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[div class=he]Nykios and Diianta[/div]
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Long, long ago, the world was split into two. Nykios, the World of the Night and Diianta, the World of the Day. Together they were called Iyanth-ei. They each had half the day govern but they weren’t happy with only half. Both of them fought and fought to control more of the day for many, many centuries. The fight destroyed mountains and seas, destroyed countless living things until they finally reached a compromise. On the hottest day of summer, Diianta commanded the day. On the coldest day of winter, Nykios ruled the hours. They hereafter became known as the Summer and Winter Solstices. And in spring and fall, the days where they both oversaw equal times were known as the Equinoxes.

Millenniums later... is when our story starts. In the world now, creatures change and landforms shift every day and night. Living things may be one thing during the day but something very different at night. People do not remember all of their memories and experiences in the day at night and similarly, do not remember themselves at night during the day. In this way, night and day achieved equal control over all living things and lived in harmony with their counterpart. Or did they?

While the world seems calm and serene at first glance, hidden tensions are again rising between Nykios and Diianta. In the year MCXXIII on the Jyncien calendar, people who remember both night and day are starting to rise...


On the fifth month of the year MCXXIII on the Jyncien calendar, almost every place in Iyanth-ei gained a new parchment message. Nobody had noticed its appearance, nevermind knowing the reason for its appearance.


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If you remember night and day,
Come to Jynciea City or Hyphonius County.

- Cirocco

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It was currently the sixth hour of Nykios' reign and fourteen certain people had gained all their memories...
Will they move after the message? Or will they choose to ignore it?

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A lithe dark figure crouched in the shadows outside of Hyphonius County, clutching tightly to a small piece of parchment as she stared into the city. It was a cesspool for bullies and thieves, and she despised the inhabitants that conducted their dirty business there. For what felt like the millionth time that night, she smoothed out the paper in her hand, wondering what it could mean, where it might lead. "If you remember night and day, come to Jynciea City or Hyphonius County." She read it several times, conflicted, wishing it wasn't true, and yet relieved that it was. Her hands trembled slightly as she carefully folded the note back along well worn creases. Part of her wondered where it came from, but mostly she was just glad that maybe she wasn't going crazy.

For a couple weeks now, she had been having this dream about a man like her, but not. She didn't remember ever having dreams before, at least nothing so vivid and detailed, as if she had been living a whole other life while she slept. It had been interesting at first, fascinating even, to imagine a completely different world, so bright and beautiful. Then she noticed that he thought she was the dream while he slept, and things started to feel a bit...complicated, to say the least. At first there was confusion. Who was really dreaming? Was she even real? Was he? And if she excepted that both were real, then what? They were both coming to the conclusion that they were somehow the same person, just two sides of the same coin, but then what did that even mean? How could this even be possible? How could an entire world exist without knowing the existence of the other? Could the one who sent this note have the answer?

Deciding she needed to know the answer, Danyren methodically checked her gear. She decided to keep her longbow unstrung and sheathed at her back. The chances of it being useful in the streets of the city were next to nil. She double checked the fit of her armor, and her daggers and throwing knives, making sure they were secure but ready to be pulled at a moment's notice. She was not as efficient with them as with her bow, but they had always served her well enough in the past. With an air of finality, she cinched down the straps of her pack and pulled her dark green archer's hood over her face. She would appear no less sketchy than any other person in the city. Taking one last moment to steel herself, she strode as confidently as she could, though her skin crawled at walking into the scum filled Hyphonius. The note did not say where exactly in the city to meet, but hopefully the mysterious Cirocco would not be too difficult to find. She needed answers.
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Light reflected off of the smiling clay face that masked Martells face, as he made yet another leap to a different table, managing to only miss spilling anyone's drinks but continue playing his fast-paced song without fail. People of all ages and species cheered him on and clapped to the rhythm of his tune as he leapt and played and danced throughout the pub, as most did when he visited. The legacy of the Harlequin Fiddler never seemed to miss a bar or tavern wherever he went, but Martell himself secretly wished for this kind of enjoyment. Behind the stone face he wore to mask his own, waxy and hidden, lie many secrets, some of which even he knew not.

That was, until he began to remember.

It was when he had been walking, and as per usual, he had nicked a few pieces of bread and a whole handful of crackers from people not at their homes. When he sat down on a patch of grass to enjoy his meal, he nearly passed out. Memories of a life he never lived began flooding into his skull (or at least what he had for one). One where he wasn't abandoned in the middle of the wilderness, and where he never had to become someone he wasn't, where he didn't even have to steal to eat. At first, Martell was jealous of this. That was, until he realized that this other person was him. And Hermes had begun to dream of that too. Until of course, when both realized that they co-existed, being one in the same being, just changing in personality and clothing. Together they appeared to connect now, remembering skills that the other didn't have.

But now was not the time to think back on this, Martell, no, Mars thought. If they were to be one in the same, they might as well have the same name. In a good ten minutes, the performance he had finally finished, and people clapped, before resuming their conversation. Before he could be stopped, Mars quickly exited the building, and stood under the moonlight. He had noticed something, stuck to the side of a barrel on the side of the road. Walking closer and removing his mask, Mars saw that someone else knew of these double-lives, and called them things like Night and Day. And they were obviously telling the truth, as they mentioned two cities, each different in Mars' two lives.

And so, that's how he ended up in Hyphonius, in his jester outfit and mask, with his violin strapped to his back, near the entrance of Hyphonius. Looking around, he wondered if anyone else knew what he knew. There were many shady looking people, but none showed the expression of worry or wonder, so Mars began to look for this Cirocco man. He asked a few passerby for this man, but a few only ignored him or threw rude words his way.

This would be harder than he thought.

Ambiloquous Ambiloquous
[div class=fyuri11wrapper][div class=fyuri11imagebox][div class=fyuri11overlayparent][div class=fyuri11overlay][div class=fyuri11header]Ciara

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If Niahm’s memory served her correctly, her counterpart worked in a place similar to this. She didn’t see why, though…

Her bare feet stuck to the floor the second she walked in, almost as though the faded wood was coated with a thin layer of chewing gum, but she refused to imagine what actually made the floor so adhesive. And it was so loud! Different conversations were shouted across the room, trying to overpower the band’s music, but instead giving Niahm a massive headache. She could barely hear her own thoughts.

She tiptoed to an empty table and sat down, keeping her head low. Any fool could tell how out of place the female was, who wore a thin but long, white dress and had wavy snow hair that touched the floor. Her eyes were such a pale blue, they barely held and color at all, and were wide as they observed the scene around her. There were so many people, much more than she was used to, and was getting nervous about embarrassing herself, even if there was no one she knew to embarrass herself in front of. She had no clue about human -- or any other species, for that matter -- mannerisms. So, when a man wearing a lavender jester’s outfit came on stage, and everyone began clapping, she followed and clumsily slapped her hands together.

The man wasted no time, jumping from table to table, and skillfully managing to not knock anyone’s drinks off the table. A small smile spread across her face. She could appreciate this clown, even if his dancing wasn’t as graceful as her own, it sure did its job at entertaining. Her eyes darted down to the table, just now noticing that there were messy words scrawled across it in ink.

If you remember Night and Day, come to the Jynecia City or Hyponious County.

