the hair demon would vanish and the men woudl be found again without clothe knocked out.

"Well i think that is worth a pure platinum" Sol said as she released her character, it had been a short fight barely taking 5 minutes but she was already late and well the cops would have a few questions it looked like she wasn't going to get to take that test after all, but it was worth it to stop some villains and show off some.
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Eli awoke in a tent of some kind. He tried to sit up but as he tried to move, pain would come with it. He looked down at his body to find bandages wrapped all the way around him. "I must have over done it a bit, hehe," said Eli. He looked around as best he could. From what he could tell, it was a medical tent of some kind. There was tons of other applicants in there with him. Most of them he didn't recognize at all. Probably some of the kids who didn't make it up the first few floors. After a while of laying there, Eli finally heard a buzzing sound. As he looked around for it, he discovered it was his phone coming from his pocket. "That thing survived all of this?" Taking out his phone to see why it was going off so much, he saw he had an email, from the school. Now curious, Eli opened the email.













Eli read over the email a few times just to make sure he was reading it correctly. He had passed. He put his phone back in his pocket and threw his arm over his eyes. As he laid there, he couldn't help but let out a small smile that escaped his lips. "It's going to be a wild ride from here on out wont it."
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