• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
For you guys not in the discord: there were a few rule updates -

Any rule updates that break your character will permit you to request a partial scoop of character to correct. Please apply for a partial scoop. If the changes suck, feel free to propose additional modifications.

New Skills
All Tamer skills for the Buddy system have been added to Miscellaneous skill list.
Martial Ethos added to Martial skill list.
Martial Mastery added to Martial skill list.

Skill Changes
Asset skill was modified to list Buddy assets.
Weapon Mastery has been removed.
Magic Domain has been overhauled.
Magic School has been overhauled.
i'm watching this ooc but i haven't been getting notifications :closedeyescryingfrown:
Folks don't say a whole lot in it. Is it possible you got a notification, checked the notification but didn't check the thread, forgot to check thread? So long as it thinks it alerted you and you haven't looked at thread, it sometimes doesn't keep reminding you.
Latetly, I like to chill in the shade at the beach and read or game. its nice listening to the waves and feeling cozy with a slight breeze and warm day
hello to the Isekai Hell roleplayers not in the discord server! I am gonna be running a Circus rp if anyone is interested.

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