Huh… how peculiar.

Cheers suddenly filled the room, knocking her out of her daze, as the fiddler stepped down from the table and hurried out the pub. Must be in a rush.
Niahm never particularly minded walking… until now, at least. Her feet were sore and dirtied by the time she reached Hyphonious, but she made it. She hesitantly entered and stood by a shop, suddenly realizing that she had no clue how to find this ‘Cirocco’ man.

As people passed by, she began asking them if they knew of a man by that name, but most just shrugged her off. With a small huff, the girl shook her head. This wasn’t fun. She asked another man where she could find Cirocco, but instead of answering her, he gave a malicious grin and placed a firm hand on her shoulder.

“Hey, how would you like to make some money ‘round here, little lady?”

Niahm may be sheltered, but she wasn’t an idiot. She glanced over the creep’s shoulder and spotted a woman with a bow and arrow. “Would you look at that? There’s my cousin, Janice! Hey, Janice!” She yanked her shoulder away from his grip and ran over to Danyren, “Uh, hey, cousin, how are you?” The Veela peeked behind her. The man was still there but reluctantly walked away.

She let out a sigh of relief. She shouldn’t draw attention to herself, but, then again, she looked like a glowing ghost in the middle of the night.

“Sorry about that,” Niahm said, looking back to Danyren with a sheepish smile. Now that she was here, she figured there was no harm in asking… “Do you know where this guy named Cirocco is?”
mention: Squad141 Squad141
interaction: AGent87 AGent87
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🌱 Milfoil🌱
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The mole-girl in blue and white blew on a lock of hair, flipping it up onto her forehead. Slumping on the handle of her shovel, she tapped a finger on the wood, staring at a crumpled parchment wedged between desiccated reeds with thoughtfulness.

The sky was as clear as clear could be, with little to no rain to come judging by the no-show of clouds. The few dry bushes aboveground rustled quietly in the ebbing wind, accompanying the night-birds in their staccato song. It was a beautiful hour, perfect for enjoying a few roasted snails with a cup of dandelion wine. If only she was not stuck cleaning up her former enemy and to-be food source's decomposing carcass. After destroying the giant worm-thing that was trying to wreck her place, Uncle Statice had asked her to clean it up. By clean up, he had meant "hack apart all the edible pieces to eat later and bury all the inedible junk on the surface". It was supposed to be Gladiola's work since Calendula had taken the trouble to punch a hole in the creature's gut and get its innards all over her, but her sister had somehow convinced Aunt Zinnia with another fraudulent excuse on childbirth.

Pushing away the day's annoyances from her mind, she shifted her shovel over to get a better look at the rare material. Few around here ever used paper, so it could be assumed that it was placed here on purpose or flew off from who knows where. Calendula-but-not-Calendula bent down and gingerly pinched the rough piece of paper between her thumb and forefinger, raising it to her eyes. "Cirocco?"

What did this Cirocco person want, to ask for people like her? Not pondering too much on the subject, she decided to follow the message. She was ignorant to why she had split memories and why the came back together again, but she was willing to take a few risks to gain the answers. Besides, in a bustling place like Hyphonius, who knew who was who with all the people that came and went? If the writer of the note was sketchy, she could skedaddle out of there without anyone noticing. Or stay to see the sights, since nobody could pick her out anyway. She had not travelled out of the grasslands during the nighttime and wanted to see how Nykios' settlements compared to communities when the sun was out.

Humming an ironically melancholy tune, she anticipated the travelling she would do after she was done with the task on hand.

Finishing up her heavy labour, Calendula-and-also-Milfoil released a breath and stretched her blissfully free arms. Although Calendula had never travelled, she had a great passion for it, causing her to learn all she could about the outside world. Lucky for her, she knew that Hyphonius was two days' walk on her feet and half a day's ride on Pompon. With that information down, all she needed to do was convince everyone to let her take her.
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Interacting with:
Mentions: User User Squad141 Squad141 AGent87 AGent87

Illia was unsure how to deal with the knowledge of another person inhabiting her body - or something akin to her body. Could she say that they have the same soul? She was unsure of the implications of the memories that flooded her. She just came to accept it. Reiner looked at her funny though when she told him about it so Illia just kept it to herself. There was a sort of rush that went over her whenever she remembered something Alois had done - the adrenaline loving girl seemed to get into trouble on a regular basis. Honestly, Illia wasn't sure how to feel about it. Whenever she thinks about those stunts she was doing, the Tumael sought danger at every corner. How Alois can live like that, Illia could never answer that.

Her attention was pulled back to reality when her secretary knocked on the door. "Come in." Talowyn told him and he entered, giving the La-er with a bow of his head before placing a stack of papers on her desk. With that, she waved him out and began to look through the files. Reiner was out and about doing who knows what and Talowyn was left with this pile of work. However, as she shuffled through the stack, she saw a note scribbled on paper. She narrowed her eyes at it and took it from the file. Someone was summoning those who remember? There were others like her, perhaps? Talowyn could potentially get some answers about this weird transition between Illia and Alois and how this world is different from hers.

But to follow an unknown note? It was risky. She lived with risk and she could talk her way out but she needed to be careful. But come on, answers! Ah yes, there she is. Talowyn leaned back on her chair and looked at the note. I suppose the risk will be worth it. Amazing how sometimes the two can get to the same conclusion with their own arguments. But considering how they both wanted it, Talowyn guessed that she should at least humor them and actually seek answers. Rising from her seat, she pushed the files to the side and headed outside. "Dorcas, I'm heading outside. I'm not sure when I'll be back. Tell Reiner it's an emergency."

The horned secretary looked at her and nodded. With that, Talowyn headed on to travel to Hyphonius County. It was quite a ways from her city but her transport could be easily arranged.

Reaching the County with no incidents, Talowyn hopped off her transport and gave them the right amount of coins before heading further inside. Spotting some sort of commotion, it grabbed her interest and she watched as the girl escaped the grasp of a man and headed over to another person. Poor girl, she's likely not used to these types of cities. She strode forward with every intention of passing them by to see if she was fine - Alois's idea - when she heard the name Cirocco being passed. Stopping near them, she placed her hands inside her coat pockets and started to eavesdrop.
Moonlight filtered through the window, illuminating a square on the floor of Vonsko's bookstore, enough to see to navigate the shelves but scarcely anything to use to read, the Dracoling knew. The store radiated a feeling of being old- the floorboards creaked when one strode across, the tomes on the shelves were old and musty, and the entire building smelled of very thick, very old linen. He took pride in his shop, in the rustic feel of it, as there wasn't another quite like it in the entire city of Hyphonius. Granted, he often joked to his customers, there wasn't a bookstore owner quite like him in Hyphonius either, so he felt that the shop fit the owner well.

It should have been a normal night in the shop- with its faded wooden sign, so unreadable it was only known as "the bookstore", and it being nearly empty, as very few stopped to check the tiny shop nestled along the street, Vonsko would have taken to reading- he was in the middle of a rather fascinating tale, a legend of a dragon slayer. However, almost immediately as he had opened up shop, he noticed a peculiar sheet of paper, wedged partially beneath a nearby barrel. Unnoticeable to the naked eye- but somehow, he had known it was there. His sense had kicked in again, and for some reason, he knew that the paper was important. So, against his better judgement, he picked it up and entered the shop.

