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Fantasy NO MORE PLS -- Were/Vamp/SuperNatural Anything

So I should except a 2 am wake up call because the building's burning down?

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I think we should at least come to an agreement on an end though, so we don't just kind of lose our way :c Or a specific battle that MUST happen, etc etc. Like "Oh no?! X baddy is gonna blow up the city in 30 days?! WE NEED TO PREPARE!" Something simple like that xD

Also, to make matters more fun, are we (the antagonists) allowed to use little evil (and super weak) minions to randomly attack the mansion to give ya guys stuff to do? Randomly hack your securities etc? Or are you, as the GM, taking care of that?
Well the things I've seen in the past with an RP exactly like this without a plot died in about 3 days time. You need a way for all characters to interact for some reason wether that be for personal enjoyment or they all have a common goal...

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These are legitimate concerns. My idea when I suggested the merging of the two ideas we started with was that because I was playing an antagonist I would be directly opposing you all, giving you things to do and perhaps a common uniting element. I've got a few things up my sleeve like that @Aushi but not exactly the same, I don't want to spoil them though.
I really want my character to be an unwilling immortal but I can't think of how that would come about. I have one idea from a TV show but otherwise I have nothing.
Is it where we all are turned supernatural and we role play that day or is it years later?

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Yeah I agree @StoneWolf18 Without a proper "go-to" goal, if not all the players are super creative, it gets dull.

@snakeyem12 If you wish yours to be unwillingly immortal. There's a number of cliche (but fun) ways to do so. When the world "change" happened, you coulda been drinking from a pond in some remote location that turned into the fountain of youth, or a person was donating blood when they turned into a vampire because of the change and you received said blood, or simply noticed you couldn't die after an accident that was supposed to be fatal
@snakeyem12 if your character hates being immortal, why stay that way? No matter what RP, there are cures available. Stereotypes like this are usually best avoided.

@Aushi I see I we have a pretty creative bunch yet I think we need some type of goal to get people going and such.

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Wow, this thread totally exploded! I love the way this is going; humans changing in to supernaturals based on legend and myth within location is super creative.

Just because reading through over a hundred posts is kind of a lot, I want to make sure I have this straight:

Huge world change: second genesis

Humans become supernaturals depending on location and legend within that location.

I would expect the RP would take place quite a while after this change, given that there is organization? Or as stated above, do some good supernaturals band together, find the mansion, and get organized, fast, to try and stabilize the panicked populace?

That could give us a bit more of a plot, way more destabilization to deal with. Maybe it could be a few years after, when civilization is starting to calm down, but the bad supers are becoming more and more powerful. The good supers could have small missions to go on at first, to learn how to work as a team, given that supernaturals don’t get along in general. Then we progress to bigger and badder things.

I still agree on some sort of end-goal though.

Maybe there’s an alliance like the good supers who are doing around the same though, only they are under a temporary truce: wype out the unaffected humans left in the world, and then split it up in to supernatural factions. Kind of like a “we are the superior people of this world” kind of thing. All out fight between good alliance and bad?

That’s what I’ve got for the moment.
The setting is years later, long enough for this group of supernatural beings to want to join together to keep the madness under control.

@StoneWolf18 @Aushi Might as well say what I had in mind so people have an idea where to start from. The God's of every respective location ordered a truce while they worked to get the anarchy under control, the truce was broken after Sweden created a mech suit dubbed The Zues Buster (Yeah I'd just finished watching age of ultron) and attempted to use it against Zues. The battle was great but Zues claimed victory, after this Zues's rage snowball the war of the Gods. Now all the countries found themselves at war with one another.
@Anjehlessa @StoneWolf18 I think we just made a good chain of events. The change happens and we roleplay out the initial chaos and how things are massively destabilized. Our characters join for our respective reasons into this mansion we managed to acquire as the previous owners fled or died or whatever. And things naturally escalate from there until the end game is quelling the Gods.
But the question is, would this be fast. As in overnight people are no longer human or over the course of a few days?

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Slower progression would give more intrigue, overnight would start off with immediate action. What the consensus? I'm leaning towards slow progression.
Sounds like we’re getting a plan together! So we all RP the changes taking over our characters, reasons for coming to the mansion, and then everyone begins to organize and interact?

I also think slower progression. Maybe around a week or so, starts off as a seeming illness.

I’m so excited!
So we get to the mansion then it starts to happen? Or it's already happening?

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Guardia said:
Wow, my brain hurts, I was gone for 20 minutes and y'all go all evil genius on me
Tell me about it! I lived my life for, I don’t know, a few hours, and came back to almost a hundred posts to sort through.


StoneWolf18 said:
So we get to the mansion then it starts to happen? Or it's already happening?
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I think we would have to get there after it happens. Wouldn’t it be the reason we’re going? We would all have to get creative on how we heard about the mansion.
I've been reading every post as they post them and I've still been having a hard time keeping up xD

You guys are impressive.
@Guardia @Anjehlessa Gotta keep shoveling coal into this machine, you know how it is.

Yeah the mansion will be there once we're all feeling the effects of change, reasons for why the mansion is there and we have use of it?
Letters in the mail? Kidnapped so scientists that arm immune to the change can study us like lab rats?


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