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Hello! I'm Snow (or the Username works too), and hoo boy it has been a while since I actually did this RP thing. Like, 2015, long time ago? Heck. But welcome to my thread!

Let me get the not-so-fun stuff out of the way before we talk about interests and such.

Things I Cannot Abide:
1. Godmoding/Powerplaying. Please do not take control of my character/kill my character/ etc etc, at least without talking to me first. That ish ain't cool.​
2. Please do your very best to have decent spelling and grammar. We're all human and stuff, but we are also, generally, intelligent individuals with access to spellcheck. Really all I ask is you do your best.​
3. I tend towards multi-para type stuff, but also I prefer quality over quantity. Like, I'm not gonna describe every blade of grass in a scene and subsequently not move the plot along.​
4. Plot before all else. I enjoy a good romance like everyone else, but it is not absolutely necessary to have, and threads based solely on romance get boring and shallow real fast. Slow burns are A+.​
5. No incest, no age gaps, no dubious consent, no slavery. That stuff isn't cash money, yo.​
6. Please don't make me pull teeth for plot. I will do my best not to do that as well.​
7. I am a human adult with a human adult full time job. I will do my best to reply daily, but please don't send me messages immediately if I don't.​
Things I Absolutely Will Abide:
1. OOC Planning/plotting/gushing about our dorks/Memery​
2. Playing Male, Female, and Anywhere In Between characters​
3. I'm good with playing most ages.​
4. Friendship​
5. OCs. If I need to play a canon character, I need to know the source material really well to be comfortable with it. I will do my best though.​
6. Character Growth.​
General Nice to Know Things:
1. If I ever say or do something that you are uncomfortable with, please for the love of the gods tell me so I can quickly correct that behavior. No one likes to feel unsafe.​
2. Threads don't have to be fandom based! 8D​
3. I don't do face claims in terms of a thread necessity. I'll happily talk about similarities in OOC, but I prefer to keep their image up to what I've described and my reader's imagination.​
Right okay so you got through that and you're still here. Swell.
So then you're probably wondering what I like and what I like to write. Well, fair reader, let me tell you:

1. D&D​
2. Skyrim/Elder Scrolls​
3. Dragon Age​
4. Anime (BNHA [still catching up on this one], FLCL, Rurouni Kenshin, Tiger and Bunny, Blood+, Ouran High School, Kill la Kill, there are probably others, I just can't think of them)​
5. Mass Effect​
6. Vampire the Masqurade​
7. The Supernatural/Paranormal​
8. Probably other stuff. Ask and I'll let you know.​

What I've Written in the Past:
1. Skyrim​
2. Dragon Age​
3. Mass Effect​
4. Van Hellsing (The "Ultimate" version of the Anime)​
5. Vague Vampire genre type stuff.​
6. Vampire the Masqurade​
7. Supernatural/Paranormal​

What I'm Willing to Write:

To be honest, I'll hear almost anything out so long as it abides by the rules above. (That said, things are likely to change as I open this particular Pandora's Box, so keep an eye on it). But if I were to be more specific:

1. Skyrim​
2. Supernatural/Parnormal​
3. Sci-fi​
4. Fantasy (Modern or Ye Olden Medieval Times)​
5. AUs of stuff.​
6. Seriously just ask, I'm probably willing to work something out if I can figure out a character for it.​
If you've made it this far and you still want to talk, please let me know! Any questions? Feel free to ask. You can either drop a question/comment here and I'll message you, or PM me directly. I'm fine with either.

Kay, byeeeee.
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Heyho :3 if you're still looking for partners I'd be totally in for planning something together :3
Hello!! I'm mostly into sci-fi / fantasy roleplays, so i'm sure we'll be able to figure out a plot! If you're still searching for rp partners, shoot me a message and we can discuss more!

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