He hadn't been ready for what was on the paper. If you remember both night and day, it read. Most would have thought it ridiculous- and an hour before, Vonsko would have written it off as such, as well. But upon reading the words, a memory flared up in his mind. Of being another man- a hunter, from the frigid North. A trapper who lived off the land, and had the same strange power as he did. Who somehow remembered him. Who lived during the day, which he knew, but he wasn't sure how he knew, was a different world than the one Vonsko knew.

The Dracoling had immediately leaped to his feet, away from the paper and against the wall behind his shop counter, his slit eyes wide. How is this... possible? This... can't be...

His name was Breik. Vonsko didn't know how, or why, but he was Breik. But also Vonsko. One and the same, yet destined to remain apart. He shook his head abruptly, looking back at the paper before him, taking in the signature at the bottom: Cirocco. He felt a sense of familiarity upon reading the name, almost as though there was a memory just beneath his consciousness that threatened to break free, and he inhaled sharply. He knew the name, but how or why, he couldn't tell. And with a dreadful certainty, he knew exactly what he was supposed to do, even before he packed up his belongings and closed the bookstore, striding out into the street.

Vonsko- or is my name Breik?- emerged onto the streets of Hyphonius, right in the center of a bustling crowd. Letting out a deep breath, the Dracoling picked a direction and started walking, his wide, nervous eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of this "Cirocco" character. Hopefully, I'll know when I see him.
Danyren's skin crawled as she stalked through Hyphonius, eyes open for danger, and ears open for any mention of a Cirocco. The goings on within the city's walls were even worse than she had been told, or had even imagined, and it took all her willpower not to get involved. She was alone here, without any form of back up. Getting involved would get her killed before she could get answers. The other part of her agreed, albeit relunctantly. It was practically painful to walk away from the evil here. If she had been in her other form, that sleek beautiful predator with claws skilled at cutting down evil, she knew her fur would be standing tall all the way down her spine in anger.

A small-ish figure in a long and wispy white dress that practically glowed bright as a full moon to Danyren's light-sensitive feline eyes caught her attention from a little ways down the street. Between the dress and the long snowy white hair to match, she looked so out of place in this hell hole, and with no escort too! She was either very powerful, or naive to the nature of this city. Her instincts screamed at her to protect the young woman, but she made herself wait and watch. The woman seemed to be asking people something, but Danyren could not pick up what over the bustle in the streets and the shouts of shop keepers trying to lure passers-by into their stores.

As the woman drew closer, looking a bit travel worn and possibly lost, a particularly gruff looking man placed his hand on her shoulder and spoke to her, leering. Danyren's hand instantly gripped the hilt of her sword even tighter and she started to step towards them when the woman saw her, perked up, and shouted, "Janice! Hey, Janice!" before running towards her.

Whispering a small prayer of thanks for the woman's quick thinking, she casually placed her left arm around the woman's shoulders and with a subtle shift, placed herself between the woman and the man. For a split second, the man, now angry, looked about to follow, but when he caught the challenging look in Danyren's eyes, he wisely thought better of it and continued along his way, muttering hateful slurs that Danyren wished her keen ears had not heard.

"Sorry about that," the woman under her arm said, bringing Danyren's attention back to her. She blinked at her before awkwardly dropping her arm and backing up just enough so as not to crowd her. The woman spoke again. "Do you know where this Cirocco guy is?"

Danyren stared down at the woman, shocked for a moment before letting her guard down enough to get a feel for the woman's emotions. She seemed genuine enough, behind what felt like exhaustion and and maybe frustration. Another emotion flared in her senses, but from someone else, someone trying to act non-chalant while feeling very interested. She passed a casual scan over the people in the streets and spotted another woman, the pale glow of her skin causing her to stand out as well. Coincidence?

She looked back down to the woman beside her and spoke just loud enough for the other to hear. "I do not know where this Cirocco is, but I am looking for them as well." Glancing up to make sure the other was still listening, and to make sure no one else was paying attention, she asked, "Do you remember night and day as well?"

User User AI10100 AI10100
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🔑 Cirocco Müller 🔑
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A scruffy man quickly strode along a cobblestone path so dirty it looked black, holding a pile of scratched up paper in his hands. He shifted the stack around whenever someone came close enough to collide and expertly manoeuvred his way around a boy with suspiciously outreached fingers. The boy, losing his balance, stumbled and bumped into a well-dressed man who proceeded to berate his clumsiness. Cirocco glanced at the farce indifferently before continuing his journey.

When he reached a wooden posting board covered in tattered scraps of fading faces and substantial monetary values, he paused. Settling the heap of parchment on his left hand, he swiftly grabbed the page on top and pinned it with a rusty nail to the dented ashwood. Without as much as a lull in his movement, he left the area to find another place that needed his message.

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To those that remember night and day,
Come to County Square or Literati Avenue
On the fourth hour of the seventeenth day.

- Cirocco

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Niahm's in Control

Admiration shone across Niahm's face, noticing the challenging look the woman sent the man. She wished she was as brave. When "Janice's" arm fell back down to her side, Niahm took a moment to observe this 'cousin' of hers. She seemed gentle, despite the countless weapons on her body, and was much taller, with skin so dark she could barely make out where her hair ended. It was as though she was night itself.

"I do not know where this Cirocco is, but I am looking for them as well. Do you remember Night and Day as well?" Even though "Janice" was a stranger, the mention of both 'Night and Day' earned Ciahm's trust immediately.

"I do," she whispered, craning her neck to speak to the other. "I assume you also remember?" For some odd reason, her eyes kept falling to the bow on the woman's back, a sense of familiarity coming from it.
"How dare you!" Niahm shrieked. Wait -- no... It wasn't Niahm, even if the memory was from her perspective. It was her. The girl who shared this body. "You want to CANCEL my show? How come I'm only hearing about this now -- from other people?!"

"Ciara," he spoke firmly despite the fear in his eyes. "It's getting people hurt. Three people died yesterday because you sang about drowning in a river. You're making me money, but I can't afford any more casualties." When Ciara didn't speak, the man took it as her giving up and turned around. But Niahm knew he shouldn't have, and, despite this event already occurring, she wanted to cry out and warn the man of what was to come. The emotions that filled Ciara -- Niahm's never felt anything like it. It was cold and dark inside her body, and every inch of her mind was conquered by violent fantasies. Her silence wasn't her giving up, it was her giving in to her twisted thoughts.

She began singing.
♪ Little boy, be brave
and stare death in its face

be strong, little boy
and nothing will hurt you

Little boy, why are you scared
Little boy, why do you cry

Little boy, be brave
stare me in the face ♪
And he froze, unable to move anymore, as she grabbed her bow from off the bar's counter and placed a single arrow in it.

Niahm cleared her throat and shook her head slightly, knocking herself out of her own head. She didn't understand how someone could be so cruel, especially someone who she was supposedly apart of.

He deserved it.

"May I have your name?" She asked, her words stiff. English was not her native language, but, after her memories began to collide, she gained the knowledge to speak from her other self.

