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Realistic or Modern Project: Sailor Private Communications Channel (OOC)

Here's my own, despite there already being two (well, one. The Cartoon MGGFOS is the canonical way it goes).

-The actual goddess Aphrodite is killed and Adrian, unhappily, has to take her place. Wacky Hijinks(tm) ensue.
-Adrian has a pretty similar origin story to his MGG one but this time he has to go on a dimension hopping adventure with a certain Grant Kimoto (Kitty'll get it).

Did somebody say Phineas and Ferb!
*breaks in through roof*
*whispers in Backset's ear*
I did.
Bored challenge:

Come up with an alternate universe version of your character.
au garnet who can talk to women- aka an au where they werent abused.

personality swap, garnet is a tall, strong, bubbly crossdresser and pearl has -1 social skills

Nicknames for everyone Celeste will use:

Asuka: Drama Queen, Weeb, Weeaboo.
Eris: Lucky Charms, Sprinkles, Cupcake.
Adrian: Catnip, Nerd, Cupid, Trap.
Hadrian: Gay Kid, White Hair.
Sol: Edgy Kid, Try Hard, Robot.
Pearl: Pinky, Pink Skirt, Pink Panties.
Elliot: (I'll think of something)
Shanon: Major Monogram (Phineas and Ferb Reference).
Iris: Flower Child, Bass Kid, (I'll think of more)
Garnet: Gladiator, Pink Eye.

I had to, I'm sorry.

also what im saying is please dont, it bothers me
In case everyone couldn't tell, I am really fond of the genderbending boy to magical girl trope (it's funnier if they can change back and forth because it's harder to get used to it).
Gonna take a guess and say that that's the name of an Anime that has what I just said as the premise.
aaaactually i was going to tell you the title, but all i could remember was the word twintail, so i settled on being obscure
au garnet who can talk to women- aka an au where they werent abused.

personality swap, garnet is a tall, strong, bubbly crossdresser and pearl has -1 social skills


also what im saying is please dont, it bothers me
lol i know he wears boxers i thought it would be hilarious to say that since he wears a skirt.

But sure, since it bothers you I won't. o3o
By the way, do you think maybe I should skip the splitting up part and keep y'all together? I mean, New York is pretty big so having two teams in the same place...
By the way, do you think maybe I should skip the splitting up part and keep y'all together? I mean, New York is pretty big so having two teams in the same place...

That would be great! It would be a waste of several notes I'm making on the possible tactical compositions of the team, but still.
Slow down there Fire Emblem.
It's not that many notes.

With fire emblem we have a database, this is much more limited and also encompasses execution VS simple abilities which you can't monitor without some sort of training/power-show off thing in the IC.
Hadrain would be loud, cheerful, lowkey crazy asf, much nicer but also much more prone to violence because he angers easily. He'd probably be a crystal or ice demon.
Hadrain would be loud, cheerful, lowkey crazy asf, much nicer but also much more prone to violence because he angers easily. He'd probably be a crystal or ice demon.

Celeste shall call him Big Gay Icecream now.

No, that's actually a thing. I'm not lying.

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