Yeah. You're welcome about that.

interact: AGent87 AGent87
He had been standing there for a good half hour now, wandering the small area that he had entered in. Mars still had no clue where to find this Cirocco guy, and the strangers on the street weren't any help. Other than the normal (crude and ill-meaning) response, others just recognized him for his reputation. He would've taken the mask off if he could, but it was his personal rule to never do so in public. Or even anywhere with people whom he did not trust in the slightest. Sighing through his cold, clay smile, Mars leaned against a fencepost, and began to rub his violins bow with rosin, as he usually did when he had nowhere to go, or was simply lost in thought.

His attention was brought back when he heard a slight commotion, involving two women who did not fit in to the town. They appeared to be confiding in each other. Perhaps they were relatives? Nonetheless, Mars decided that they were simply passerby, and nothing to pay mind to. That was, however, until a third woman appeared in his field of vision. She also seemed out of her league in this town. Three outsiders in a city like this, at the same time as him? Mars stood up, putting away his musical tools, and began to walk closer to them, when a piece of paper blew into his face.

What was this? Flipping it over, he realized immediately that the signature for the work was the illusive stranger that he was searching for: Cirocco. It announced a new location, that of County Square ( as the other only existed in his other selves memories. It must be in Hyphonious, right? After all, the place was already a county. Mars stood there for a bit, contemplating his thoughts, about a yard away from the others.


Location: Hyphonius County, The Roof, The Streets
Mentions: User User AGent87 AGent87 AI10100 AI10100 Squad141 Squad141

On the roof of a small inn somewhere at the outskirts of Hyphonius sat Maeve, leaning against a chimney, rubbing at her temples. She didn't know if it was the other who caused the headaches, or simply just the knowledge that she existed. Either way, Maeve was sick of it. She felt as if someone else had invaded her mind, her inner thoughts, her being, influencing her choices and trying to control her life. She refused to acknowledge this other girl, this Corabelle, as another version of herself. The human and Maeve were two different beings, and that was the end of it.

Scowling into the darkness, Maeve rose and brushed some dust off her pants. Never stay at one spot for too long. Reaching into the breast pocket of her shirt, the fae girl pulled out a piece of paper. She'd been carrying it for a few hours, taking it out, unfolding and reading it just to yet again fold it and tuck it back into its little chamber. The note read as following:

If you remember night and day, come to Jynciea City or Hyphonius County.
– Cirocco

The other had most certainly heard of this 'Jynciea City'. And about the thing called day. She was well-educated, sophisticated, and made a point of reminding Maeve about it night in and night out. Anyhow, Maeve's little tenant had been thrilled about finding the note. The human was naïve. Maeve could feel Corabelle's want for adventure, her hope that amongst the supposed people with the same issue ("Issue? Why now, Maeve, isn't it simply thrilling?") there would be someone for her to fall in love with, to share all her troubles with. Maeve blushed – no, Corabelle blushed, embarrassed of having her inner thoughts and desires laid out into the open like that. Well, this thing goes both ways girl, what else could you possibly expect? Trust me, I don't want your thoughts polluting mine. Maeve rolled her eyes at the hurt that went through her. Silly, feeble human. Besides, it was night and thus Maeve was in charge. Corabelle should just stay out of her way, go dormant or something.

Tucking her hair, darker than the night itself, behind pointed ears, Maeve listened intently. Her enhanced hearing did not pick up anything strange going on above the streets of Hyphonius, but one could never be too sure. She quickly checked her knives – the other mentally winced at this – before moving with soft, featherlight steps down the roof, lowering herself down into an alley. She grunted softly at the impact of her feet hitting hard cobblestone. Her one hundred and twenty-year-old elven master was off on a job, hunting some criminal down outside of Hyphonius, so Maeve did not have much to do during the nights. Perhaps that was for the best – ever since the other had popped up inside her head, Maeve had been relatively unfocused and distracted, as well as morally conflicted half of the time. I really need to get this fixed, somehow.

Cautiously, Maeve moved out of the alley and onto the busy street leading deeper into Hyphonius County. She made sure that her shirt covered the black, bird-shaped tattoo permanently etched into her skin right above her left collarbone. Not that it did any good – the ink shone faintly through the light fabric, as if it wanted people to see it. A wave of nausea brought on by the memories concerning that tattoo tore through both Maeve and Corabelle alike. Oh please, I don't want your pity. Scanning the streets with silvery doe-eyes, Maeve kept on moving. The note felt heavy in her breast pocket. Perhaps I should find this Cirocco person, just to get some answers. Maeve shook her still faintly throbbing head, about to protest against that thought, when her attention snapped to someone, or several someones, disturbingly out of place in the dirty streets of the county. Slowing her stride, Maeve took in the strangers while trying to stay hidden among the masses of people milling about.

Two women, one seemingly human – no, those feline eyes said something else – and one nymph-like creature (long, white hair reaching her toes, almost as white skin, clad in a glowing, white dress, barefoot... a Veela?), were discussing something low enough that Maeve could barely catch a word of what was said. Suspicious. Wait, what's so suspicious about that? May two ladies not have their conversation being kept in private? For the love of Nykios, Corabelle was foolish. Maeve gritted her teeth, letting her canines show a bit.

"...where this Cirocco is... remember night and day..." The words uttered by the dark-skinned human-but-not-so-human girl had both Maeve's and Corabelle's senses standing on edge. Oh my goodness, how did I overhear that, from such a distance? What are you still standing here for, let's go and ask them about the note! Maeve felt herself, as if in a trance, move toward the girls. No! Maeve halted her steps, veering off the path Corabelle had chosen, to instead stand, leaning against the rough brick wall belonging to a shop of some sort. Silently cursing her unwanted inhabitant she continued watching the scene in front of her. In the corner of her eye, Maeve noticed another woman standing a bit off to the ones Maeve was currently eavesdropping on. Oh, that is rude. I shouldn't be eavesdropping, that's not how a proper lady behaves! Shoving down that thought, Maeve was about to take a closer look on the newly discovered stranger, but another movement caught her eye. The Harlequin Fiddler. Yes, that was definitely it. Maeve recognized the man clad in a scarlet and purple jester's outfit from one of his performances at a pub or two. Nothing strange about that, really, except... The fiddler was clearly approaching the Veela and the human-but-not-human. Maeve's eyes followed the man like a predator, watching him stop and read a piece of paper that had seemingly blown into his face. If only he did not wear that bloody mask. But, seeing as how the man did not simply throw the paper away, Maeve figured that it had to be important. She had a creeping suspicion that all this, all of these people, were connected to that one note now seemingly burning a hole through her pocket. That being said, they were also connected to her. To us.


Interacting with: Squad141 Squad141
Mentions: User User AGent87 AGent87

Talowyn's tail flicked to the side under her coat, in obvious disdain with the fact that one of the people she's been observing had spotted her. Her eyes had lingered upon the La-er and she knew, almost immediately, that her intentions may have been compromised. It was quite obvious that she was being aimed at when the girl had spoken. Would it be so bad to come to them? A scoff from Illia. They may already know that she was there but that didn't mean she had to approach them. If they all sought the same people, they would be acquainted soon enough. The other woman - the one who was not used to the streets - seemed to not notice her though. She ran a hand through her hair, letting it fall to the side of her shoulder as she looked away from the two. A casual, cursory glance of the people around them - either in protection of them or for her own good, even Talowyn did not know. It was likely a mixture of both. Once more an action born from two differing reasons but coming to the same conclusion.

A jester was there, she noticed. He seemed to be waiting as well. But their eyes met and he started walking towards them. Perhaps a person of their ilk as well? The jester stopped, though, as a paper had flown right into his face. As comical as that was - Alois certainly thought so with her reverberating laugh thumping against her mind - Talowyn's interest was piqued when the man took interest to the paper. With little hesitation, Talowyn proceeded forward - made her action obvious for the other two so that they can keep track of her, it was no use to hide anymore - and reached over to the jester. Despite her path suddenly intercepted by a young boy, Talowyn planned to simply ruffle the boy's head and his confusion made it another botched attempt.
"Choose a better target next time." Her voice was dripping with honey as she winked at him. The boy looked stumped but both his hands retreated to his side with nothing in them. "Good boy." Give him something for the effort at least! Alois argued. If he can't even succeed in petty thievery, why would you award him? Illia countered with a bored tone. Talowyn sniffed in amusement when the two went on to once more devolve into an argument. To put an end to the stupid tirade and to not take too much time, she took out a couple of coins and dropped it in the boy's hands. "Perhaps with a full stomach, you can do better."

With that, Talowyn returned her attention back to the jester and reached his side, finally. There was close to no hesitation in her next movements. She had made her purpose clear as she walked towards the jester. So the next thing she did was place a hand on his shoulder and stepping to his side, her eyes immediately on the paper that he was holding.

"The fourth hour of the seventeenth day. That's tomorrow." Tomorrow isn't even that concrete of a time stamp now - considering both day and night. Letting go of the jester's shoulder and placed a hand on her chin as she began to think. "It would be wise to simply go to this... Literati Avenue during the 'day'." Talowyn raised both her hands for an air quote to refer to as the day. Yeah I know that place. I think it's... uh close? I don't know. Your terrain is really different I'm not sure. Alois chirped in helpfully. At least Alois would know where it is. Talowyn placed her hands inside her pockets and, for the first time, actually looked at the jester and raised her voice. "This Cirocco person should stop messing with us and hopefully this is the last meet up point." Talowyn pointed out with obvious boredom in her voice. Her voice should be enough to carry over to those who bothered to listen and she was sure that feline humanoid would keep her ear out. That included the other presence that she felt staring at them.
Danyren did not reply to her glowing "cousin" right away, distracted first by the dichotomy of emotions coming from her, and the sense of a couple other interested parties that caught her attention. Another scan revealed the man in the jester's outfit first, as his apparel and mask were definitely more for standing out than blending in. In fact, if she remembered correctly, some of the scouts had mentioned watching some of his performances while on recon in the city, but she didn't recall who they said he was. She was more interested in how muted his emotions seemed to her. He had them, but they were...unpracticed? He was about to head towards her when a paper flew into his face, distracting him, so she continued to look for the other. They were much more difficult to spot, and with all the people walking by, Danyren could only sense the general direction. Then a gap in the crowd allowed in her to catch a glimpse of a silhouette outlined by a very faint glow against the wall of one of the shops. She doubted anyone else would have noticed the glow, and inwardly whispered a prayer of thanks for her eyes.

Satisfied that there was no current threat, she returned her attention to the woman beside her. "Yes, I do remember, and it seems there are also others," she replied, taking a moment to look around at everyone she had noticed. "I am Danyren, but you may call me Dany, if you wish."

Before she could ask for a name in return, the woman with the glowing skin and the blonde hair (seriously, what was with all the glowing?), seemingly annoyed at having been noticed, strode over to the man in red and purple, only to deftly avoid the sticky fingers of a young pick pocket. At first she felt disapproval when the woman gave the boy a couple of coins anyway, but when she heard what the woman said, her opinion shifted slightly. She'd almost forgotten the nature of the place she was in, and a child should be able to eat. When the woman reached the man, she read the paper that had flown into his face. "The fourth hour of the seventeenth day. That's tomorrow." After a moment of thought, she continued, "It would be wise to simply go to this... Literati Avenue during the 'day'. This Cirocco person should stop messing with us and hopefully this is the last meet up point. "

Danyren pondered on that for a moment. She felt her other self feel excited at the prospect of visiting the big city. His duties usually kept him in the village, and he had not been to Jynciea since he was a child. She herself on the other hand mostly felt confused. "Wait, hold on a second," she said, now speaking to everyone. "We can't meet at Literati Avenue during the day, at least not as who are we are right now. I'm not even in Jynciea City right now. I'm, I mean, he is half a days ride away from the city." She growled in frustration, a deep throaty rumble that was not even remotely human-like. "I do not like this Cirocco and his games. If we're not meeting him till the day-" that word felt awkward on her tongue, "then why are we here?"

User User AI10100 AI10100 Faye. Faye. Squad141 Squad141

Niahm's in Control

Niahm was completely oblivious to the growing crowd of people, all who seemed to be eavesdropping on another's conversation. The girl would have to get better at paying attention to her surroundings. Someone could have a wedding behind her and she would not notice. "Dany," she repeated with a nod, doing her best to memorize the name. "It is my enjoyment to meet you."

My Diianta... it's "pleasure." Not enjoyment, idiot.

Niahm wasn't looking forward to when she would have to relinquish her rights of this body and hand it over to Ciara during the day. It frightened her, really, to be forced to silently witness their deceitful thoughts while they pretend to be polite. How many people, Niahm wondered, would get hurt because of Ciara? How many people would she have to watch her lie to? Not even her counterpart seemed to have an answer to her questions.

Danyren's voice knocked Niahm out of her thoughts. She glanced behind her, staring at the various people her "cousin" seemed to be addressing. "Wait - we need to meet up in Literati Avenue? She lives near a place called 'Mord'eau Forest.' That's a bit... far. Unless she cuts through the trees." Quickly viewing through Ciara's memories of the world she lives in, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Isn't that place dangerous? Dangerous? Even in Niahm's thoughts, Ciara sounded offended. Honey, my kind live in that forest. I'll be fine. Also, I agree with this Daren lady. Cirocco's getting on my nerves and I haven't even met him yet.

Danyren. Not Daren.

With a small sigh, Niahm glanced up to observe the group. There was that clown from earlier and, after looking around, she spotted several other's whose attention was focused in the same area. "Well, we may ask him when we meet. Half a day? Is it possible for you to wake up early, or possibly find a horse to carry you?" Niahm offered. "Also, is it possible that all of us could meet inside that cafe over there-" She pointed to a small, run-down building with broken shutters. "I think it'll be a much more suitable place for us all to discuss."

AI10100 AI10100 AGent87 AGent87 Faye. Faye. Squad141 Squad141
It was strange.

It appeared to Mars that even after all his efforts, they weren't in vain. A small group of people (of which he appeared to be the only guy) were also gathered. One had even walked over to him and started talking to him, as he continues to look at the note. He didn't react, as he normally wouldn't. Though he now had some of the skills to actually interact with other beings, it felt right to stay quiet in this form. Maybe later. Mars simply nodded to the girl with the tail, and looked up. They appeared to be getting closer together, the others and him, as well as his accidental companion.

When another, Danyren as she called herself, spoke. She mentioned that they, meaning the group of individuals brought together by this mysterious man, could not reach the Literati Avenue, as it was physically impossible at the moment. However, Mars knew his other self knew of this place. It seemed to be much tamer that of County Square which was the other option. He was beginning to think that maybe they should just move to their most likely option, when another, someone who had strange usage of words for her greeting, had a more normal idea; sitting down and talking in a nearby café.

Mars spoke.
"If we were to gather somewhere and become organized as a group, a café would be a good option."

Levi Dupain

Levi sat in a run-down cafe, his clawed fingers tapping the wooden table. He was positioned at the back of the building, gray eyes trained on the door with occasional glances to the left and right. The oni had been contemplating a certain.. note.. for about an hour now. After reading the writing on the slip of paper his mind felt heavy, clouded with many thoughts, memories, and ideas that all felt so familiar yet so different.
A groan escaped the young man's mouth, his left hand reaching out to grab the cup of tea he had sitting there. He stewed over his thoughts as he sipped the black tea, a sudden tenseness washing over his naturally loose body muscles. "You should be thankful for me." Levi knew this thought wasn't his own but he still knew it was part of him. Levi Releth, his wendigo counterpart. "I really shouldn't.." He said the words out loud with a sigh. Almost as soon as he said them he looked around, afraid someone might have heard him. The oni had a reputation to keep up, he couldn't be seen talking to himself. Well..himself. His other self.

The young man set his cup down, using his other hand to fix his hair. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the note, staring at it like he was attempting to burn holes into it. "Do you really think looking at that piece of scrap paper will help you understand more?" This question made Levi wonder. He needed answers, needed someone to help him better understand his life. He had always felt a strange presence with him after he was released from the jails all those years ago. Surely this note could answer some of his questions regarding that experience! The oni was snapped from his thoughts when a woman, dressed in all black, sat across from him at the table. "You're a handsome fellow, looking for some entertainment tonight?" She asked, leaning on the table as she anticipated an answer. Levi merely snickered, turning his face away from the woman. "Tch, I'm already having the time of my life." He replied calmly, cocking his horned head to the side. "Why don't you go and grab us two drinks, love?" The young man used a sweetened tone of voice, letting a smirk form on his lips. The woman smiled cheekily, giving a sure nod before getting up and heading to the counter.

As soon as the woman left the table Levi took this as an opportunity to move, standing up and walking past his table; his tail curled up behind himself. He was dressed in rather fancy clothing, a white button up shirt with black pants and dress shoes. He was always self-conscious of his outward appearance, knowing the better he looked, the easier it would be to get the things he wanted. That's the way life went for him.
Last edited:

Interacting with: Squad141 Squad141 User User AGent87 AGent87

The two people, as expected, had strode forward to meet with them. Praise - she didn't have to go out of her way to tell them what had happened. She doubted Alois would appreciate just leaving those two behind despite having explicit knowledge that they were part of the same group. Whatever this group was. However, this person had given her a good reason. Though it certainly didn't make things easier. "Yes well, we can wait for the next night. Though that would be..." She fell silent for a moment, giving chance for others to speak as she mentally tried to calculate how many hours was left before the next night and the meetup.

When the cafe option was offered, Talowyn nodded. "That would be a good idea instead of standing in the middle of the road." Her tail flicked once when someone had strayed far too close. However, soon after that, she gave them a nod and then gestured towards the cafe. However, she coaxed the paper out of the jester's hands and then scribbled something on it - underneath, she placed that the group was inside the cafe so that if anyone else was going to meet with this Cirocco person, they would be able to find them.

With that, she tacked the paper back on the board and then headed towards the cafe - beckoning the others to follow. Taking the lead always came natural to both Illia and Alois. Quite right. Of course! Though they did become leaders for far different reasons. One was born into it and the other was forcefully taken into it. She could hear Illia's laugh in her head. Yeah, it was easy to come into terms of being practically enslaved until she managed to rise to the top and take her place beside the CEO. Not sure why you find this funny. You should be free you know? The laugh had tapered off and Talowyn knew that this was going to devolve into another argument of how Alois was privileged and was lucky to have never been born a La-er. It was a common argument.

Entering the dingy cafe - I know we can do better. Why this place? - Talowyn took a position that would accommodate more people than what they have. Her tail wrapped around the chair leg to make sure that it doesn't get stepped on, something she had learned to do. Once everyone was seated, she continued talking. "So, if we meet during the night once more, it will be twenty-two hours from now, give or take." She wondered if she could wait that long. "Hypothetically, some of us could meet with this Cirocco person first. Come to the 'night' and alert the others." She offered the alternative.

From where my group is, it will be a quick two hour flight towards Literati Avenue. We could make it. Considering Alois, Talowyn was sure that Alois would be able to lessen the time of flight. She liked going fast even if it wasn't safe. Illia had been metaphorically gripping the railings of whatever metaphysical world they occupy when it's not their body there. To be perfectly fair, I've never flown in my life. Let alone, at that speed... heading towards the ground! Ah yes, Alois was in the middle of practicing a rather dangerous stunt when she had remembered Illia. So you can just imagine that chaos and it was a miracle Alois did not crash.

Vonsko had not had the chance to join in on the large group that had, unbeknownst to him, gathered in the county, just a few moments earlier- he'd wound up having to dodge the beggars and pickpockets that live in the area, knowing well of his small shop. This is the reason I carry a blade, he thought to himself. Not that he had ever had much trouble- perhaps it was the draconic visage, but most opted to leave him alone unless they had direct, honest problems with him.

He had kept up his walk, shuffling a deck of cards in his hands as he walked. This was his pet project- and had been, for months now. Focusing his "vision", as he had titled it. From the back, they may look to most like ordinary playing cards, but a sharp-eyed onlooker would notice two discrepancies: first, there were too many cards for it to be an average playing card deck. Second, the faces of the cards were pictures. Vonsko had had them custom-made in the hopes of using the images to help him focus his ability.

Oftentimes, it didn't work: once he had drawn the forest and guardsman cards, but upon venturing into the nearest forest, he'd been attacked and driven off by a large bear. Almost every one of his card readings had gone like that, and for a time, he'd given up on them. Truth be told, he couldn't remember a card reading that had worked, and mostly just kept the cards as a tool of comfort, or something to occupy his hands- as he did at the moment. He hadn't noticed the scruffy man maneuver himself and his stack of papers around him, and his vision hadn't alerted him to the man's presence, either. When Vonsko lifted his head from his playing cards briefly, the scruffy man had already long-since vanished, and, seeing nothing of any importance, the Dracoling returned to his cards.

Some of the cards had characters on them- a guardsman, a princess, or a wizard, to name a few- while the rest had vague locations- city, forest, tavern, and similar examples. He'd believed that being vague would work better with his ability- which was as far from precise as he could get- but, unfortunately, nothing seemed to be working out.

Until, perhaps by pure chance, or an incredibly well-calculated scenario from some higher being, Vonsko found himself on the same crowded street that the group had come together on not long after they had chosen to enter the cafe. As he walked along the road, shuffling his cards, he glanced the card he had titled the "Bard". There was nothing unusual about the card, in fact he had shuffled it back into the deck several times that same night. Yet, for some reason, it stood out to him. He separated it from the deck, glancing another card, the "Wizard". He picked it up as well, and then the Guardsman, the Lord, and the Prisoner in quick succession. He couldn't explain why, but at that moment, the figures on those cards felt familiar.

It was almost like one of his visions, but significantly weaker.

Quickly, Vonsko jerked his head upright and started scanning the crowd frantically, examining every face that he could register in the hope that the feeling, the almost-vision, was correct. After a moment, though, he realized he didn't recognize anyone- consciously or unconsciously- and, dejected, tucked his cards back into the deck. He turned to continue his stroll, until he noticed a note, fluttering ever so slightly in the breeze, pinned by a nail to a post, covered in two sets of handwriting- the recognizable hand of the mysterious Cirocco, providing new instructions, and a different, unrecognizable hand.

Come to County Square or Literati Avenue, Vonsko read, internally sighing at the prospect of having to rely on Breik- who he remembered happened to be just about half a day's journey from Jynciea City- arriving in time to make Cirocco's inane meeting. However, the second message, the unfamiliar writing, caught his attention as well, with a much simpler, easier to catch message that came down to We're meeting in the nearby cafe. Despite himself, Vonsko couldn't help but grin a very lizardlike grin- there were others that remembered. He wasn't crazy.

And, against all odds and indirectly, the cards had aided him in a vision.

Vonsko wasn't ready to meet Cirocco, or to learn what was happening, or even to accept the other as reality. He definitely wasn't ready to meet more like him, even as he turned his attention toward the old, run-down cafe and started toward him. Yet, he absolutely knew that he had to, and that he was going to whether he wanted it or not, and that realization drove the Dracoling to push open the building's front door and enter the cafe, searching for others like him.
Levi Dupain
Mention: Squad141 Squad141 User User AGent87 AGent87 Faye. Faye. and AI10100 AI10100

Levi caught sight of the people walking through the door, something about the crowd catching his attention. He often hung out at this cafe, having some sense of familiarity with the people that came to the run-down building. And this crowd was not ringing a bell. Not to his surprise though, times were changing, life as he knew it was changing..
He gave a muffled sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose with his left hand as he turned around and went back to the table he was previously seated at. Everything told him not to go back but he was determined to get answers and if eavesdropping on this crowd could do him any good then he'd take it. The oni grabbed the wooden chair he was seated on before, pulling it out from underneath the table and taking a seat in it once more. He leaned on the piece of furniture with his arms out before him, pressed against the rim of the wooden top. And he let his left foot rest on the table's stretcher as he sat there. The furniture at this cafe was relatively nice, some pieces carved, while other were merely sanded.

As the man sat there his thoughts jumped back to the woman from earlier, glancing towards the counter to see her still standing there. His gut twisted over until he came up with a way to ditch the woman, simple and sweet, per usual. "How do you feel about me?" And there it was again, his own voice echoing in his mind from his counterpart. What a strange question but a valid one. Levi Dupain was certain that Levi Releth was feeling just as unsettled, maybe more, maybe less. "You're different but not bad. I accept you for who you are and I expect the same." Honestly, Levi felt stupid. It was so hard to explain how he could think of words and communicate with the secondary being sharing his body. "I can tell you're uncertain about who I am." The reply came, making the oni sigh out loud. He hated not being able to hide his feelings as he so often did. He thought about replying, which was dumb because he knew him and this other creature shared the same thoughts.. right..?

Levi buried his face in his hands, shutting his eyes as he sat there. He tuned in on to the group of people, shutting out any conversation he had going on inside his own mind. Now was the time to listen to other people. This hope sparking up inside of his chest as he waited. Answers, that's all he wanted.
Danyren growled again, but this time just to herself. No need to take her frustration out on everyone else when they were all in the same predicament. She could feel the tenseness in her muscles that came with prolonged vigilance, and she was fairly certain that the itch she felt between her shoulder blades would become permanent. When the run down cafe was mentioned, she eyed it dubiously. She could imagine the type of clientele that frequented it. She mentally shook her head. It wasn't as if any place would be good here in Hyphonius. This spot was closest. She glanced back in the direction she had come, wanting to leave the cloying atmosphere of this filthy city, but then she looked back down to the girl beside her in the glowing dress and knew she could not leave just yet. This one at least needed protection, and Danyren did not know any of the others well enough to leave the responsibility to them.

The one with the glowing skin took the lead in heading inside. Danyren noticed the woman's tail for the first time and was jealous. A good tail flick would feel satisfying and relaxing right now, but as much she would like to shift, she had nowhere safe to stow her gear. She was in no hurry to get trapped in the little building though. Holding out an arm, she spoke to her "cousin". "After you, m'lady." She continued to keep an eye on the others in her group, as well as passers-by in the street. Only one of them gave her pause, a scaly man who strode towards the cafe and entered, projecting confidence and yet still feeling a bit...unsure? Relieved? Both? She surmised he must be another like them, as if there was a force in all of them, drawing them together. She wasn't too sure how she felt about that, either. Her fingers fiddled with the hilt of her short sword as she waited to follow her newest charge into the cafe.

Niahm's in Control

Niahm didn't find anything wrong with the cafe she pointed to, but — per usual — her other half was throwing a fit. Do you have no taste? It's so... unrefined. By the time you walk into that shithole, it's going to collapse onto your head. Or, maybe, you'll just die of disease by breathing in the air. To Ciara's frustration, Niahm ignored her and waited alongside Danyren, wanting to walk in with the one she trusted the most. She found the cafe cute. It was dainty, even if it wasn't in the best shape.

Her 'cousin' held out an arm, gesturing for to go through the door, "After you, m'lady." She gave Danyren a smile of thanks before stepping inside. The bitter scent of alcohol filled the air, almost like how it was in the pub, but not as strong.

Since none of the tables were large enough for the number of people in their group — and possibly more to come — Niahm quickly stole chairs from other tables and situated them around one. She sat down across from Taloywn, who Niahm safely assumed would be the one to lead everyone. Niahm didn't mind, she may be good at keeping peace, but not so much at making the best decisions. When her "cousin" entered the cafe, she patted the seat beside her.

"Hypothetically, some of us could meet with this Cirocco person first. Come to the 'night' and alert the others."

"I volunteer other me!" Niahm chirped. No. Un-volunteer me. If I don't have to go, I'm not going. She was flustered, mentally apologizing to Ciara, but otherwise surprised by her unwillingness to go now. "Oh, well, uh... I volunteer her if no one else can go."

mention/interact: AGent87 AGent87 AI10100 AI10100 Squad141 Squad141 Faye. Faye.

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🌱 Milfoil🌱
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At the edge of a dusty, packed-dirt road, a short figure in a checkered dress stumbled off a tawny doe and promptly retched the contents of her stomach into the ditches beside it. It had been a while since Calendula-now-Milfoil had ridden Pompon and her body had forgotten how to deal with the rocking motion. The word "forgotten" being an extreme understatement. Milfoil picked herself up from her kneeling position, aggressively swiping clods of soil stuck to her skirt, cursing old Calendula's negligence in practicing bareback riding. Next time, she would make sure to buy a saddle, bridle and at least seven bottles of tonic for seasickness if she was going to ride again.

She turned around from her spot by the ditch to the scenery behind her since now that she was not focusing solely on her stomach churning, she could hear wheels creaking and creatures screeching in the distance. Carriages trundled and all sorts of mounts hurtled along to a point in the distance, all from different paths and routes leading to one central gate. Main Gate. The lord of Hyphonius had no naming sense, it seemed. All of the important places were labelled by their exact use with absolutely nothing superfluous. It was almost boring.

Milfoil steeled her heart to walk the last bit of distance to the county because she definitely did not want to puke at the gates, and reached out to pat Pompon. Her hand hit air and she spun around, "Pompon?" The antelope was nowhere in sight. She whistled, hard, twice. No hoofed creature came galloping back. Multiple whistles later, she threw her hands up to the sky and screamed obscenities. After a lung burning session of yelling, she plopped down on the grass beside the road and lamented her stupidity in letting an antelope loose. Her family was going to gut her and feed her to the Käarguja.

The girl rolled to a standing position and started her walk to the gates. Half an hour later, she was into Hyphonius. She had used up less than three hours to get here, surprisingly. Funny, since she thought it was half a day's ride... Oh. On a horse. She had just automatically substituted the mount for Pompon.
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Mars entered the café after the rest, including the man who was looking for them, and the one already in there. Yes, it was pretty obvious. The man who seemed to be in pain in his head was sitting nearby, without a drink or a meal in front of him. He seemed to be focusing on something, most likely the large group of obvious strangers that just walked in. And the man who walked in was looking around, somehow missing the group entirely. It was a moderately sized café after all, and quite a few people were here. Nonetheless, Mars walked over to where the rest had congregated, and stood where an empty chair was. He always felt more comfortable standing than sitting, and while his other self sat quite a lot, he knew the mannerisms of his night selves body.

Then someone mentioned going to the place in the daytime, and reporting back to the group at night. Mars knew this might be a good idea, as his other body lived on the outskirts of a village that was only a mile or two from Hyphonius' equivalent. "I can do it," He said, looking across the small oval the strangers had created around the table. "But first, we should wait for everyone to gather here, or," he said subtly pointing two fingers at the other people in the café, "realize they are supposed to join us. Then, we should schedule a time and place to meet in the night."


Location: The Dingy Cafe, Hyphonius County
Mentions: AI10100 AI10100 WHITEN01SE WHITEN01SE Squad141 Squad141 User User AGent87 AGent87 Saint_John446 Saint_John446

So... It's she who will meet with the author of these cryptic little notes. That's just brilliant. A complete waste of time. Maeve sighed to herself, running the tip of her tongue along one of her pointed canines. I really wish you'd stop doing that. It feels weird. The inner voice of Corabelle made Maeve want to turn around and smash her head into the shabby brick wall that she was leaning against. Adding to that, there was the fact that the dark-skinned woman, the one with the feline eyes, had noticed her. Maeve was sure that at least some of the others had noticed her presence, but not actually spotted her. All because of the foolish girl wanting to introduce herself as if this whole situation was one of her little social events. Hey! What's that supposed to mean?! This forced another heavy sigh out of the tall, bronze-skinned girl. She turned her focus back onto the little group now forming across the street. It consisted of a blonde woman (Was that a tail?), the fiddler, the Veela and the human-but-not woman. Maeve scoured through her brain for any kind of knowledge concerning the place called Literati Avenue. It was a place entirely foreign-sounding to the fae girl, but the other knew of it. Maeve was thrown into a memory, so real and vivid, that it left her with a practically blinding headache afterwards.

She was sitting in a window, as wide as she was tall, on soft pillows brought home from some far off continent, the Sun knows where. The scenery outside was quite lovely; soft, blue water reaching all the way to the horizon, with all different sorts of ships floating around on it, carrying all kinds of cargo. Some even carried people. The sky was almost as blue as the sea, flecked with smaller clouds here and there. She leaned her red-golden head against the cool glass, imagining herself on one of those ships, sailing off to... But that was silly, of course. Father would never let her leave the port town, let alone to sail off somewhere completely out of his reach.
That day she had been studying some of the larger cities during her lessons in Geography. She had been particularly taken by the city called
Jynceia, even more so after her governess had told so many stories of extraordinary architecture, the white, gleaming walls, the aesthetically pleasing Literati Square...
She closed her eyes, drifting away in thoughts of the white city she'd never see.

Frantically, Maeve managed to pull herself out of the flashback. Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop... The headache was worse than anything she'd ever experienced up until now. No, it isn't. Just breathe, in and out, in, out... Maeve found herself bent over, pressing her hands to her knees, knuckles turning white. She did as Corabelle suggested though. In, out... In, out... Once the headache had been somewhat subdued, she raised herself into a standing position again, nauseated and weak. What was that? She had no time to ponder over this though; the group of people she'd been watching had gone inside a pretty run-down café across the street. Maeve took a few deeper breaths, trying to collect herself. This weakened state was dangerous, too dangerous, to just be standing out there in the open.I'm a walking – wobbling – target. Maeve knew she'd have to follow the others into the shabby building, but it went against her every instinct. Before she could summon the willpower to do so though, a green-scaled humanoid lizard – a Dracoling – stopping to read a note. It's the same note that jester was reading... I think the blonde woman wrote something on it. She watched the lizard-like man enter the café. Well, that decides it. I'm going in. Pray that I'm not walking into some kind of trap. Maeve crossed the street on unsteady legs, slipping inside the building a minute or two after the Dracoling.

The room was dimly lit, but that was all the notice Maeve took of her surroundings. Head still pounding, she tried to, as discreetly as possible, make her way to a small table in a dark corner of the reeking place. Managing to get there without bumping into anything, without fainting, she slumped down into a carved wooden chair. Some part of her – the Corabelle part, perhaps – saw that the chair had once been painted scarlet, but the colour had long since faded, and the paint had flaked. She forced her silvery eyes to scan the room for possible dangers. After all, she had, however unintentional, trapped herself in an enclosed area filled with strangers. A couple of tables away from hers sat a man with his face buried in his hands ('Is he sleeping or something?'), surprisingly well dressed for a place like the café. Maeve could smell him from where she was seated – an Oni. Warning bells rang faintly, but her headache trumped them. Placing an elbow on the dark, stained table, Maeve supported her head with her hand. She could also spot the group she'd followed, sitting at a table, already discussing things.

"Hypothetically, some of us could meet with this Cirocco person first. Come to the 'night' and alert the others." The voice belonged to the tailed woman. It seemed as if she'd taken the lead. Not surprising. That one reeks of authority. I bet you won't bend to her will. Maeve tried to focus her gaze on a crack in the table, concentrating on her breathing again. The headache should be a minor annoyance by now. Why won't it stop? She barely heard the Veela volunteer her "other" self, barely even took notice of her thoughts telling Maeve that she'd gladly travel, that it would only take two hours by horse. Breathe in... Breathe out... Small drops of sweat coated her forehead, even her neck, slowly trickling down her back. Were anyone to attack at that moment, Maeve would be dead in an instant. That she had been pointed out by the fiddler she was completely oblivious of.


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